Conrad Murray trial -Day twelve.

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Ok Beth Karas just found another lie in his statement.

He tells LE that the security guards were not allowed to come into the mansion to use the bathroom but had to go to the nearest gas station instead.

Beth said that Alberto Alvarez testified they were only allowed to come into the mansion if they were summoned OR if they had to use the bathroom. They would go through the back door.

He did this trying to make MJ look bad. Like Beth Karas said "a cheap shot'":furious:

Imo he went in that interview fully knowing he was the one that killed MJ but started to blame everyone else including MJ.

What a sneaky snake.

Respectfully Snipped & Bolded By Me

Hi Oceanblueeyes...
Are you watching Beth K on "In Session" or is she tweeting this?


She just said it on IS about 20 minutes ago.

She said when she heard CM say that it rang a bell so she went back and looked at the testimony of the security guards and that is when she found the inconsistency (lie told by Murray)

IS is off now in my area.

But she may say it again if HLN is going to have continuing coverage.
Ryan Smith on "In Session" just said that word just came in that there will NOT be court tomorrow for CM Trial.
Ok Beth Karas just found another lie in his statement.

He tells LE that the security guards were not allowed to come into the mansion to use the bathroom but had to go to the nearest gas station instead.

Beth said that Alberto Alvarez testified they were only allowed to come into the mansion if they were summoned OR if they had to use the bathroom. They would go through the back door.

He did this trying to make MJ look bad. Like Beth Karas said "a cheap shot'":furious:

Imo he went in that interview fully knowing he was the one that killed MJ but started to blame everyone else including MJ.

What a sneaky snake.


Not only was he a sneaky snake, but he was arrogant enuff (gee, imagine that!) to think that he would be so believable & above reproach that no one would check his statements. He must have thought that this interview would be his last & he could just move on.

However, the Jacksons got mad and the LEO's got curious and the coroner had good eyes and Humpty Dumpty had a Great Fall....

Due to his lack of board certification -- very serious for him, especially since he has two fields for which should be certified -- he probably would not be granted admitting privileges at any hospital in the US, and he wouldn't be accepted by any medical practice group as well. Maybe he could return to his Vegas practice perhaps, who knoze?? This man has essentially become a grifter in doctor's clothing. He'll have to make sure his passport is handy and still valid so he can slither back to Grenada or Trinidad and enjoy the high salaries there.
Ryan Smith on "In Session" just said that word just came in that there will NOT be court tomorrow for CM Trial.

Well crap, I was just thinking I need the diversion of this trial after following the missing Lisa case today. I understand that someone's father's death is not a scheduled activity but I am still anxious to get this trial underway again.

I also do not understand how defense can use 8 lorazapam pills taken by mouth as a viable defense. Blaming everyone else hasn't worked so far because the other witnesses proved those things false but blaming the victim rarely works anymore either. But this defense keeps trying.
Yes, Thundar -- Desperate times call for desperate measures. And now the DT is having to punt -- again.

What've they got?? Nuttin' honey.

Plan A -- MJ drinking the milk -- epic fail

Plan B -- MJ injecting the milk -- epic fail

Plan C -- MJ taking the lorazepam -- this dead duck never even flew around the court-room -- epic fail

I'm sure the DT is very grateful for this little hiatus -- they've got their thinking caps on again

And I, too, was ready for the trial to resume. I have done housework today. Ack.
Deputy District Attorney David Walgren said the defense lab's results combine two numbers to make it seem like there was more lorazepam in Jackson's system than may have been present. He said the coroner's tests show a much smaller amount was actually in Jackson's system and are inconsistent with the theory that he swallowed several pills.

Lead defense attorney Ed Chernoff said he had numerous questions about the coroner's testing and had asked the agency to conduct the same test before the trial began but was told it couldn't be done. He said he didn't yet know what impact it will have on how Murray's defense case is presented.
Cardiologist Dr. Alon Steinberg, a physician who conducted the California Medical Board review of Murray in the wake of Michael Jackson’s death, took the stand today and hammered what should be the final nail in the coffin that is a guilty verdict of Conrad Murray. His testimony is, in Law Med’s view THE only relevant testimony. His findings are irrefutable and prove the prosecution’s case beyond any reasonable doubt. There is NO defense to his testimony. His is the first voice of medical reason to be heard in this trial and his testimony was clear, concise and very powerful. He said he found six instances of gross negligence, each amounting to extreme deviations from the standard of care, in Murray’s treatment of Jackson. Here are the issues he testified to which prove Murray’s guilt. Period.
Well crap, I was just thinking I need the diversion of this trial after following the missing Lisa case today. I understand that someone's father's death is not a scheduled activity but I am still anxious to get this trial underway again.

I also do not understand how defense can use 8 lorazapam pills taken by mouth as a viable defense. Blaming everyone else hasn't worked so far because the other witnesses proved those things false but blaming the victim rarely works anymore either. But this defense keeps trying.

