Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #5

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Few pics: (from CNN, etc) ... Nancy Lanza & Adam Lanza


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I have no doubts that Nancy was an amazing, dedicated, and compassionate woman. All who came into contact with her only have wonderful things to say about her. It appears, based on one of the articles, that she felt Adam was slipping away from her. Maybe she was contemplating the fact that Adam may actually need more help than she could ever give him.

I keep going back to Nancy's computer reportedly being smashed? Could Nancy have been looking into Hospitals? Having email exchanges with a Hospital? Could Adam have found something like this (he's good with computers) and it set him off? Nancy really was the only person he had. Would he feel like this was a form of betrayal from Nancy? Shooting your own mother in the face four times (hopefully while she was asleep) is a rage killing.

Then, maybe he did go back, in his mind, and he felt the root of all his problems began when he entered school. And that is why he took it out on them?

I don't know? My heart just breaks for Nancy right now. There are many reports that have made he question some things, but knowing how utterly terrified that she was losing her son is so heartbreaking.
I completely understand, and I wasn't trying to pick apart his words. It just hit a chord with me...I've said this phrase as well, but in this instance, I can't make it fit. I know what the Rabbi meant, but my first thought was that they were in the right place; it wasn't a coincidence.

On labor day, my daughter's 7th grade science teacher was shot to death by her 16 year old son. He also killed his father and his little sister.

I keep thinking, what it if wasn't on a holiday weekend, what if he went to the school instead. I know it's not rational thinking on my part, but it still scares me.

I'm so angry that I could spit! And it scares me.
Few pics: (from CNN, etc) ... Nancy Lanza & Adam Lanza


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The school picture with Adam as a young boy (looks 6/7) is so cute. He looks like a normal, happy kid in that orange Navy sweater. The picture of him waving (12/13?), his appearance is definitely different, but it doesn't look like a troubled kid, just an normal 12/13 year old going through a normal awkward stage. But then get to the B/W photograph where his eyes are bulging and his face sunken in... It's literally a different person.
Charles Manson, The Batman killer (Holmes), <----- maybe those two had a similar look?

It is a look of "mania" to me, jmho.
No, not his eyes or expression. I mean his structure- imagine him sleeping. He has a distinct facial structure. Attached and protruding earlobes, thin skull structure, small mouth, long narrow nose. It's distinct, but that doesn't mean it's a genetic disorder. I just feel like I have a connection on the tip of my tongue. I probably shouldn't have speculated, lol.

Somebody pointed out he resembles persons with fragile X syndrome. But that results in mental retardation, and he apparently had normal IQ (or maybe even above normal).
He doesn't look fragile x to me, but I can see why people might say that. My first thought was Marfan, but I don't think it's accurate. Most of the ones that come to mind would not lineup with his average to above intelligence.

It's moot anyhow, I tend to hyperfocus on things like this just because of my interest in neurology and genetics, it's not all that relevant, though.
I think that our president's reaction is the same as most of us. We have to do something! I have heard lots of politicians ideas as to what to do. One said that we should have security at schools, theaters, malls, all public places, just like we have at federal buildings, airports, and sport events.. I don't want to live in a country like that. I don't think any of us do.

Connecticut school massacre: business booming at gun shops and rifle ranges

Just hours after the carnage wrought at Sandy Hook might have raised doubts, Paul Smith was adamant: there is a God, and He meant for Americans to have guns.

By Jon Swaine, Bridgeport, 8:58PM GMT 16 Dec 2012

"That really does sum it up," Mr Smith told The Daily Telegraph, amid the loud crack-crack of rifles at his Bridgeport Rifle Range, where business was booming. "Guns don't kill people – people do."

Adam Lanza is said to have been taken to a local range for target practice by his mother, Nancy, a gun enthusiast whose high-powered rifle was used by her son to kill 20 children and seven women.

While the owner of the other nearby range said the Lanzas did not use his facility, Mr Smith declined to do so. "I know about that, but the business practices here aren't shared with the public," he said.


Mr Smith predicted that President Barack Obama's "knee jerk reaction" to the Sandy Hook massacre would inevitably result in "more legislation for laws that are not going to be effective".


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Charles Manson, The Batman killer (Holmes), <----- maybe those two had a similar look?

