Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #10

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Don't forget there were also reports of him going out and playing the Dance Dance Revolution games and being very good at them. I wonder if his isolation was self-imposed or if maybe NL thought it was in his best interest as he got older? I wonder why he didn't continue his college courses especially considering there are so many online options.

That is what I have wondered too. The more I think about this, I think Adam Lanza did not like being isolated. I wonder if Adam Lanza killed Nancy Lanza because he saw her as being too much a busybody for him. The way he killed her mother is someone with deep anger towards her.

I wonder if Adam Lanza was inspired by Columbine and Virginia Tech Massacre. He would of been 7 when Columbine and 15 when Virginia Tech happened. I know Seung-Hui Cho mentioned Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold in his manifesto.
Elizabeth F. Crowley

Daily Campus Reporter Cannot Track Down the Researchers Studying Adam Lanza's DNA

Posted on January 28, 2013 at 1:20 pm

If you had the opportunity to pick up a copy of The Daily Campus today or stopped by our home page, you would have noticed that our lead story is a topic that many news outlets have writing about since mid-December: the Sandy Hook shooting.

CNN, The Associated Press and the LA Times reported last month that UConn geneticists would be studying Adam Lanza’s DNA.

Oddly enough, the UConn genetics department does not seem to know that.

Senior Staff Writer Loumarie Rodriguez reported today that Linda Strausbaugh, director of the Center for Applied Genetics and Technology at Storrs, is not involved in the study and does not have any information about it.

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:( :( :(
Reliving Horror and Faint Hope at Massacre Site

Karsten Moran for The New York Times


Early responders at Sandy Hook Elementary included, from left: Lt. Christopher Vanghele, Officer Jason Flynn, Officer Leonard Penna, Detective Jason Frank and Officer William Chapman.


Published: January 28, 2013

NEWTOWN, Conn. — The gunfire ended; it was so quiet they could hear the broken glass and bullet casings scraping under their boots. The smell of gunpowder filled the air. The officers turned down their radios; they did not want to give away their positions if there was still a gunman present.

They found the two women first, their bodies lying on the lobby floor. Now they knew it was real. But nothing, no amount of training, could prepare them for what they found next, inside those two classrooms.

“One look, and your life was absolutely changed,” said Michael McGowan, one of the first police officers to arrive at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14, as a gunman, in the space of minutes, killed 20 first graders and 6 adults.


“You saw them lifeless, laying down,” Officer Penna recalled. “For a split second, your mind says could this be a mock crime scene, could this be fake, but in the next split second, you’re saying, there is no way. This is real.”

The officers went from room to room, urgently hunting for the killer before he could do more harm.

They found a wounded staff member in one room, made sure her co-workers were applying proper first aid and moved on.

As Officers Chapman and Smith approached the second classroom in the hallway on their left, they spotted a rifle on the floor. Inside, they found the gunman, Adam Lanza, dead by his own hand, along with the bodies of several children and other adults.


Officer Penna, who was the first officer to enter the second room, found a girl standing alone amid the bodies. She appeared to be in shock, and was covered in blood, but had not been injured. He, not knowing the gunman had been found, told her to stay put...

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:( :( :(
Reliving Horror and Faint Hope at Massacre Site

Karsten Moran for The New York Times


Early responders at Sandy Hook Elementary included, from left: Lt. Christopher Vanghele, Officer Jason Flynn, Officer Leonard Penna, Detective Jason Frank and Officer William Chapman.


Published: January 28, 2013

NEWTOWN, Conn. — The gunfire ended; it was so quiet they could hear the broken glass and bullet casings scraping under their boots. The smell of gunpowder filled the air. The officers turned down their radios; they did not want to give away their positions if there was still a gunman present.

They found the two women first, their bodies lying on the lobby floor. Now they knew it was real. But nothing, no amount of training, could prepare them for what they found next, inside those two classrooms.

“One look, and your life was absolutely changed,” said Michael McGowan, one of the first police officers to arrive at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14, as a gunman, in the space of minutes, killed 20 first graders and 6 adults.


“You saw them lifeless, laying down,” Officer Penna recalled. “For a split second, your mind says could this be a mock crime scene, could this be fake, but in the next split second, you’re saying, there is no way. This is real.”

The officers went from room to room, urgently hunting for the killer before he could do more harm.

