Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #11

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Newtown seeks to deny newspapers access to death certificates

By Ralph Lopez, Feb 21, 2013

The Newtown, Connecticut Town Clerk is seeking to deny newspapers from viewing public record death certificates of Sandy Hook victims, according to the Newtown Bee.

The Clerk maintains that access to vital records such as death and marriage certificates should be limited to immediate family members or their representatives, and has undertaken to change present law.

The New York Post, the Connecticut Post, the Associated Press, the Hartford Courant, and other media have put forth requests for official death certificates of Sandy Hook victims, the Newton Bee report says. Newtown Town Clerk Debbie Aurelia says she is working with State Representatives Dan Carter, Mitch Bolinsky, and the leadership of the state association of town clerks to craft state legislation:

"that would provide the press and public with limited directory information from death and marriage records, but would withhold the actual death and marriage certificates."

Death certificates are part of vital public records, which also include birth and marriage certificates. They are public domain documents used, ultimately, to determine official recognition of presence or past presence in civil society. They also serve as a mechanism for upholding the integrity of information in which there is a public interest, as it relates to voting, citizenship, and receiving public benefits. Abuses of voting processes involving voters who, unbeknownst to the public, are actually dead, are legendary.

Death certificates typically contain little information about manner of death beyond categories such as "natural cause," "homicide," "accident," "suicide," or "other." News organizations utilize such records in crime reporting as a standard part of normal, often tedious, fact-checking procedures. Death certificates also contain the sworn statement of the medical examiner.

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If they are flush with donations, maybe the humanitarian thing to do would be to use the funds to easy establish a positive program for youth to stay out of gangs and end senseless violence in... I don't know maybe a city whose senseless killings of children far outweighs Newtown... Chicago. Brand it in memory of the Newtown victims and do something meaningful with all this money.

Newtown wrestles with decisions about where donations should go

Dirk Perrefort, Published 10:16 pm, Saturday, March 16, 2013


The Sandy Hook Elementary School is viewed from the playground area, Friday, March 15, 2013. Photo: Carol Kaliff

Three months after Brian Rohrbough's only son was shot to death at Columbine High School, his family, like others whose children were slain, received a check for $50,000. For each family, it was a little more than 1 percent of the $4.4 million Healing Fund established after the high school shooting.

Rohrbough and many others were outraged.

"It's not about how much money I received," he said. "The truth is, when people donated this money, they expected it to go to the families."

What happened after the 1999 Columbine shootings hasn't gone unnoticed by the 26 families who lost children or loved ones in the Dec. 14 rampage at Sandy Hook Elementary School. They are watching as local officials begin the process of divvying up $10.2 million collected for the Sandy Hook School Support Fund.

Newtown is about to go through a wrenching new chapter in the shooting aftermath, one that will sternly test community unity and the town's aching hopes for healing.

Who gets the money that poured in, some in Ziploc bags filled with pennies, some in the form of six-figure checks from corporations, during the days and weeks following the nation's second-worst school shooting?

And, just as importantly, who doesn't?

Read more: - includes gallery of fresh (March 15, 2013) Newtown, Sandy Hook photos
It is about the money, wow... jmo i think donations to cover funeral expenses is nice -a good thing.
But beyond that -i don't like it so much - put the money in a trust so people across the country can bury their loved ones lost to violence. If i lost my child - i would accept the money but i would need to pay it forward(and i'm dirt poor).

And those many charities- somebody always gets paid-they have expences you know. i used to volunteer for habitat for humanity, i was pissed off one day because i was sorting cans and bottles in the snow and they would not supply a rain jacket(that we all could use or disposable gloves. So i googled, Habitat CEO's make $300,000 a year plus expenses, non profit-theres always a profit JMO MOO
Newtown wrestles with decisions about where donations should go

Dirk Perrefort, Published 10:16 pm, Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Sandy Hook Elementary School is viewed from the playground area, Friday, March 15, 2013. Photo: Carol Kaliff

Three months after Brian Rohrbough's only son was shot to death at Columbine High School, his family, like others whose children were slain, received a check for $50,000. For each family, it was a little more than 1 percent of the $4.4 million Healing Fund established after the high school shooting.

Rohrbough and many others were outraged.

"It's not about how much money I received," he said. "The truth is, when people donated this money, they expected it to go to the families."

What happened after the 1999 Columbine shootings hasn't gone unnoticed by the 26 families who lost children or loved ones in the Dec. 14 rampage at Sandy Hook Elementary School. They are watching as local officials begin the process of divvying up $10.2 million collected for the Sandy Hook School Support Fund.

Newtown is about to go through a wrenching new chapter in the shooting aftermath, one that will sternly test community unity and the town's aching hopes for healing.

