Conrad Murray trial -Day seventeen.

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I can't believe that the defense never vetted this "expert" to answer the questions! TH's at KTLA are flabbergasted. So am I, for that matter. Some response for Dr. Shafer!

Now THAT'S what I call a Mountain and a molehill!!! I got back in time to see the last couple of questions for this guy -- he seemed nice enuff --but yeah, no match...

And let me say a big Thank You to the " -moon" folks and Thundar, Credence, and so many others for keeping me up-to-date while I went out to a meeting. I 'preciate it!
I missed some of this question and answer from defense but I think defense got out that MJ was responsible for all the production costs up to June 22, 2009.

It was objected and sustained. So no answer from the witness.

Did I hear that correctly?

Yes, MJ was responsible for all production costs up to June 22nd and Chernoff quickly added that MJ didn't have insurance for something; could have been this, but I'm not sure.
Again, from KTLA, there is the possibility that since this witness couldn't do the math on this, White may not be able to testify to them unless he is qualified to do those figures.

Apparently, if they can't get the judge to accept this witness as an expert in the field, they will be left with no defense. They must be begging the judge for a second chance. He is the foundation witness. Oy vey!

Oh pain, indeed!!! No match -- not even close, huh?!

Which brings to mind our eminent Dr. Shafer. Were we told where the PT found this perfect jewel? If so, I surely missed it.

I would love to know where they found this brilliant, wonderful and genuine physician and human being.

Methinks he has a fan club here at WebSleuths.... I'm one...

If anyone knows and has the time, thanks!
Oy vey is right. Wonder if this is part of the problems on the defense team (rumored anyhow) or as a result of those problems. Sheesh also wonder if this is a basis for appeal.

I don't think so at this time. If the problems get much worse (izzat possible?), we could see some type of implosion right there in the courtroom.

Who recommended this pair to CM?

No pity here, however.

“At every turn,” Deputy Dist. Atty. David Walgren said, “Conrad Murray through his attorneys have put the blame for his failures on Michael Jackson and this is just another attempt to do the same."

The judge agreed, saying that unless the defense could find witnesses who had heard Jackson say his anxiety was based in financial concerns, the contract was irrelevant.

“This is not a contractual dispute. This is a homicide case,” Pastor said.

AEG executive Randy Phillips is expected to take the stand Tuesday.

The judge said the defense could question him about the broad outlines of his relationship with the singer and his observations of his health and behavior in the months before his death.
Thank you everyone for all the summaries, I think I am caught up now. Defense dug a deeper hole and now they are pulling the dirt in on top of themselves.

It kind of scares me when a defense team seems so incompetent because of the last trial when I thought that and the jury did not see it the same way, defendant walked.

Thank you again.....See you tomorrow.
Thanks everyone for posting. I was unable to watch most of the afternoon trial so I really appreciate the posts here.

I bet if White testifies to it he will depend on one of Dr. Shafer's computer software programs to come to his determination.

The DT didn't even turnover the SOP from this lab until the Wednesday before they went on break for 3-4 days. That is when the state knew their results were wrong.

And it seems it was Dr. Shafer that looked at the DT lab report and couldn't make heads or tails of it so that is why he told Walgren they needed to get the SOP.


It sure raised a red flag for me when Walgren brought out on cross examination that Shafer emailed the witness, requested SOP. Didn't get it. Ms. Brazil contacted witness requested SOP, didn't get it. Ms. Brazil contacts again and threatens to get the court involved, SOP is sent to her.

Now, why did it take threatening the court's involvement to get the SOP? If they didn't think they had anything to hide, why not send it promptly upon being asked to do so? Witness said he contacted Flanagan to let him know of the request so the defense team knew of this request. Yet, still nada until threats of getting the court involved.

“At every turn,” Deputy Dist. Atty. David Walgren said, “Conrad Murray through his attorneys have put the blame for his failures on Michael Jackson and this is just another attempt to do the same."