They found a wounded staff member in one room, made sure her co-workers were applying proper first aid and moved on.

As Officers Chapman and Smith approached the second classroom in the hallway on their left, they spotted a rifle on the floor. Inside, they found the gunman, Adam Lanza, dead by his own hand, along with the bodies of several children and other adults.


Officer Penna, who was the first officer to enter the second room, found a girl standing alone amid the bodies. She appeared to be in shock, and was covered in blood, but had not been injured. He, not knowing the gunman had been found, told her to stay put...

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I thought I was ready to come back here, to read and discuss and try to sort out the truth from the bad reporting, early reports and premature rush to the presses. I wasn't ready.

God bless this town, their officers, the families, the children and the adults that fought so hard to protect them. May they rest easy, whether they are in this world or the next.

I won't say how I feel about the Truthers that want to scream "Conspiracy! It never happened." I will say that I hope they let the families, children, teachers, and officers, as well as the rest of this previously idyllic little town rest, mourn, grieve, and maybe, one day, move on.
Newtown police chief meets with Obama

Charles J. Lewis

Published 7:19 pm, Monday, January 28, 2013

WASHINGTON -- President Obama met Monday with the police chief of Newtown and other law enforcement officers from around the country to urge congressional approval of gun measures that he said would prevent more mass violence.

Obama invited Newtown Police Chief Michael Kehoe and the others to the White House to tout the administration's efforts to set stricter rules for gun ownership in the aftermath of the Dec. 14 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School, where 20 students and six adults were murdered by a lone gunman.

Also at the meeting was John Edwards, police chief from Oak Creek, Wis., where six people were killed in a shooting rampage at a Sikh temple last August; Daniel Oates, police chief at Aurora, Colo., where a gunman shot and killed 12 moviegoers last July; and Robert Villasenor, police chief from Tucson, Ariz., near where then-Rep. Gabby Giffords, D-Ariz., was shot and six others were killed by a gunman.

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Newtown expands scope of planned children's museum

Published: January 29, 2013 Updated 1 hour ago
By PAT EATON-ROBB — Associated Press

NEWTOWN, Conn. — Months before she was killed in a gunman's rampage, Sandy Hook Elementary School Principal Dawn Hochsprung wrote a letter expressing her excitement over an effort to bring a children's museum to Newtown.

At the time, the proposal was fairly modest: a building of perhaps 20,000 square feet would provide art and science programs for area children.

Since last month's massacre, the plan has become more ambitious, with museums around the country collecting donations and organizers looking to renovate a 52,000-square-foot building to host the new learning center. A capital campaign that was to begin in the spring will start right away, with hopes of raising $10 million instead of the original $4 million.

"The need for the children's museum, which everyone thought was a great idea before, became almost a necessity," said Kristin Chiriatti, the museum's president. "People understood that the children will need a place to heal. We have so many children who are scared to go to school now and may have lifelong poor associations with learning."

It will still be a community museum, Chiriatti said, but it will also be a destination point for southwestern Connecticut.


Chiriatti said they hope to have their museum opened by the end of 2015.

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We Need to Talk About Mental Health Even If It's Only a Sideshow to the Gun Control Debate

By Fawn Johnson, January 24, 2013 | 8:10 p.m.

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Mental Health Dilemma Supersedes Gun Control Debate

Posted by Amanda Bland on January 28, 2013

After the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook, which followed many other shooting tragedies, opinions regarding gun control reached excessive crescendos. Some voices in the crowd mentioned mental illness out of logical obligation, but not out of any sincere desire to substantively jump-start a discussion on mental health. Recognition of the mental health component is belatedly showing signs of life.

Mental illness is a legitimate medical condition that has public safety implications. Policymakers need to listen to individuals and families that are plagued with this illness before meaningful reform can take place. There are several reasons why this is a crucial first step:

1) Not all mental illness is created equally—broad legislation may have unintended consequences for HIPPA privacy laws, and 2nd amendment rights for those who have minor, manageable symptoms

2) Those who exhibit more violent psychosis are often those who are unaware, not seeking treatment; or they are caught in a never-ending cycle:

3) Current state and federal laws have yet to find effective measures in addressing more serious situational and cyclical cases of mental illness:

Treatment--> Abandoning Treatment--> Law-Breaking (due to psychosis)--> Incarceration--> Mandatory Treatment--> etc...

