Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #11

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So, some town clerk in small town America could change the Freedom of Information laws for everyone?

People don't need a birth certificate to find out maiden names or where people are buried in order to find out how to contact family members. Too much hiding of information in this case, imo.

Also, in this case, the deaths were likely gunshots. No mystery there.
So, some town clerk in small town America could change the Freedom of Information laws for everyone?

People don't need a birth certificate to find out maiden names or where people are buried in order to find out how to contact family members. Too much hiding of information in this case, imo.

Also, in this case, the deaths were likely gunshots. No mystery there.

I agree. If one desires to alter laws or Constitutional principles/structures/rights, there is a specific and clear process to achieve the desired change. Enabling laws to be enforced or rights ignored on a case by case basis creates a dangerous slippery slope; one that has far reaching consequences. The Freedom of Information Act and the First Amendment can be repealed, but until such a repeal, neither can be ignored.
The harassment of some Sandy Hook families has nothing to do with the information on death certificates. It is all about the followers of conspiracy theory nutters like Alex Jones doubling down on their own stupidity.
The harassment of some Sandy Hook families has nothing to do with the information on death certificates. It is all about the followers of conspiracy theory nutters like Alex Jones doubling down on their own stupidity.

I couldn't agree more.
Sandy Hook Victim Jesse Heslin's Dad, Neil, Takes Assault Gun Fight to Senate

Heslin and his group met with around six lawmakers and aides Tuesday, mostly Senate Democrats from Republican-leaning states. Participants said House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, R-Va., said he would try to help and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., expressed optimism that the Senate would produce gun legislation, but neither committed to anything specific.

In his prepared Senate testimony, Heslin said he's been told his son died yelling to people to run. He said Jesse was hit by one bullet grazing the side of his head, another hitting his forehead.

"That means the last thing my son did was look Adam Lanza straight in the face and scream to his classmates to run," Heslin said, referring to the 20-year-old who committed the massacre. "The last thing he saw was that coward's eyes."
Dawn Hochsprung of Woodbury:
Memorial Scholarship Honors Sandy Hook School Principal

After the Sandy Hook tragedy, Bob LaBonne, Jr., of LaBonne’s Markets felt the need to do something to respond to the loss the community.

Mr. LaBonne said, “We had to do something; she was a local girl, we knew her as one of our own and we have to remember her.”

Ms. Hochsprung was a principal and educator who dedicated her life to her students, referring to them as her “children,” wanting school to be a positive place.

“I am Safe, Responsible, Respectful and Prepared” was the code with which her students started their day.

She inspired her students, their parents and those who worked with her to strive to reach their fullest potential, through her love of learning, and caring and nurturing nature.

Ms. Hochsprung was fond of recognizing students who were “Caught being Excellent.”
Families tell Couric about loved ones who died at Sandy Hook

Bill Sherlach, husband of school psychologist Mary Sherlach, who shared his life for 36 years and three days, said his coping remains a day-to-day affair buoyed by his faith and love of "a lot of wonderful, beautiful people."

"Everyone has to do something," said Sandy Hook Promise founder Lee Schull of his organization's quest. "This (tragedy) can't be the final chapter."
Adam Lanza Was 'Much More Disturbed' Than Jeffrey Dahmer, Dr. Michael Stone Says

So a guy who never treated the shooter, has not conducted a forensic examination of the shooter's brain and had no evidence from the official report makes an outrageous statement based on nothing but his own thoughts? Here's a headline: "Dr Michael Stone is a Publicity *advertiser censored*"...
Congresswoman said so ... so it must be "so", lol.....


Congresswoman Attributes Adam Lanza’s Killing Spree To ‘Unprecedented Levels Of Violent Games, Music’

By Igor Volsky on Feb 28, 2013 at 11:03 am

Rep. Diane Black (R-TN) attributed Adam Lanza’s deadly killing spree in Newton, Connecticut to “violent games, music” and a “broken family” during an appearance on MSNBC Thursday.

