Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen-#4

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Childhood schizophrenia is very rare. It appears to me this guy had enough issues without having schizophrenia.

people with aspergers, autism and ocd have a higher risk of developing schizophrenia in adult life.
I understand, but this was a family??? Maybe not. Just can't imagine totally being abandoned father and brother. jmo

His mother didn't abandon him and ended up shot in the head.
No disrespect but have these scientific studies been conducted on males with conduct disorders, schizophreniform, schizotypal, manic-depression, autistic, asperger's, etc.....? Or have they (and this is what I assume) been done on mentally healthy people that can differentiate between reality and fiction? I have read scientific research studies on healthy individuals regarding the classic "Bobo Doll" experiment and it showed violent behaviour occurs if one views others doing violence. Anyone else in the Mental Health/Psychiatric vocation that wants to comment about the "Bobo Doll" research?

No disrespect felt... I totally understand what you are saying. My point is that we do NOT know for a fact that he had any diagnosable mental illness. IMO it is entirely unfair & premature to blame video games for his or anyone else's violent behaviour. Especially without knowing whether or not there is an underlying disorder or deficiency that may be a contributing factor which could potentially culminate into a perfect storm.

and I want to be perfectly clear about this to prevent any misunderstandings... Autism (no matter the spectrum including Aspergers) does NOT = mental illness. Could he have had both? Sure - but we do NOT know.
Attention Please!

We've already posted that we do not want to turn discussion of this horrific crime into a gun control issue. We've opened a thread on this subject in the private sector and would appreciate you taking further gun control discussion to that thread.

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TIA for your cooperation,
people with aspergers, autism and ocd have a higher risk of developing schizophrenia in adult life.

I don't feel the need to arm chair diagnose him with mental illnesses nobody apparently diagnosed him with.
Wondering if the appearance that the mother was "deserted" by the father & son, is due to the parents having a difference of opinion about care for AL. I tend to agree with others here, who have speculated that in 2008 (when AL was about 16 +/-, he began to have more behavioral problems; and the parents disagreed about future care. And as a result, divorced. According to news reports, Nancy L relied on the brother & others to "watch" AL, from time to time. The father may have seen clearly, that management of this degree of mental illness, required a level of expertise, way beyond what they could provide. Presumably, Nancy L disagreed; and it was going to be her way, or the highway.

I'm sorry, but this isn't the first post I've seen speculating that dad was all-wise and mom was clueless.

I don't think that's fair.

For all we know, maybe when the killer started to have more behavioral problems, mom was the one who really got the picture and dad was the one in denial, and that's why they divorced? Where's the evidence that it was her way or the highway? That's just mean IMO.

And in any event, if Dad was the one who saw clearly that his son needed expertise way beyond what they could provide, why didn't he fight on his son's behalf, rather than--again, as far as we know--just turning the kid over to the mom and turning his back on the situation to the point that he hadn't been in contact for two years?

I just don't understand the mom-bashing here when so few facts are known. :banghead:

ETA: And the one undeniable fact that we know is, Mom had the kid in her home. Dad didn't.
I don't feel the need to arm chair diagnose him with mental illnesses nobody apparently diagnosed him with.

Huh ???? I've read reports that claim his close relatives, brother, aunt, father, school teachers, school mates clearly stating there was mental illness.

I'm directing this to you (but anyone with knowledge, please chime in!)....

What "typically" is the plan for education and recreation for children who exhibit same behaviors or have same/similar diagnosis as AL. I mean, what we know from reports (questionable as they are) that growing up he couldn't play sports, he was very intelligent, had poor social skills... so it seems his world was the computer and thus the graphically violent games were his only recreation. Is there a good overall way to direct, teach and guide these gifted (yet ill) children? If a plan exists and is followed, I know it might not have prevented this heinous crime, but surely it cannot hurt.
That article helps me to realize that classrooms need a saferoom inside of them. They need something like this which could also function as a coat closet:

May God bless those teachers that did everything they could to hide those precious children.

Never thought of a safe room!! Great idea.

I heard on 48 hours tonight that the principal lunged at the killer....the adults/teachers and aides were heroic.

God bless them.....indeed.

