Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #11

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OPINION: Adam Lanza, Secrecy and Danbury Fair Mall; Woody Allen and O.J.

Published: Tuesday, March 05, 2013

By Andy Thibault
@cooljustice on Twitter

Lanza Secrecy Blowback

Search warrants, affidavits, the inventory of evidence and other records about the Newtown mass killing of children Dec. 14 were sealed by court order last month without explanation. This is despite the death of the killer, Adam Lanza, which eliminates the fair trial argument. No arrests are expected.

Normally, the records would have been released by now. What, then – other than authorities keeping the documents secret because they can get away with it – might be the purpose of keeping the records sealed?

In criminal cases, it is fair to say there are few, if any coincidences.

Lanza was believed to be a regular visitor to the Danbury Fair Mall. Did he go there to shop, meet someone, window shop or look for targets? Did Lanza buy his violent video games at the mall? After the killings, Dick’s Sporting Goods at the mall removed all its guns. Dick’s also removed some semi-automatic rifles from other stores. Maybe that was all corporate sensitivity and had nothing to do materially with Newtown.

Speculation about these questions and others will continue until authorities release the records and do their duty to inform the public. The longer they sit on the records, the more faith and trust in the judiciary will diminish.

Read more:

Want to highlight that this article is an OPINION piece (as darkman correctly labeled it): remember kids nothing, not one word of an opinion piece has to be factual. The wild speculation in that opinion piece makes me want the media to require background checks on writers of opinion pieces...
Search Warrants for Adam Lanza's House, Car Still Sealed; Police Records Too

Published: Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Associated Press

NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — There is no doubt who is responsible for the Newtown school massacre. The shooter is dead and the prosecutor handling the case has said he does not expect any charges.

Yet authorities are continuing to keep search warrants and police records secret. Media outlets have pressed for the release of more records, which could shed light on a crime that has revived the national debate over gun control and could change the way guns are regulated.

The opening sentences of this news report violate a number of Associated Press Style Guide rules that I'm speechless, considering the source of the article is the Associated Press. Let me explain: the reporter begins the article with an absolute statement and proceeds to pepper the article with incendiary language which casts doubt on his premise. Not good reporting, but sure to fire up the tin foil hat crowd...
the records should be unsealed. Like the article states, the murderer is dead.
the records should be unsealed. Like the article states, the murderer is dead.

Wouldn't you agree that it would be most responsible to release and unseal the records in conjunction with the official report? Releasing information piecemeal would do more harm than good in my opinion.
Conn. lawmakers create fund for Newtown workers

Connecticut lawmakers created a special charitable fund on Wednesday to help cover the mental health costs of first responders, educators and other workers traumatized by the Newtown school massacre.

Both chambers of the General Assembly voted unanimously in favor of the bill, crafted by legislative leaders after meeting with Newtown police officers and other first responders who spoke of co-workers suffering from psychological trauma. Some of those workers felt they had to return to their jobs because traditional workers compensation does not cover most people for exclusively mental health issues.

"We can only imagine for a few seconds what they went through in doing their jobs," said Senate President Donald E. Williams Jr., D-Brooklyn. "This legislation is about helping them through this incredibly difficult period."
Sandy Hook attack inspires twins' bar mitzvah project

Their mom is tracking their progress on the family's website (, posting the acts, the victims each honors and photos. As the project nears its end, the boys say they don't want it to mean the end of doing random acts of kindness.

They say they got as much joy from it as their recipients.

"It really was life-changing," Zachary says. "You see how happy people are when you do something nice and unexpected, and that makes you happy, too. Making someone's day just a little bit brighter is such a good feeling.

"It just doesn't take much. But it makes such a difference."
After Sandy Hook, Newtown Continues To Cope As It Plans A Future Beyond Tragedy

A few minutes after he sat down with HuffPost, Mahoney, a grandfather with thinning gray hair and a round, rosy face, removed his wire-rimmed glasses to wipe away tears, as he struggled to recall how many of his friends and neighbors lost loved ones at Sandy Hook. He couldn't. "There are just so many," he said.

"Each day now is getting harder, not easier," said Nicole Hockley, who lost her 6-year-old son, Dylan Hockley, at Sandy Hook. "I still expect Dylan to come out of the next room at any moment."

Joyce Rousseau, whose stepdaughter, Lauren Rousseau, a teacher, died protecting her students, said she is "doing worse today than I was the day after the shooting."

