Conrad Murray trial -Day four.

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Okay, i.v. tubing could that be just the part stuck in the leg and the longer tube was removed? Was there a second tube? Or did the tube get pulled out in front of the EMT? I missed everything until a minute or two ago, but see where this is confusing.
I only find that Dr. Klein had him on demarol, not propofil:

I only know what I see in court and on this thread, like the Jury I am making my inferences based on testimony.

I think Dr Klein fed MJ's addiction IMO I think it included Propofol. 51 shots of demerol a month is crazy.
I believe that Alverez testified that the doctor pulled the iv out of MJs leg when they moved him unto the floor.

The paramedic testifying said the IV was in, and Dr. Feelgood actually took a medication out of his pack and started to put it in MJ's IV.

Did I hear that right?

Okay, i.v. tubing could that be just the part stuck in the leg and the longer tube was removed? Was there a second tube? Or did the tube get pulled out in front of the EMT? I missed everything until a minute or two ago, but see where this is confusing.

I think this EMTs testimony crosses over into the time period of Alverez's testimony. The prosecutor did not make it clear about the time line and how the testimony runs along the same time period. I orginally thought all of Alverez's testimony was before Emergency personnel got there but it would appear that it was concurrant to Emt's testimony.
The paramedic testifying said the IV was in, and Dr. Feelgood actually took a medication out of his pack and started to put it in MJ's IV.

Did I hear that right?


Is that a real name?
I think this EMTs testimony crosses over into the time period of Alverez's testimony. The prosecutor did not make it clear about the time line and how the testimony runs along the same time period. I orginally thought all of Alverez's testimony was before Emergency personnel got there but it would appear that it was concurrant to Emt's testimony.

Thank you, that is what I was getting, just needed to be sure!
geesh they are gonna take a break during cross?

It's lunch time in CA. Aside: there's that lime green tie CM's attorney was wearing the other day. What's the significance, if any?
They might be trying to get Alveraz's transcript and timeline (which is different then pretrial according to cross yestday) to impeach Alveraz.

IV was still there ,EMT arrived as MJ was being moved and somewhere along the way. they did Joint CPR. Plus he misspoke about the moving about Micheal Jackson from the bed. If you cant trust his recall, you cant trust he is truthful because he might not really know how it happened. He might think he remembers.
I only know what I see in court and on this thread, like the Jury I am making my inferences based on testimony.

I think Dr Klein fed MJ's IMO I think it included Propofol. 51 shots of demerol a month is crazy.

If it included Propofil (by Dr. Klein) CM would have said so, IMO.

I suspect CM put him on Propofil because it has a short half-life and he wanted to escape detection if MJ overdosed. That is why he tried to cover up the physical evidence, because he knew an autopsy would not reveal it. I also think that is why he didn't call 911, why he never mentioned Propofil to the EMT, and why he tried to resuscitate him by himself. MOO.
I think this EMTs testimony crosses over into the time period of Alverez's testimony. The prosecutor did not make it clear about the time line and how the testimony runs along the same time period. I orginally thought all of Alverez's testimony was before Emergency personnel got there but it would appear that it was concurrant to Emt's testimony.

No way . We heard the call yesterday. It was not 4 minutes long ws it? Did we hear him hang up?

The link to 911 transcript is in the photo and evidence links thread.
I have a feeling that both the paramedic and Alvarez could both be correct. Alvarez was still on the line with dispatcher when he was told to put him on the floor. Paramedics could have arrived in the middle of it.

On InSession, they are discussing that the EMT saw Murray cleaning up. There is the thought that Alvarez was lying. My thoughts are that there was plenty of stuff to clean up and both are correct.

It also wouldn't surprise me if Alvarez had his timeline a little wonky. He was focused on following Murray's instructions, not necessarily on the strict order of things.
Hi to all WS's resident and professional lurker here :seeya:

Watching and shaking my head at this trial with all just as with the Caylee trial.

Just need a little vent time and them I will go back to my corner.

As with so many I love Michael Jackson as a teenager of the 80's MJ's music is so attached to my teenage years I cant hear one of his songs and not have it associated with a memory. He was the performer of my lifetime.

