Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #10

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MSNBC ‘reviewing’ Newtown ‘heckled’ video

Posted by Erik Wemple on January 30, 2013 at 7:40 am

---- TEXT & VIDEO ----

MSNBC is reviewing its portrayal of the testimony of Neil Heslin, the father of a Sandy Hook victim, at a legislative hearing in Hartford on Monday. The 33-second video clip in question, embedded above, features a graphics box saying “Mocked and Loaded. Sandy Hook Victim’s Father Heckled by Gun Rights Advocates.”

“We’re reviewing the video in question,” says an MSNBC source.

Smart move, considering that Heslin wasn’t, in fact, heckled. Audience members merely answered a challenge that Heslin posed from the microphone. Here’s a transcript of how things unfolded:

Heslin: I don’t know how many people have young children or children. But just try putting yourself in the place that I’m in or these other parents that are here. Having a child that you lost. It’s not a good feeling; not a good feeling to look at your child laying in a casket or looking at your child with a bullet wound to the forehead. I ask if there’s anybody in this room that can give me one reason or challenge this question: Why anybody in this room needs to have an, one of these assault-style weapons or military weapons or high-capacity clips…..Not one person can answer that question.”

Crowd/Alleged Hecklers: “Second Amendment shall not be infringed”

Public official: “Please no comments while Mr. Heslin is speaking. Or we’ll clear the room. Mr. Heslin, please continue.”

More at the Source:


P.S. Mr. Heslin was on P. Morgan last night ... and said, himself, that was wasn't really heckled... he basically asked a question, while speaking in a microphone, kinda challenging the crowd ... so they answered him ... end of story.
Yet at the same time I don't think the investigators have released any info on whether NL had locked up her weapons. There was a comment made by a "friend" that said NL kept her guns in a closet but I thought there were also reports from another "friend" of a gun safe.

For all we know NL could have kept her guns under lock and key. Someone had speculated in an earlier thread that this could be why AL waited for her to return from her 3 day trip - because she might have taken the keys with her - and then he got the keys while she slept, got the guns, shot NL four times in the face while she slept, and then waited God only knows how long between then and heading to the school.

I am glad that someone is addressing the issue of requiring gun owners to lock up their guns but in all honestly how would it ever be monitored? Unfortunately I think the only way someone would be punished for NOT locking up their gun would be after someone else (mentally ill or not) had already committed some sort of crime with it.

Agree, I don't think this law can be enforced effectively. How would authorities know whether gun-owners lock their guns securely or not? Will they hire authorities to walk through every single gun-owners' homes every single day and visually check that their guns are under lock and key? Or do sporadic, random checks?

With the lack of resources and funding, we know that'll never happen.

So another useless law on the books.
Sandy Hook’s horror hit close for Rep. Frey

State Rep. John Frey, dependably conservative and one of Connecticut’s voices on the Republican National Committee, has felt in his perspective on gun laws shift in the wake of the Newtown school shooting.

The tragedy was just so close to home.

“It’s definitely been changed,” Mr. Frey said. “I have two nieces and one nephew who attended Sandy Hook School. Dec. 13th, I attended the Sandy Hook Elementary holiday concert. My two nieces are in the chorus.

“And to think back, you know, the next day, the 14th, after the tragedy occurred, I couldn’t get the image off my mind. Here you had all these families, happy and video-taping and taking pictures,” he said. “Their world came crashing down.”

There’s a clamor for action, but Mr. Frey says there’s a process and it will require some time.

“In Connecticut I think we’re taking an appropriately cautious approach,” he said. “Governor Malloy has appointed a task force that supposed to report back March 15, and he’s got a pretty good panel of experts to come up with some possible legislation…

“And, the legislature has appointed a bipartisan committee to pretty much do the same thing, and to report back in early March basically looking at three issues: our gun regulations, mental health, and school safety and security.

“I’m hopeful and optimistic that whatever comes out of these two groups will be a positive response to Sandy Hook, and will be timely.”

Nationally, the outlook is different, said Mr. Frey, a member of the Republican National Committee who has attended several Republican National Conventions.

“It’s going to be a tough battle,” he said.
Agree, I don't think this law can be enforced effectively. How would authorities know whether gun-owners lock their guns securely or not? Will they hire authorities to walk through every single gun-owners' homes every single day and visually check that their guns are under lock and key? Or do sporadic, random checks?

With the lack of resources and funding, we know that'll never happen.

So another useless law on the books.

A safe firearms storage law can be enforced in much the same way as many other health, safety and fire codes. Inspections are not random, they are based on probable cause or happen after an incident.

If a kid takes a handgun to his second grade class, it's clear his parents were not following the safe storage laws. Prosecute the parents and others might get the message.
A safe firearms storage law can be enforced in much the same way as many other health, safety and fire codes. Inspections are not random, they are based on probable cause or happen after an incident.

