Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #11

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Adam spared her suffering then, maybe ... from that "implied desease" of hers:rolleyes:
Which if true would give him some form of compassion.:rolleyes::rolleyes: I 'm going with the angry resentful, tired of hearing the poor me I'm sick notion, so I'm gonna help you along, MY WAY, sort of vengence.
Which might even be a stretch, considering how distorted his thinking really may have been. JMHO
Ken Dixon: Darkness on Yogananda Street

Published 5:27 pm, Friday, March 29, 2013

Nancy Lanza ended up lucky; lucky that she didn't live to see what her sick son wrought with the family Bushmaster XM15 in the only school where he was ever happy.

If the 52-year-old had lived, she'd finally realize what guns and mentally disturbed young men can do.

She could ask herself for another 30 years or so why she collected the weaponry; why the gun locker was in his bedroom; why he stayed down there all day, lost in the bloody fiction of shoot-`em-up video games; why she didn't rid the house of firearms when the hints of potential violence kept adding up.

Instead, it's up to us to ask those questions and -- more importantly -- to figure out how to stop similar acts from happening in Connecticut, since Congress is paralyzed by their bosses in the National Rifle Association.

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With shooting details aired, gun reform votes likely next week

Ken Dixon

Updated 9:45 pm, Thursday, March 28, 2013

HARTFORD -- The new evidence on the Newtown school shootings has pushed lawmakers toward the finish line in their response to the massacre.

Legislative leaders on Thursday brought copies of the 85-page prosecutor's report and search warrant summaries to their last closed-door meeting before the three-day Easter holiday weekend.

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Rally draws gun advocates, reformers

Nanci G. Hutson

Updated 9:45 pm, Thursday, March 28, 2013


NRA supporters as well as gun reform supporters voiced their opinions at the Newtown Action Alliance rally outside of the National Shooting Sports Foundation headquarters in Newtown, Conn. on Thursday, March 28, 2013. The two groups cooperated peacefully together, with gun reform supporters outnumbering NRA supporters by about a two to one ratio. More than 100 combined demonstrators attended the rally. Photo: Tyler Sizemore

NEWTOWN -- Outside the Newtown Shooting Sports Foundation on Thursday afternoon, one group of people waved flags and signs demanding protection of Second Amendment rights, while another, sporting the green and white colors of the Sandy Hook Elementary School, demanded tougher gun laws.

"Ban Violent Games/Not Guns," one placard read. Another asked, "How Can Anyone Be Opposed to Background Checks?"

A little, brown-haired girl held up a poster that advised, "Shoot Hoops/Not Guns."


Ken Johnson, of Stratford, holds up a National Rifle Association sign at the Newtown Action Alliance rally outside of the National Shooting Sports Foundation headquarters in Newtown, Conn. on Thursday, March 28, 2013. The rally was attended by supporters of gun reform, as well as many members of the NRA. The two groups cooperated peacefully together, with gun reform supporters outnumbering NRA supporters by about a two to one ratio. More than 100 combined demonstrators attended the rally. Photo: Tyler Sizemore


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Adam Lanza's Own Words, Drawings Could Provide Key To Sandy Hook Motive

By DAVE ALTIMARI, daltimar@courant.comThe
Hartford Courant
4:14 p.m. EDT, March 30, 2013

Amid the boxes of ammunition and gun manuals investigators found in Newtown shooter Adam Lanza's home were journals and drawings that experts say could provide the most useful clues to why he killed 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

"The journals may explain a lot about Adam Lanza, such as what made him mad or what made him happy, and when things didn't go his way in school or at home, how did he deal with that?'' said forensic psychologist Stanton E. Samenow, the author of "Inside the Criminal Mind," who recently interviewed and analyzed Washington, D.C. sniper, Lee Boyd Malvo.

State police found seven journals they say were written by Lanza, as well as some of his drawings, according to search warrants unsealed Thursday. The warrants do not indicate when the journals were written or when the drawing were made. They also do not provide details of what was written or drawn.

Investigative sources have said Lanza did not leave behind a note or manifesto...


"Even if the journals don't have any details about how he planned this massacre, they can explain a lot about how he saw himself and, just as importantly, how he saw others,'' Samenow said.

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Newtown first selectwoman critical of flurry of new books

Published: Friday, March 29, 2013

By Ed Stannard / Twitter: @edstannardnhr

If you haven’t heard enough about the Dec. 14 shootings in Newtown, you can read the book.