Who gets the money that poured in, some in Ziploc bags filled with pennies, some in the form of six-figure checks from corporations, during the days and weeks following the nation's second-worst school shooting?

And, just as importantly, who doesn't?

Read more: - includes gallery of fresh (March 15, 2013) Newtown, Sandy Hook photos

I hate that. They should publicly announce the amounts received and shut it down if they have enough to give the families. I'm adamantly against anyone collecting all these funds fromt he public and later saying, oh, wow, we have so much money now we have to find something to do with it.

And, nao... I agree with everything you said. Nonprofits like Goodwill pay their execs a ton of money ... I won't even donate to them anymore and I get mad when you shop there and they want to keep the change as a donation.

Goodwill CEO Miller highest-paid in state

"After the 18-month investigation, the Department of Justice concluded that (Michael) Miller’s pay was “unreasonable.” He subsequently agreed to a 24 percent pay cut from $831,508 to $634,477."
Newtown wrestles with decisions about where donations should go

Dirk Perrefort, Published 10:16 pm, Saturday, March 16, 2013


The Sandy Hook Elementary School is viewed from the playground area, Friday, March 15, 2013. Photo: Carol Kaliff

Three months after Brian Rohrbough's only son was shot to death at Columbine High School, his family, like others whose children were slain, received a check for $50,000. For each family, it was a little more than 1 percent of the $4.4 million Healing Fund established after the high school shooting.

Rohrbough and many others were outraged.

"It's not about how much money I received," he said. "The truth is, when people donated this money, they expected it to go to the families."

What happened after the 1999 Columbine shootings hasn't gone unnoticed by the 26 families who lost children or loved ones in the Dec. 14 rampage at Sandy Hook Elementary School. They are watching as local officials begin the process of divvying up $10.2 million collected for the Sandy Hook School Support Fund.

Newtown is about to go through a wrenching new chapter in the shooting aftermath, one that will sternly test community unity and the town's aching hopes for healing.

Who gets the money that poured in, some in Ziploc bags filled with pennies, some in the form of six-figure checks from corporations, during the days and weeks following the nation's second-worst school shooting?

And, just as importantly, who doesn't?

Read more: - includes gallery of fresh (March 15, 2013) Newtown, Sandy Hook photos

Thanks Darkman.

If you remember there was shenanigans with the donations to the Aurora movie theatre shooting victims / victims families. The donations weren't going to any of the intended recipients and victims and their families needed to hold a public press conference to get the issue resolved.

As far as Newtown, it would be much more meaningful and leave a greater legacy if they used all this excess money on outreach programs to help prevent tragedies like Sandy Hook from happening again. Whether it is a program to dissuade inner city kids from joining gangs; a summer camp for troubled youth and/or young siblings of murder victims; or even a research center to study the causes of such senseless violence... A carousel will eventually rust and deteriorate, investing in programs aimed at stopping future tragedies from occurring will leave a profound legacy.
I hate that. They should publicly announce the amounts received and shut it down if they have enough to give the families. I'm adamantly against anyone collecting all these funds fromt he public and later saying, oh, wow, we have so much money now we have to find something to do with it.

And, nao... I agree with everything you said. Nonprofits like Goodwill pay their execs a ton of money ... I won't even donate to them anymore and I get mad when you shop there and they want to keep the change as a donation.

Goodwill CEO Miller highest-paid in state

"After the 18-month investigation, the Department of Justice concluded that (Michael) Miller’s pay was “unreasonable.” He subsequently agreed to a 24 percent pay cut from $831,508 to $634,477."
Yes.. and I think there was a show on TV, an investigative show .. not long ago .. on Red Cross etc...

You should see the amount of money those people "on top" are paying to themselves ... in a form of a salary etc :(

Adam Lanza planned his Sandy Hook massacre in meticulous detail on a chilling 7ft long spreadsheet that police believe was used to keep score of killings, it was revealed today.

Connecticut State Police found the 4ft wide document in Lanza's harddrive that was so big it required a special printer after the December 14 attack that left 26 people dead.

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From an anonymous police source:

“They don’t believe this was just a spreadsheet. They believe it was a score sheet,” he continued. “This was the work of a video gamer, and that it was his intent to put his own name at the very top of that list. They believe that he picked an elementary school because he felt it was a point of least resistance, where he could rack up the greatest number of kills. That’s what (the Connecticut police) believe.”

The man paused and said, “They believe that (Lanza) believed that it was the way to pick up the easiest points. It’s why he didn’t want to be killed by law enforcement. In the code of a gamer, even a deranged gamer like this little *advertiser censored*, if somebody else kills you, they get your points. They believe that’s why he killed himself.