The judge agreed, saying that unless the defense could find witnesses who had heard Jackson say his anxiety was based in financial concerns, the contract was irrelevant.

“This is not a contractual dispute. This is a homicide case,” Pastor said.

AEG executive Randy Phillips is expected to take the stand Tuesday.

The judge said the defense could question him about the broad outlines of his relationship with the singer and his observations of his health and behavior in the months before his death.

I particularly like this comment from Judge Pastor:

Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor said details about the contract would distract jurors from their task of deciding whether the physician is guilty of involuntary manslaughter in Jackson’s death.

“It involves the fact finder getting taken on a side tour of accounting principles and law school,” Pastor said in denying a defense request to introduce the 42-page document as evidence during the testimony of promoter’s chief executive.
It sure raised a red flag for me when Walgren brought out on cross examination that Shafer emailed the witness, requested SOP. Didn't get it. Ms. Brazil contacted witness requested SOP, didn't get it. Ms. Brazil contacts again and threatens to get the court involved, SOP is sent to her.

Now, why did it take threatening the court's involvement to get the SOP? If they didn't think they had anything to hide, why not send it promptly upon being asked to do so? Witness said he contacted Flanagan to let him know of the request so the defense team knew of this request. Yet, still nada until threats of getting the court involved.

I have a feeling that this response by Flanagan and the last witness to the errors in the report and providing the SOP in a timely fashion could be a cause for the implosion within the DT, IMHO. I'm also wondering if they kept Chernoff in the loop when this was going on. If not, he was probably blindsided by what happened, again IMHO.

I was busy with my remodeling guy a lot and missed a detail. Is it clear that the prosecution only got the amended report the morning of the testimony and it was an original report with handwritten corrections? The defense had a corrected printed version which was not shared per discovery rules.

Then, Flanagan got up to examine the witness and it turned out he wasn't qualified to testify to the foundation evidence he was to bring in for Dr. White.

Did I get that right? :banghead:

If so, I'm watching the DT for new signs of implosion today. I have a feeling there might have been some :panic: ad :fireworks2: last night. Did anyone notice Murray's reaction to the debacle? He looked absolutely frantic.
I have a feeling that this response by Flanagan and the last witness to the errors in the report and providing the SOP in a timely fashion could be a cause for the implosion within the DT, IMHO. I'm also wondering if they kept Chernoff in the loop when this was going on. If not, he was probably blindsided by what happened, again IMHO.

I was busy with my remodeling guy a lot and missed a detail. Is it clear that the prosecution only got the amended report the morning of the testimony and it was an original report with handwritten corrections? The defense had a corrected printed version which was not shared per discovery rules.

Then, Flanagan got up to examine the witness and it turned out he wasn't qualified to testify to the foundation evidence he was to bring in for Dr. White.

Did I get that right? :banghead:

If so, I'm watching the DT for new signs of implosion today. I have a feeling there might have been some :panic: ad :fireworks2: last night. Did anyone notice Murray's reaction to the debacle? He looked absolutely frantic.

I just spent the last couple of hours catching up on the video of the trial testimony from yesterday afternoon, including this last witness, Mr. Henson the toxicologist.

The corrected/handwritten page was from the original gastric content testing. It had "urine" on it instead of "gastric". The page provided to the prosecutors had a handwritten mark through "urine" and "gastric" was written in and initialed. The page shown into evidence by the defense did not have those corrections. Walgren was showing the witness both and asking of the timing of the correction, when the defense was provided the corrected one and if he could explain how the prosecution got the corrected one and not the original one. He had no explanation. So there is a question there about the timing of a corrected version versus their original report.

The report that prosecution just got the morning of the testimony yesterday was the 2nd testing that defense had done on gastric content to just show free lorazepam that did not include the metabolite. It was, as expected, a much lower number.

I am amazed that the defense puts these witnesses on the stand and doesn't seem to know what the answers to their questions are going to be ahead of time. It doesn't appear that they have been prepped at all and the defense just "thinks" they know what the answer will be and often times it is not.

