Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #10

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Adam Lanza update: Sandy Hook shooting case hearing reveals sharp disagreement on gun control

Posted: 01/30/2013
Last Updated: 14 hours and 33 minutes ago

By: David Ariosto, CNN

His voice wavering, Mark Mattioli wiped away tears as he recalled the day his 6-year-old son died when a man wielding an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle broke into Sandy Hook Elementary School and began shooting.

His son, James, was among the 20 children and seven adults killed by Adam Lanza on December 14 in Newtown, Connecticut -- an event so horrific that it has since spawned a federal task force and kick-started a national conversation about gun control.

But unlike the handful of other parents who testified Monday at the emotionally charged hearing in Hartford, Connecticut, Mattioli said there are more than enough gun laws on the books. He called instead for a closer look at mental health policies...

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Children from Sandy Hook Elementary Will Reportedly Sing at Super Bowl XLVII

By Ryan Rudnansky, on January 30, 2013

Twenty-six students and faculty from Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., will sing America the Beautiful during the Super Bowl XLVII pregame show, according to NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy (via USA Today).

The announcement comes after 20 students and six adults were tragically shot and killed at the school on Dec. 14.

The students and faculty will perform before Alicia Keys sings the National Anthem on Sunday in what will undoubtedly be an emotional moment for everyone watching.

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Newtown victims' families getting $40,000 checks

Ken Dixon, Updated 12:26 am, Thursday, January 31, 2013


Jimmy Greene and Nelba Marquez-Greene, parents of Ana, one of the children killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings, partcipate in a press conference Monday morning for Sandy Hook Promise, a grassroots initiative to end gun violence. It was held at the Edmond Town Hall in Newtown, Monday, January 14, 2013. / Photo: Carol Kaliff

The first direct financial aid to the 26 families of those killed in the Sandy Hook School massacre is arriving in the form of $40,000 checks this week.

My Sandy Hook Support Fund, which has raised $1.1 million in donations from around the country, is sending out the checks in an attempt to provide money for those who have been unable to go back to work, have encountered unexpected expenses following the Dec. 14 shootings or for other purposes.

The fund, which is being administered by the Wells Fargo Bank in Newtown, is the first of the nonprofit funds started after the massacre to transfer money to victims' families.

"While no amount of money will ever alleviate the pain of losing a loved one, we are pleased that this fund is providing assistance to those most directly affected by last month's tragedy, and doing so quickly," said Andrew Doba, spokesman for Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, on Wednesday.


The fund's goal is to raise at least $2.6 million for the families.

Another fund, called the Sandy Hook School Fund, has raised about $8 million, but is still in the process of creating a management structure to decide how to distribute the funds through the Newtown Savings Bank and the United Way of Western Connecticut.

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This neighbor makes Nancy Lanza and her son sound like pariahs in their community. Very sad all around.

I am not sure AL actually wanted people to talk to him. In fact I think maybe his mother's idea of selling the house and placing him in some special college is what made him angry.
Newtown Tells Lawmakers: 'Honor The Lives Lost'

Emotional Hearing In Community That Lost 26 In Sandy Hook School Shootings

By JON LENDER and JENNY WILSON, jlender@courant.comThe Hartford Courant, 12:17 a.m. EST, January 31, 2013


Scarlett Lewis, whose 6-year-old son, Jesse, lost his life in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings, spoke to the legislature. The Task Force on Gun Violence Prevention and Children's Safety held a public hearing at Newtown High School, in Newtown Wednesday night.

NEWTOWN —— Nicole Hockley said she held the hand of her 6-year-old son, Dylan, as he lay in the casket at his funeral.

"No parent should hold this memory of their child. Neither should any parent [have] to watch their living child try to understand why his little brother is no longer with them," she told state legislators at a public hearing Wednesday night in the Newtown High School auditorium.

Hockley was one of several parents and family members of children killed in the Dec. 14 school massacre whose fresh anguish gave an intensity unmatched by any of the three previous public hearings held by a special legislative task force in the past week.

A crowd of several hundred, the vast majority from Newtown and in favor of stronger gun restrictions, fell silent as Hockley sat at a microphone and told of the grief of her older son Jake, 8, a third-grader at Sandy Hook Elementary School, where 20 first-graders and six women staff members were killed by 20-year-old Adam Lanza using a Bushmaster AR-15 semiautomatic rifle.