You can read several, in fact, depending on what aspect of the tragedy you’re interested in or your political point of view.

It’s the age of print on demand, the instant book, in which you can send a file to Amazon, design your own cover and sell it as a paperback or an e-book.

While at least four books related to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings are available at, they’re very different in subject matter and approach.

To some in Newtown, the rapid publication of these books amounts to exploitation of a tragedy...

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Published: Sunday, March 31, 2013, 12:01 a.m.

Lanza had maximum mayhem on his mind

By Eugene Robinson

WASHINGTON -- The gunman in the Newtown massacre fired 154 bullets from his Bushmaster military-style rifle in less than five minutes, killing 20 first-graders and six adults. He brought with him 10 large-capacity magazines, each holding up to 30 rounds, which allowed him to reload quickly. He also carried two semiautomatic handguns, one of which he used to take his own life.

Is this supposed to be the price of the Second Amendment? Is this the kind of America we want?

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Author of book found at Lanza's house fears stigma

Amanda Cuda

Published 8:58 pm, Saturday, March 30, 2013


"Look Me in the Eye: My Life with Asperger's" by John Elder Robison, chronicles the author's life with Asperger syndrome and tough times growing up. Photo: Contributed Photo

John Elder Robison wasn't surprised to learn his book "Look Me in the Eye: My Life With Asperger's" was found in the home of mass shooter Adam Lanza.

There has been wide speculation that Lanza had Asperger's syndrome or another disorder on the autism spectrum, and it made sense to Robison that his book, which is popular among parents of children with Asperger's, would make its way into the home shared by Adam and Nancy Lanza.

It also made him worried.

Robison, who has Asperger's, said he fears the link some have drawn between Lanza's deadly rampage in Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown and the neurological condition, inaccurate as it might be, would now be solidified in the public imagination. The last thing he would want is to see those with autism being further stigmatized.

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I think it's very unlikely she would have been charged-have you ever heard of a parent in a mass murder case being charged for allowing their child to have a weapon? And I believe it's even more unlikely that that was his motivation for killing her.

I don't know - this is a case that trumps all others. I would be demanding for her to be charged if I lived there. Or live where I do now. Crazy.
Here is that 2nd book found at Lanza's home:

Born On A Blue Day: Inside the Extraordinary Mind of an Autistic Savant


Book Description:
Release date: October 16, 2007
Born on a Blue Day is a journey into one of the most fascinating minds alive today—guided by the owner himself. Daniel Tammet is virtually unique among people who have severe autistic disorders in that he is capable of living a fully independent life and able to explain what is happening inside his head.
He sees numbers as shapes, colors, and textures, and he can perform extraordinary calculations in his head. He can learn to speak new languages fluently, from scratch, in a week. In 2004, he memorized and recited more than 22,000 digits of pi, setting a record. He has savant syndrome, an extremely rare condition that gives him the most unimaginable mental powers, much like those portrayed by Dustin Hoffman in the film Rain Man.

Fascinating and inspiring, Born on a Blue Day explores what it’s like to be special and gives us an insight into what makes us all human—our minds.

Editorial Reviews:

From Publishers Weekly
This unique first-person account offers a window into the mind of a high-functioning, 27-year-old British autistic savant with Asperger's syndrome. Tammet's ability to think abstractly, deviate from routine, and empathize, interact and communicate with others is impaired, yet he's capable of incredible feats of memorization and mental calculation. Besides being able to effortlessly multiply and divide huge sums in his head with the speed and accuracy of a computer, Tammet, the subject of the 2005 documentary Brainman, learned Icelandic in a single week and recited the number pi up to the 22,514th digit, breaking the European record. He also experiences synesthesia, an unusual neurological syndrome that enables him to experience numbers and words as "shapes, colors, textures and motions." Tammet traces his life from a frustrating, withdrawn childhood and adolescence to his adult achievements, which include teaching in Lithuania, achieving financial independence with an educational Web site and sustaining a long-term romantic relationship. As one of only about 50 people living today with synesthesia and autism, Tammet's condition is intriguing to researchers; his ability to express himself clearly and with a surprisingly engaging tone (given his symptoms) makes for an account that will intrigue others as well. (Jan.)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

