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JACK SMITH: I`m sorry. She -- but Tammi noticed that at least in the jail when she saw her that she didn`t have a manicure then. But it could have been gone.

I didn't think the Smith's visited her in jail???
TAMMI SMITH: I have asked him. I`ve left messages. I left messages the very day that we got results. Immediately I left messages saying we want another polygraph. Because a friend of mine who`s a nurse practitioner said that if you`re stressed out, if you have any feelings toward whatever`s being asked about, or if you`re tired then that could cause it to be inconclusive.

Do we know who her Nurse Practitioner friend is ????
JACK SMITH: I`m sorry. She -- but Tammi noticed that at least in the jail when she saw her that she didn`t have a manicure then. But it could have been gone.

I didn't think the Smith's visited her in jail???

Jailhouse interview was a visit, right? I don't know of another time.
Jailhouse interview was a visit, right? I don't know of another time. are right..TS did visit w/ ABC. My Bad guys, I had forgot, and if I had been smart enough I would have gone to the wonderful timeline calendar to see this first...SORRY!
TAMMI SMITH: I have asked him. I`ve left messages. I left messages the very day that we got results. Immediately I left messages saying we want another polygraph. Because a friend of mine who`s a nurse practitioner said that if you`re stressed out, if you have any feelings toward whatever`s being asked about, or if you`re tired then that could cause it to be inconclusive.

Do we know who her Nurse Practitioner friend is ????

If we did, we wouldn't post it, because she is an innocent party ;)
January 5 was a phone conversation. A reporter interviewed Elizabeth via phone. Tammi, Jack, the reporter, and Elizabeth's grandfather were at EJ's grampa's home. EJ was in jail in Florida. This is the recorded conversation. KPHO has the raw audio still on the site as of a few days ago.

January 13 was a jailhouse visit. Tammi and a reporter visited EJ in the jail in Arizona. This wasn't recorded. There are several interviews of Tammi afterwards in which she conveys her perception of what was talked about. The reporter also wrote an article conveying their perception of what was talked about. The reporter's version does corroborate Tammi's version - I'm not going to say 100% because I don't recall if it was, but I do recall that it was at least almost entirely corroborated by the reporter. I was surprised :)
"I called (Elizabeth) and said 'look, you've got to call this girl Janet,' and so Janet basically, she called her and as far as I know, Janet told her the same thing that we've been telling her and begged her to come back. 'And if you don't come back, you could be facing these charges and these charges,'" said Tammi Smith.

where was this quote from ????
Johnson said the couple is Caucasian, in their 30s. The man is tall with short black hair, and the woman is about 5 feet, 3 inches tall and has short black hair.
Johnson said the couple brought their own car seat and that they said they could keep baby Gabriel without anyone noticing.

I'm sure the statements as they are today, are probably correct, but was there any other place where the description of the female had "short dark hair"...this was proably a typo....
"I called (Elizabeth) and said 'look, you've got to call this girl Janet,' and so Janet basically, she called her and as far as I know, Janet told her the same thing that we've been telling her and begged her to come back. 'And if you don't come back, you could be facing these charges and these charges,'" said Tammi Smith.

where was this quote from ????

You can copy and paste a quote into Google Search and the news article or document will usually pop right up.
Johnson said the couple is Caucasian, in their 30s. The man is tall with short black hair, and the woman is about 5 feet, 3 inches tall and has short black hair.
Johnson said the couple brought their own car seat and that they said they could keep baby Gabriel without anyone noticing.

I'm sure the statements as they are today, are probably correct, but was there any other place where the description of the female had "short dark hair"...this was proably a typo....

Just that one that I've seen. I agree it's a typo.
What airport and what date did EJ meet TPS? Was it the Boston airport or the Indianapolis airport? I'm reading conflicting reports.

Sorry - I don't get a chance to get on much, but think about this case all the time..... I have a question that I can't find the answers to, and they are probably on the site....