I could never understand it either, Thundar.

EC made it perfectly clear in OS that MJ died instantly so that made the swallowing of lorazepam ridiculous. If that were the case none of the pills would even have time to hit the stomach much less dissolve and only liquid was found in MJs stomach.

I wonder if they went this route because the coroner didn't test the stomach contents until Thurday when the state finally got the SOP from the defense on the lab they used.

:clap: oceanblueeyes :clap: I must take this time to :tyou: for the links and the information you have given us in the last several -- many, in fact -- posts.:websleuther: :clap:
These articles are especially timely since we have a little extra time to read through them :read: and take the time to understand them and to wander down other paths that these articles also present through additional links. :thumb: I have just spent 30--45 minutes on the Law /Medicine link and I have enjoyed every minute of it. :applause: I am learning all kinds of things which pertain to this trial as well as to practical things in everyday life and things not so everyday.:clap:

Your tireless research is a fine thing for you to share with us, and let me say again, I appreciate it :cheer: :heartbeat: and am a smarter person for following it. :clap: :takeabow:

COD: MJ was electrically charged at his rehearsal and in a heightened state of anxiety the night he died. After seeing MJ on the stretcher, I believe shock was the COD not drugs. Therefore, Dr. Murray isn't responsible for Michael's death because the drugs didn't kill him. Michael's increasing anxiety and the electricity trapped inside his body after rehearsal killed him. IMO
You may be right. However, thus far, no evidence of this has been introduced at trial.

Thus far, the prosecution has presented medical experts who testified that the COD was the drugs as well as Dr. Murray's unprofessional conduct after Michael stopped breathing. Perhaps the defense will present medical experts who testify that electricity trapped inside Michael's body killed him and that Dr. Murray's failure to immediately call 9-1-1 nor to otherwise properly respond to his discovery of the non-breathing but heart-still-beating Michael was not a factor in Michael's death. Seems unlikely but it's "possible." Anything is "possible."

Always only my own opinions
This is my opinion and only my opinion.

First off, Dr. Conrad Murray had no busisness having propofol (at all), especially in that amount. I can see my dad spinning in his grave!:(

If MJ was still awake when CM left the room...if meds were near him, I have no doubt he would take what he wanted, if he had the energy to get to them.
Did he? I have no idea, but I do know the mindset. MJ had so many IV meds, the poor man had no viable veins left.
I wonder if he had a port and it hasn't been mentioned yet.

And the biggie. IF Dr. CM gave MJ propofol, he should have never left the room, he should have had the right equipment, including a crash cart, and we never do cpr on a soft bed. MJ needed to be on the floor and 911 was to be called right away!
That is all of it in a nutshell. CM was a hired ~ahem~ am I allowed to say?
It was easy money for him and his "client" was MJ! He was lured in by all of it.

again, in my opinion.
I just don't know if the correct charges were applied in this case.
I was never an MJ fan, but I do stick up for what is right.
jmo imo :cow:
Nobody has proven yet which or what drugs were the killer or when or how they were taken. Have they?
I don't believe for a second that Murray loved MJ. He saw the big bucks in this deal and that is what he was in love with. If he ran out to his car and sobbed after Michael died it was only because he knew he was guilty of causing Michael's death and Murray knew what was going to happen to him because of MJ's death. If Murray had cared in the least about MJ he would have never have left him to go talk on the phone to his women. He would have stayed right by Michael's side to make sure nothing went wrong. I wish he had been charged with murder because if he gets 4 yrs that isn't going to be nearly enough for causing Michael's death or the death of anyone. If you ask me, 4 years is just a slap on the wrist for taking a person's life and putting their family and his little kids through hell. I hope someone exposes all of the lies that man told in his talk with the police two days after the murder. He is such a liar and must have had his story down pat after two days of putting it together. Greed is what caused Michael's death...Murray's greed!

I haven't followed this trial much but have to ask why would a man receiving over 100k a month to write prescriptions and run IV meds for a man whose entire medical history was unknown to him would kill his meal ticket intentionally for greed? I do think CM is a fool and a disgrace. No doubt about that. However I think he's exactly the Doctor that MJ shopped high and low for and CM was doing exactly what his drug addled client requested of him for a huge chunk of pay.
I don't think CM put the family or children through a greater hell than they already lived in. It's a fathers job to protect his children and set a good, sober and functional example. It was MJ's job to ensure his children had a healthy home and happy childhood. It was his Dr's job to contact CPS about what those poor kids were being exposed to on a daily basis however and he failed miserably at that. It would have been his job to have his patient committed to a psychiatric facility to finally deal with his lack of childhood so that history didn't repeat itself and he failed at that too. The Doctor isn't without blame by any means but neither is MJ IMO.
:clap: oceanblueeyes :clap: I must take this time to :tyou: for the links and the information you have given us in the last several -- many, in fact -- posts.:websleuther: :clap:
These articles are especially timely since we have a little extra time to read through them :read: and take the time to understand them and to wander down other paths that these articles also present through additional links. :thumb: I have just spent 30--45 minutes on the Law /Medicine link and I have enjoyed every minute of it. :applause: I am learning all kinds of things which pertain to this trial as well as to practical things in everyday life and things not so everyday.:clap:

Your tireless research is a fine thing for you to share with us, and let me say again, I appreciate it :cheer: :heartbeat: and am a smarter person for following it. :clap: :takeabow:

Ah Borndem......I love the icons that make your post so cute and interesting. I love creativity!:seeya:

Thank you. Can you tell that I am retired? :floorlaugh:

As I hear them or read them I think it is important to share them with my poster buddies.

They are going to have another hearing today. Chernoff may need more time to assess the new test results done by the state.

ocean -- Thanks for letting us know about Chernoff & his needing more time. I just don't see Hizzoner allowing yet another day of study-hall for either side -- since they will have had three days already. Judges don't usually just give up days since I would think LA County dockets must be crammed full...

And I don't know if Judge Pastor really cares about us WS'ers, but several of us (including little RETIRED ol' me!) on here are starting to experience the first throes of courtroom withdrawal. A serious, but quickly curable, condition.
Nobody has proven yet which or what drugs were the killer or when or how they were taken. Have they?

In a involuntary case against a doctor if he is guilty of one gross deviation from the standard of care if the jury applies the law to his deviations he will be found guilty unless we have another Pinellas 12.:sick:

I believe it has been proven that along with the bezos Murray first gave him and then topped it off with propofol those two combinations of drugs is the COD. Intoxification of propofol along with the benzo affect. I have seen nothing where the DT has refuted that sucessfully.

Now that the state has done its own test finding that the DTs lab results have errors I do not believe the 8 lorazepam were taken. I didnt believe it before and I sure dont believe it now. EC said in OS that MJ died instantly. So none of the 8 pills would have time to completely be found dissolved in his stomach. That was going to be used as a red herring to confuse the jury along with Flanagan constantly changing the units found back and forth. Again meant to fool and confuse the jury.

MJ injecting propofol himself is not based in logic. If he had taken the amount found he would have to fill two syringes full in order to do so. Propofol acts in seconds. Anyone that has had it knows they cant even remember counting backwards starting at a 100. The most I have seen is someone remembers counting back to 98. That is less than two seconds.

He also would have been in a completely different position than he was found as he would have collapsed under sedation quickly with the syringe still in his hand and his body doubled over close to the Y connector down by his knee in the back of his leg. That is also just another red herring and a way to blame a dead man they know cant speak.

I believe the day that Murray came in and gave his faux statement to LE he knew he had killed MJ. So therefore he set up all the lies already trying to blame someone else including MJ. The statement was contrived and the lies willfully done to cover his own butt.

But it in the end by law it doesn't matter who gave him the Propofol. Murray bought and brought it into the home and administered it. He was the doctor. He had a duty to monitor his patient continuously. He did not have a right to abandon his patient at the most critical time and talk on the phone with his ladies instead for 47 minutes.

Watching on IS a rerun of Dr.Steinberg's testimony from last Wednesday. The camera cuts over to D.Murray throughout and I swear he is eying this witness very scary.
ocean -- Thanks for letting us know about Chernoff & his needing more time. I just don't see Hizzoner allowing yet another day of study-hall for either side -- since they will have had three days already. Judges don't usually just give up days since I would think LA County dockets must be crammed full...

And I don't know if Judge Pastor really cares about us WS'ers, but several of us (including little RETIRED ol' me!) on here are starting to experience the first throes of courtroom withdrawal. A serious, but quickly curable, condition.

Me too! :) I want them to get on with it although I have to admit during the down time I have gotten my house squeaky clean.:crazy::floorlaugh:

This could be a sticky issue though so I know Pastor will be careful to be on the record as giving the proper time needed for the DT to regroup.

If the DT had just been honest from the get go this wouldn't have happened. They have ditched theories that they have mentioned they were going to use along so it has left Walgren really not knowing what in the heck the DT is really going to do. In California there are suppose to be no surprises and Chernoff dropped one on the state when he said he had decided not to use the theory he ingested the propofol. It really wasted money the state doesnt have since Walgren had gotten an expert to refute the ingestion theory.

Then on Wednesday Flan starts cross examining about the 8 pills and that is why Walgren knew this was a theory they were going to use and he had to have his expert look at the test and see if he could refute the DTs results and wowzer..........he did.

So while I selfishly want it to get started again I do understand if JP decides to give them another day. I guess it will depend on how quickly the DT has looked at the state test and talked to Andersen about it.


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