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The NY TIMES article is well written, touching and heart breaking. I needed kleenex.
:( :( :(
Reliving Horror and Faint Hope at Massacre Site

Karsten Moran for The New York Times


Early responders at Sandy Hook Elementary included, from left: Lt. Christopher Vanghele, Officer Jason Flynn, Officer Leonard Penna, Detective Jason Frank and Officer William Chapman.


Published: January 28, 2013

NEWTOWN, Conn. — The gunfire ended; it was so quiet they could hear the broken glass and bullet casings scraping under their boots. The smell of gunpowder filled the air. The officers turned down their radios; they did not want to give away their positions if there was still a gunman present.

They found the two women first, their bodies lying on the lobby floor. Now they knew it was real. But nothing, no amount of training, could prepare them for what they found next, inside those two classrooms.

“One look, and your life was absolutely changed,” said Michael McGowan, one of the first police officers to arrive at Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec. 14, as a gunman, in the space of minutes, killed 20 first graders and 6 adults.


“You saw them lifeless, laying down,” Officer Penna recalled. “For a split second, your mind says could this be a mock crime scene, could this be fake, but in the next split second, you’re saying, there is no way. This is real.”

The officers went from room to room, urgently hunting for the killer before he could do more harm.

They found a wounded staff member in one room, made sure her co-workers were applying proper first aid and moved on.

As Officers Chapman and Smith approached the second classroom in the hallway on their left, they spotted a rifle on the floor. Inside, they found the gunman, Adam Lanza, dead by his own hand, along with the bodies of several children and other adults.


Officer Penna, who was the first officer to enter the second room, found a girl standing alone amid the bodies. She appeared to be in shock, and was covered in blood, but had not been injured. He, not knowing the gunman had been found, told her to stay put...

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A well-written article. This part jumped out at me:

Most of the bodies were found in the classroom next door, where, Detective Frank recalled, “the teacher had them huddled up like a mother hen — simple as that, in a corner.”

Part of me has always thought that with Lauren Rousseau being a sub and unable to lock her door I always imagined that it must have been chaos in her room. Part of me hoped that she had put up a fight, that the kids tried to flee... Learning that they were huddled in a corner and that AL was so evil that he shot them as they just sat there... :furious:
Sandy Hook Parents’ Testimony to Legislature Reflects Divide on Guns

Among those to testify Monday were parents of some of the youngest Newtown victims, who took opposing sides.

“The sole purpose of those AR-15s or AK-47s is to put a lot of lead out on the battlefield quickly, and that’s what they do and that’s what they did at Sandy Hook Elementary School,” said Neil Heslin, whose 6-year-old son, Jesse Lewis, was a victim. Mr. Heslin told lawmakers that he had grown up around guns and was the son of an avid hunter, but that he believed that there was no reason any citizen should have an assault-style weapon like the one used to kill his son.

“That wasn’t just a killing. That was a massacre,” he said. “Those children and those victims were shot apart. And my son was one of them.”

But Mark Mattioli, whose son James, 6, was also killed at Sandy Hook Elementary on Dec. 14, said: “I believe in a few simple gun laws. I think we have more than enough on the books. We should hold people individually accountable for their actions.”

Mr. Mattioli said he also thought some liberals were using the attack in Newtown to spread fear on gun issues.

“The problem is not gun laws,” he added. “The problem is a lack of civility.”
Newtown parents urge enforcement of gun laws

Neil Heslin, whose son Jesse was killed in last month's massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary, asked people in the room to put themselves in his position as he questioned the need for any civilian to own semiautomatic, military-style weapons.

"It's not a good feeling. Not a good feeling to look at your child laying in a casket or looking at your child with a bullet wound to the forehead. It's a real sad thing," said Heslin, who held up a large framed photograph of himself and his son.

A handful of people at the packed legislative hearing then shouted about their Second Amendment rights when Heslin asked if anyone could provide a reason for a civilian to own an assault-style weapon.

"We're all entitled to our own opinions and I respect their opinions and their thoughts," Heslin said. "But I wish they'd respect mine and give it a little bit of thought."
The Sandy Hook Tragedy: An Inquisitive Visit to Newtown, Connecticut

By Global Research News
Global Research, January 29, 2013
Text and Photos by Scott DeLarm
Edited by Prof. James F. Tracy

My partner and I became fed up with the mainstream media’s depiction of what took place in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012.