Dr Murrary should be held responsible for his utter lack of intelligent care of MJ absolute neglignece and deraliction of his duties and his oath as a medical professional. I think that he is charged appropriately and should serve time for his part in MJ's death. But..........
(please dont hurt me)
Dont get me wrong MJ should not be on trial here but in my mind MJ needs to be held accountable for his decisions and life choices. Dr M didnt come to MJ and say "hey I got this stuff to make you sleep" MJ came to him and said "I want this". I keep hearing everyone say those poor children and they had to witness this and it is Dr M's fault. My heart goes out to them having to deal with this at a young age (well at any age) but MJ's (i guess his memory or legacy) needs to take accountability for MJ's choice to do this in his home and possibly subjecting his children to the ramifications of this drug. Or for that matter any of the drug's his was taking like tic tac's could have brought on a sudden and ugly death in front of his children at any given time. As a person that had to go through a pain medication dependency my heart goes out to MJ as I know first hand the issue with sleeping and getting your mind body and soul back to being your own. At my worst of withdrawl I went 8 day's with little or no sleep as the giggy legs and tossing and turning was relentless. I wish that he would have been able to break away from all the Dr's that were basically his dealers. I think so many more should be on trial than just Dr M.

With all that said again Dr M could have said NO Dr M could have said this isnt the job for me I wont do it and for his part he needs to be punished. It is too bad that the mighty $$$$ that MJ's concert would have given to AEG was more important than the reality that was staring them in their face MJ looked like a spaced out freak in his announcement for the This is it tour and only a fool would say "Oh he looks great and healthy and in control. I wish that they would have made him get a good PM/Anstes Dr that is trained and specialized in the weening and management of opidate detoxing.

Sorry I have just been fuming over all this and the utter lack of care that he got from Dr's and well most around him makes me angry and sad and most in my house dont really care so when I try and vent they run. At least I can get it out of my head here. Thanxs for the rant and Justice for MJ for Dr Murrary's part in a beautiful human beings death!!!!!

Oh and I really love this judge he is awesome!!!!!!
If it included Propofil (by Dr. Klein) CM would have said so, IMO.

I suspect CM put him on Propofil because it has a short half-life and he wanted to escape detection if MJ overdosed. That is why he tried to cover up the physical evidence, because he knew an autopsy would not reveal it. I also think that is why he didn't call 911, why he never mentioned Propofil to the EMT, and why he tried to resuscitate him by himself. MOO.

Why he didnt clean up an not say anything to anyone and just leave is what I dont get.
He could have walked out at whatever wanted and then acted clueless.

But suicide isnt covered is it?
Why he didnt clean up an not say anything to anyone and just leave is what I dont get.
He could have walked out at whatever wanted and then acted clueless.

But suicide isnt covered is it?

What do you mean by suicide not being covered?
I have a feeling that both the paramedic and Alvarez could both be correct. Alvarez was still on the line with dispatcher when he was told to put him on the floor. Paramedics could have arrived in the middle of it.

On InSession, they are discussing that the EMT saw Murray cleaning up. There is the thought that Alvarez was lying. My thoughts are that there was plenty of stuff to clean up and both are correct.

It also wouldn't surprise me if Alvarez had his timeline a little wonky. He was focused on following Murray's instructions, not necessarily on the strict order of things.

He said they (alveraz and Murray) put him on the floor and preformed Joint CPR. Why ? Did the EMT have a hang nail?
I have a feeling that both the paramedic and Alvarez could both be correct. Alvarez was still on the line with dispatcher when he was told to put him on the floor. Paramedics could have arrived in the middle of it.

On InSession, they are discussing that the EMT saw Murray cleaning up. There is the thought that Alvarez was lying. My thoughts are that there was plenty of stuff to clean up and both are correct.

It also wouldn't surprise me if Alvarez had his timeline a little wonky. He was focused on following Murray's instructions, not necessarily on the strict order of things.

But, Alvarez implied or maybe the state implied that Murray told him to get the vials before the emts arrived as if he was trying to hide them. If Murray was picking up while they were carrying MJ downstairs he clearly had not picked them up before the emts arrived. The emt said he saw bottles on the table. And I agree with whoever said that this is very confusing.

I am working and listening to the trial at the same time, and I clearly picked up on that as well as the tubing in the leg. Also did the emt say anything about the catheter for urine? I just hope the jury is paying close attention and taking notes. tia

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