Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #11

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South Dakota Is First State to Legalize Teachers with Guns Post-Newtown


Elspeth Reeve, Mar 8, 2013

South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard has signed the first post-Newtown law to allow teachers to carry guns in school. Politicians in several states have introduced such laws since the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary school, but The New York Times' John Eligon reports that South Dakota is the first state to pass such a measure.

Gun groups have increased a push for teachers to be armed across the country since just after the shootings, sometimes unaware that guns are already allowed in public schools in their states...

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HastingsChi .. - those photos are publicly available to ANYONE on the net .. they are on Picasa ....

If you complain long enough however, more likely WS moderators will remove them anyhow ... so no need to worry about it that much :)

not 100% sure on that however

They are nothing special anyhow..

They are everywhere .. Google including .. - just go to Google / Images and type there:

Peter Lanza Picasa ... - they are all there!

No conspiracy .. No theories, lol .. they are simply there .. available to the entire world:

for example:

Bottom line: I thought we at websleuths were more sensitive to victim's families than to include photos of them in posts that portray them negatively just because they are publicly available (Including in a post a photo of a murder victim's ex husband holding a bottle up to his mouth is tasteless)

Haven't they suffered enough? I mean the shooter's brother was identified as the shooter by the national media and his name, tens of photos of him and background info about him was repeated endlessly both locally and globally. The shooter's father was linked to wild speculation both in news reports and on the web.

Personally I find these photos to be nothing more than news *advertiser censored* that gets splashed on the front pages and on tv but serves no purpose. Frankly it disgusts me and I thought we here at websleuths were better than this...
I didn't post those pics on Peter Lanza's Picasa, however ...

He did....

For the whole world to see ... if he found them to be tasteless etc ... he would not have them there ... or by now, would surely remove them....

Anyhow ... I hear what you said there above ... I did ... I do...
I didn't post those pics on Peter Lanza's Picasa, however ...

He did....

For the whole world to see ... if he found them to be tasteless etc ... he would not have them there ... or by now, would surely remove them....

Anyhow ... I hear what you said there above ... I did ... I do...

I really thought we here at Websleuths were better than that and would only treat victims with nothing but respect.

I am troubled by your response because you're advocating making Websleuths another place for News *advertiser censored*. Just because photos are out there, you need to post demeaning photos of victims families in a thread.

Goodness I think these people have suffered enough and pushing those photos like a news smut peddler really bothers me.

FYI I haven't hit the alert button on any of your posts to call the moderators into this because I think this is an important dialogue and, as you know I really appreciate the effort you make and dedication you have to share relevant news to the folks reading this thread; but in this case I'm troubled by it..

I was just going to delete those few pics above.. (maybe just keep the "legit - available to everyone" links to the pics) .. but can't any longer .. EDIT Post button is gone now..

You don't like those posts .. - PM Moderator(s), Admin(s) etc .. and they will deal with them .... with me.

Other than that... PLEASE stop "crying" about it here ... publicly .. in the thread.
You made your point once .. move on please .. no need to repeat yourself 3 (or more times).

BTW looking back, thinking back of your posts in thi thread ... seems like all you do is critisize (or trying to) anyone or anything that you can... Media inclduing ... - someone wrote this wrong .. someone wrote that wrong .. etc..

All i can say .. DO BETTER .. - write better .. report better ..... :)

Meanwhile Media is ASKING and even fighting for all the records to be unsealled .. and even though they are not succeeding - they are doing something at least..

One more time (and i hope it's the last one) .. IMO .. - those few pics above are NOT a big deal ....

To me anyhow .. they simply represent Peter Lanza being in company of his buds and having good time...
So .. he seems juiced somehat .. and is drinking from the bottle ... - not a big deal .. to me anyhow..

People are entitled to have good time ... It's not like he is some "un accomplished" dummy ... and having few drinks is making him a fool, is it? .. - the dude is successful senior accountant for Fortune 500 company....

So i posted them .. so they are somewhat of shock value .. - "so what", i saw worse than those things being posted.....

One more time .. please contact Admin(s) or Mod(s) .. and talk / deal with them ... I just tried to remove them (JUST for you, because you are SO unhappy about it) ... and can't any longer.

peace.... and absolutely NO offence, of course...
I am watching the PBS episode on Adam Lanza now. Very interesting.

I read a few articles before but honestly was way more concerned about the gun laws (and took action on that).

Adam was seriously messed up like a whole lot of kids these days (is your kid getting SSI? hello!), guess if it comes down to blaming a disturbed child or blaming guns....well...let's change laws and ignore the disturbed child component, guess we should make the world "disturbed child safe" except some of us are NOT cool with that.

We don't need to be disturbed child or insanity proof, we need to deal with those issues protactively and be prepared to defend against those individuals because there are more and more of them every day apparently.
Well-wishers send Newtown cyclists on their way to DC

Mar. 9, 2013 2:20 PM, by Gary Stoller, USA TODAY

NEWTOWN, Conn. - With a cow bell ringing and a crowd of more than 400 people cheering, 26 cyclists rode off Saturday morning on a 400-mile bike ride to Washington to "raise awareness for common-sense gun legislation" and to honor 26 children and adults killed by a gunman Dec. 14 at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

The 26 riders were not deterred by 13 inches of snow that fell Friday and were fortunate to begin their journey with sun and blue skies on a beautiful western Connecticut winter morning.