If a kid takes a handgun to his second grade class, it's clear his parents were not following the safe storage laws. Prosecute the parents and others might get the message.

Isn't this gun-under-lock-and-key law about prevention? If a kid takes a handgun to school and IF he's discovered to have done so, that is already after-the-fact.

Gun violence/accidents could have occurred already. How does this law prevent that?

Also, are you saying that we have to wait until someone who's not legally allowed to handle guns misuses the gun or flaunts the gun in order for this law to work? That is contradictory to why the law is enacted.
Sorry guys, haven't caught up on the thread just yet.
Has there been anymore word on the fact Adam Lanza was certified as dead the day before the shooting?
Sorry guys, haven't caught up on the thread just yet.
Has there been anymore word on the fact Adam Lanza was certified as dead the day before the shooting?

Um, what???? I don't know what you're referring to...?

Eta google tells me it sounds like the SSDI has his death date listed as December 13th....sounds more like a typo than "fact," IMO.
Sorry guys, haven't caught up on the thread just yet.
Has there been anymore word on the fact Adam Lanza was certified as dead the day before the shooting?

Okay, yeah, from everything I could find online, this rumor, which from what I could tell is completely unfounded, is part of the absurd conspiracy theories flying around.

With that, I'm dismissing that entire idea. The story doesn't ring true, the "screen shots" of the SSDI listing could easily have been doctored--in short, I call shenanigans!
Agree, I don't think this law can be enforced effectively. How would authorities know whether gun-owners lock their guns securely or not? Will they hire authorities to walk through every single gun-owners' homes every single day and visually check that their guns are under lock and key? Or do sporadic, random checks?

With the lack of resources and funding, we know that'll never happen.

So another useless law on the books.

If there is no law, there is no penalty. Perhaps if there was a huge penalty, the word would spread and people would think twice about not securing their guns.

For instance, if one gets caught speeding, it usually makes one drive the speed limit for awhile
Okay, yeah, from everything I could find online, this rumor, which from what I could tell is completely unfounded, is part of the absurd conspiracy theories flying around.

With that, I'm dismissing that entire idea. The story doesn't ring true, the "screen shots" of the SSDI listing could easily have been doctored--in short, I call shenanigans!

Yes, everyone in Newtown is involved in the conspiracy. Yup. That is easy to believe.

And all of the people who have relatives all over the world are in the conspiracy as well. Yup. Makes such sense.

Did you see where I put my tinfoil hat?

HOOD -- I seriously think Nancy tried to get AL off his butt to get moving forward to do something in his life, since her rumored MS health issues may be the motivation from her

But AL rebelled, he liked his comfort zone of doing whatever pleased him

Lanza withdrew from life. He was highly functioning to fix/repair and analyze all kind sof hi tech equipment

Lanza knew about guns, even high powered guns and how to shoot them

Lanza could pass college courses at 16 years old

Lanza knew how to drive a car

Lanza had the Free Will to Choose his options, but was too lazy to connect with th erest of society

It was his choice not to interact, he was a quitter and didnt try hard enough

Adam Lanza did not like being uprooted and he was content with his life. He went to many schools when he was younger. Perhaps, that made him rageful.

I do believe his mother wanted to sell the house and move somewhere. And he was going to be put into some special college. I think he resented that and was very angry at his mother for doing that to him. So that would explain why he killed the mother. But why kill the children and the teachers? He hasn't been to that school in a decade. Did his mother ever volunteer there, or was that false information?

I wonder if Dr. Mary Sherlach ever encountered and diagnosed Adam Lanza when he was a child. I wonder if the classrooms that Lanza targeted were the very classrooms Lanza was in when he attended Sandy Hook Elementary School.
Yes, everyone in Newtown is involved in the conspiracy. Yup. That is easy to believe.

And all of the people who have relatives all over the world are in the conspiracy as well. Yup. Makes such sense.

Did you see where I put my tinfoil hat?

They are nuts. :crazy:
Adam Lanza did not like being uprooted and he was content with his life. He went to many schools when he was younger. Perhaps, that made him rageful.

I wonder if Dr. Mary Sherlach ever encountered and diagnosed Adam Lanza when he was a child. I wonder if the classrooms that Lanza targeted were the very classrooms Lanza was in when he attended Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Killing his mother first, & planning suicide, I wonder if he did this to target his brother & father, essentially do the most damage he could to their future peace of mind, as he was unable to physically kill them.
If he had a gun and his brother and / or father didn't ... and were in front of him .. he SURELY would be able to kill them...

BUT more likely he chose to go for mass-shooting in the easiest place possible ... where there were many many people (and mostly little kids at that) ... all in one places ...