So on January 20 we traveled there from our home in Ottawa, Canada in an effort to visit the sites and respectfully approach the locals.

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Dustin Hoffman Unloads On The Movie Industry For Glamorizing Gun Violence

January 29th, 2013 10:50am EST

Dustin Hoffman has waded into the debate over gun control laws by accusing movie directors of desensitizing audiences with a "fraudulent" depiction of real life violence and discriminating against actors who refuse to use firearms onscreen.

The Graduate star has spoken out in the aftermath of the devastating shooting at Connecticut's Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown on December 14th, when 20 young children and six adults were gunned down. The massacre prompted calls for politicians to tighten the country's firearms laws to prevent another rampage, and also sparked debate over whether gun violence on the big screen is linked to the high number of shootings in America.

Hoffman insists he has always hated handling weapons onscreen and has only carried guns in a few of his movie roles, including Straw Dogs, Hook and Little Big Man, as he feels moviemakers shouldn't use violence to thrill viewers. The actor reveals his hatred of firearms began in the 1960s when a theatre colleague threatened to shoot him in a dispute over work.

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Gun Makers Walk Fine Line At Hartford Hearing

January 28, 2013 | Dan Haar

They have been largely silent these past six weeks as the debate over gun control has grown nastier. But they are the elephant in the firearms room, and Monday they came together publicly for the first time anywhere since the Newtown tragedy.

And for the people who run the companies that make guns — including AR-15 rifles and magazines — the message could not have been clearer: We are human, we are your neighbors, we are the backbone of your economy and we want to be in the discussion.

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True believers in a firearm fantasy

By: Gene Lyons - National Commentary -
Created: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 8:25 a.m. CST

Conceived in a dream of reason, what the Internet too often reveals is mass credulousness and fathomless irrationality. According to Salon’s Alex Seitz-Wald, a video depicting the Newtown, Conn., elementary school massacre as a government-sponsored hoax has drawn 8.5 million views on YouTube.

No doubt many viewers were drawn by idle curiosity or sheer incredulity. What would “evidence” for so transparently preposterous an allegation consist of? Nevertheless, there appear to be thousands of True Believers.

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One last victim of shootings -- town name

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Having your town's name synonymous with an evil act adds to the pain and casts shadows.

I LIVE IN Newtown, Conn. Most of you have heard of my town by now.

It's a sweet place, with a $2 movie theater, a two-hour Labor Day parade and an old-fashioned general store. Our 100-foot flagpole stands tall in the middle of Main Street, a symbol of our small-town-America status...

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The Sandy Hook Tragedy: An Inquisitive Visit to Newtown, Connecticut

By Global Research News
Global Research, January 29, 2013
Text and Photos by Scott DeLarm
Edited by Prof. James F. Tracy

My partner and I became fed up with the mainstream media’s depiction of what took place in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012.

So on January 20 we traveled there from our home in Ottawa, Canada in an effort to visit the sites and respectfully approach the locals.

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The fact that this piece appears at the global research website as well as the memory hole blog, the talk wisdom blog, and that it is edited by the Florida whacko professor, James Tracy should be a good indication that it is geared to the conspiracy theorists. The so-called fantasy couple from Ottawa qualify in my book as intruders. They need to go back to Canada and mind their own business.

The only thing the global site left out was the reference to the satanic aspect lurking in Sandy Hook.
The Sandy Hook Tragedy: An Inquisitive Visit to Newtown, Connecticut

By Global Research News
Global Research, January 29, 2013
Text and Photos by Scott DeLarm
Edited by Prof. James F. Tracy

My partner and I became fed up with the mainstream media’s depiction of what took place in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012.

So on January 20 we traveled there from our home in Ottawa, Canada in an effort to visit the sites and respectfully approach the locals.

More at the Source:

I do not how to say this kindly. I know a person from Newtown through a friend.

I cannot stomach the thought that people think a whole town is conspiring to cover up and pretend about this massacre.

As far as the reception this Canadian got, I am surprised that he did not get escorted out of town. I can only imagine how many nuts have come to the town and how many crazy things and rumors they have had to put up with.
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