Conrad Murray trial -Day twelve.

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Watching on IS a rerun of Dr.Steinberg's testimony from last Wednesday. The camera cuts over to D.Murray throughout and I swear he is eying this witness very scary.

He was probably thinking 'oh that is what a REAL board certified cardiologist looks and acts like.' J/K:floorlaugh:
He was probably thinking 'oh that is what a REAL board certified cardiologist looks and acts like.' J/K:floorlaugh:

Yes! And he's also thinking, "Wow! That's what I wanna be when I grow up!"

And, BTW, here's what you should do with your response to AuburnSchnauzer:

1. Make a copy of it.

2. Put it in an envelope.

3. Address & send it to ADA Walgren -- you've just made their closing argument.
You all probably know this already but court will be back in session tomorrow morning.

Chernoff wanted to start back Thursday but Judge Pastor said 'no.'
Wow -- that's good news, ocean!

We who are privately and passionately panting for courtroom drama can all take a deep breath and get ready to get back on track tomorrow. So much for the housework (a real pity, that one), washing the dog, mowing the lawn, finishing a book, or working a full and uninterrupted 8-hour day at work tomorrow... THWI, huh?

Thanks to oceanblueeyes for the call to order.

On another note, I'm sure I'm the last person on earth to see this, but in case I'm not, here is a link to some of the questions on the jury questionnaire...

To truth and :justice: for all. :toastred:
I'm right there with you all. I'm ready for the trial to resume as well.
OMG Flanagan, SIT DOWN, this doc is only corroborating everything Steinberg said yesterday.

Flanagan has to know that he was getting no where but yet he refused to stop. He asked some of the dumbest questions and made the dumbest remarks. He has to know he is burying his client...goody goody! Hard to understand why he just keeps standing up there digging that hole.
Wow -- that's good news, ocean!

We who are privately and passionately panting for courtroom drama can all take a deep breath and get ready to get back on track tomorrow. So much for the housework (a real pity, that one), washing the dog, mowing the lawn, finishing a book, or working a full and uninterrupted 8-hour day at work tomorrow... THWI, huh?

Thanks to oceanblueeyes for the call to order.

On another note, I'm sure I'm the last person on earth to see this, but in case I'm not, here is a link to some of the questions on the jury questionnaire...

To truth and :justice: for all. :toastred:

Thanks for the questionaire. That thing is tremendously long.

Yes, I am having withdrawals now myself.:crazy:

Since I had downtime today I washed my two poochie babies and trimmed their hair. I have a little Malti-Poo (Maggie Mae) and a Malti-Shi (Tuxedo) They are so pretty!:great:

Well I am turning in now and I will 'see' ya tomorrow.

Goodnight everyone!:seeya:
I'm right there with you all. I'm ready for the trial to resume as well.

Are you going to be here tomorrow Talina?

I sure hope so. You have spoiled me by transcribing what is being said in court.

I haven't followed this trial much but have to ask why would a man receiving over 100k a month to write prescriptions and run IV meds for a man whose entire medical history was unknown to him would kill his meal ticket intentionally for greed? I do think CM is a fool and a disgrace. No doubt about that. However I think he's exactly the Doctor that MJ shopped high and low for and CM was doing exactly what his drug addled client requested of him for a huge chunk of pay.
I don't think CM put the family or children through a greater hell than they already lived in. It's a fathers job to protect his children and set a good, sober and functional example. It was MJ's job to ensure his children had a healthy home and happy childhood. It was his Dr's job to contact CPS about what those poor kids were being exposed to on a daily basis however and he failed miserably at that. It would have been his job to have his patient committed to a psychiatric facility to finally deal with his lack of childhood so that history didn't repeat itself and he failed at that too. The Doctor isn't without blame by any means but neither is MJ IMO.

kaRn, yours is a post I can agree with. MJ wanted the "milk." And I too believed he shopped till he found a doctor who would and could legally buy and stockpile the sleep drugs MJ wanted and was determined to have.

What father goes home at night and spends the night in a room no one is allowed to enter with a doctor there all night? This is very strange.

I believe Dr. Murry didn't keep records because all of this was to be MJ's secret. MJ didn't want records kept of what drugs he was given or the entire routine of him being put under in order to sleep. He played a fools game with a drug that should only be administered in a hospital setting with equipment to cover any emergency while he was under.

Certainly the doctor was wrong to leave the room but he also was wrong in allow himself to be hired for this weird proceedure done behind closed doors in a person's private home.

I am sorry MJ died. I am a fan but I have to say in this situation of doctor/patient relationship, MJ wasn't the patient - he was the doctor's boss. It's pitiful for all concerned. JMO
kaRn, yours is a post I can agree with. MJ wanted the "milk." And I too believed he shopped till he found a doctor who would and could legally buy and stockpile the sleep drugs MJ wanted and was determined to have.