"The memory of [Jake] wailing when Dylan died will stay with me for a lifetime. He describes Dec. 14 as 'the day hell came to my school,'" Hockley said as her husband, Ian, sat beside her. Jake has had to "wrestle with fear" that such an attack may happen again, Hockley said...

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Good link ... many photos ...
K-9 Parish Comfort Dogs lend a paw to grieving Newtown families [Photos]

The canine volunteers made an 800-mile journey from Chicago to Newtown, Conn., to comfort those affected by the Sandy Hook school shooting.

By Laura Moss, Tue, Dec 18 2012 at 1:34 PM


Grief counseling on four legs

The nine golden retrievers sent by the Lutheran Church Charities made their first stop Sunday at Christ the King Lutheran Church, which held funerals this week for two children killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

The K-9 Parish Comfort Dog program began in 2008 at Northern Illinois University after a gunman killed five students. Today, the initiative has grown from just a few dogs in the Chicago area to 60 dogs in six states.

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Newtown families hope massacre transforms nation

By SUSAN HAIGH, Associated Press Wednesday - 1/30/2013, 9:51pm ET


Residents of Newtown, Conn. fill an auditorium and listen during a hearing of a legislative task force on gun violence and children's safety at Newtown High School in Newtown, Conn., Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2013. Connecticut lawmakers are in Newtown for the hearing, where those invited to give testimony include first responders and families with children enrolled at Sandy Hook Elementary. (AP Photo/Jessica Hill)

NEWTOWN, Conn. (AP) - Newtown officials and parents of children killed in last month's elementary school massacre called on lawmakers Wednesday to turn the tragedy into "the moment of transformation" by banning high-powered, military-style rifles and high-capacity magazines while providing better care to the mentally ill and requiring more background checks for gun owners.

Several hundred residents, many wearing stickers urging more gun control measures, attended a public hearing held Wednesday night in the wake of the Dec. 14 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School that left 20 first-graders and six educators dead.

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NRA flip-flops on universal background checks

January 30th, 2013, 11:07 PM ET

---- VIDEO included (2:29) ----

At a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on gun violence today, Wayne LaPierre, the head of the National Rifle Association shared his thoughts on universal background checks.

LaPierre says it doesn't do any good to expand background checks to private sales between lobbyists and collectors.

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Make the debate over guns worthy of our son
By Mark Barden and Jackie Barden, Published: January 29

Daniel would listen and be respectful. Our country needs a new dialogue, one that doesn’t follow the tired script of political squabbling. Any improvement to our laws, no matter how small or reasonable, should not be decried as the forward wave of an attempt to “ban guns” or “take away rights.” Even those of us who have lost the most are suggesting no such thing.

Daniel would be honest. We know that there are no easy answers to these multifaceted issues. Anyone who suggests that a single law would “solve the problem” isn’t telling the truth. But neither is anyone who says that changes in our laws can’t make a difference.

Daniel wouldn’t give up hope. We refuse to accept the status quo. Making our society safer will require sustained, comprehensive action by individuals as well as by communities and government. As parents, there is nothing more important to us than our relationship with our children. Every parent can start right there, in their own home. On a broader level, it is urgent that we address the gaps in our mental health system and examine school security. We must have the same open dialogue about gun responsibility and accountability. The parental desire to love and protect our children is common ground for gun owners and non-gun owners alike.
...will be not so easy to make changes ... it's multi-billion $$$ industrry we are talking about here...

Too many guns are circulating in United States .. that's all I know :(

Restrictions or No Restrictions ... can't control coo-coos like Lanza, "joker", Gabi's shooter etc... :(

If someone really wants the gun i am sure they can even get it illegally .. EVEN if they'll have to overpay, say, 10 times, even 100 times... in order to get it.

I don't think they'd care much .. it's not like they are going to need the money after shooting anyhow ... :rolleyes:
Mallick: Why Newtown victim Noah Pozner had an open coffin

Parents of the dead children were advised to identify them from photographs, such was the carnage. But every parent reacts differently. Veronique Pozner did the most difficult thing. She asked to see the body. Zeveloff asked her why.

