Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #5

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I think his symptoms all appear to fit Aspergers. So what makes you think he was misdiagnosed? Assuming that what he was diagnosed with, since we don't even know that for sure.

I'd just like to continue to preface this as unqualified. I am not a mental health professional, merely a neuroscience major.

Primarily, the younger you go in reports of people who knew him, the more "normalized" they interpreted his behavior. In my unqualified experience, forms of HFA such as Aspergers tend to become easier to mask outwardly as children mature into adults and young adults. Especially if they are in school and receiving specific therapies. It's my impression that his symptoms seemed to intensify as he matured, which leads me to other neurological variances.

I do agree that certain symptoms line up, but that's the things about neurology- a lot of different inputs can result in the same output and vice versa. Only a qualified professional who worked with him for some time could adequately answer this question IMO. Which is why I am trying to tread carefully and speak without authority.
Not a single person said AL was hearing voices or was delusional.

Because no one has mentioned seeing this killer outside of his home for years and his brother and dad hadn't visited with him in 2 years, this might forever be an "unknown".
As far as I know, not a single person said AL was hearing voices or was delusional. So I have no idea as to why we'd be "diagnosing" him with childhood onset schizophrenia. I saw a TV show about a child with early onset schizophrenia. That child had a whole bunch of delusions.
I don't see anything to suggest AL had a whole bunch of delusions.
Prodromal stage of schizophrenia symptoms-early warning signs which include:

Extreme reaction to criticism
Social withdrawal
Deterioration of personal hygiene
Forgetful; unable to concentrate
Oversleeping or insomnia
Flat, expressionless gaze
Inability to cry or express joy
Inappropriate laughter or crying
Odd or irrational statements
Hostility or suspiciousness
Strange use of words or way of speaking
As far as I know, not a single person said AL was hearing voices or was delusional. So I have no idea as to why we'd be "diagnosing" him with childhood onset schizophrenia. I saw a TV show about a child with early onset schizophrenia. That child had a whole bunch of delusions.
I don't see anything to suggest AL had a whole bunch of delusions.

With all due respect, at this point we don't know if AL received enough professional assessment to indicate if he was hallucinating or delusional.

IF, and it's a big IF, NL was trying to handle the situation mostly on her own, she may not have pursued enough professional intervention to know the exact level of his possible mental illness.

Or he may have been so non-compliant that she couldn't force the issue. Once he was 18, he could not be compelled to seek and maintain treatment. Trust me on ugliness of the "adult non-compliance issue."
He has such an unusual look to him. People with schizophrenia look just like everybody else.
It wouldn't surprise me if he had some genetic condition.
He has such an unusual look to him. People with schizophrenia look just like everybody else.
It wouldn't surprise me if he had some genetic condition.

From my own first-hand experience (lots of family members), he actually looks a lot like someone with active mental illness. Or as I call it, "the demons running rampant in his head."
He has such an unusual look to him. People with schizophrenia look just like everybody else.
It wouldn't surprise me if he had some genetic condition.

^ this. I feel he has a very distinct look that I've seen before, and I can't put my finger on it. I've been trying to find time to look over some of my textbooks and manuals. Not that I can diagnose even then, but I feel like I've seen this "look" in a textbook at some point.
^ this. I feel he has a very distinct look that I've seen before, and I can't put my finger on it. I've been trying to find time to look over some of my textbooks and manuals. Not that I can diagnose even then, but I feel like I've seen this "look" in a textbook at some point.

Charles Manson, The Batman killer (Holmes), <----- maybe those two had a similar look?

It is a look of "mania" to me, jmho.
^ this. I feel he has a very distinct look that I've seen before, and I can't put my finger on it. I've been trying to find time to look over some of my textbooks and manuals. Not that I can diagnose even then, but I feel like I've seen this "look" in a textbook at some point.

Somebody pointed out he resembles persons with fragile X syndrome. But that results in mental retardation, and he apparently had normal IQ (or maybe even above normal).
Rabbi Praver told MSNBC (re: Noah Pozner): "He was at the wrong place at the wrong time..."

I read this earlier and have been doing my best to let it go, but it's eating at me. I know we say these things as a way to find some sort of explanation or comfort and it's a figure of speech, but I completely disagree with this in this case. Where were these children supposed to be at this time?! They were exactly where they were supposed to their classes at school and safe. I mean no offense to anyone by saying this, it's just that these children and staff were exactly where they were supposed to be...but, this is a horrific tragedy that should have never happened.

I just keep looking at my 5 yr old nephew (I see him 3-4 times a week, he's my little buddy) and just cannot fathom him having to endure even close to the fear...ugh...I just can't type it. I wish I could take the place of at least one of those children...I'm sure that's exactly what Dawn Hochsprung, Victoria Soto, Mary Sherlach, Lauren Rousseau, Anne Marie Murphy, and Rachel D'Avino did. They are heroes and we should remember them for their sacrifice that most likely saved many children that day.
Adam Lanza Mass Murder in US, China's Knife Attacks Shift Focus on Mental Health

By Christine Gaylican | December 17, 2012


President Barack Obama looks down as he walks from the rostrum after speaking at a vigil held at Newtown High School for families of victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, in Newtown, Connecticut. (Photo: Reuters / )


Read at the Source:
Nancy Lanza had considered moving with her son to Wash. state, friend says

By Rick Maese and Peter Hermann,

Published: December 16

NEWTOWN, Conn. &#8212; In the weeks and months before Adam Lanza tore through an elementary school with an assault rifle and horrified this tight-knit town, his mother was considering moving him to Washington state, said a close family friend.

