Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #10

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Can we cut to the chase on this question?
What are you implying about the death of Adam Lanza?

I am reporting a discrepancy found in the news info that has been presented to the public.
Some of us care about whether the info we are being told is true or not.
I do not work with law enforcement or for any government agency,
so I do not have a solution or explanation of these facts.
Some of us will want to investigate further though to see if we can make sense of it all.
Since different people have varying skills & knowledge, I am seeking help to understand this discrepancy.
If you don't want to help posters, IMO you should ignore their messages and move on.
I am reporting a discrepancy found in the news info that has been presented to the public.
Some of us care about whether the info we are being told is true or not.
I do not work with law enforcement or for any government agency,
so I do not have a solution or explanation of these facts.
Some of us will want to investigate further though to see if we can make sense of it all.
Since different people have varying skills & knowledge, I am seeking help to understand this discrepancy.
If you don't want to help posters, IMO you should ignore their messages and move on.

Move on to where conspiracy theory sources such as the "Sandy Hook Research" blog you linked to aren't permitted?

Tempting and under consideration for this topic.
Move on to where conspiracy theory sources such as the "Sandy Hook Research" blog you linked to aren't permitted?
Tempting and under consideration for this topic.

I don't understand what your point is ?
The only reason I linked to that article is, like I stated, because it had free access to a screen capture of what the SSDI record looks like. The links I used were ones where you had to pay to see them. I was trying to be helpful to other readers who didn't want to pay to see. I don't understand why you are even responding to my messages when you are being anything but helpful IMO.
My understanding of this website is that one is supposed to link to sources ...
so I don't understand why some people are trying to say that referencing an official
government source like the Social Security Index is part of some conspiracy theory.
Who enters the info at those sites?
Can anyone?

Don't know .. I could be wrong, can't recall now .. but maybe i saw at one of those sites where it said 13th (rather than 14th) .. buttons such as -- "Is this correct? ... "Do you want to make some changes?" etc

I could be wrong on this though .... (simply recalling something i saw somewhere)

What I am trying to get at ... - WHO can enter this kind of info at those places online? Anyone can?
If so... then maybe one of those "conspiracy theorists" entered it somehow to create a confusion and controvercy? .. or something like that?

Or possible just a mistake .. a TYPO .. i read somewhere that those sites are FAR FROM PERFECT ... and enter wrong info quite often....
Someone, for example, was writing that their mother's or grandmother's info is entered wrong there etc...

If you are very concerned about this ... you can always try to contact someone at those SSI site(s) ... and, for example, tell then .. ask them .. why does it say 13th there.. when AL died on 14th (as far as everyone knows) ... Tell them: "Maybe you should correct this?" .. or something like that..

and then see if they will reply to you (you can provide them your email etc) .. or possibly simply change at their Site(s) from 13th to 14th.
Who enters the info at those sites? Can anyone?

No ... the SSDI is an official government agency.
They send out a feed to subscribers every week with updates.
There are a lot of subscribers ... GenealogyBank and are just 2 of them.

What I am trying to get at ... - WHO can enter this kind of info at those places online? Anyone can?
If so... then maybe one of those "conspiracy theorists" entered it somehow to create a confusion and controvercy? .. or something like that?

Only government staff members would have access to official government documents.

Or possible just a mistake .. a TYPO ..

That is what I first thought too. So as I mentioned earlier, I personally verified
TWO separate and independent sources. They agree with each other and yet it disagrees
with what the journalists tell us.

Someone, for example, was writing that their mother's or grandmother's info is entered wrong there etc...

Please see my message where I replied to that person about that.
They didn't understand how the SSDI works.

I can't explain these discrepancies ...
I was hoping someone here had more experience than me
and would know how to further verify this info up the chain.
I have never heard of something like this before ... but it certainly makes some of us
wonder why a staff member would feel the need to do something like this ...

"State worker accused of showing Adam Lanza's body to husband"
That's quite an old story ... and I am sure was already mentioned in earlier threads or pages...

Who knows why she did it? .. or why he wanted to see the body?

Curiosity for example?

Who knows what's in one's head? :rolleyes:
That's quite an old story ... and I am sure was already mentioned in earlier threads or pages...

Sorry ... I am new to this thread and haven't been able to read all of the 10 sections.
I came here as I thought maybe some people with more experience might be
able to help explain what some of these things I am just finding out about mean.
What experience, lol ... we have as much experience and as many answers as you are, i am sure, if not less :)
What experience, lol ... we have as much experience and as many answers as you are, i am sure, if not less :)

Well I have only been involved with one other thread here (last summer) and someone
there was always referencing other threads saying that such and such happened.
So I was given the impression that there were a lot of people with experience looking at various cases.
I had hopes that someone here in this thread would be willing to help a newcomer sort through it :)
Well, if we are going to be specific, SSDI stands for Social Security Death Index and has been coined by the folks at Ancestry and all its subsidiaries.

The information comes from SSA which is our Social Security Administration. The Social Security Administration maintains and administers a database which is referred to as the Death Master File.

The National Technical Information Service (NTIS), a cost-recovery government agency within the Department of Commerce, disseminates the DMF data on behalf of SSA.

The following accompanies the information at the NTIS website.