(and miss you Pens..:))
Ugh! All of this makes me so angry. I feel anger at the mom, really, how can you let that go on under your roof?! I know I shouldn't judge.... but a mentally ill and volatile person should not be allowed to play violent video games and sit on the computer all day every day... he should have been institutionalized. I wonder if that is one of the reasons they got a divorce. So. angry.

I think there were other viable options short of institutionalization, but I agree with you on the violent video games and mental illness, especially for very long hours at one sitting and especially during "in the night" hours causing loss of sleep.

I had a very close friend with a son who clearly had mental health issues. They were often called to his school about his misconduct and wrote it off to "the teacher doesn't know how to handle him" and "all kids that age act like this". Last time they visited, he threatened his own father with homocide twice, once while at a restaurant when he yelled across the room to a waitress to bring him a knife so he could kill his father. He nearly drowned several children by stealing their canoe while they were swimming in a lake, forcing them to swim across a large body of water without life jackets. His mom sat on our boat dock and watched this without any reaction at all.

Oh, and by the way, the parents are both licensed family counselors. Their only reaction to any of these events is "he has a right to express himself".

He scared us so badly on his last visit at the age of 14 that we (very sadly) have never invited them back.

ETA: Oh gee, and I forgot the main point: they constantly let this kid spend massive time playing violent video games because it is the only thing that keeps his focus for very long, therefore it has become their best "babysitter" for him, giving them relief from his high maintenance intensity.
His attorney wrote this statement-for the media.
If my child had done this, perhaps, I would have hired an attorney as well.
However, I would not allow them to release such a pat statement like this.
His ex wife is dead, his son is dead, 26 other people are dead, and he allows some attorney to issue a scripted message like this?
How about a little reality? Sorry. If I was a parent of one of these murdered children, this obvious statement visa vie an attorney would make me crazed.
A little heart and soul, would help. Even a bit. My opinion

I read the fathers statement, pretty well written IMO, I do not recall him mentioning his ex?
For all we know, there were very few warning signs of anything this severe. It isn't hard to look back after someone murders 27 people and say that they were obviously ill, there was something wrong, someone should have done something...

But he was a 20 year old male. That is the prime time for schizophrenia to rear it's ugly head, also a prime time for someone to suffer an escalation in any kind of mental illness. At this point, we don't know what Nancy observed in her son, and in fact, the only things I have seen about AL in the past say that he was "odd", "off", "awkward in social situations". None of these things indicate to me that someone is on the cusp of eliminating a classroom full of children and shooting their own mother in the face.

I don't feel the need to arm chair diagnose him with mental illnesses nobody apparently diagnosed him with.

No need to feel anyone is "armchair diagnosing" him, I was commenting on your comment about childhood schizophrenia...thats all!!!
BBM This hurts because it is so true and I am guilty of this. I can not name one victim of the Columbine shooting. The names of the murderers (won't say their names) have been ingrained into my brain. I would recognize them right away.

I also agree with this whole post and I personally am going to work harder to remember the victims of these crimes and not give the killers the attention they so crave.

Just off the top of my head,
Rachel Scott, Kyle Velazques, (both are buried in the same Cemetery as my Grandparents, Daniel Rohrbough, Cassie Berenall, Isiah Shoels & Lauren Townsend.
Huh ???? I've read reports that claim his close relatives, brother, aunt, father, school teachers, school mates clearly stating there was mental illness.

Yes, I think the only question is the actual diagnosis...but there was definitely something wrong.

I'm directing this to you (but anyone with knowledge, please chime in!)....

What "typically" is the plan for education and recreation for children who exhibit same behaviors or have same/similar diagnosis as AL. I mean, what we know from reports (questionable as they are) that growing up he couldn't play sports, he was very intelligent, had poor social skills... so it seems his world was the computer and thus the graphically violent games were his only recreation. Is there a good overall way to direct, teach and guide these gifted (yet ill) children? If a plan exists and is followed, I know it might not have prevented this heinous crime, but surely it cannot hurt.

In the Atlanta area we have The Marcus Center.

not sure what public schools do, but I do know each student has a "team" and an individual education "plan" "IEP"
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