Congressman Mark Foley resigned

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LovelyPigeon said:
Not the devil, but the clergy made him do it!

Oh, I thought it was alcohol.

Looks like he also may have a psoriasis, or dry skin problem. (Remember the heartbreak of psoriasis?)

Mid-life crisis?

That'll do it!
I sure do remember the 'heartbreak of psoriasis' commercials LOL

I hope the 12-step program will help Foley deal with his responsibility for his problems in place of blaming others (or skin conditions!). Sometimes a 30-day program can work wonders; sometimes not.
Does anyone know what the age of consent is in Washington?

My local news station ran a poll yesterday asking if viewers thought that anyone who knew about the abuse previously should have action taken against them. 13% said no. 87% said yes.

Personally, I think that if they are going to operate a page program, then the age of consent should be 18 years old. And yes, anyone who knew and did not report should be made to step down.
There are so many angry thoughts going through my head right now that I don't know where to start. First off, if Foley was molested as a child, I am very sorry he had to endure that. However, that does not excuse his disgusting actions. He clearly knew right from wrong and CHOSE to do this anyway. It infuriates me when people blame their past for their current circumstances. There are millions of us out there who have experienced sexual abuse, and not all of us are out there abusing someone else.

Also, about him now coming out of the closet. Clearly they are trying to spin this like oh the poor guy was abused, became conflicted with his sexuality, and was forced to live a life of secrets and pain. They are trying to make it look like he is a normal gay man with an affection of young men. That is such BS! The man was in a position of power and PREYED upon impressionable boys. There is a big difference between being gay and being a pedophile and I believe he is a pedophile. Makes me sick to my stomach. Anyone who knew about this and did nothing should be held accountable.
I couldn't agree more, MasterJ. Anyone who knew anything about this over the years and who did nothing has shown his own lack of morals and conscience. OTOH, it's my impression that everyone in Washington seems to have something to hide and if all of them started telling the truth at this point, Washington would fall like a house of cards. Not a totally bad idea, IMO, but I doubt it's going to happen. I think power and money corrupt, and sex seems to be their favorite venue for corruption.
kayceebee said:
Former Congressman Mark Foley Was Molested By A Clergyman As A Teenager And Is Gay, According To His Attorney
i guess that makes it ok--:razz: must be why he was----oh never mind---this just makes me fricking nuts:sick: :sick: :sick:
not repling to you kcb....just the post ! and i just read he was also abused:bang:
BarnGoddess said:
Pedro, you seem to be riding a one trick pony. I am definitely not minimizing Foley's totally unacceptable behavior. Our elected officials have a tendency to believe themselves totally above the law. They do need to be held accountable for their actions....

When was the last time the democratic leadership cover up for a sexual predator who prey on children?

So much for the party of family values, keep digging!
What about today's vote where many republicans voted in favor of protecting child predators? They voted against an investigation!
John Walsh had some really good statements about Foley tonight on Larry King.

"These people will risk everything for this compulsion...and sometimes they are so narcissistic or sociopathic they rationalize they aren't really doing anything wrong..." Lead double lives very smoothly....

If you look at the film clips of Foley he looks very confident and charismatic. The pages describe him as very affable and "engaging".

It's just plain scary; these people (Scott Peterson types, predators) are in our midst.
Masterj said:
There are so many angry thoughts going through my head right now that I don't know where to start. First off, if Foley was molested as a child, I am very sorry he had to endure that. However, that does not excuse his disgusting actions. He clearly knew right from wrong and CHOSE to do this anyway. It infuriates me when people blame their past for their current circumstances. There are millions of us out there who have experienced sexual abuse, and not all of us are out there abusing someone else.

Also, about him now coming out of the closet. Clearly they are trying to spin this like oh the poor guy was abused, became conflicted with his sexuality, and was forced to live a life of secrets and pain. They are trying to make it look like he is a normal gay man with an affection of young men. That is such BS! The man was in a position of power and PREYED upon impressionable boys. There is a big difference between being gay and being a pedophile and I believe he is a pedophile. Makes me sick to my stomach. Anyone who knew about this and did nothing should be held accountable.
Couldnt agree more with your comment more, Masterj.. This overall has nothing to do with politics.. He is a pedophile and that is the bottom line, doesn't matter what he does during the day, they are out there everywhere, unfortunately..:mad:
Nova said:
BG, I don't know if the "But, if they're Democrats..." part is you speaking or the interviewee. But either way, puh-leeze! If the media weren't perfectly willing to report on the failings of Democrats, you wouldn't have your litany of Dem scandals to recite here.

Nonetheless, if you want to know why Republican scandals are different than Democratic ones, it's because Republican candidates have for some time now claimed to own the moral highroad. Thus, they have farther to fall and it's more satisfying when they do.
Nova, I don't disagree with you at all. I'm one of those middle of the road Republicans, but the vile of some posters need to be checked. We must put this scandal in prospective. My son was a page to Congressman Lehman in the early 80's. I know he attended a party put on by the aides of a rather famous Senator from Mass. (still in office) where he learned that beer and whisky don't mix and his one experience with the pot supplied was something he never repeated. I might just give him a call and see what else he can tell me. For some reason our elected officials seem to think they can get away with whatever they want. Power obviously corrupts, regardless of the party.