... or else, for some reason, in his twisted mind, he hated Sandy Hook

... in any case he decided to go there .. to Sandy Hook .. and continue with the killing there :(

And, who knows.. maybe his brother and father weren't his targets .. (we will never know what was in his head).

btw, i thought i read somewhere a while back .. that he was in that same school a day before the shooting .. arguing with some people? ... any update on that? (as for a while, while i was on WS's TO ... i didn't follow the case very close) .. another rumor that can't be proven?
Concert to aid Newtown Ambulance

Published 6:41 pm, Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sandy Hook Elementary School alum Caitlin Martin, 28, whose stage name is Jass Bianchi organized a benefit Friday to raise money for the Newtown Volunteer Ambulance Corps. The Music & Arts Benefit Concert is planned from 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. at Cafe Eclipse, 40 Elm St. in Danbury.

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After Newtown: Video games, the US military, and America's culture of violence

Gabrielle Giffords made a compelling plea at the Senate hearings on gun control today, but the National Rifle Association's Wayne LaPierre is also partly right: Banning guns won’t address a pervasive culture of violence that doesn't distinguish between real and virtual violence.

By John Sanbonmatsu | Christian Science Monitor – 8 hrs ago.

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January 30, 2013 7:40 PM

Newtown mother: Lanza home a "black spot" in neighborhood

by Michelle Miller

---- TEXT & VIDEO ----

CBS News) The state of Connecticut, where Newtown is located, is holding hearings about whether to change its gun laws. One of the witnesses Wednesday night will be Nicole Hockley. Her six-year-old son Dylan was killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School attack. She spoke to CBS News at the offices of Sandy Hook Promise, the anti-violence advocacy group formed by Newtown residents. The following is a transcript of the interview.

---- Watch and read the entire transcript at the Source (below) ----

... The Hockleys lived just yards away from the home of the gunman. Nicole Hockley saw Adam Lanza only once. It was from a distance -- the week of the attack.

Hockley: It's a physical reaction to realize that at some point so soon before it happened that you'd actually seen the person who took your child.

Miller: Had you ever met the Lanzas?

Hockley: I am ashamed to admit no.

Miller: Ashamed? Why?

Hockley: That house was kind of a black spot in the neighborhood. No one spoke about them. I've never heard a neighbor speak of them. Perhaps if there was more engagement within a community with neighbors looking out for each other, supporting each other, then maybe they would have gotten help in a different sort of way. But to everyone on your street except for one house, and that happens to be a house with people that--or a person who does this--that's kind of hard to swallow. So there is some regret there.

More than 100 people signed up this to speak at Wednesday night's public hearing. Organizers expect it could last well past midnight.

More at the Source:
Prosecutor Reviewing If, When Details of Adam Lanza's Mental State Can Be Revealed

Published: Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Associated Press

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — Connecticut lawmakers on Tuesday began reviewing mental health care following the deadly Newtown school shooting, even though they and the public have little insight into the mental state of the 20-year-old gunman...

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January 30, 2013 7:40 PM

Newtown mother: Lanza home a "black spot" in neighborhood

by Michelle Miller

---- TEXT & VIDEO ----

CBS News) The state of Connecticut, where Newtown is located, is holding hearings about whether to change its gun laws. One of the witnesses Wednesday night will be Nicole Hockley. Her six-year-old son Dylan was killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School attack. She spoke to CBS News at the offices of Sandy Hook Promise, the anti-violence advocacy group formed by Newtown residents. The following is a transcript of the interview.

---- Watch and read the entire transcript at the Source (below) ----

... The Hockleys lived just yards away from the home of the gunman. Nicole Hockley saw Adam Lanza only once. It was from a distance -- the week of the attack.

Hockley: It's a physical reaction to realize that at some point so soon before it happened that you'd actually seen the person who took your child.

Miller: Had you ever met the Lanzas?

Hockley: I am ashamed to admit no.

Miller: Ashamed? Why?

Hockley: That house was kind of a black spot in the neighborhood. No one spoke about them. I've never heard a neighbor speak of them. Perhaps if there was more engagement within a community with neighbors looking out for each other, supporting each other, then maybe they would have gotten help in a different sort of way. But to everyone on your street except for one house, and that happens to be a house with people that--or a person who does this--that's kind of hard to swallow. So there is some regret there.

More than 100 people signed up this to speak at Wednesday night's public hearing. Organizers expect it could last well past midnight.

More at the Source:

This neighbor makes Nancy Lanza and her son sound like pariahs in their community. Very sad all around.
A safe firearms storage law can be enforced in much the same way as many other health, safety and fire codes. Inspections are not random, they are based on probable cause or happen after an incident.

If a kid takes a handgun to his second grade class, it's clear his parents were not following the safe storage laws. Prosecute the parents and others might get the message.

Great idea WARRIOR...That would strike fear in parents owning guns in the home

And how about taking it one step further, make gun makers put on key code passwords so only the gun owners/parents can unlock the gun?
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