1) What airport were they at/or where were the both coming from? Same city, connecting flight then to AZ?
2) looking at the time line it shows EJ sited with HG in the time from of 12/19-12/22. earlier there was some question that we didn't know where she was (no sitings) from 12/18 until 12/21. Do we now believe/know that she was in San Antonio on 12/19?
Sorry - I don't get a chance to get on much, but think about this case all the time..... I have a question that I can't find the answers to, and they are probably on the site....

1) What airport were they at/or where were the both coming from? Same city, connecting flight then to AZ?
2) looking at the time line it shows EJ sited with HG in the time from of 12/19-12/22. earlier there was some question that we didn't know where she was (no sitings) from 12/18 until 12/21. Do we now believe/know that she was in San Antonio on 12/19?

Good to see you, rekebal.

Not sure what timeline you're looking at, but here's what the case calendar says for Elizabeth's arrival in San Antonio:


EJ arrives in San Antonio

December 20: Johnson arrives in San Antonio
December 21: Johnson checks into the Homegate Studios and Suites

Here's what the case calendar says for the HG in that timeframe:

12-20-2009 to 12-22-2009 12:00 AM to 11:30 PM

EJ seen with Hispanic male twice

At least one witness saw Elizabeth with a Hispanic male twice during this timeframe.

Dec 20 or 21 was the first of these two sightings. It is unknown for sure if Ken was referring to her first night in San Antonio, or her first night at the hotel in San Antonio.

The newest private investigator to handle the baby Gabriel case tells CBS 5 News several witnesses told him the baby's mom had a male companion starting the first night she was in San Antonio.

Dec 22 is the date for the second of these two sightings.

See video at

Also confirmed by MissingGabe, LE has interviewed and re-interviewed a witness.

Note that it is unknown exactly how many total sightings of Elizabeth and the Hispanic male there have been. For example, there is a report of Elizabeth being seen in a SUV with him, but it is unknown if this sighting is one of the two referenced sightings above, or an additional one.

MIKE SAKAL, REPORTER, EAST VALLEY TRIBUNE: We also do know that she was seen riding in a smaller SUV vehicle with this Hispanic male.

Further, note that there is an additional sighting of Elizabeth with the Hispanic man and a couple in the hotel parking lot on either Dec 24 or 25.

From MissingGabe:

- December 22 is one of the sightings of the Hispanic man with whom Elizabeth was seen

- The sighting of Elizabeth with the Hispanic man and the couple in the parking lot of the hotel was on either December 24 or 25

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Questions for & Info from Gabe's Family **No Discussion**[/ame]
does anyone know why nancy dropped the story like she she did? just weird she never once has gone back to it.

I don't think any of us know for sure, but my guess is legal reasons because of the way she treated Tammi Smith like a princess and the way she talked about Tammi's actions. Tammi Smith is a convicted criminal who engaged in clear criminal activities in this case and has been charged for those activities.

As a former prosecutor, Nancy Grace certainly should have recognized that, however, NG spoke and acted toward this common criminal on a number of occasions as if she'd done nothing wrong to endangered missing baby Gabriel. As a purported advocate for victims along with being a former prosecutor NG should have recognized the potential impact to Gabe and the investigation her words and behavior risked.

Reading the early transcripts of the shows on Gabe are very interesting, including NG's side of the conversation in her discussions with, for example, LE she had on the show, and Mark Klaas on one occasion.

The media thread has a post with a list of all NG transcripts from those shows for those interested in reading. Search the thread for keyword nancy and the post should pop right up.

Again, I'm guessing on this, but I don't think anyone but NG's producers, management, and attornies would have an answer to your question. I'm not sure how open and honest that answer would be, however. So maybe there's no answer at all, except for what I've done - guessing ;)

Whatever the reason, I'm glad for Gabe's sake that a decision was made for NG to 'cease and desist' as they say.
I think NG didn't want to have to admit she perhaps made a mistake in her opinions and questions to the Smiths. In other words she doted on them and even after the news came out about the forged court doc she never once that I can recall got onto T or J about that. I remember thinking to myself that I couldn't understand why normally she would have attacked someone for doing that. There's a reason she quit doing this story and I agree with BeanE...I think it had to do with legalities. Also she must be having to be careful these days with the lawsuit she is in. Unfortunately I feel like her show has become more about ratings than anything now and CNN isn't doing so well so I'm sure they want to boost ratings at any cost. JMO
snipped by me for space...