Mark Tambascio, a restaurant proprietor who had known Nancy Lanza for several years, said she had recently discovered a school that seemed to suit him.

&#8220;They were going to move out there together,&#8221; he said Sunday night.

&#8220;He was her whole life. She was very proud of both of her sons,&#8221; Tambascio added. &#8220;She never mentioned that [Adam] was suicidal or violent. Nothing like that. Everyone that had spent any time around him, they knew he was a little bit different, but you never saw any major, major issues.&#8221;


Nancy Lanza described her son to friends as a genius of sorts with a high IQ who was able to complete his high school studies in the 10th grade. He occasionally came into My Place with his mother and had dinner and was fidgety and quiet.

&#8220;It was hard to really engage in any real conversation,&#8221; he said. &#8220;It was like his mind was going a million miles an hour.&#8221;

Tambascio said that Adam had recently begun driving, the result of his mother&#8217;s effort to help him accept more responsibility.


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Pretty good "fresh" article to read:

The Real Newtown, Connecticut

Posted: 12/16/2012 9:02 pm

Newtown, Connecticut has been my home for most of my adult life -- almost 20 years. My husband and I chose to raise our children in this picturesque, New England town because of its strong sense of history and community, and its intelligent, accomplished, concerned residents who possess a strong sense of pride in the town....


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Former School Security Chief: I Knew Lanza...

1 hour 3 minutes ago, AP Canada

---- VIDEO (1:25) ----

The former Director of Security of the Newtown, Connecitcut Board of Education often interacted with gunman Adam Lanza. Richard Novia says Lanza was highly intelligent but did all he could to avoid interacting with others. (Dec. 17).


Watch at the Source:
Friends of Nancy Lanza speak out: She "was a generous and kind person"

December 16th, 2012
07:39 PM ET

CNN's Erin Burnett sat down with some the friends of Nancy Lanza, the mother of the Sandy Hook elementary school gunman, Adam Lanza. The family says Lanza didn't have a regular job but dedicated her time to charity work.


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Friends had met Lanza's younger son, who stared down at the floor and didn't speak when she brought him in. They knew he'd switched schools more than once and that she'd tried home schooling him. But while she occasionally expressed concern about his future during evenings at the bar, she never complained about anything at all.

"I heard her as a parent. I always said that I wouldn't want to be in her shoes. But I thought, `Wow. She holds it well,'" said Tambascio's son, John.


When I use the quote "the wrong place at the wrong time", I mean they are completely innocent. I think this is what the Rabbi mean also. It is so hard to find words to express our grief over the loss of these children.

Rabbi Praver told MSNBC (re: Noah Pozner): "He was at the wrong place at the wrong time..."

I read this earlier and have been doing my best to let it go, but it's eating at me. I know we say these things as a way to find some sort of explanation or comfort and it's a figure of speech, but I completely disagree with this in this case. Where were these children supposed to be at this time?! They were exactly where they were supposed to their classes at school and safe. I mean no offense to anyone by saying this, it's just that these children and staff were exactly where they were supposed to be...but, this is a horrific tragedy that should have never happened.

I just keep looking at my 5 yr old nephew (I see him 3-4 times a week, he's my little buddy) and just cannot fathom him having to endure even close to the fear...ugh...I just can't type it. I wish I could take the place of at least one of those children...I'm sure that's exactly what Dawn Hochsprung, Victoria Soto, Mary Sherlach, Lauren Rousseau, Anne Marie Murphy, and Rachel D'Avino did. They are heroes and we should remember them for their sacrifice that most likely saved many children that day.
Not a football fan at all, but this made me tear up. What a good guy.

Huge football fan, "my" team is division rivals with the Giants. I have so much respect for Victor Cruz...class act to take the initiative and reach out to the family. I'm sure they appreciate it and it helps them feel close to their son.
Sandy Hook Killer's Mother Was A Survivalist, Preparing For Economic Collapse

Posted on Dec 16, 2012 @ 02:40PM


Nancy Lanza was a survivalist, who may have owned the weapon her son used to kill her as part of her stockpiling of supplies for the the economic collapse she thought the country was facing, according to a close family member.

Speaking from her home near Chicago, Nancy Lanza's sister-in-law, Marsha Lanza, told reporters , "She was stockpiling food. We talked about prepping a lot. She was getting ready for the economic collapse. I think she had the guns for self-defense because she lived alone."


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When I use the quote "the wrong place at the wrong time", I mean they are completely innocent. I think this is what the Rabbi mean also. It is so hard to find words to express our grief over the loss of these children.

I completely understand, and I wasn't trying to pick apart his words. It just hit a chord with me...I've said this phrase as well, but in this instance, I can't make it fit. I know what the Rabbi meant, but my first thought was that they were in the right place; it wasn't a coincidence.
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