What father goes home at night and spends the night in a room no one is allowed to enter with a doctor there all night? This is very strange.

I believe Dr. Murry didn't keep records because all of this was to be MJ's secret. MJ didn't want records kept of what drugs he was given or the entire routine of him being put under in order to sleep. He played a fools game with a drug that should only be administered in a hospital setting with equipment to cover any emergency while he was under.

ETA: your signature has me now craving donuts

Certainly the doctor was wrong to leave the room but he also was wrong in allow himself to be hired for this weird proceedure done behind closed doors in a person's private home.

I am sorry MJ died. I am a fan but I have to say in this situation of doctor/patient relationship, MJ wasn't the patient - he was the doctor's boss. It's pitiful for all concerned. JMO


A position that Dr.M or any other doctor should ever let themselves be placed. He's even said in his police interview that he viewed MJ as his employer. To that, I say "say what?" a doctor should never view himself as an employee of a patient. IMO

ETA: your signature has me now craving donuts :banghead: now i have to go run an errand real quick :innocent:
kaRn, yours is a post I can agree with. MJ wanted the "milk." And I too believed he shopped till he found a doctor who would and could legally buy and stockpile the sleep drugs MJ wanted and was determined to have.

What father goes home at night and spends the night in a room no one is allowed to enter with a doctor there all night? This is very strange.

I believe Dr. Murry didn't keep records because all of this was to be MJ's secret. MJ didn't want records kept of what drugs he was given or the entire routine of him being put under in order to sleep. He played a fools game with a drug that should only be administered in a hospital setting with equipment to cover any emergency while he was under.

Certainly the doctor was wrong to leave the room but he also was wrong in allow himself to be hired for this weird procedure done behind closed doors in a person's private home.

I am sorry MJ died. I am a fan but I have to say in this situation of doctor/patient relationship, MJ wasn't the patient - he was the doctor's boss. It's pitiful for all concerned. JMO

I imagine it is like a lot of parents who may make their bedroom off limits at times to their children while they are in there 'asleep' and I am sure the children thought he was sleeping. Why would they be up in the middle of the night anyway? He didn't even get home until after 1:00 am in the morning. They knew their father was rehearsing for his comeback tour.

I am not sure MJ wanted the 'milk' as in craved because Propofol is not addictive since it leaves the blood stream within a few short minutes but he did feel this was the only med that worked for him and really if he thought he had rested then that is what he felt. He told CM that nothing else worked.

They are beginning to do studies now where Propofol is being used as a sleep aide for people who suffer from terrible insomnia. I suppose it is no different than someone else who has insomnia and thinks only one drug works for them.

I don't believe MJ was the boss at all. He had always trusted doctors. Some he shouldn't have, imo but he did.

I think he knew the risks. He knew he had to have a licensed doctor administer this drug. That is why I think the theory of injecting it himself is a cockamamie lie CM made up in his faux statement. If so then after he got Murray to buy the drugs he would no longer need him and could just do it himself. That DT theory doesn't make sense but then the others don't either.

He also knew a doctor would have to monitor him. He told Nurse Lee he would be fine BECAUSE a doctor would be there monitoring him. What he could not foresee though was a doctor who was more interested in talking on the phone that day and didn't have his mind on monitoring him at all. So I do think MJ took necessary precautions or he would have just gotten a layperson to administer it to him after CM supplied it and frankly knowing how Murray deviated so grossly from the standard of care that day he may have been better off. A layperson sure couldn't have done any worse.

From what I have seen of Murray thus far I think he came across to MJ as someone who could handle everything and really there was nothing in his background that said he couldn't. He had been a doctor for almost 20 years and had three different practices. I have no doubt he came across as authoritative and full of himself. After all he wanted 5 million to start with but still was going to be paid 150K a month.

MJ was aware of what had to be done and so was Murray. Murray just didnt give a darn about his patient the morning he killed MJ.


A position that Dr.M or any other doctor should ever let themselves be placed. He's even said in his police interview that he viewed MJ as his employer. To that, I say "say what?" a doctor should never view himself as an employee of a patient. IMO

ETA: your signature has me now craving donuts :banghead: now i have to go run an errand real quick :innocent:

Well, My Good Friend Talina, while you're there, would you please get me a couple of chocolate frosted, Boston cream-filled (not the white stuff, puh-leeze) donuts? And a medium Pepsi with that would be especially good. Thanks, and I'll pay you back double when I see ya!!
Mmmmm, smack, smack, slurp, slurp....

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