Conrad Murray trial -Day seventeen.

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
He is for the DT. Now he will testify for the state LOL

OOOps I'll correct it. Meant to say the state is questioning. GRRRR

:crazy: ( I think I'm going crazy with all the lab talk.)
Hansen is through testifying & may step down.

Sidebar... AGAIN!

Why, do you think, the Judge is wanting to speak to the attys again???
OMG - did the DT use trickery and use the incorrect report?

Revised numbers on DT lab results just showing free lorazepam (as it should have been)

634 ng to 84ng (nannograms)- revised report -- dramatic decrease

Henson estimated the 84ng to be approximately 6.1 micrograms - .006 milligrams (actual free lorazepam) = 1/333rd of a single lorazepam pill

So much for MJ taking 8 lorazepam pills
OOOps I'll correct it. Meant to say the state is questioning. GRRRR

:crazy: ( I think I'm going crazy with all the lab talk.)

Oh no -- I did not even notice that. I was saying that he will now testify for the state in jest meaning that the state will turn him into their witness. He did nothing for the DT. :crazy:

ETA: Don't think there will be more testimony -- they usually stop at 4PM PT and it is 4:09PT unless we are surprised.
OMG - did the DT use trickery and use the incorrect report?

Revised numbers on DT lab results just showing free lorazepam (as it should have been)

634 ng to 84ng (nannograms)- revised report -- dramatic decrease

Henson estimated the 84ng to be approximately 6.1 micrograms - .006 milligrams (actual free lorazepam) = 1/333rd of a single lorazepam pill

So much for MJ taking 8 lorazepam pills

That is what it sounded like to me!!!
The prosecution only got the amended document this morning? OMG! It's called a discovery violation!

In all my years of trial watching, I have never, ever seen such a sloppy and unprepared defense.

These guys are making Jose Baez look good!
Hansen is through testifying & may step down.

Sidebar... AGAIN!

Why, do you think, the Judge is wanting to speak to the attys again???

Maybe to discuss the next defense witnesses on the list for tomorrow?
OMG - did the DT use trickery and use the incorrect report?

Revised numbers on DT lab results just showing free lorazepam (as it should have been)

634 ng to 84ng (nannograms)- revised report -- dramatic decrease

Henson estimated the 84ng to be approximately 6.1 micrograms - .006 milligrams (actual free lorazepam) = 1/333rd of a single lorazepam pill

So much for MJ taking 8 lorazepam pills


Wasn't that established last week?????
Court adjourned until tomorrow morning.

Do you want me to recite the Judge's admonitions?
Good night all and until tomorrow same time, different thread! :seeya:
One of his earlier theories was that MJ committed suicide because defense believes he would not have been able to fulfill his contract and that the name of the tour "This is It" was because he knew he would not live. Really way out there speculation IMO

I watched a video of MJ that was recorded at his rehearsals in late June and heard him say something along the lines of " This is the final curtain".
This guy is a toxicologist not an expert in pharmacokinetics. Anderson sad he wasn't either which is why Dr. Shafer answered those questions.

He served no purpose but did again help the state by confirming that the numbers reported by the defense was the total lorazepam including its metabolites not broken down as Dr. Shafer explained.

(all kidding aside for this remark)

Look how smart we all are now! We all know those words -- their meaning AND we can even spell 'em!

Thank you, good Dr. Shafer!
OMG - did the DT use trickery and use the incorrect report?

Revised numbers on DT lab results just showing free lorazepam (as it should have been)

634 ng to 84ng (nannograms)- revised report -- dramatic decrease

Henson estimated the 84ng to be approximately 6.1 micrograms - .006 milligrams (actual free lorazepam) = 1/333rd of a single lorazepam pill

So much for MJ taking 8 lorazepam pills

Whatta day ...whatta day.........whatta day!

If Flanagan had any credibility at all with that jury it just went out the window. Jurors dont like it when they think hinky things are going on.

The free lorazepam in MJ's stomach contents.

Revised numbers separating metabolites from free lorazepam:

Total lorazepam 634 ng to 84ng (nannograms) free lorazepam

Henson estimated the 84ng to be approximately 6.1 micrograms - .006 milligrams

Actual free lorazepam = 1/333rd of a single lorazepam pill

State test results: 1/43rd of a single lorazepam pill

I don't believe I have ever seen a DT get so beaten down in a case. They really are way out of the state's league.

As usual Walgren was masterful.

I watched a video of MJ that was recorded at his rehearsals in late June and heard him say something along the lines of " This is the final curtain".

He said 'this is it ..I mean this is really it.' After this tour at the time he wasnt planning on doing anymore tours.

If he had lived I think he would have changed his mind though since he knew he was in such high demand.

They didn't say it that way, Murray was telling them about what all he was doing for MJ. THe protein shakes were mentioned.

But I would assume Murray took credit for protein shakes for MJ no matter if they came from the nurse or the chef, wasn't the chef making MJ drinks too?

The pharmacist who filled orders for Dr. Murray testified that Dr. Murray contacted him and requested him to make or find him some energy boost drinks samples and sent them to him.

The pharmacist said Dr. Murray called him back and placed an order for a specific energy drink.
Again, from KTLA, there is the possibility that since this witness couldn't do the math on this, White may not be able to testify to them unless he is qualified to do those figures.

Apparently, if they can't get the judge to accept this witness as an expert in the field, they will be left with no defense. They must be begging the judge for a second chance. He is the foundation witness. Oy vey!

I bet if White testifies to it he will depend on one of Dr. Shafer's computer software programs to come to his determination.

The DT didn't even turnover the SOP from this lab until the Wednesday before they went on break for 3-4 days. That is when the state knew their results were wrong.

And it seems it was Dr. Shafer that looked at the DT lab report and couldn't make heads or tails of it so that is why he told Walgren they needed to get the SOP.


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