From Booklist
*Starred Review* Although Tammet is only 27, his autobiography is as fascinating as Benjamin Franklin's and John Stuart Mill's, both of which are, like his, about the growth of a mind. Not that Tammet is a scientist-statesman or philosopher. He is an autistic savant who can perform hefty arithmetical calculations at lightning speed and acquire speaking competency in a previously unknown language in mere days (the latter capability he used to create the Web-based language-learning systems with which he supports himself). More socially competent and independent than the autistic savant famously played by Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man, Tammet shares his peers' strong preferences for routine, peace and quiet, private space, and literalness, as well as aversion to chance occurrences, aural and informational noise, and figurative language (despite his arithmetical gift, he can't do algebra; he reads a lot but never fiction). He learned fellowship very gradually and says he couldn't really acknowledge his eight siblings until he grew up. He also writes some of the clearest prose this side of Hemingway; he tells his story with such concentration, precision, and simplicity that his familial poverty, schooling as a "mainstreamed" student, self-realization as gay, and embracing of Christianity prove as enthralling as they are, ultimately, normal. Ray Olson
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Source: Born On A Blue Day: Inside the Extraordinary Mind of an Autistic Savant (9781416549017): Daniel Tammet: Books
Source:​ Born On A Blue Day: Inside the Extraordinary Mind of an Autistic Savant (9781416549017): Daniel Tammet: Books
Here is that 2nd book found at Lanza's home:

Born On A Blue Day: Inside the Extraordinary Mind of an Autistic Savant


Book Description:
Release date: October 16, 2007
Born on a Blue Day is a journey into one of the most fascinating minds alive today—guided by the owner himself. Daniel Tammet is virtually unique among people who have severe autistic disorders in that he is capable of living a fully independent life and able to explain what is happening inside his head.
He sees numbers as shapes, colors, and textures, and he can perform extraordinary calculations in his head. He can learn to speak new languages fluently, from scratch, in a week. In 2004, he memorized and recited more than 22,000 digits of pi, setting a record. He has savant syndrome, an extremely rare condition that gives him the most unimaginable mental powers, much like those portrayed by Dustin Hoffman in the film Rain Man.

Fascinating and inspiring, Born on a Blue Day explores what it’s like to be special and gives us an insight into what makes us all human—our minds.

Editorial Reviews:

From Publishers Weekly
This unique first-person account offers a window into the mind of a high-functioning, 27-year-old British autistic savant with Asperger's syndrome. Tammet's ability to think abstractly, deviate from routine, and empathize, interact and communicate with others is impaired, yet he's capable of incredible feats of memorization and mental calculation. Besides being able to effortlessly multiply and divide huge sums in his head with the speed and accuracy of a computer, Tammet, the subject of the 2005 documentary Brainman, learned Icelandic in a single week and recited the number pi up to the 22,514th digit, breaking the European record. He also experiences synesthesia, an unusual neurological syndrome that enables him to experience numbers and words as "shapes, colors, textures and motions." Tammet traces his life from a frustrating, withdrawn childhood and adolescence to his adult achievements, which include teaching in Lithuania, achieving financial independence with an educational Web site and sustaining a long-term romantic relationship. As one of only about 50 people living today with synesthesia and autism, Tammet's condition is intriguing to researchers; his ability to express himself clearly and with a surprisingly engaging tone (given his symptoms) makes for an account that will intrigue others as well. (Jan.)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

From Booklist
*Starred Review* Although Tammet is only 27, his autobiography is as fascinating as Benjamin Franklin's and John Stuart Mill's, both of which are, like his, about the growth of a mind. Not that Tammet is a scientist-statesman or philosopher. He is an autistic savant who can perform hefty arithmetical calculations at lightning speed and acquire speaking competency in a previously unknown language in mere days (the latter capability he used to create the Web-based language-learning systems with which he supports himself). More socially competent and independent than the autistic savant famously played by Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man, Tammet shares his peers' strong preferences for routine, peace and quiet, private space, and literalness, as well as aversion to chance occurrences, aural and informational noise, and figurative language (despite his arithmetical gift, he can't do algebra; he reads a lot but never fiction). He learned fellowship very gradually and says he couldn't really acknowledge his eight siblings until he grew up. He also writes some of the clearest prose this side of Hemingway; he tells his story with such concentration, precision, and simplicity that his familial poverty, schooling as a "mainstreamed" student, self-realization as gay, and embracing of Christianity prove as enthralling as they are, ultimately, normal. Ray Olson
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Source: Born On A Blue Day: Inside the Extraordinary Mind of an Autistic Savant (9781416549017): Daniel Tammet: [email]Books
Source:​ Born On A Blue Day: Inside the Extraordinary Mind of an Autistic Savant (9781416549017): Daniel Tammet: [email]Books

They only had two books in their entire house?