Good to see you, rekebal.

Not sure what timeline you're looking at, but here's what the case calendar says for Elizabeth's arrival in San Antonio:


EJ arrives in San Antonio

December 20: Johnson arrives in San Antonio
December 21: Johnson checks into the Homegate Studios and Suites

Here's what the case calendar says for the HG in that timeframe:

12-20-2009 to 12-22-2009 12:00 AM to 11:30 PM

EJ seen with Hispanic male twice

At least one witness saw Elizabeth with a Hispanic male twice during this timeframe.

Dec 20 or 21 was the first of these two sightings. It is unknown for sure if Ken was referring to her first night in San Antonio, or her first night at the hotel in San Antonio.

The newest private investigator to handle the baby Gabriel case tells CBS 5 News several witnesses told him the baby's mom had a male companion starting the first night she was in San Antonio.

Dec 22 is the date for the second of these two sightings.

See video at

Also confirmed by MissingGabe, LE has interviewed and re-interviewed a witness.


From MissingGabe:

- December 22 is one of the sightings of the Hispanic man with whom Elizabeth was seen

Thanks BeanE.

Below is the link to the calendar I was using. It has on the 19-22 EJ sited with HG twice. I realize that she was only sited 2 times during that period, but didn't know if we were sure that one was on the 19th or not.

Also, way back in June for the first meeting of EJ and TS at the airport, do we know which airport and where they were both coming from? Why was EJ at that airport?

I don't have any really solid ideas/theories, I am just trying to come up with How EJ remember TS all that time and knew how to contact them and where she was/who was she with perhaps on the 18th and 19th. Also where might the TS and fam been during that time? Just something to connect some dots; somewhere elso to look.

This may be getting OT for this thread - but you might not be able to specifically connect the dots between TS and San Antonio, but there are dots to someone. Kinda like the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon... There may not be direct dots to TS but I am convinced she can make 1 phone call/e-mail and Master Gabriel would be home within the hour...

I feel like we pretty much know what she did in San Antonio, I am just trying to think of when it actually started. Way back in June, between June and December, etc. Just that missing link of how/why/who started the ball.
Below is the link to the calendar I was using. It has on the 19-22 EJ sited with HG twice. I realize that she was only sited 2 times during that period, but didn't know if we were sure that one was on the 19th or not.

Thanks, rekabal. I'm not seeing where it says the 19th. The events I'm looking at say the 20th. If you can link me to where it says the 19th, or tell me which day has something that says the 19th, I'll update it.
Thanks, rekabal. I'm not seeing where it says the 19th. The events I'm looking at say the 20th. If you can link me to where it says the 19th, or tell me which day has something that says the 19th, I'll update it.

I tried to do a screen print, but that didn't work. I may totally be reading this wrong, so please set me straight. What I see on under Sat, Dec 19 are 2 entries: 1) EJ calls Friend SS and 2) EJ seen with hispanic male twice. (this hispanic male twice is listed on all 4 days from 19 - 22). Might just be splitting hairs and you can tell me that too. :)

I tried to do a screen print, but that didn't work. I may totally be reading this wrong, so please set me straight. What I see on under Sat, Dec 19 are 2 entries: 1) EJ calls Friend SS and 2) EJ seen with hispanic male twice. (this hispanic male twice is listed on all 4 days from 19 - 22). Might just be splitting hairs and you can tell me that too. :)

My Sat Dec 19 is blank, and those entries you mention are on Sun Dec 20. I wonder if there's a software glitch.

Does anyone else see a non-blank Sat Dec 19?


Rekebal, here's a link to Sun Dec 20. Try this, and see what comes up on your screen for it:

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