Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #11

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Newtown Children Remain Scared As School Tries To Move On From Sandy Hook Shooting



FILE - In this Jan. 3, 2013 file photo, police block the road at the entrance to the new Sandy Hook Elementary School on the first day of classes in Monroe, Conn. Three months after the Newtown massacre, children and teachers who survived remain on edge. Signs in the new school ask people to close doors softly and not to drag objects across the floor during school hours, in an effort to help keep students and faculty at the school as calm as possible. (AP Photo / Jessica Hill, File)

NEWTOWN, Conn. -- They relocated the entire student body to a new school unstained by blood. They brought in counselors to soothe shattered nerves, and parents to comfort the distraught.

But authorities know they cannot erase the lingering effects of the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School – students and faculty members still on edge, still traumatized by the sounds of gunshots and by the horrors they survived.

In the new school building in the neighboring town of Monroe, police remain a presence. Signs ask people to close doors softly and not to drag objects across the floor.

"There are reactions to noises, doors slamming, things being dropped have a strong startled response," said Newtown School Superintendent Janet Robinson. "We're really just trying to have the whole school be as calm as possible."

A group of Sandy Hook Elementary School third-graders attending a Brownie meeting on a recent day heard a loud noise and looked around nervously. Though the troop leader assured them it was probably just someone pushing a cart, one girl began to cry.

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Newtown Tries to Cope; Students Ask, 'Is the Bad Man [Adam Lanza] Coming Back'
March 13, 2013, 2:52 PM, By Heather Haddon

Newtown ‘Still Really Raw,’ Superintendent Says

A moment of silence Thursday in Newtown, Conn., will mark three months since the deadly school rampage, and the community is “still really raw,” the public-school superintendent said Wednesday.

“This is a long-term recovery process. We will be taking this seriously for a long time,” said Janet Robinson, the superintendent who oversees Sandy Hook Elementary School, where 20 students and six educators were killed by a gunman.

Robinson, who was speaking at a school-security conference in Edison, N.J., said grief counselors have continued to help residents recover from the shooting. She cautioned districts against turning their school facilities “into fortresses” in response to the shooting.

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Michael Moore Calls For Photos of Slaughtered Newtown Kids to be Released

By Noel Sheppard | March 13, 2013 | 09:45


Schlockumentary filmmaker Michael Moore isn't pleased with the level of outrage or support for stronger gun control following December's massacre in Newtown, Connecticut.

To gin this up further, he wants someone to release the pictures of the slaughtered children:

I believe someone in Newtown, Connecticut – a grieving parent, an upset law enforcement officer, a citizen who has seen enough of this carnage in our country – somebody, someday soon, is going to leak the crime scene photos of the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre. And when the American people see what bullets from an assault rifle fired at close range do to a little child's body, that's the day the jig will be up for the NRA. It will be the day the debate on gun control will come to an end. There will be nothing left to argue over. It will just be over. And every sane American will demand action.

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Michael Moore predicts release of Newtown crime-scene photos

Posted by Erik Wemple on March 13, 2013 at 2:00 pm

Filmmaker Michael Moore wants the public to see the crime-scene photos of the Dec. 14, 2012, massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. In a post on, he argues that photographs change the world, whether they’re of a murdered Emmett Till, the 1965 civil rights clash in Selma or the 1968 My Lai massacre.

Once those photos hit the web, writes Moore, there’ll be a round or two of outrage. “How could a media outlet be so insensitive to the families of the dead children! Someone will then start a boycott of the magazine or website that publishes them,” he argues (italics in original). Moore consults experts who give gruesome testimony about the extent of the carnage that would be exposed by the photos.

Here are a couple of places that Moore cannot count on to publish such material, if leaked:

1) The mainstream media: Decency standards, decades of precedent, etc. No way would this happen.

2) The unmainstream media: A recent New Yorker story profiled the predicament of the Newtown Bee in covering the tragedy — a story that showed just how delicately this community paper treats that day. Shannon Hicks, a photographer for the paper, was early to the school and snapped what the New Yorker terms the “iconic” photo of Newtown in which the children are walking with their hands on the shoulders of the classmate in front of them. The story describes how Hicks:

aw a young officer, William Chapman, come out of the school yelling, “Get the bus!” He had a limp girl in his arms. Hicks began calling for an ambulance, but then she saw one already approaching. Through the lens of her camera, she watched as Chapman, only a few strides from the ambulance, fell to the ground, apparently losing strength. She saw that the child’s face had lost color, and knew that she would never publish the photographs she was taking.

Newtown survivors coping with nightmares 3 months later

By CBS News,
Posted on March 13, 2013 at 6:38 PM

NEWTOWN, Conn. -- Thursday marks three months since the deadly school shooting rampage in Newtown, Connecticut.

