Conrad Murray trial -Day seven.

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Was it stated that it was CM who recorded Michael's conversation? It was taped on Sunday.

It had to be him. He talked on it too at times and it was his phone.

It makes me feel very queasy to know MJ was pouring out his heart to him and all the while he was taping the entire thing.

But then so many betrayed MJs trust.

The date the voice mail was sent to Conrad Murray was on June 20 2009 and the caller, Frank D said he thinks MJ is sick so they requested a blood test!!!

Let me guess. Murray never had one done or sent them the results?

Well I just cried my heart out. Even in an induced state of mind all MJ thought about was the love for children and the pain and hurt they go through.

He understands those children. He was once one of them. The one who hurt and had such inner pain about his childhood and how he was treated.


Yes he was a kind soft spoken soul that really cared about others.This just breaks my heart.Everyone was after his money and his soul.They killed him.
It had to be him. He talked on it too at times and it was his phone.

It makes me feel very queasy to know MJ was pouring out his heart to him and all the while he was taping the entire thing.

But then so many betrayed MJs trust.


And this is probably the reason everyone had their place and didn't go beyond the bottom of the steps. MJs way of protecting himself and his children. Because most people in the long run are influenced by the money and prestige and MJ had paid for that over and over. Of course the media had a lot to do with it also. My opinion again.
I can't imagine CM allowing his phone out of his possesion because of all the private emails about his patients on it. But then again I can't imagine my doctor doing a lot of things CM did. Just creeps me out that a Dr. would tape like that. Ick.
I have been able to pick up meds for my husband including pain meds. I had to show my ID and sign for them.

My son had extensive shoulder surgery and when released, given scripts for very strong meds. On the way home from the hospital, I tried to fill these scripts and was denied. I was told he was the only one who could fill them. He had to stagger into the pharmacy, show his ID and sit in a chair while they were filled. We didn't like it but since they were the rules, we had no choice.
Investigators next in trial of Michael Jackson's doctor
By Alan Duke, CNN
October 5, 2011 -- Updated 0947 GMT (1747 HKT)

Talina--I hear that the 255 vials would equal about 4 gallons.

While I was hearing about all this stuff, I wondered initially if DrM might have been ordering supplies that he would bill to MJ, but ordering extra for his office for use with other patients (not a nice thing to do), but the supplies were all so specifically MJ, I figured not. OMG what a lot of stuff! Certainly there could be much more left over in a location other thank MJ's but I wonder. What a lot of stuff. What a lot of stuff. : :eek: : :confused: : :eek:hwow:

ETA: Is it possible that DrM may have been stock-piling for the trip to Europe???
CM was under extreme pressure just before MJ died to provide medical documents on MJ over the past 5 years. The emails said other doctors would have to examine MJ too.

CM received the first email on June 25 2009 @1:54 PDT, then again at 5:54 am.

At 11:17 am, CM sent a reply stating the media reports on MJ's present health were fallacious.
I understand they have to deal with the paparazzi ,that is just a part of being a celebrity.I still feel that they should have to live by the same federal laws concerning the DEA and drugs as we do.They are not Gods and in my opinion should not be treated differently .

I agree, due to his celebrity MJ and many other stars get access to prescription meds that most others would never get, MJ was a drug addict, but he had money and celebrity and this allowed him to get his drugs via Drs who were seduced by being his Dr and seduced by the money, if he was willing to pay Murray 150,000 a month then he would have expected to be provided with the drugs of his choice as and when he chose them

Murray left his ethics at home and provided MJ with dangerous amounts of drugs, and if MJ chose to use propofol outside the confines of a hospital or clinic then he must have known the dangers, but no Dr should have been administering propofol under those conditions

it is so sad the more we hear about this case that but for his children he was surrounding by staff, and that there appeared to be nobody in his life who tried to help him get help and challenged him about his drug use,

and it seems that this had been going on for a long time, his Demerol addiction was longstanding, and nobody appeared willing to challenge him to reduce his drug abuse or help him get clean

where were his friends and family in the last months of his life, when he was extremely thin, where he was being sedated all night, every night
I really think that is easy for us to say since we arent stalked and followed every time we dart out our door. I don't think we can begin to know how horrible it is to have all privacy ripped away with media hawks breathing down our necks every minute of the day.

MJ couldn't even leave his home in dignity the day he died because immediately the paparazzi was there like vultures on road kill.


True fact,but I am just so tired of these doctors becoming legal drug dealers,so many celebrities gone too soon.I think about Elvis Presley,he had a complete pharmacy in his home.With a large combo of drugs found in his system at time of death.Yet if a street dealer did this,they would be locked away for a long time.What's the difference,the drug companies are not making money off the street dealer.
I can't imagine CM allowing his phone out of his possesion because of all the private emails about his patients on it. But then again I can't imagine my doctor doing a lot of things CM did. Just creeps me out that a Dr. would tape like that. Ick.

Marx said to activate the Italk application, you press a button on the Iphone.
Someone is going to have to do the math and show the Jury how much Propofol MJ received over an estimated time frame.

If the evidence indicates MJ was taking Propofol daily, I think MJ would have wanted it on CM's days off and made other arrangements imo. :twocents:

You said it, Bluesky!

All this business puts the word "enabler" in a whole new light, huh??!!
Marx said to activate the Italk application, you press a button on the Iphone.

Thank you. Military is doing manuevers and I miss some cause of the planes. Not complaing. Just hard to hear at times.

So whoever taped did it on purpose. Or are they going to claim butt dialing?
A little off topic - Here's what I don't understand. Why would MJ want to be sedated in the first place? When I have been sedated for surgery, I never felt "rested" when I was finished. I can't image MJ felt good when he woke up. So, why did he do it?
I agree, due to his celebrity MJ and many other stars get access to prescription meds that most others would never get, MJ was a drug addict, but he had money and celebrity and this allowed him to get his drugs via Drs who were seduced by being his Dr and seduced by the money, if he was willing to pay Murray 150,000 a month then he would have expected to be provided with the drugs of his choice as and when he chose them

Murray left his ethics at home and provided MJ with dangerous amounts of drugs, and if MJ chose to use propofol outside the confines of a hospital or clinic then he must have known the dangers, but no Dr should have been administering propofol under those conditions

it is so sad the more we hear about this case that but for his children he was surrounding by staff, and that there appeared to be nobody in his life who tried to help him get help and challenged him about his drug use,

and it seems that this had been going on for a long time, his Demerol addiction was longstanding, and nobody appeared willing to challenge him to reduce his drug abuse or help him get clean

where were his friends and family in the last months of his life, when he was extremely thin, where he was being sedated all night, every night

I might be wrong about this but I think MJ's security was keeping the family on a far leash way from him.Another question raised in this case.Why would they do this? They turned a blind eye too,who was running the show? I would love to know.
True fact,but I am just so tired of these doctors becoming legal drug dealers,so many celebrities gone too soon.I think about Elvis Presley,he had a complete pharmacy in his home.With a large combo of drugs found in his system at time of death.Yet if a street dealer did this,they would be locked away for a long time.What's the difference,the drug companies are not making money off the street dealer.

They are making money off the dealers. In every person who gets hooked to a drug, those people will go to doctor after doctor to score scripts, dealers send people to ER by the dozen to secure supplies.

The laws to protect people from abusing prescription drugs do not hinder the local street dealer . They just make it harder for the people who do need them.

The companies are making Millions from drug deals.

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