It is a look of "mania" to me, jmho.
To me it was the look of someone on certain drugs. Not saying he was, just stating I've seen this look before associated with drugs.
Pain pills/and or anxiety medication.

Thirteen months ago I had someone sit at my dinning room table stating they wanted to rip the eyeballs out of a family member while they had those big, wide eyes. Said person was taking pain pills. I used to see those eyes where I worked and learned to avoid them. One guy told me he wanted to push someone into a working machine. Scared the 'ell out of me, and when I told management they told me not to worry about it, he wouldn't.

Remember some of the more interesting pictures of Ronald Cummings? In some pics he had those big eyes.

I'm editing and adding as more and more incidents come to mind.
I don't think smashing computers is the least bit strange if you know you won't be around.

Personally, when I die I don't want anyone to get into my computer. There are pictures, written poems, conversation logs with different people, stored passwords, budgets etc. I wouldn't want anyone else to see.

These things are not illegal, but a computer is something very personal and as I said, I wouldn't want anyone to be lurking in my stuff!
I've also had a family member sit at my dinning room table who is mentally ill. We went to court to have him declared mentally incompetent. It wasn't easy! He was in his 50's. Not a young adult. It is possible. We have to get beyond the culture of keeping our secrets in the closet and get our family members help.

It's not the job of society or government. It's our responsibility. There is no shame in mental illness, no more than there is shame in any other medical condition. Trident, you said you see a's there. Drugs or no drugs. Many mentally ill are on drugs, many aren't.

To me it was the look of someone on certain drugs. Not saying he was, just stating I've seen this look before associated with drugs.
Pain pills/and or anxiety medication.

Thirteen months ago I had someone sit at my dinning room table stating they wanted to rip the eyeballs out of a family member while they had those big, wide eyes. Said person was taking pain pills. I used to see those eyes where I worked and learned to avoid them. One guy told me he wanted to push someone into a working machine. Scared the 'ell out of me, and when I told management they told me not to worry about it, he wouldn't.

Remember some of the more interesting pictures of Ronald Cummings? In some pics he had those big eyes.

I'm editing and adding as more and more incidents come to mind.
Somebody pointed out he resembles persons with fragile X syndrome. But that results in mental retardation, and he apparently had normal IQ (or maybe even above normal).

IMO, his facial features sure match FXS tho, and according to this article, the mental retardation isn't necessarily applicable to all cases:

Fragile X syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

... Individuals with FXS may present anywhere on a continuum from learning disabilities in the context of a normal intelligence quotient (IQ) to severe intellectual disability, with an average IQ of 40 in males who have complete silencing of the FMR1 gene ...
I've also had a family member sit at my dinning room table who is mentally ill. We went to court to have him declared mentally incompetent. It wasn't easy! He was in his 50's. Not a young adult. It is possible. We have to get beyond the culture of keeping our secrets in the closet and get our family members help.

It's not the job of society or government. It's our responsibility. There is no shame in mental illness, no more than there is shame in any other medical condition. Trident, you said you see a's there. Drugs or no drugs. Many mentally ill are on drugs, many aren't.

BBM, thing is, I'm not sure that family member is mentally ill; I believe the pain/anxiety pills were doing the talking - in graphic detail about ripping out the eyeballs. Those big eyes were a dead give away.

At work another woman had those BIG eyes, she couldn't close them, it seemed, and she couldn't stop running around from one place to another. She was pregnant at the time, and stealing her mother's pain pills. When the baby was born, there were certain "issues" with the child.

I don't know the answer, just saying I've seen these eyes before, more times than I even want to remember, and I don't work in the mental health field, never have. Prescription drugs, their own or gotten elsewhere, were the problem/cause that I noted.

Only stating my opinion and experience.
I may not be adding much to the conversation other than an opinion here, although it needs to be said. Regardless of what disease or illness they make up for the loser that shot the school up, nothing on Earth can make someone do this without some sort of evil/logical thoughts.

Every time these events happen media and everyone jump on the "mental illness" reasoning, and doing that is disrespectful to all the others with mental illness. He was just an evil idiot who wanted power over weaker people than himself and that is no excuse for even the most mentally handicapped person.