“They have pictures from two years before, with the guy all strapped with weapons, posing with a pistol to his head. That’s the thing you have to understand: He had this laid out for years before.”

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Col. Danny Stebbins of the Connecticut State Police, who was giving the presentation that day, was far more restrained in addressing Lanza’s history of playing first-person shooter games. While he talked about how Lanza’s “tactical reload” strategy may have been something he learned from a video game, he also discussed Nancy Lanza’s “straw purchases” of weapons for her son, enabling and training his “gun obsession”:

“[Nancy Lanza] was making straw purchases of guns for him all along, and ignoring the fact that he was getting more and more fixated on them.”
Cops: Adam Lanza plotted Newtown shootings and carefully researched mass murders

Published: Monday, March 18, 2013, By Mark Zaretsky, / Twitter: @markzar

A state police spokesman called it “unfortunate” Monday that details of a state police official’s presentation on the Sandy Hook shooting investigation, which suggested the shooter may have planned the massacre well in advance, leaked out before it had been shared with the victims’ families.

But in a written statement, Lt. J. Paul Vance did not take issue with specifics of the report that Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter Adam Lanza planned the massacre in obsessive detail on a 7-foot-long, 4-foot-wide spreadsheet.


Vance would not comment on details of the column. In the past he has pointed out when published information was wrong.

“The Connecticut state Police is not releasing further information in regards to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings at this time,” Vance said in a written update. The seminar Stebbins spoke at “was designed for law enforcement professionals only,” Vance said.

“Law enforcement sensitive information was discussed dealing with tactical operational approaches by first responders on the day of the shootings,” he said. “Officer safety and public safety along with lessons learned from the incident were discussed.

“Following each tragic mass murder incident in this country it is customary for law enforcement to share their lessons learned from the investigation so that other law enforcement agencies can learn,’” Vance said. He said that “the families of the victims continue to be a priority in this investigation” and “it is unfortunate that someone in attendance chose not to honor Col. Stebbins’ request to respect the families’ right to know specifics of the investigation first.”

Vance said the final state police investigation report “is still several months away.” He would not comment further.

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What a sick *advertiser censored* Adam was.

I wholeheartedly agree. And an enabled one too. How sad for the families to find out this wasn't an act of opportunity, some kid snapping or some fluke. It was a carefully plotted mass murder, assisted by someone who should have known better.

I think she knew how evil he was and that's why nobody could come to the house and why she kept her life secret.

I'm actually afraid to see the final report when it comes out because I don't think we could even imagine how sick he was.
Sandy Hook Advisory Commission recommends tighter gun laws, school safety requirements

Published: Monday, March 18, 2013

By Mary E. O’Leary / Twitter: @nhrmoleary

HARTFORD — The Sandy Hook Advisory Commission in its interim report, recommends mandatory background checks on the sale or transfer of all firearms, registration of all weapons and renewals of firearm permits and tough bans on assault weapons and magazines that go beyond what other groups are recommending.

Separately, the likelihood that the six Democratic and Republican leaders will come up with an agreement on comprehensive gun reform legislation this week with language ready for a vote next week is getting slimmer with one of the leaders characterizing such an outcome as “pretty ambitious” with Passover starting early next week and Good Friday at the end of the week.

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News' report on Sandy Hook gunman Adam Lanza's video-game-style slaughter score sheet inspires calls in D.C. to stiffen regulation of violent games

Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.), who’s pushing to study of the impact of gory content in games, blasted the products' 'often obscene levels of violence.' The News has learned that Lanza kept a 7-by-4-foot spreadsheet of mass murderers, attempted mass murderers, body counts and weapon types.

By Edgar Sandoval , Dan Friedman AND Bill Hutchinson / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS

Monday, March 18, 2013, 10:55 PM

Politicians in Washington are pushing to curb violent video games after a Daily News report revealed Newtown killer Adam Lanza’s lust for slaughter jumped from his TV screen to real life.

A day after columnist Mike Lupica broke the story on the violent video game obsession that apparently prompted Lanza to try to “score” a high body count in the Connecticut shooting rampage, politicians were moving to stop the madness.

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Live Tonight: Adam Lanza's reported research...

As a new report is released detailing alleged research conducted by Adam Lanza, this evening at 9 "Piers Morgan Live" welcomes Dr. Xavier Amador. A returning guest, Amador will be tasked with sharing his expert insight into the ways in which the Newtown shooter reportedly prepared to wage an attack designed to compete with other notorious serial killers.


This (among other things) was on Piers Morgan tonight on CNN ... It will be repeated again somewhat later on.
Since When Is the NRA Writing the Definitive History of Adam Lanza?