Many of the families of Sandy Hook Elementary are still grappling with the tragedy. And the memories from that day keep their kids awake at night.

Click on the video icon to see how a small gift is giving them some much needed comfort.

Watch the Video: (1:44)
How about if we spend money on smaller class sizes, counselors, and other issues for children?

We spend tons on prisons. We want to spend tons on making our schools into prisons. Can't we spend tons on making life better rather than crisis managment?


Smaller schools AND smaller classrooms would go a long way to helping many many children. Too many kids go unnoticed, are anonymous, and don't get the help they need. Teachers just can't teach well with large classrooms. We don't need all the bureaucracy of large schools either - use that money to pay teachers instead of administrators.
Adam Lanza Researched Mass Murderers, Sources Say

7:11 p.m. EDT, March 13, 2013

Before carrying out the Dec. 14 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School, Adam Lanza conducted research on several mass murders, sources close to the investigation into the shooting have told The Courant.

The Courant had previously reported that investigators found news articles about Norwegian mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik at Lanza's Newtown home. Sources now say that investigators found articles and other documents related to other mass murders in one of two bedrooms he used in the house that he shared with his mother, Nancy.


Lanza shot his way into the school through the glass windows at the front entrance and turned left toward the first-grade classrooms. He almost immediately encountered Principal Dawn Hochsprung and school psychologist Mary Scherlach, who ran into the hallway from a meeting room, which would have been on Lanza's right. He shot them both to death immediately.

Sources said that the two teachers who were injured were hit by ricochet bullets from that initial burst of gunfire. One teacher was in the meeting room with Hochsprung and Scherlach and was hit in the leg and crawled back into the room and called 911. The second teacher was closing the door to her classroom much farther down the hallway, where Lanza never went, when she was hit in the foot.


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State Psychiatric Nurse Invoked Sandy Hook In Threat, Police Say

By JOSH KOVNER, | The Hartford Courant
4:30 p.m. EST, March 8, 2013

A psychiatric nurse at the former Riverview Children's Hospital in Middletown has been charged with felony threatening after authorities say he invoked the massacre at Sandy Hook in a threat against the human resources director at the state Department of Children and Families.

John A. Lesick Jr., 41, of Wallingford, posted a $10,000 bond and is currently admitted to a psychiatric hospital. He is scheduled to return to Superior Court in Meriden on Wednesday.

Lesick, hired by DCF in 2003, had been placed on administrative leave Dec. 3 because of an alleged work-related transgression at the former Riverview hospital, now called the Albert J. Solnit Psychiatric Center on River Road.

He was set to have a meeting with DCF human resources director Jeanne Gavey during the week of Feb. 20 to learn the findings of an internal inquiry by the department, according to records on file at the Meriden court.

Shortly before the meeting, while at home, Lesick allegedly told a family member that he was going to kill Gavey. He emerged from the basement and allegedly told the family member that he had cleaned and loaded a 22 semi-automatic pistol. He then allegedly said to the family member, "there will be more bloodshed and people dead than Sandy Hook,'' according to documents prepared by Supervisory Assistant State's Attorney James R. Turcotte.

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Source: Lanza studied previous mass killings

John Pirro, Published 10:34 pm, Wednesday, March 13, 2013

NEWTOWN -- Anders Behring Breivik was not the only mass murderer with whom Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter Adam Lanza was obsessed, according to a law enforcement source.

State police investigators who executed search warrants at the Yogananda Street home where the 20-year-old Lanza lived recovered reams of documents related to "virtually every mass murder" in the United States and abroad, the source said.

Lanza exhibited particular interest in the October 2006 shooting at a one-room Amish schoolhouse in Lancaster County, Pa., in which gunman Charles Carl Robert IV took hostages and shot 10 school girls, five of them fatally, before killing himself.

"There was a lot of material on the Amish case," the source said.

The latest disclosure, coupled with evidence of how Lanza expertly deployed his AR-15 Bushmaster rifle ...

... The source said that Lanza used what law enforcement professionals call "tactical loading" in firing the semi-automatic rifle, putting a fresh magazine into the weapon before completely emptying the previous one.

Although the technique is commonly used in the violent video games that Lanza reportedly spent endless hours playing in his basement, he exhibited a proficiency at it that make investigators believe he had previously done it with a real weapon.

"It's one thing to do it by pushing a button on a computer," the source said. "It's different in a shooting. You have to practice that to be as proficient as he was that morning."

... The source also said investigators have had some success in tracing Lanza's movements prior to the shooting by using cell phone technology. Of particular interest, the source said, was a number of trips he made to the Danbury Fair mall the previous April and May.

"For someone who almost never left his house, it was really out of character," the source said.