Further muddying up the water was that the toxicologist was not qualified to answer questions Flanagan was asking him. I don't even think based on what happened yesterday that Flanagan even knew he wasn't qualified which just blows my mind. Flanagan's direct was cut very short once he discovered his witness had no formal training or education to be able to answer the types of questions he wanted to ask regarding therapeutic levels and didn't even do that type of testing. It is done by someone else (either inside or outside his lab) that he referred to as clinicians. Flanagan stopped his questions then and there. If he were my attorney, I'd be very angry. I just can't see how they can be so ill-informed about their own witnesses.

I've seen others opine that they see a basis for an appeal based on all of this but others have said no, since he has 4 lawyers. Who knows, but it's sure not making any of them look very experienced or at least not putting much effort and trial prep into this trial.

:clap: Thanks, Talina! I couldn't believe how fast Flanagan got shut down on direct! :doh:
He said 'this is it ..I mean this is really it.' After this tour at the time he wasnt planning on doing anymore tours.

If he had lived I think he would have changed his mind though since he knew he was in such high demand.


Hi, Ocean. How are you feeling?

I believe I did hear him say this was the final curtain call, right after he said 'This is it.' I've watched that clip a thousand times.

I guess everyone agrees that the defense has so far not put on much of a case. If I were Murray I'd be pretty worried about now. The prosecution has done an excellent job!
Good Morning!!

It is obvious this jury is not a Pinellas 12 type jury. They already know the # for the evidence that has been entered. Even helping JP along yesterday. LOL! Now that is some kind of attentive jury.

So that means nothing is getting by them.

Mysteriously when one form is given to the defense and another form is given to the state and they aren't the same......antenias go up. Especially when it was brought out that this is the lab Flanagan has used for over 30 years. It gives the appearance that they may skew the results always in favor of the defense.

I am still astounded by the DTs strategy in this case. They are so ill prepared and frankly the state is very well prepared so the DT should know now that nothing is going to get past them.

I think what they decided to do was put Mr. Hensen on now so Walgren couldn't come back in rebuttal and spring it on the jury that the test was all wrong. At least this way it looks like they tried to correct the test. Sadly for the DT it was brought out though that it was Dr. Shafer that really knew the first test done by the DT couldn't be correct.

More and more it reinforces Dr. Shafer's credibility.

The real strategy they are using is just trying to put the victim on trial and that is not working out too well for them.
Hi, Ocean. How are you feeling?

I believe I did hear him say this was the final curtain call, right after he said 'This is it.' I've watched that clip a thousand times.

I guess everyone agrees that the defense has so far not put on much of a case. If I were Murray I'd be pretty worried about now. The prosecution has done an excellent job!


Slow go..real slow go..TxLady. Thank you for asking.

Yes, he might have said that. I thought about that after I had posted and do seem to recall him saying that. So terribly sad his life ended even before he could get to that final closing night. Don't you know that would have been an emotional time for him and all of his fans?

I saw Murray very stressed yesterday and hyperventilating! He has to know it is not looking good for him at all. I don't know what his DT has told him but I hope they have not filled his head full of unrealistic expectations.

Excerpt from article about hearing yesterday regarding defense trying to get the AEG/MJ contract into evidence:

"It is…imperative for the jury to review the Agreement to understand the stringent requirements that were placed on Mr. Jackson and to illustrate that, under the circumstances, the actions taken by Mr. Jackson on June 25, 2009 were not unreasonable," the lawyer wrote.

BBM - I find that extremely offensive that they are asserting without any evidence whatsoever that MJ committed suicide which is what I get from that comment quoted. Further, that suggests to me that this learned attorney apparently feels that there are certain circumstances that suicide is apparently not unreasonable to him. :maddening:

ETA: If that is the direction they were going with this contract and going to imply that without any evidence to support it, I'm even more glad that Judge Pastor denied their request.
BAEZ on GMA right now giving legal analysis on Conrad Murray trial. :puke:

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