Alexander Abad-Santos | 843 Views | 7:33 PM ET

The biggest non-exclusive exclusive in Monday's news cycle was New York Daily News sports columnist Mike Lupica's one-source article blaming the Sandy Hook Elementary massacre on video games and Adam Lanza's seven-foot-long spreadsheet of death. The story is thinly-sourced tabloid fodder at its worst, and, worse than that, it paints an unsubstantiated portrait of Lanza as "a deranged gamer like this little *advertiser censored*," just when the mental-health community and Congress are seeking answers on Lanza, video games, and truth in the face of NRA talking points and the bad newspaper stories that seem based on them.

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Newtown doctors unite after 12/14

Robert Miller, Updated 10:50 pm, Thursday, March 14, 2013

NEWTOWN -- More than 100 doctors used the three-month anniversary of the Sandy Hook shootings to demand serious medical research into gun use, mental health and the American culture of violence.

Calling themselves United Physicians of Newtown, the doctors, who either live or work in Newtown, held their second public meeting Thursday at Edmond Town Hall.

"We're involved in dermatology, radiology, podiatry, dentistry, pathology," said Dr. James Bruno, a urologist who practices in Danbury said at the meeting. "We are doctors. We have a unique voice."

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Michael Moore was on Piers Morgan earlier...


March 19th, 2013, 11:17 PM ET

Michael Moore calls for gun legislation: "There will be an Aurora next month, and there'll be a Sandy Hook the month after that"

"There will be an Aurora next month, and there'll be a Sandy Hook the month after that," said the 58-year-old native of Michigan. "This is just going to keep going on and on and on, until people rise up."

Moore continued by addressing Tuesday's news that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid feels an assault weapons ban can't pass the Senate, noting that change won't occur until the country demands it:

"Until people take Harry Reid by the collar and say 'Who the hell do you think you are? This is our country, Harry Reid."


Moore once again shared his emotional position on an issue that had him visibly angry:

"Shameful Democrats," he bellowed. "Absolutely, absolutely shameful."

Moore on Morgan Slams Reid for Dropping Assault Weapons Ban: There will be another Aurora - YouTube

Some more related from last night's Piers Morgan .. from Show's transcript:


Two big rock stars, Rob Thomas and Nikki Sixx, tweeted the same thing today. "Hear you have Michael Moore on the show. Would love to hear him talk about his blog on guns." The reason they said that is that you said in your blog about Sandy Hook -- this was last week -- it may take a moment as dramatic as one of the parents releasing the pictures of their child after they had been slaughtered by Adam Lanza in that school that day.

Why do you think that would make a difference? Some of those parents were offended by it. They felt it was an offensive suggestion.

MOORE: No. There was something on Fox News. Nobody was offended, actually, because everybody knows and people that I knew in Newtown know that you would want this to happen only if the parents approved of it. In my blog last week I talked about a young man by the name of named Emmett Till in 1955, a young black kid who was murdered down south simply because he was black. And his mother insisted that there be an open coffin, because she wanted photographers, the news people to see what happened to this 14-year- old boy, to see what racism and bigotry does.

That galvanized the country back then. It was just three months later that Rosa Parks refused to get up out of her seat on that bus. The images of Vietnam, Mi Lai, the little girl running down the street with napalm burning the skin off of her, these were powerful images that turned the country against this immoral war. But that's why the person in charge have wised up. Like I said earlier, they don't want to show these images anymore, because they know what it does to people.

I just said in this blog that we live in a different age now with the Internet and everything. Don't be surprised if a parent -- and there already was one parent. The parent of Noah Posner Veronique, who did not want the casket closed until the governor of Connecticut came there. She wanted the governor to see essentially half of Noah's face blown off.

The gun makers and NRA don't want you to see this. Adam Lanza -- and I don't even like to even say his name, because I don't like any of these people to be getting, you know, the thing that they are looking for, the fame or whatever. But he fired up to 11 bullets into each child.

MORGAN: Each child.

MOORE: What that means is -- remember, he's very close. He's got an assault rifle. He's very close to a six-year-old.

MORGAN: He's blowing these kids to pieces.

MOORE: That's right. The first bullet kills the little child. What kind of mind says, you know, I have killed, now I'm going to put 10 more bullets. And if people could see at close range what those kind of bullets out of a Bushmaster would do to a little child's body, I -- that would be the end of Harry Reid and the so-called gun debate. We would have laws that we need in this country within a month.

So perhaps there will be a parent, perhaps there will be somebody in law enforcement. Perhaps somebody will just say, you know, with the parents' permission, I think that America must not look away. That's what we have been doing. We like to look away.

MORGAN: Here's what's going to happen.

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