Conrad Murray trial -Day two.

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DR Neil Ratner is the anesthesiologist who travelled with Michael during the History tour.
ETA: DR Ratner had all the necessary medical equipment needed for this.

I would assume Michael had Propofol first either during a medical or dental procedure but not sure exactly when since that is private medical information.


Was it in Germany where MJ received the propofal? Might have different regulations there as to indications for use.
Watching yesterday's testimony. Is that Flanagan with the white hair?
I hope AA is called this am. I actually live to hear his testimony. I think it will clearly show consciousness of guilt, added to the fact that Murray didn't call 911. Stupid should be painful, am sure you would agree with that!

His testimony will be riveting. :woohoo:
DT will be aggressive and blow it......

Was it in Germany where MJ received the propofal? Might have different regulations there as to indications for use.

Had no idea the regulations could be different there or anywhere else.

Had no idea the regulations could be different there or anywhere else.


Other countries have their own medical regulations or lack thereof. Some smaller countries may have none at all! Scary, huh!

I noticed yesterday when oxygen tanks were referred to that Flanagan and Murray looked at each other and Flanagan made a face as if to say, 'why did you do something so stupid'.
Other countries have their own medical regulations or lack thereof. Some smaller countries may have none at all! Scary, huh!

I noticed yesterday when oxygen tanks were referred to that Flanagan and Murray looked at each other and Flanagan made a face as if to say, 'why did you do something so stupid'.

Very scary.

I noticed that :noooo: several times. :floorlaugh:

Its going to be good today. Alvarez and the EMTS. :woohoo:


Actually it didn't seem MJ wanted Murray at all cost. It seems it was on Murray's own accord that he threw out the ridiculous 5 Million salary..not Michael. I think Murray tried to do a lot of this behind MJs back trying to handle it through AEG..excluding MJ. Another one trying to take full advantage because Michael was the patient, imo. AEG told Murray that was not going to happen. They told CM that he would have to talk to MJ..not them. So the amount went way down and that was decided by Michael and once Murray knew the salary amount came from MJ he either could accept it or move on. It was Murray's choice. If Murray could have negotiated the 5 million without MJ.....he would have, imo. He was trying to do just that when AEG told him the salary would have to be accepted and signed off by MJ.

The thing is Michael never signed the contract concerning Dr. Murray and MJ
was known as a very efficient businessman. Of all contracts that had to be signed why wouldn't MJ move quickly when signing off on this one particular contract?

Imo, I think MJ was having second thoughts about Murray and his capabilities in the week before Murray killed him. The security guard call Nurse Lee o
June 22 instead of Murray because he was feeling ill. Maybe by then MJ knew Murray's answer for everything was 'just put a jacket on him' and would be totally unconcerned with the wellbeing of his patient. Murray's answer to
everything seemed to be just buy more and more

This is an involuntary manslaughter case. They aren't saying that Murray had a motive to kill MJ. Good grief..Michael was Murray's cash cow. That is why it is unexplainable why Murray was so reckless and derelict in his duties that he preferred being on the phone for 47 minutes and left the room entirely rather than monitoring his patient like he was required and paid to do.

Now a lot of people do have the opinion it should have been charged out as Murder 2 since the actions or inactions were such a gross deviation from the
standard of care due that it shows Murray had no regard for human life. Nancy Grace is one of the ones that believes it was murder and there are other attorneys that believe the same.

I didn't see any points made by the DT and I have watched gavel to gavel since it started. What has been shown is Murray is about money and will do anything to get it. It has shown that the day MJ died it wasnt about MJ and trying to save his life. It was all about creating illusions for Murray so that he would be seen trying to save a man he knew was already dead

I was very interested when the lawyer for AEG said Murray called her back and wanted his salary to go into a company name of his. Was he trying to hide money? Imo, I think so. I would like to know if this company is even legitimate or was just a front in order to hide money from his many creditors.


let's not forget the little addendum Murray wanted to add to the contract. He would be paid if the concert was concelled for any reason. Didn't matter to him if Michael lived or died, he thought he'd get paid. he just needed to hide the evidence and his road would be paved in gold, or so he thought. Should be a 2nd degree murder charge. Imo
Oh I don't think he was known for that by all people. Now of course some thought so but I have seen many who never ever believed MJ was a molester of any kind. Some thought he wanted to be white too but that was a myth perpetrated by the media and the public bought into it just like some didn't believe he had vililago when he did. Some saw him as a molester yet never read the actual transcripts of the trial that proved otherwise. Even Brashir who grossly edited his documentary said he never believed MJ did anything illegally wrong when it came to children. Some believed Diane Dimond's false daily reporting and believed Sneddon was kicking butt when he was the one that was getting his butt kicked along with his witnesses who werent credible. The public bought DDs spiel too. That is why the NG shocked some people.

To me Michael Jackson will be known more for the amazing many talents he had. He truly was the best entertainer in the world and has the largest fan base than any other and it has grown in number. So those who have always known MJ personally or have admired him for many years never thought he was anything but a very gentle soul with a heart of gold.

There is no entertainer out there that could sell 50 shows out instantly and leave 250,000 more people wanting tickets to see them. That shows imo lots of people admire Michael Jackson.

Some people tend to believe the worse. That will not change those who want to believe he was one. Even Diane Dimond knows he will be known for his God given talents and not the unsubstantiated abuse allegation. Mesage boards are just a small drop in the overall population of the world.

But as Nancy said in this case MJ is the victim and she thinks Murray should have been charged with murder.


IMO MJ is innocent of child molestation like Casey Anthony is innocent of murder.

That said, I do believe he is a victim in this case. I'm just not at all invested in this trials outcome because I feel MJ played a huge part in his own demise as well as several others like Klein.
Holy Cheet! Propofol bottle in the saline bag, hanging on the pole.

Conrad, it is OVER for you!

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