Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #11

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March 20, 2013

The N.R.A. Wins Again

Posted by Alex Koppelman

After Sandy Hook, after twenty children were shot and killed at a place where they should have been safe from all harm, there was some optimism among supporters of gun control: perhaps now, finally, both Democrats and Republicans could see the light—and the suffering—and revive the assault-weapons ban. It was a futile hope.

Less than a week after Adam Lanza shot up an elementary school, it was already basically clear that an assault-weapons ban could not pass Congress—that it probably couldn’t even get through the Democratic-controlled Senate, never mind the House. So it was hardly a surprise when, three months later, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid announced that the ban would be removed from a larger gun-control package that is making its way through the upper chamber and given a separate vote that it will not survive. The scale of the defeat suffered by the ban’s supporters, though, is shocking. This wasn’t a close call; it was a body blow.


On Tuesday, Reid told reporters that, “using the most optimistic numbers,” the ban sponsored by Senator Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat of California, will come to the floor with “less than forty” yes votes. If that’s true, it means that of the senators who were on the fence and might theoretically have been persuaded to support the legislation—there may have been as many as fifteen of them, and perhaps more—Feinstein and her allies lost almost every single one.

Media, lawmakers seek Lanza documents

John Pirro and Ken Dixon

Updated 10:16 pm, Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Attorneys representing The News-Times and several other media companies are asking a judge to make public documents related to the investigation of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, if a state prosecutor tries to keep them secret.

In a motion filed in state Superior Court in Danbury, the newspapers' lawyers asked to intervene if State's Attorney Stephen Sedensky III seeks to extend the current 90-day order sealing search warrant affidavits for the cars of gunman Adam Lanza and his mother, Nancy, as well as the Yogananda Street home where they lived in Newtown.

Sedensky told The News-Times on Wednesday that he has made a decision on whether he will ask for an extension, but was not prepared to reveal it.

Among the information that would likely be revealed if the warrants are unsealed are inventories of items that State Police investigators found when they searched the house and vehicles.

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I'm very familiar with Lupica and, while I'm usually the skeptic here regarding anonymous sources, I believe every single word in this article.
Parents of 6-year-old girl killed in Newtown school massacre victim met with gunman’s father

It was unclear what they discussed or when the meeting took place. CBS plans to show the rest of the interview with Alissa and Robbie Parker on Friday morning, revealing more details about their meeting with Peter Lanza.

The Parkers’ 6-year-old daughter, Emilie, died in December’s shooting rampage. They tell CBS they wanted to ask Peter Lanza about his son’s medical history and other issues.

Alissa Parker blogged the other day about her depression since Emilie's death. It's heartbreaking to read. :(
I often have issues with Michael Moore, but this?

Michael Moore calls for gun legislation: "There will be an Aurora next month, and there'll be a Sandy Hook the month after that."

It's so very true. And it breaks my heart.
I like Michael Moore for the most part, but he's failing to see that gun legislation wouldn't have helped with Sandy Hook, because the guns were purchased legally by a mother who was either in denial or terribly misguided about what was wrong with her son or what he was capable of.
Parents of 6-year-old girl killed in Newtown school massacre victim met with gunman’s father

It was unclear what they discussed or when the meeting took place. CBS plans to show the rest of the interview with Alissa and Robbie Parker on Friday morning, revealing more details about their meeting with Peter Lanza.

No one answered the phone at the Parkers’ home Thursday morning. A message seeking comment from Peter Lanza was left with a Lanza family spokesman.

The Parkers told CBS they wanted to ask Peter Lanza about his son’s medical history, his and his ex-wife’s relationships with Adam Lanza and other issues.