Families in Newtown are at the "very beginning, and they have a very long road ahead of them," explained Wendy Davenson, a Newtown-based therapist who has worked with families and teachers impacted by the shooting. Right now, she said, "they're still numb. As the numbness starts to wear off, you begin to feel the pain."
Daughter of shooting victim wants funds disbursed

The daughter of the principal killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School has taken to social media to vent her frustration and concerns over how money is being distributed -- or not -- by the United Way of Western Connecticut.

In the days after the Dec. 14 shootings at the elementary school, the United Way established the Sandy Hook School Support Fund for the millions of dollars being donated to the community from around the world. The fund now stands at about $10 million.

Cristina Lafferty-Hassinger, the daughter of slain principal Dawn Hochsprung, posted messages on Facebook and Twitter saying she was upset that money has yet to be distributed from the fund.

She also expressed outrage that those affected the most by the shooting were being asked for "proof of hardship" to receive money from another fund set up to address immediate needs.

"We've been victimized enough," Lafferty-Hassinger said in a Facebook posting. "We shouldn't have to fight for what's rightfully ours, but we won't be taken advantage of in our darkest hour."

Lafferty-Hassinger, who declined further comment when reached by The News-Times, also stated in her posting that "we've all been walking a fine line between not wanting to profit from the death of our loved ones, and not wanting someone else to profit from our source of grief."
Sandy Hook Victims Remembered In Stone


Designer Noah Mohr said, "I can't even put it into words, you know, to think about that phone call or them not getting off the bus. I couldn't fathom it, but to be able to give back to them and I don't know them you know is pretty incredible."

Mohr spent nearly 100 hours making the children's names look like a child's writing written in crayon. The teachers' names are carved in gold.

Mohr, however, said it was time well spent if it can console the Sandy Hook community. "It shows what kind of love and support there is. To see it go from a piece of paper and a dream to a reality here as a stone it's not going to be completed until the day it is dropped off," said Mohr.
I don't know if this has been linked here... I couldn't find it in a search.

Emilie Parker's mother has started a blog:

Thank you for sharing that link. I'm in tears at the memories Emilie's mother has shared.

Emilie and I had this inside joke about wishes. It all began when she turned four years old. After blowing out her birthday candles, I asked her what she had wished for. She didn’t want to tell me for fear that it would not come true. I prodded her a bit more, knowing it wouldn’t take much. She giggled and said, “I wished that our family will be a family forever”. My heart stopped. What four year old thinks with an eternal perspective? I thought for sure she was going to wish for some new toy or that she would someday become a princess. I was so taken back. When I asked her why, she simply said, “Because I love our family and I always want us to be together.”
Darkman00 said:
There is this photo in many places on the net now ... HERE it is: (Click on Spoiler below to view)


The photo (can be viewed in larger size HERE or in it's original size HERE) is of Peter Lanza with his son (many conspiracy sites claim it to be Peter Lanza with his son Adam Lanza ... but other people say it's a picture of Peter Lanza with his son Ryan Lanza (and i agree with them .. looks more like Ryan to me, couple years ago possibly))

Those at conspiracy sites .. also claim it to be fake, photoshopped etc .. but others say it's REAL ... and Photo-analysis site says it's REAL also: 5ef6c8.322665

Even though some people say the pic was, more likely taken during some travels or holidays ... others are 100% sure it was taken on SNL's set .... cuz HERE it is: (and it's the same, basically)


Source: (

lol..... who this ...... (best to watch it directly on YouTube .. it's more clear there .. and larger)

Adam's dad ... Peter Lanza...





Found those on YouTube video ... plus they were posted at few sites (that more likely are not allowed to be mentioned here, cuz of some of their controvercial content)

But original Source for those is LEGIT ...

Original Source for those pics (above) .. Enjoy:

Peter Lanza's Picasa album: (lots of goodies there) (New York, NBC .. etc)
Am I the only one uncomfortable with folks sharing these photos of the living members of the shooter's immediate family?

Haven't they suffered enough? I mean the shooter's brother was identified as the shooter by the national media and his name, tens of photos of him and background info about him was repeated endlessly both locally and globally. The shooter's father was linked to wild speculation both in news reports and on the web.

Personally I find these photos to be nothing more than news *advertiser censored* that gets splashed on the front pages and on tv but serves no purpose. Frankly it disgusts me and I thought we here at websleuths were better than this...
HastingsChi .. - those photos are publicly available to ANYONE on the net .. they are on Picasa ....

If you complain long enough however, more likely WS moderators will remove them anyhow ... so no need to worry about it that much :)

not 100% sure on that however

They are nothing special anyhow..

They are everywhere .. Google including .. - just go to Google / Images and type there:

Peter Lanza Picasa ... - they are all there!

No conspiracy .. No theories, lol .. they are simply there .. available to the entire world:

for example:
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