If that's true, it's the most incomprehensible thing I've ever heard.
No .. they had three books actually: :D

"... books, including an NRA guide to the basics of pistol shooting, authorities said.

Other books included “Look at Me: My Life with Asperger’s” and “Born on a Blue Day: Inside the Mind of an Autistic Savant.”

Lanzas more likely had some more books, but authorities took only those three ... others were of no interest to authorities, more likely. :)
I really hope they're not going to traipse far down the autism/Asperger's trail, because this has much more to do with mental illness and very little to do with autism.

Plus, if he was ill enough to do what he did, it's likely he read those books and found no similarity between himself and the authors. My brother can look at a list of symptoms for Asperger's that he CLEARLY has and still tell me he doesn't believe he does any of it.
Newtown first selectwoman critical of flurry of new books

Published: Friday, March 29, 2013

By Ed Stannard / Twitter: @edstannardnhr

If you haven’t heard enough about the Dec. 14 shootings in Newtown, you can read the book.

You can read several, in fact, depending on what aspect of the tragedy you’re interested in or your political point of view.

It’s the age of print on demand, the instant book, in which you can send a file to Amazon, design your own cover and sell it as a paperback or an e-book.

While at least four books related to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings are available at, they’re very different in subject matter and approach.

To some in Newtown, the rapid publication of these books amounts to exploitation of a tragedy...

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Adam Lanza Warrants Just Unsealed, but Books on Newtown Shooting Already Exist
Published: Sunday, March 31, 2013
Connecticut Governor Malloy Not Surprised by Adam Lanza Warrants Details, but Still Disturbed

Published: Sunday, March 31, 2013

By Mary E. O’Leary | | @nhrmoleary at Twitter

HARTFORD - Gov. Dannel P. Malloy said much of what was in the warrants on Adam Lanza’s home confirmed much of what was known about the 26 murders he committed, but the details were still disturbing.

“We knew that a disturbed individual entered a school and fired 154 rounds in less than 5 minutes, killing 20 innocent children and six dedicated educators. We knew that he had ready access to weapons that he should not have had access to. We knew that these weapons were legally purchased under our current laws,” Malloy said in a statement. “We knew he used 30 round magazines to do it, and that they allowed him to do maximum damage in a very short period of time. And we now know that he left the lower capacity magazines at home.

“This is exactly why we need to ban high capacity magazines and why we need to tighten our assault weapons ban. I don’t know what more we can need to know before we take decisive action to prevent gun violence. The time to act is now,” he said.

Malloy later during a press briefing said the volume of ammunition - 1,400 rounds according to his count - in the Lanza home was shocking.

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Just have to say that in my family we had several autistic family members and they were very intelligent and gentle people. Went to college and worked together on the family farm, didn't seek other people out but didn't mind when people visited them at their home. Their father provided a home for them and only one worked outside the home and had a family. They loved their family and never ever tried to hurt each other or anyone else. JMO
When the final report comes out .. we'll see if there will be any mention in it, about AL being bullied in school, as it was previously reported (or at the very least, rumored)

Possibly being autistic / having Asperger’s and being bullied at one point of one's life or another, is NOT the best combination...

... of course, being raised with as many weapons and ammunition as he and his mother had in their house, surely did NOT help the situation.
When the final report comes out .. we'll see if there will be any mention in it, about AL being bullied in school, as it was previously reported (or at the very least, rumored)

Possibly being autistic / having Asperger’s and being bullied at one point of one's life or another, is NOT the best combination...

... of course, being raised with as many weapons and ammunition as he and his mother had in their house, surely did NOT help the situation.

I hope the final reports includes information about any current and past treatment AL received for his mental illness whether it was counseling, medication, etc. I wonder if he had any "official" diagnosis or a brain scan and if so, I want to know the results of any testing. Like Darkman, I want to know if he was bullied at school. I'd also like to know what it was NL suffered from and if AL inherited it her disorder. We learned from her emails that her condition was like some sort of genetic time bomb and we know her grandfather died from it. Living with that knowledge must have driven NL crazy. Hell maybe if AL just THOUGHT he had it, he drove himself crazy.
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