Same source:
Gun Manufacturer Threatens to Leave Connecticut After People Are Mean to Him Because of Sandy Hook

Mar 21, 2013 7:50 PM

Cord Jefferson

For seven years now, Dennis Veilleux has held leadership positions at Colt, a Connecticut-based company whose sole reason for existence is to manufacture weapons designed to kill things. In December, using a gun modeled after Colt's trademarked AR-15 semiautomatic rifle, a man named Adam Lanza stormed Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, and killed 26 people, 20 of whom were children. Naturally, the massacre of dozens of Connecticut's most innocent citizens has made some residents question their state's relationship with guns. The governor of Connecticut, Dannel Malloy, has gone so far as to say he'd like to see stricter state gun laws enacted, perhaps even a ban on the AR-15-type rifle used by Lanza in his rampage.

How does Veilleaux, who is now Colt's president and CEO, respond to the misgivings his fellow Connecticuters are having about guns in the wake of tragedy? Why, by threatening to move his company and the jobs it provides to a different state, of course.

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This is why background checks will never be enough and the weapons themselves need to be restricted:

The police in Connecticut believe that Lanza’s mother, a gun lover herself, was an enabler of her son’s increasing obsession with guns, that she was making straw purchases of guns for him all along, and ignoring the fact that he was getting more and more fixated on them.

But this entire article just makes me realise how much worse this problem is than it was even 10 years ago .. it's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets any better. Right now someone like Adam Lanza is out there watching all of this and feeling inspired by him, upping his game, thinking about those spreadsheets and feeling impressed by his research.

And in the meantime gun sales are going up and up, and nothing is changing for the better.

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State Offered Development Deal To Makers Of Gun Used In Newtown Massacre

By JON LENDER, - The Hartford Courant - 6:22 p.m. EDT, March 19, 2013

Eight days before Adam Lanza used a Bushmaster AR-15 semiautomatic rifle to kill 26 children and women on Dec. 14 at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, state officials offered the manufacturer of the gun a development deal to move its corporate headquarters to Connecticut.

On Dec. 6, a top state economic development official sent the Freedom Group an offer for a $1 million loan at the low annual interest rate of 2 percent for 10 years — plus other incentives for the company to move its headquarters, with 25 top executives, from Madison, N.C., to Stamford.

The department withdrew the offer on Dec. 18, four days after the Newtown massacre, according to records released in response to a Courant freedom of information request.

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Newtown parents describe meeting with killer's dad

2 hours ago

NEWTOWN, Conn. (AP) — When Alissa and Robbie Parker met face to face recently with the father of the young man who killed their daughter and 19 other first-graders at Sandy Hook Elementary School, they weren't angry with him and didn't blame him for the massacre.

Instead, the Parkers said they and Peter Lanza shared their condolences for one another and talked about his son, Adam Lanza, during the emotional meeting, which lasted more than an hour.

"I don't feel like he should be held responsible for what happened that day," Alissa Parker told "CBS This Morning" during the second part of an interview that aired Friday. "That was not ultimately his decision to do that, so how can I hold him responsible? Were there missteps in the raising of his son? Possibly."...
Having high tech scanners on guns that allow only the purchaser to use it would help.

America's obsession with guns is perverse. As an American living in a country for awhile that does not allow guns, the difference in life is palpable.
I think us immigrating from Russia to Canada ... rather than to US was a good decision, lol ... :)

Even though, Canada, SURELY, has enough of problems also, I will admit :rolleyes:
The parents of a six-year-old girl who was gunned down in the Newtown massacre have described the emotional moment they met with the father of her killer, revealing they 'just talked as parents'.

Robbie and Alissa Parker met with Peter Lanza for more than an hour on January 23, just over a month after his son Adam shot dead their daughter Emilie and 25 others at her school.

They encouraged the meeting as part of their grieving process and because they felt Peter Lanza held some of the answers to their questions, they revealed on CBS This Morning.

'He had the most information about [Adam's] medical history, things that he had gone through,' Alissa Parker said in an interview that aired on Friday.