... Another source familiar with the probe told Hearst last month that FBI technicians were able to glean some data from one hard drive but that reconstructing the other hard drive may take another six months to two years.

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Should college students be able to carry concealed handguns on campus?

It’s an interesting facet of the national debate on guns after the Newtown massacre, and one college official wants to keep his campus free of guns. As the AP reported,

“University of Texas System Chancellor Francisco Cigarroa is renewing his concern that allowing concealed handguns into college classrooms would make universities more dangerous.

More at the Source.
Sandy Hook tragedy will not guide gun range ordinance

John Pirro, Published 10:21 pm, Wednesday, March 13, 2013

NEWTOWN -- Town officials are considering a two-part system to regulate private shooting ranges in town, but whatever recommendations emerge will not be a "knee-jerk reaction to the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School," the chairwoman of the committee charged with the drafting the new ordinance said Tuesday.

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Interim superintendent search not done

Nanci G. Hutson, Updated 10:21 pm, Wednesday, March 13, 2013

NEWTOWN -- School board leaders clearly had high hopes of moving quickly to hire an interim superintendent, but after some two hours behind closed doors Tuesday night, no candidate emerged for a public vote.

The board voted last week to become a "committee of the whole'' to begin the search for interim and permanent replacements for Superintendent Janet Robinson. A special meeting was scheduled for Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. to discuss and possibly vote on an interim superintendent, but the board never even officially started that meeting, as a consensus could not be reached on a candidate.

Due to confidentiality issues for potential interim and permanent superintendent candidates, state Freedom of Information law allows a quorum or the full board to meet to discuss those matters outside of a public session.

Tuesday's meeting was finally called off at about 9:45 p.m. when Board Chairman Debbie Leidlein announced that no vote would be taken. When another meeting might be scheduled has yet to be decided. The board's regular meeting is next Tuesday at 7:30 p.m., but the agenda is not yet prepared.

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Three months later. I continue to pray for the families of those who were taken, the first responders, and the entire community.
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Today at 12:47 PM

Adam Lanza Studied ‘Virtually Every Mass Murder’

By Joe Coscarelli

Although Connecticut police dismissed reports that Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza was taken with Norway killer Anders Breivik and violent video games as "pure speculation" and "hideous," the reality of Lanza's obsessions may have been understated. The Stamford Advocate reports that Lanza collected documents on "virtually every mass murder" in the world, especially the 2006 shooting of an Amish schoolhouse in Pennsylvania, according to a law-enforcement source. A full state attorney report on the Newtown case is expected in June.
Officials: Lanza Had Researched Other Mass Killings

March 14, 2013

NEW HAVEN, Conn. — People close to the investigation tell The Associated Press that the gunman in the Connecticut school massacre showed interest in other mass killings.


Conn. school gunman had interest in other mass murders, people close to investigation say

By Associated Press, Updated: Thursday, March 14, 10:25 AM

NEW HAVEN, Conn. — The man who killed 26 people inside a Connecticut elementary school last year showed interest in other mass killings, people close to the investigation told The Associated Press on Thursday.

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Adam Lanza, Newtown Gunman, Had Interest In Other Mass Murders, Law Enforcement Source Says

Revealed: How Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza 'passed over' a classroom full of children - because he though it was empty

Investigation into the shooting has revealed that Lanza ignored a classroom full of children because he thought the room was empty

Connecticut State Police sources reveal the horrifying and chilling sequence of events of December 14th


Adam Lanza, 20, had clippings and information on every recent mass murder committed inside and outside the United States prior to the massacre he executed at the Connecticut elementary school

By James Nye

PUBLISHED:16:04 GMT, 14 March 2013| UPDATED: 18:10 GMT, 14 March 2013

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Adam Lanza Had Interest in Other Mass Murders: Report

Investigators found literature on mass killings at Lanza's house, according to the Associated Press.

Thursday, Mar 14, 2013 | Updated 2:09 PM EDT

A law enforcement official briefed on the investigation says authorities found literature on other mass shootings at Lanza's house.


Another person familiar with the investigation says Lanza showed an interest in other mass murders. They spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is continuing.


A police report is expected around June. State police have declined to comment.

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Paper-covered window saves entire class from crazed Sandy Hook killer Adam Lanza, who had researched other mass shootings before massacre in Newtown, Conn.: report

Police reportedly have surmised that the 20-year-old gunman, who took his own life, might have been trying to top all other mass murderers.


Published: Thursday, March 14, 2013, 3:34 PM
Updated: Thursday, March 14, 2013, 7:03 PM

An entire classroom of children was spared during the Connecticut elementary school massacre because the gunman believed black paper over the room’s window meant no students were inside, was duped into believing they weren’t even there, a report revealed Thursday.

The construction paper tacked to the inside of the door window had been leftover from a lockdown drill a few weeks earlier at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

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