Sorry for such a negative first post, but it's my honest opinion.
woke up to use the bathroom and caught the commentary by Joe Scarborough on Morning Joe/MSNBC. watch for it when it becomes available later

Symptoms of Unspecified Schizophrenia
While the signs and symptoms are going to vary because the exact nature of the schizophrenia is not known, there are some common things that occur in people who have this psychotic disorder.

  • Anxiety is one problem for people with an unspecified type of schizophrenia.
  • A high pain tolerance or inability to feel pain also occurs for some people
  • Poor personal hygiene and a withdrawal from society - anti-social behavior
  • Poor motor skills and trouble moving around are typical for some people with an unknown type of schizophrenia that is not entirely catatonic.
  • Delusions of persecution or grandeur are commonly present in people who suffer from unspecified schizophrenia.
  • A regression to childhood - acting childlike - sometimes happens for people suffering from this form of schizophrenia.
  • Hallucinations are another sign of schizophrenia, even if it is unspecified.
  • Inappropriate laughter is a problem for people with unspecified schizophrenia.
  • Incoherence and an inability to communicate effectively also occur frequently in people struggling with unspecified schizophrenia.

Dangers of Unspecified Schizophrenia
One of the main dangers of unspecified schizophrenia is the fact that the exact nature of the mental illness isn't known. Because of this, symptoms that aren't expected may appear, further complicating the problem. In addition, there is the constant risk of someone suffering from unspecified schizophrenia hurting themselves or someone around them. These are real dangers that should be considered when thinking about getting treatment for unspecified schizophrenia.

I put this info up earlier during another discussion, so I hope I am not stepping out of line, but some of the things we have heard about AL's issues sound a lot like the symptoms above. Also isn't it true that children showing early signs of developing schizophrenia, as they become adults, are often misdiagnosed with aspergers and other developmental disorders. I'm thinking that it was perhaps his age that created that diagnosis, and that he did not have aspergers at all but was heading towards severe mental illness.

I do feel for his mother the more I hear. She would have suffered a lot with him.
Adam Lanza, Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre gunman, took college courses at the age 16

Lanza was enrolled in Western Connecticut State University from 2008 to 2009 and received A's in computer science and American history classes, school spokesman said.

By Chelsia Marcius AND Bill Hutchinson / NEW YORK DAILY NEWS

Monday, December 17, 2012, 6:24 AM

.... earned a 3.26 GPA at Western Connecticut State University while enrolled at age 16.

He also received an A-minus in American history since 1877. But he withdrew from German language and data-modeling computer science courses because he didn't want his poor performance to drag down his grade point average.

"His overall GPA for the six classes that he completed was 3.26," said Steinmetz, adding that Lanza also took courses in philosophy and macroeconomics.


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CNN's very respectful clip, showing the names of all the poor kids & pictures of those they have pictures of, was just nearly too sad to bear. I keep wanting to wake up and this all be a bad dream.
JMO, if it's true that the gunman excelled at school and had a high IQ it is imo somewhat more unlikely that he had started exhibiting symptoms of childhood schizophrenia very early on. This is not to say that geniuses couldn't develop schizophrenia, that no children with the diagnosis ever do well at school or that he couldn't have begun having symptoms in adolescence or early adulthood. But childhood schizophrenia is frequently accompanied with problems in academic achievement. Sometimes there is an associated decrease in IQ test results but even if there isn't it's easy to understand why the symptoms make it easy for a delusional/hallucinating child or a child with negative symptoms to underachieve at school. Problems with educational attainment are even listed in one of the diagnosis criteria. It might be even more evident if undiagnosed and untreated, I'd think. AL seems to have done pretty well at school at least up until his teen years when he dropped out of high school (but even then he took college courses at 16...) If he had schizophrenia at all I would guess the serious symptoms started rather recently, not in very early childhood. JMO and I could be wrong, as always.
Adam Lanza had lived with his mother in the 4,000-square-foot, $700,000 house. His parents were divorced in 2009.

He had two bedrooms that were clean and orderly when law officers swept into the house after the shootings Friday morning. Lanza apparently lived in one of the rooms and kept his computer gear and other items in the other one, the sources said. Law officers found evidence that Adam Lanza played graphically violent video games, the sources said.

Lanza was estranged from his brother, Ryan Lanza, 24, and hadn't talked to his father since 2010, according to people who have known the family.,0,2311968.story
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