The 26 riders - a number chosen to symbolize the number of shooting victims at the school - call themselves Team 26 and wore green and white apparel, the colors of Sandy Hook school.

Their green jackets bear the message: Hope, Peace, Love.

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Hartford St. Patrick's Day Parade Honors Newtown Victims

By KELLY GLISTA, - The Hartford Courant
2:18 p.m. EST, March 9, 2013


The green and white decorations traditional for the Greater Hartford St. Patrick's Day Parade held a second, special meaning on Saturday, as participants wore the colors to honor those who died at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Newtown families, policitians, and members of the police and fire departments joined Hartford officials to lead off the 42nd annual parade, which kicked off in front of the state capitol building Saturday morning.

Spectators clapped and cheered even louder, many of those seated rising to their feet as the Newtown participants marched past.

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TCDE performs in Knoxville, plans tour to Newtown, New Jersey

Tennessee Children's Dance Ensemble performs locally, plans summer tour

By Amy McRary, Posted March 9, 2013 at 12:26 p.m.


The June tour takes the dancers in Newtown, Conn., and to the Hazlet, N.J., area.

They’ll give a public dance performance June 13 at Newtown High School. The company is going to Newtown in the aftermath of the Dec. 14 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting when a gunman killed six adults and 20 first-graders before shooting himself.


The June tour is estimated to cost between $20,000 and $30,000, including transportation and accommodations. The company takes donations through its website,

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United Physicians of Newtown call for changes to address violence, guns

by Kristina Puga, @kristinapuga
12:40 am on 03/09/2013

“I’m a Newtown resident — I have children in the school system — that was the worst day of my life,” says Dr. José Mendez, a pulmonologist at Danbury Hospital in Connecticut, recalling December 14, 2012 — the day of the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, killing 20 first graders and six educators.

Dr. Mendez is also one of the four Latino doctors in Newtown who have been recruited into the United Physicians of Newtown — a group of 106 doctors, residing in Newtown, Conn., who are dedicated to making the world a safer place. On March 14, they are supposed to have their second meeting, at the Edmund Town Hall, to further develop their position statement, which now includes, among other things: nullifying the restriction on federal institutions pursuing research on violence prevention, advocating for financial resources dedicated to mental health, and changing the culture of violence in the U.S. today.

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Youth group for gun control, formed after Newtown, announces meeting

Published: Saturday, March 09, 2013

NEWTOWN — The newly formed youth activism organization, Second Amendment Sanity, today announced it will welcome teens to an evening meeting Monday from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Edmond Town Hall, 45 Main Street. Second Amendment Sanity (SAS) is a youth-created and youth-operated nonprofit organization (501c3 designation in progress) seeking teens from all over the country who are dedicated to reducing gun violence locally and nationally through activism and education.

The meeting will offer an overview of the organization, introduce current officers, nominate officers for open positions, make committee assignments, discuss plans for the future and exchange ideas.

Jake Snyder, a 17-year-old homeschooled teen, was motivated to take action to reduce gun violence in America after the horrific school shooting in Sandy Hook Dec. 14, 2012.

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Newtown eyes security officers at schools

Published: Tuesday, March 05, 2013

NEWTOWN — The town is considering creating new, sworn and armed “school security officers,” separate from school resource officers, that would only work when school is in session as one way to beef up school security while keeping costs down, Chief of Police Michael Kehoe said Tuesday night.

The officers “would only be required to work 180 days” and “would have the rest of the time off,” Kehoe told the Board of Police Commissioners.

He described the proposal as one of five options recently put forth by First Selectwoman Pat Llodra.

“I would look at that as maybe a unique position for a retired officer ... with the understanding that they’re not doing exactly what a regular officer is doing,” Kehoe said.

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Winter weather delays gun control discussions

Published: Friday, March 08, 2013

By The Associated Press

HARTFORD — The winter storm is delaying legislative leadership talks on a possible bipartisan bill addressing the deadly mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown.

Democratic and Republican leaders had planned to hold a third session of closed-door talks Friday. Two Democratic staff members confirmed those discussions are expected to resume on Monday.

On Thursday, leaders said they remained optimistic about reaching a bipartisan agreement, saying they were continuing to make progress...

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Conn., feds allow Newtown students to skip tests

The Associated Press

Sunday, March 10, 2013 | 12:32 a.m.

Connecticut and federal education officials are allowing Newtown students to skip standardized testing because of the school shootings that killed 20 first-graders and six educators in December.

The state Board of Education and state lawmakers voted Wednesday to approve measures allowing Newtown children in grades 3 through 8 to skip the Connecticut Mastery Tests that are being administered statewide this month.

Newtown officials had requested the unprecedented, one-time waiver, citing the trauma suffered by students and staff from the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

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Conn. lawmakers to create Newtown fund for workers

The Associated Press

Sunday, March 10, 2013 | 12:31 a.m.

Connecticut corporations are pledging money to a new fund that will help workers affected by the school massacre in Newtown.

Legislative leaders say both chambers of the General Assembly will vote Wednesday to create the privately funded Sandy Hook Workers Assistance Fund.

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