Conrad Murray trial -Day twelve.

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Whew, he finally has slowed down his speaking style. I thought they were going to have to sedate him!
Whew, he finally has slowed down his speaking style. I thought they were going to have to sedate him!

Think that accounts for his forward leaning posture in the chair. He wants to be sure he is clearly heard and speaking slowly enough for the court reporter.
Think that accounts for his forward leaning posture in the chair. He wants to be sure he is clearly heard and speaking slowly enough for the court reporter.

I think so too. He sure is passionate about his work.
Dr.Paul White - def anesthesiologist expert witness

I heard on JVM that he is a very Well Known expert witness. I have never heard of him. With what has happened over the last 2 days he will need to be a miracle witness. jmoo
Do you suppose defense will know those answers before they ask the questions?

Flanagan will ask all these same questions, slowly & drawn out & taking his glasses off and on mid question....
turning to the right and then to the left.

He will ask each question 15 times, worded differently each time.

Ask me how I know this.
Flanagan will ask all these same questions, slowly & drawn out & taking his glasses off and on mid question....
turning to the right and then to the left.

He will ask each question 15 times, worded differently each time.

Ask me how I know this.

How do you know this? :great:
Flanagan will ask all these same questions, slowly & drawn out & taking his glasses off and on mid question....
turning to the right and then to the left.

He will ask each question 15 times, worded differently each time.

Ask me how I know this.

Because you took LORAZAPAM and had a dream? LOL!:seeya:
At the lunch break, don't run off.
Or if you do, not for too long, or too far away.

I'm going to tell you all my own personal Michael Jackson Story.

Flanagan will ask all these same questions, slowly & drawn out & taking his glasses off and on mid question....
turning to the right and then to the left.

He will ask each question 15 times, worded differently each time.

Ask me how I know this.

Can I respectfully say that I have reached my maximum daily dose of Flanagan? :innocent:
Can I respectfully say that I have reached my maximum daily dose of Flanagan? :innocent:

Okay, disregard the above comment. Short day--no more Flanagan. :woohoo:
At the lunch break, don't run off.
Or if you do, not for too long, or too far away.

I'm going to tell you all my own personal Michael Jackson Story.


OK. You may be excused... you'll have until Monday (not just the 1.5 hr that I thought) to hear (read) my story.
OK... time to tell you all my own personal Michael Jackson story.

My youngest of 3 sons is now 33 yrs old. When MJ began doing videos on TV my son was a little boy.
He adored MJ from the very start. He tried to dance and sing and even dress like him....
despite he was a blond almost white haired little boy.

When my son was 10 yrs old, in March 1988 MJ was on tour and he wanted to see MJ in concert sooo badly.
I told my son that as soon as tickets went on sale, at 8:00 am, I'd start calling to get tickets for either a NYC
or a Hartford, CT Michael Jackson Concert.

I did so (despite being up all night working the night shift) ... and I had a friend help do it also.
But all we got was the busy signal over and over. We continued to speed dial over and over, for 1.5 hrs
and then the call went through.... only to be told that the concerts were all sold out and no more tickets would be sold.

I wanted to cry and hated to have to tell my son when he got home from school. He was disappointed, but understood.

Then a couple weeks later, on the day of the first concert in Hartford, CT.... my 3 sons and I were on the CT Turnpike in
Orange, CT (which is on the way to Hartford). We stopped at the rest area where there is also a McDonalds restaurant.
It was about 3:00 pm and McDonald's was almost totally empty.

Sitting by the window with our drinks and fries... we noticed a white limo pull up. The longest limo I've ever seen!
A smaller white limo was directly behind it.

We then saw about 4 huge black guys in suits get out and walk up the walkway and enter McD's and then to the men's room,
not too far from where we were sitting. They went in and came out immediately, and while one of them stood outside the men's
room (to not allow anyone to enter), the others went back to the limo.

Two more big guys and a much smaller guy got out of the limo. The big guys surrounded the smaller guy as they all walked up the
walkway and into the men's room. Three of the guys stood outside, at attention, with arms crossed behind them, blocking the doors
to the men's room.

The other guys and the smaller guy, who we now recognized as MJ, walked out of McDonald's (they didn't buy anything).
I told my son to go ask for his autograph. He froze and just stared at me. I said I would go do it. I jumped up, grabbed one
of the McDonald's bags, a lady next to us handed me a pen and I went sort of running down the walkway after the group of
men that were just about to get into the huge limo.
I turned and noticed that my son was right on my heels!