“I owed it to him as his mother, the good, the bad and the ugly,” she said. “. . . And as a little boy, you have to go in the ground. If I am going to shut my eyes to that I am not his mother. I had to bear it. I had to do it.”

When the governor of Connecticut arrived, she brought him to see Noah in the open casket. “If there is ever a piece of legislation that comes across his desk, I needed it to be real for him.” The governor wept.
This may not be the time to post this but over the past few weeks I have begun to despair for our future as a civil society. It seems impossible to try to have a responsible discussion of gun issues either on chat boards or with friends and family. It quickly degenerates into name calling and anger. I have a lifelong friend who is apparently avoiding me over what I felt was an innocent comment about this tragedy- he's an NRA member. I have stopped posting comments in the discussions on local news outlet boards, once I do I get posters calling me 'socialist' and 'dirty liberal'. I also have received what I view as threats.

We as Americans let this go on way, way too long. For decades this festered and now it's a cancer and we need to face it, talk over our differences and grapple with it. It won't be easy, but it needs to be done if we are to survive as a nation.
Gun Advocates Take Back Seat to Calls for Stricter Laws at Newtown Forum

There were some vivid windows into the horror Dec. 14. Mary Ann Jacob, a school staff member, recalled the way it began as a routine Friday morning, how Victoria Soto, one of the teachers, grumbled that it was a bad day because she had spilled her coffee. Then came strange sounds that Ms. Jacob could not decipher until it became clear that hundreds of bullets were rocketing through the school.

“Make no mistake,” she said. “If there was a police officer in our building that day, he would be dead. Adam Lanza did not knock on the door and ask for permission to come in. He shot his way through the door barely seconds after he got out of his car.”
This may not be the time to post this but over the past few weeks I have begun to despair for our future as a civil society. It seems impossible to try to have a responsible discussion of gun issues either on chat boards or with friends and family. It quickly degenerates into name calling and anger. I have a lifelong friend who is apparently avoiding me over what I felt was an innocent comment about this tragedy- he's an NRA member. I have stopped posting comments in the discussions on local news outlet boards, once I do I get posters calling me 'socialist' and 'dirty liberal'. I also have received what I view as threats.

We as Americans let this go on way, way too long. For decades this festered and now it's a cancer and we need to face it, talk over our differences and grapple with it. It won't be easy, but it needs to be done if we are to survive as a nation.


This seems to be the norm for every "hot button" issue.
This may not be the time to post this but over the past few weeks I have begun to despair for our future as a civil society. It seems impossible to try to have a responsible discussion of gun issues either on chat boards or with friends and family. It quickly degenerates into name calling and anger. I have a lifelong friend who is apparently avoiding me over what I felt was an innocent comment about this tragedy- he's an NRA member. I have stopped posting comments in the discussions on local news outlet boards, once I do I get posters calling me 'socialist' and 'dirty liberal'. I also have received what I view as threats.

We as Americans let this go on way, way too long. For decades this festered and now it's a cancer and we need to face it, talk over our differences and grapple with it. It won't be easy, but it needs to be done if we are to survive as a nation.
Sorry and sad this is happening to you, please do not despair, and consider the idea that if someone you care about opposes your opinion, and stops you from talking about your side of an issue, consider what you have negotiated. Your opinion counts.
"You have enemies? Good. That means you have stood up for something, sometime in your life." Winston Churchill
Sorry guys, haven't caught up on the thread just yet.
Has there been anymore word on the fact Adam Lanza was certified as dead the day before the shooting?

While it is a fact that the Social Security Death Index lists his date of death as certified 12/13/2012, it also has other errors, such as listing the state issuing the certificate as NH, when we know the autopsy was conducted in CT, and therefore the death cert would have been signed there as well. It simply a typo.

The SSDI has errors on many other individuals, as well. My stepfather, who died between August 30 and September 4th of 2008 is listed in the SSDI as certified dead on 9/14/2008. That's the date his body was found, but was most definitely not the date he died. Once again, just a typo or a crossed wire somewhere between the issuing agency and the person entering the info into SSDI.

I wouldn't read anything at all into it except that someone made a mistake. It isn't the official record, keep that in mind.
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