It seems that in the past, Democrats in deep doo-doo were caught during a Democrat majority and really didn't get much more than a slap. Foley got caught on the last day before the recess. Just in time for elections.

I'm about ready to say that we totally disband Congress and elect all new representatives. Fresh one allowed to run for re-election.
Pedro said:
When was the last time the democratic leadership cover up for a sexual predator who prey on children?

So much for the party of family values, keep digging!
If 16 and 17 are children, then all of my examples, other than Barney Frank were children....

It's my understanding that the age of consent in the District of Columbia is 16.

Pedro, I am not an extremist. I am a realist. Not all Republicans are as right wing as you may want to believe. Extreme religion of any kind disgusts me. Every American has the responsibility to teach their children values and morals. You don't have to be an Evangelical Christian to do that. I would hope liberal Democrats hold the same values as I do, and as I have passed on to my sons.

Having lived in DC for 17 years, I understand the day to day workings of our government. That makes my a total cynic. In Washington, it's politics as usual.
I don't think the Democrats should try to over-politicize it, but I sure don't think pot smoking and "corruption" is on the same plane as a "predator in our midst", targeting minors. Those e-mails are very explicit; if people knew about this stuff and covered or ignored, I think there should be repercussion. Why would they vote to not have an investigation if there was nothing to hide?
Why do you even make this about politics?!!? It is everywhere, everyday around everyone's children... Your's, mine, etc... Why do we continue to chargue the politics, hey... democratics/republics?? Does it really matter what "quote side" of the fence he is on? Only difference between the 2 parties, is republic's will admit to what was done..but, wrong is wrong is wrong..The sad thing is, he is everyone.. ie, teacher, store clerk, etc.. What in the world does one being a pedifle (cant sp sorry) dont wont to know how to spell) have to do with is on our streets everywhere, and if you think otherwise well, God Bless your children.
I agree this should supercede politics. And it is borderline on the pedo area. But it goes beyond even that. The pages go there, under the protection of our government via the page program. They are supposed to be teaching them, enlightening them, and introducing them to how our country is run. The parents who allowed their children to go, were trusting in their reps to keep their children safe. Using them as their party buddies or a new crop of harem possibilities is wrong.
So whether it is giving parties with alcohol and pot, or whether it is the reps hitting on the kids for sexual reasons- the persons who did it, as well as the persons who knew and allowed it to continue- are all guilty of betraying the trust of the people. It doesn't matter if they are republican or democrat, conservative or liberal, right or left or however they happen to describe themselves. They betrayed one of the most sacred trusts we have- to protect the children.

BTW, it may not be a big crime, but I believe that giving alcohol to minors is against the law, not to mention pot. Is there a law in Washington for contributing to the delinquency of a minor?
man o' man, this just keeps getting worse, from everything i saw on TV last night.....i wouldn't be surprised if Foley just shoots himself in the head....

those emails to a kid, during a vote, are just sickening, IMO.....
I disagree... this has to include talk re politics. This man was a representative of the people. We voted on him. Our taxes pay his salary. Not only should we expect him to go to Washington to serve the people, but we should also expect him to protect the best interests of his constituents. And I'm pretty sure that doesn't include talking like pond scum to minors or propositioning them for dates. It also doesn't include holding up votes in Congress while you plan your next dalliance with a minor.
Sounds like there may be more to come:

The daily disclosures about Foley's salacious Internet exchanges with former teenage congressional pages have GOP lawmakers and conservative activists fearing the foibles of other politicians may be exposed.

"People are very, very concerned," Rep. Ray LaHood, R-Ill., said Tuesday night. "I think there are going to be more disclosures."

"We have heard rumors that other, similar activity has occurred involving additional congressmen and will be released prior to the November elections," said the Arlington Group, a coalition of 70 pro-family conservative groups.
He was abused... now he's a gay alcoholic. When did he have his brain removed??? How can ANY semi-intelligent adult think this is an okay way to conduct himself? He needs to go to jail!
Cynthia Tucker of the Atlanta Constitution took on the "alcohol excuse" today:

Drunk on power, GOP wrecks the public trust

Published on: 10/04/06

Drunkenness is getting a bad name.

A couple of months ago, Mel Gibson blamed his anti-Semitic diatribe on a state of intoxication. After resigning abruptly on Friday, former U.S. Rep. Mark Foley (R-Fla.) released a statement saying that he was going into alcohol rehab, suggesting that his sexually explicit overtures to teenagers in e-mails and instant messages were the result of a tendency to over-imbibe.

Presumably, however, Foley was stone-cold sober when he pushed for harsher sanctions against adults who do just what he did. As co-chairman of the Congressional Missing and Exploited Children's Caucus, Foley had achieved national recognition for his efforts to protect children against sexual predators. Indeed, he was a champion of legislation that makes it a crime under some circumstances to use the Internet to entice someone under the age of 18 to engage in sexual activity.

No word yet on whether the House leadership was too drunk to expose Foley last year and force him to resign then.

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