The bodyguards held up their hands & arms to us and said "No autographs. No talking to Mr Jackson."

Michael turned away from the bodyguards and toward us. He said, "No. It's OK."
He touched, patted my son's head and then signed our McDonald's bag. He then smiled and
said, "See you tonight?" Before I could say that we weren't able to get tickets...
Michael was pushed into the limo and it took off.

My son had difficulty talking for the next 2 hours.

If anyone want's to see the McDonald's Bag with MJ's autograph on it, I'll try to post it on here.

BTW, my son out-grew Michael Jackson as his #1 fan... but my fascination with him grew.
I never thought he molested any children. I think from all the videos of him interacting with
his children, he was a very good father... especially under the circumstances.

And he made sure other loving aunts/uncles, cousins and grandparents were around them.
They seem very well adjusted to me. Despite him being goofy at times, Michael Jackson,
in my mind, has always been one of the greatest, most talented, creative singer, dancer, choreographer, director, and actor.
Of all time.
OK... time to tell you all my own personal Michael Jackson story.

My youngest of 3 sons is now 33 yrs old. When MJ began doing videos on TV my son was a little boy.
He adored MJ from the very start. He tried to dance and sing and even dress like him....
despite he was a blond almost white haired little boy.

When my son was 10 yrs old, in March 1988 MJ was on tour and he wanted to see MJ in concert sooo badly.
I told my son that as soon as tickets went on sale, at 8:00 am, I'd start calling to get tickets for either a NYC
or a Hartford, CT Michael Jackson Concert.

I did so (despite being up all night working the night shift) ... and I had a friend help do it also.
But all we got was the busy signal over and over. We continued to speed dial over and over, for 1.5 hrs
and then the call went through.... only to be told that the concerts were all sold out and no more tickets would be sold.

I wanted to cry and hated to have to tell my son when he got home from school. He was disappointed, but understood.

Then a couple weeks later, on the day of the first concert in Hartford, CT.... my 3 sons and I were on the CT Turnpike in
Orange, CT (which is on the way to Hartford). We stopped at the rest area where there is also a McDonalds restaurant.
It was about 3:00 pm and McDonald's was almost totally empty.

Sitting by the window with our drinks and fries... we noticed a white limo pull up. The longest limo I've ever seen!
A smaller white limo was directly behind it.

We then saw about 4 huge black guys in suits get out and walk up the walkway and enter McD's and then to the men's room,
not too far from where we were sitting. They went in and came out immediately, and while one of them stood outside the men's
room (to not allow anyone to enter), the others went back to the limo.

Two more big guys and a much smaller guy got out of the limo. The big guys surrounded the smaller guy as they all walked up the
walkway and into the men's room. Three of the guys stood outside, at attention, with arms crossed behind them, blocking the doors
to the men's room.

The other guys and the smaller guy, who we now recognized as MJ, walked out of McDonald's (they didn't buy anything).
I told my son to go ask for his autograph. He froze and just stared at me. I said I would go do it. I jumped up, grabbed one
of the McDonald's bags, a lady next to us handed me a pen and I went sort of running down the walkway after the group of
men that were just about to get into the huge limo.
I turned and noticed that my son was right on my heels!

The bodyguards held up their hands & arms to us and said "No autographs. No talking to Mr Jackson."

Michael turned away from the bodyguards and toward us. He said, "No. It's OK."
He touched, patted my son's head and then signed our McDonald's bag. He then smiled and
said, "See you tonight?" Before I could say that we weren't able to get tickets...
Michael was pushed into the limo and it took off.

My son had difficulty talking for the next 2 hours.

If anyone want's to see the McDonald's Bag with MJ's autograph on it, I'll try to post it on here.

BTW, my son out-grew Michael Jackson as his #1 fan... but my fascination with him grew.
I never thought he molested any children. I think from all the videos of him interacting with
his children, he was a very good father... especially under the circumstances.

And he made sure other loving aunts/uncles, cousins and grandparents were around them.
They seem very well adjusted to me. Despite him being goofy at times, Michael Jackson,
in my mind, has always been one of the greatest, most talented, creative singer, dancer, choreographer, director, and actor.
Of all time.

Does your son still remember that meeting?

I got nothing about meeting any star. If a big white limo pulled up to our Mickie Ds it would have been dropped by aliens. That's how far off the beaten path I live.
OK... time to tell you all my own personal Michael Jackson story.