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Hmmmm... :rolleyes:

This is why background checks will never be enough and the weapons themselves need to be restricted:

But this entire article just makes me realise how much worse this problem is than it was even 10 years ago .. it's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets any better. Right now someone like Adam Lanza is out there watching all of this and feeling inspired by him, upping his game, thinking about those spreadsheets and feeling impressed by his research.

And in the meantime gun sales are going up and up, and nothing is changing for the better.

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You raise some good points.

I'm someone who is scared of guns, never held a firearm that wasn't a Star Wars blaster (when I was like 7), I've never really found a need or desire to. That being said I also support the rights afforded to citizens by the Constitution and the specific process to alter said rights.

I live in a city where guns are essentially banned/illegal. And this city has a gun crime rate which frankly is scary; the murders here last year were the most in the US, yet no one seems to care about those victims...

I went to college in DC who at the time also had Chicago-like gun restrictions and the crime/murder rate was mind boggling. I've had a firearm pointed at me and ordered "Just give me your money, give be your f'ing money" but my friend who I was with thought fast and simultaneously sprinted away. The police caught the guy that night and I'll never forget the sergeant's words "You two are the dumbest kids I've ever met, you're also the luckiest; when we recovered the weapon it was clear that he tried to fire at you but the weapon jammed."

The issues with any kind of violent, deviant behavior are both mental and environmental. Mental related to psychological issues and the tools to manage such issues. Environmental related to the living, breathing culture which one is immersed. If either or both spur one to commit acts which most of us could never imagine, they are going to do whatever it takes to follow through with it.

It troubles me that the national conversation is not focused on confronting the cultural/environmental and mental issues that seem to be at the heart of senseless violence and countless funerals. Real change can occur and progress can be made through a national movement to understand and alleviate such issues. Instead the national conversation is focused on a band aid solution which only sharply divides the public and doesn't do much to help the problem. That national conversation confronting the cultural and mental issues to find real solutions to these problems would not only untie the public, help and empower people but also save lives; I'm afraid such a national dialogue will never occur...
This is why background checks will never be enough and the weapons themselves need to be restricted:

But this entire article just makes me realise how much worse this problem is than it was even 10 years ago .. it's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets any better. Right now someone like Adam Lanza is out there watching all of this and feeling inspired by him, upping his game, thinking about those spreadsheets and feeling impressed by his research.

And in the meantime gun sales are going up and up, and nothing is changing for the better.

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What investigators found was a chilling spreadsheet 7 feet long and 4 feet wide that required a special printer, a document that contained Lanza’s obsessive, extensive research — in nine-point font — about mass murders of the past, and even attempted murders....“We were told (Lanza) had around 500 people on this sheet,” a law enforcement veteran told me Saturday night. “Names and the number of people killed and the weapons that were used, even the precise make and model of the weapons. It had to have taken years.

...“They have pictures from two years before, with the guy all strapped with weapons, posing with a pistol to his head. That’s the thing you have to understand: He had this laid out for years before.”

....“He didn’t snap that day, he wasn’t one of those guys who was mad as hell and wasn’t going to take it anymore,”

...plastic that covered his own windows in Newtown,

How did NL not know about things like this ... and where did he print this out or did he have a special printer. 500 people on the spreadsheet. Was it taped on his wall in the basement?
Newtown father to throw out first pitch

By T.R. Sullivan / | 03/22/2013 4:23 PM ET

SURPRISE, Ariz. -- The Rangers announced on Thursday that Robbie Parker will throw out the ceremonial first pitch before the home opener against the Angels on April 5 at Rangers Ballpark. Parker is the father of 6-year-old Emilie Parker, who was killed in the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., on Dec. 14. Twenty children and six adults died as a result of the shootings.

Parker is from North Texas and a lifelong Rangers fan. Through the efforts of several local baseball websites -- including the Newberg Report, Lone Star Ball and Baseball Time in Arlington -- thousands of dollars have been donated by individuals in North Texas to Emilie's Fund, which assisted families of those impacted by the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

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