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Congresswoman said so ... so it must be "so", lol.....


Congresswoman Attributes Adam Lanza’s Killing Spree To ‘Unprecedented Levels Of Violent Games, Music’

By Igor Volsky on Feb 28, 2013 at 11:03 am

Rep. Diane Black (R-TN) attributed Adam Lanza’s deadly killing spree in Newton, Connecticut to “violent games, music” and a “broken family” during an appearance on MSNBC Thursday.

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Any one of us here that has followed this tragic massacre closely are more qualified than this person to provide a hypothesis of motive except we're responsible enough not to pass off our hypothesis as fact...

I'm not a video game aficionado, but given that the Call of Duty series has sold over 100 million copies worldwide, if such games were responsible for an epidemic of gun violence; statistically the numbers would reflect this and the problem would be global.

Music: the old go-to thing to blame for, well, everything.

What's not being mentioned?
- According to Nielsen TV, ad spending by the pharmaceutical industry was $2.4 billion in 2011. 

- Pharmaceuticals Invested Nearly $2 billion in Campaign Contributions and Lobbying

- Individuals, lobbyists, and political action committees in the pharmaceutical industry contributed $167 million to federal candidates from 1990 to 2008

- Members of the House and Senate received an average of $25,277 and $81,891, respectively, in pharmaceutical industry contributions in 2008

- Pharmaceutical industry spending to lobby the federal government exceeded $1.5 billion from 1998 to 2008, more than any other industry

- The ratio of pharmaceutical industry lobbyists to Members of Congress is approximately 2:1


I wonder why something is not being mentioned in a big way as a potential contributing factor???
The harassment of some Sandy Hook families has nothing to do with the information on death certificates. It is all about the followers of conspiracy theory nutters like Alex Jones doubling down on their own stupidity.

One such consiracy crackpot is a guy I know here in Cincinnati,Ohio

I ran into him at an old Irish Pub here and he's telling everyone, very animated like, that the entire Sandy Hook shooting is a hoax put on by actors...the kids, the familieis, everyone

And he has vidoes to prove it

Nonetheless, after observing this rant, the bartender was requesting patron donations and someone go out and buy a straight jacket and the Hannibal Lechter facemask...LOL

One such consiracy crackpot is a guy I know here in Cincinnati,Ohio

I ran into him at an old Irish Pub here and he's telling everyone, very animated like, that the entire Sandy Hook shooting is a hoax put on by actors...the kids, the familieis, everyone

And he has vidoes to prove it

Nonetheless, after observing this rant, the bartender was requesting patron donations and someone go out and buy a straight jacket and the Hannibal Lechter facemask...LOL

I'm sure that dolt's drivel is endless and includes horrific events in Germany in the 1940s didn't happen, one small step for a man was actually filmed on a soundstage in Torrance in the late 1960s, airplanes didn't crash into two buildings in NYC in the early 2000s... and I'm sure he can cite YouTube as proof for all his delusions.... Yuck!

More importantly, did you get a photo or autograph with the former Governor of Minnesota when you saw him at that bar in Cincinnati?

So a guy who never treated the shooter, has not conducted a forensic examination of the shooter's brain and had no evidence from the official report makes an outrageous statement based on nothing but his own thoughts? Here's a headline: "Dr Michael Stone is a Publicity *advertiser censored*"...

He is basing on the (imo opinion relevant fact) that Lanza had stopped communicating with others near the end whereas Dahmer seemed relatively normal.

Keep in mind Dahmer was picking up many of his victims in bars, and he even convinced a couple of cops that the 12 year old was his "lover" who was high and not a victim.

Dahmer wasn't exactly a social charmer like Bundy or Gacy, he seems more like a nerdish sort BUT he certainly wasn't as outwardly disturbed as Lanza.

He is basing on the (imo opinion relevant fact) that Lanza had stopped communicating with others near the end whereas Dahmer seemed relatively normal.

Keep in mind Dahmer was picking up many of his victims in bars, and he even convinced a couple of cops that the 12 year old was his "lover" who was high and not a victim.