My youngest of 3 sons is now 33 yrs old. When MJ began doing videos on TV my son was a little boy.
He adored MJ from the very start. He tried to dance and sing and even dress like him....
despite he was a blond almost white haired little boy.

When my son was 10 yrs old, in March 1988 MJ was on tour and he wanted to see MJ in concert sooo badly.
I told my son that as soon as tickets went on sale, at 8:00 am, I'd start calling to get tickets for either a NYC
or a Hartford, CT Michael Jackson Concert.

I did so (despite being up all night working the night shift) ... and I had a friend help do it also.
But all we got was the busy signal over and over. We continued to speed dial over and over, for 1.5 hrs
and then the call went through.... only to be told that the concerts were all sold out and no more tickets would be sold.

I wanted to cry and hated to have to tell my son when he got home from school. He was disappointed, but understood.

Then a couple weeks later, on the day of the first concert in Hartford, CT.... my 3 sons and I were on the CT Turnpike in
Orange, CT (which is on the way to Hartford). We stopped at the rest area where there is also a McDonalds restaurant.
It was about 3:00 pm and McDonald's was almost totally empty.

Sitting by the window with our drinks and fries... we noticed a white limo pull up. The longest limo I've ever seen!
A smaller white limo was directly behind it.

We then saw about 4 huge black guys in suits get out and walk up the walkway and enter McD's and then to the men's room,
not too far from where we were sitting. They went in and came out immediately, and while one of them stood outside the men's
room (to not allow anyone to enter), the others went back to the limo.

Two more big guys and a much smaller guy got out of the limo. The big guys surrounded the smaller guy as they all walked up the
walkway and into the men's room. Three of the guys stood outside, at attention, with arms crossed behind them, blocking the doors
to the men's room.

The other guys and the smaller guy, who we now recognized as MJ, walked out of McDonald's (they didn't buy anything).
I told my son to go ask for his autograph. He froze and just stared at me. I said I would go do it. I jumped up, grabbed one
of the McDonald's bags, a lady next to us handed me a pen and I went sort of running down the walkway after the group of
men that were just about to get into the huge limo.
I turned and noticed that my son was right on my heels!

The bodyguards held up their hands & arms to us and said "No autographs. No talking to Mr Jackson."

Michael turned away from the bodyguards and toward us. He said, "No. It's OK."
He touched, patted my son's head and then signed our McDonald's bag. He then smiled and
said, "See you tonight?" Before I could say that we weren't able to get tickets...
Michael was pushed into the limo and it took off.

My son had difficulty talking for the next 2 hours.

If anyone want's to see the McDonald's Bag with MJ's autograph on it, I'll try to post it on here.

BTW, my son out-grew Michael Jackson as his #1 fan... but my fascination with him grew.
I never thought he molested any children. I think from all the videos of him interacting with
his children, he was a very good father... especially under the circumstances.

And he made sure other loving aunts/uncles, cousins and grandparents were around them.
They seem very well adjusted to me. Despite him being goofy at times, Michael Jackson,
in my mind, has always been one of the greatest, most talented, creative singer, dancer, choreographer, director, and actor.
Of all time.

Oh Peace, I just love your MJ story! I just know that if you had a chance to talk to MJ, he would have made sure all of you were at the concert that night.
Is Court really over 'til Monday? What happened?

Cool that meeting MJ story peace! You must have felt you were experiencing a miracle for your son!
Flanagan had better have a rabbit in his hat. All I hear is how CM was at best ill prepared and at worst a quack. (not meant to be snarky, just don't know of another word)

I just keep asking myself, What is the DT going to do to somehow rehabilitate their client? I know they haven't had their shot yet, but all I can see that they have are blanks.

How can they avoid not putting CM on the stand? Maybe they will present no defense (which could be one reason they have arranged to show their own exhibits) and pray that their closing remarks will do the job.

In NC courts, if the DT does not present a defense, they will get the last closing argument instead of the State. Is that so in CA?

Maybe they are just gonna blame it all on MJ od'ing himself??

What else have they got, folks???

And I wonder what CM is thinking when he goes home at night? Does he think he has a chance at NG or a hung jury? Really deep down, does he?

I'll stop now...
Does your son still remember that meeting?

I got nothing about meeting any star. If a big white limo pulled up to our Mickie Ds it would have been dropped by aliens. That's how far off the beaten path I live.


:giggle: We see plenty of white limos around here but the only people in them are usually hookers.

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