Disclaimer: The products advertised on this website contain a Social Security Administration (SSA) database extract. SSA authorizes the use of this database as a death verification tool, but notes that the Death Master File (DMF) may contain inaccuracies. Thus, SSA cannot guarantee the accuracy of the DMF. Therefore, the absence of a particular person on this file is not proof that the individual is alive. Further, in rare instances it is possible for the records of a person who is not deceased to be included erroneously in the DMF.

I suppose if The Truthers wanted to, they could request a copy of Adam's death certificate. Since The Truthers are not related to Adam, if they are able to obtain an official copy of the certificate, it likely would be a 'Non Certified' copy and would have that phrase written or stamped across the top of it making it difficult to either forge or photoshop. But, I would guess we can watch for something like that to appear in the future.

It is normal for insurance companies to ask for copies of a death certificate before dispersing funds to survivors (for example). They do not normally rely on the SSA DMF.

So, can we please stop with all the worthless conspiracy/truther junk?
obtain an official copy of the certificate, it likely would be a 'Non Certified' copy and would have that phrase written or stamped across the top of it making it difficult to either forge or photoshop. But, I would guess we can watch for something like that to appear in the future.

As I previously mentioned ...
The estates of Mrs. Nancy LANZA & her son Adam are being administered by the surviving son Ryan
& his father Peter who obtained physical possession of their property on Christmas Day 2012.
In order to do so, the court would have to have seen the death certificates.
If there was any error on those documents, then the court would NOT have proceeded.
Here is a link to an aritcle about a court descision regarding the Lanza estates ...

I have some personal experience with this and know that if there is one tiny little
error on the death certificate, it will definitely NOT be accepted by any official authority
... such as funeral directors, banks, employers, insurance companies or legal courts.

So, can we please stop with all the worthless conspiracy/truther junk?

I have never heard the word "truther" before ... so not sure what you are referring to.
But since you added the word "junk" it sounds like you are giving an insult ...
This makes me wonder ... why innocent people are not allowed to ask questions here and learn ?

Instead of trying to help people understand, insults are given
... that just makes the reputation of this website look bad.
Good News, the lockdown procedures seem to be everywhere now in America's schools

“I want to see my kids! Bang! Bang!’’ the man shouted as he stormed into the front office of a South Carolina elementary school and pointed a handgun at a secretary and custodian. Both went limp at the verbal gunshots, and the “shooter,’’ a police officer taking part in a school safety drill, continued his rampage.

While an assistant principal dialed 911, the gunman took aim at two students and their principal. All fell to the floor with bloody, fake wounds.

“We are in lockdown,’’ announced a woman over the public address system at Howe Hall Howe Hall Arts-Infused Magnet School in Goose Creek, S.C. Students and teachers hunkered silently in darkened classrooms away from closed blinds and locked doors, while police officers with rifles worked their way through hallways decorated with student art.

This is the extent to which safety is being practiced in schools today.
Death Certificates are issued by the County, in the State, where the death occured. Death Certificates are not sent to the SSA. They do not maintain a file of original Death Certificates. If the death information was physically, by hand, entered into a computer, the chance for errors, is quite large.
Well, if we are going to be specific, SSDI stands for Social Security Death Index and has been coined by the folks at Ancestry and all its subsidiaries.

The part about is not an accurate statement ...
More than 15 years agp I was using the SSDI when it was available online for free,
being provided by a totally separate entity called "Rootsweb" (founded in 1993).
It was not until the 21st century that acquired Rootsweb.

wanted to, they could request a copy of Adam's death certificate

This also is not an accurate statement.
The court has SEALED all records pertaining to this case ...
so nobody can obtain a copy of the death certificate ... per this article ...

Another fact is that law enforcement has NEVER yet named the shooter at Newtown, CT.
They will not be doing so until the summer of 2013 ... per the same article.
Good News, the lockdown procedures seem to be everywhere now in America's schools

“I want to see my kids! Bang! Bang!’’ the man shouted as he stormed into the front office of a South Carolina elementary school and pointed a handgun at a secretary and custodian. Both went limp at the verbal gunshots, and the “shooter,’’ a police officer taking part in a school safety drill, continued his rampage.

While an assistant principal dialed 911, the gunman took aim at two students and their principal. All fell to the floor with bloody, fake wounds.

“We are in lockdown,’’ announced a woman over the public address system at Howe Hall Howe Hall Arts-Infused Magnet School in Goose Creek, S.C. Students and teachers hunkered silently in darkened classrooms away from closed blinds and locked doors, while police officers with rifles worked their way through hallways decorated with student art.

This is the extent to which safety is being practiced in schools today.

How awful that this is what our world is coming to. :(
Disputed Ohio fine sent to Newtown spurs new suit

Posted: Feb 02, 2013 9:49 AM CST Updated: Feb 02, 2013 9:49 AM CST

CANTON, Ohio (AP) - A lawsuit questions whether Ohio law requires criminal fines to be paid to counties or allows judges to direct that money elsewhere, such as to the Connecticut community where a gunman killed 20 students and six adults.

Attorney Craig Conley filed the lawsuit Friday in Stark County on behalf of a taxpayer challenging a judge's decision to send a $5,000 fine to the Newtown school support fund. The money was paid by a former high school basketball coach convicted of videotaping boys in a locker room shower.

The lawsuit argues criminal fines must be paid to counties by law and judges can't redirect that money.
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