Dahmer wasn't exactly a social charmer like Bundy or Gacy, he seems more like a nerdish sort BUT he certainly wasn't as outwardly disturbed as Lanza.

Jeffrey Dahmer Stone Phillips interview. [url] - YouTube[/url]

A bit off topic, with the coming release of the new documentary "Jeff (aka The Jeffrey Dahmer Files)" I've heard a few long form interviews with Pat Kennedy, who was the lead detective on the Dahmer case; I cannot explain how interesting and insightful Kennedy is about the case and Dahmer the person. Prior to hearing Kennedy interviewed i wasn't interested in the new doc, now I'm excited to watch it.
I'm sure that dolt's drivel is endless and includes horrific events in Germany in the 1940s didn't happen, one small step for a man was actually filmed on a soundstage in Torrance in the late 1960s, airplanes didn't crash into two buildings in NYC in the early 2000s... and I'm sure he can cite YouTube as proof for all his delusions.... Yuck!

More importantly, did you get a photo or autograph with the former Governor of Minnesota when you saw him at that bar in Cincinnati?

Hastings --no I did'nt see Jesse Ventura, the ex govenor, but he might be coming to Cincinnati since we have a star studded celeb line up to open our new Horshoe Casino

Hastings --no I did'nt see Jesse Ventura, the ex govenor, but he might be coming to Cincinnati since we have a star studded celeb line up to open our new Horshoe Casino

But the guy you described sounded like a dead ringer for the former Governor and his awful hairdo that is the same as Riff Raff's in the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Btw Xavier congrats on the move of your alma mater to the Catholic 7/Big East; a great addition to the conference!
OPINION: Adam Lanza, Secrecy and Danbury Fair Mall; Woody Allen and O.J.

Published: Tuesday, March 05, 2013

By Andy Thibault
@cooljustice on Twitter

Lanza Secrecy Blowback

Search warrants, affidavits, the inventory of evidence and other records about the Newtown mass killing of children Dec. 14 were sealed by court order last month without explanation. This is despite the death of the killer, Adam Lanza, which eliminates the fair trial argument. No arrests are expected.

Normally, the records would have been released by now. What, then – other than authorities keeping the documents secret because they can get away with it – might be the purpose of keeping the records sealed?

In criminal cases, it is fair to say there are few, if any coincidences.

Lanza was believed to be a regular visitor to the Danbury Fair Mall. Did he go there to shop, meet someone, window shop or look for targets? Did Lanza buy his violent video games at the mall? After the killings, Dick’s Sporting Goods at the mall removed all its guns. Dick’s also removed some semi-automatic rifles from other stores. Maybe that was all corporate sensitivity and had nothing to do materially with Newtown.

Speculation about these questions and others will continue until authorities release the records and do their duty to inform the public. The longer they sit on the records, the more faith and trust in the judiciary will diminish.

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Search Warrants for Adam Lanza's House, Car Still Sealed; Police Records Too

Published: Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Associated Press

NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — There is no doubt who is responsible for the Newtown school massacre. The shooter is dead and the prosecutor handling the case has said he does not expect any charges.

Yet authorities are continuing to keep search warrants and police records secret. Media outlets have pressed for the release of more records, which could shed light on a crime that has revived the national debate over gun control and could change the way guns are regulated.

< SNIP >

News media advocates say the records should be unsealed, arguing the public has a right to see such records, which include what was found in the house and car. They say records may be sealed only when an investigation would be hurt by disclosure.

"There seems to be absolutely no reason that they would need to. It's not going to jeopardize the case in any way," said Linda Petersen, chairwoman of the Freedom of Information Committee of the Society of Professional Journalists.

William Fish, an attorney who has represented the news media in high-profile cases that were sealed in Connecticut, also said the sealing does not appear justified since no prosecution is likely. He conceded, however, that "it's not a surprise to me that a court has in fact sealed the records just because it's so horrible."

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