GUILTY Conrad Murray Trial - Verdict Watch

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Jun 19, 2011
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Per reports late yesterday, the jury was instructed by the deputy to report back today at 8:30am to begin deliberations.
I won't be surprised if there is a verdict by end of today. I will be surprised if there is no verdict by mid week next week.

I think the prosecution proved their cased beyond a reasonable doubt. I don't think the defense created any reasonable doubt during the trial or in their closing argument but then again, they had little to work with.

I am, however, still in shock over the CA verdict so I have no idea what to expect this jury to do. The big difference in this trial versus the CA trial is that there is no "Sunshine Law" in California so us bystanders know very little about the evidence beyond what was introduced in court. The only advantage we have is having been able to discuss it amongst ourselves and others during the trial. That is what the jury gets to start doing this morning.

Morning all. :seeya: Talina, I hope you're right about a verdict today. Guess we'll have a better idea once Jean can get a look at how the jurors are dressed today. :D

I see this Steve Manning guy is all over IS again this morning. Wish he'd either name this cast of conspirators he claims were out to get MJ or would stop bringing it up. :rolleyes:

And how nice to watch the coverage this morning with Beth instead of JVM! Four gallons of Propofol couldn't get me through watching that woman scowl and shriek this early in the day.

Settling in for a long wait today...:popcorn:
How does this work when the jury makes a decision? Does the court give warning that the verdict will be read, or will we just hear about it after the fact?
How does this work when the jury makes a decision? Does the court give warning that the verdict will be read, or will we just hear about it after the fact?

The jury alerts the bailiff, who in turn notifies the judge. Then there will be an announcement that a verdict has been reached and will be read at such a time to allow the attorneys, families, and media to assemble in the courtroom, usually an hour or so later.
How does this work when the jury makes a decision? Does the court give warning that the verdict will be read, or will we just hear about it after the fact?

In many jurisdictions, the jury has a bell or buzzer system in the jury room. A certain signal means they have a question, and another signal means they have a verdict. I cannot remember if they have this in LA, but the jury, if and when they have a verdict (and I believe they will), will get word to the judge somehow. The court will then announce there is a verdict, and it will be read two hours later, allowing the lawyers, Murray, and the family to get to the courthouse for the reading.

If the jury has a question or wants a readback of testimony, they will send a note to the judge, and you can also bet the media will be all over that, and every talking head in the Universe will try to read the tea leaves (a dangerous past time).
Morning all. :seeya: Talina, I hope you're right about a verdict today. Guess we'll have a better idea once Jean can get a look at how the jurors are dressed today. :D

I see this Steve Manning guy is all over IS again this morning. Wish he'd either name this cast of conspirators he claims were out to get MJ or would stop bringing it up. :rolleyes:

And how nice to watch the coverage this morning with Beth instead of JVM! Four gallons of Propofol couldn't get me through watching that woman scowl and shriek this early in the day.

Settling in for a long wait today...:popcorn:

I have no idea who that guy is, but as I understand it, there are nutters out there (maybe including Jermaine and LaToya :crazy: ) who believe that AEG had Murray kill MJ for insurance money, under the theory that MJ would never be able to complete the tour. Like most Conspiracy Theories, it is the resting place for lunatics and those with weak minds. IMHO.
Please forgive this post that I've carried over from Closing Arguments thread (I think I should have posted here)!
I'm feeling anxious about this verdict! As we all know, there's NO such thing as a "slam dunk", despite how impressed I was by Mr. Walgren. Such a sad, sad case to begin with!!! Walgren (IMO) really nailed that closing argument, but did he connect with the jurors?? Argh.....I don't know. I'm not making any sense here....but I've followed the trial carefully. I'm still so burned by the Anthony verdict. It knocked me WAY off balance......despite being a very different kind of case and defendant!

I'm just praying for the best possible solution/verdict seems like both Murray and MJ had very complicated and troubled lives (and secrets, of course). I want to cry whenever I see shots of Katherine Jackson or MJ's kids!!

PS: Not to be flip (because this is all very serious business) but what is up with JVM's extra huge and mega-fuzzy microphone??? Just a strange, light moment there on HLN!!

Peace XOXO
Carried over from previous thread:

I know this is O/T but I think their opinion changed once the FBI report came out after investigating MJ for decades and the FBI found absolutely nothing criminal in his history of any kind.

I admire people who can open up their minds and look at the facts when they are presented and form a different opinion based on them.

I think a lot of them must feel terrible guilt about the media myths they spun for years. So many millions made by claiming he didn't have a serious skin disorder when he certainly did just like he told everyone way back in 1993. A lot blew up in the media's face when the MJ autopsy report came out.

Just like I saw JVM do an interview with Ed Smart the other day and she apologized to him because at the time when Elizabeth was missing Jane was sure her father had done something to her and was accusing him falsely. She was wrong and even though I cant tolerate Jane for more than 10 minutes I did admire her when she had enough guts to apologize to Ed Smart and of course he graciously accepted her apology.


Very well stated!!! As ususal!
I sooo agree with everything you said, oceanblueeyes...

Many years ago, I too believed most of what the media said about MJ.
I saw the photos of him being "unconventional" & behaving differently from "the norm".
I saw the results of his cosmetic surgeries. I watched the Oprah and Barbara Walters interviews.

And I too was one of the many who believed the molestation accusations.

And, for awhile, based solely on what I read, heard or saw, I thought MJ was just plain weird.
Whacko, as some of the press called him.

However, thanks to my young (at the time) son, I did begin opening my eyes & brain & forming
my own opinions of Michael Jackson... even before the trials and before the FBI investigation.

I began to see MJ in a totally different light. I read more extensively about him and ignored the tabloids.
I wanted to know the reasons he did some of the things he did in public, but I mainly wanted to see & learn
how this man/boy became such a brilliant and talented superstar.

I became aware of other parts of MJ's life, too. The part the general public didn't always see... or bother to take the time to know.

I began reading as much as I could about his dancing, his music, his writing (of music, poetry, books, films).
I observated his artwork. I focused on his talent as a director, a producer, a choreographer, an actor.

I watched his videos over and over and over (they were on TV constantly, thanks to my son).
I really formed an interest in how talented he actually was. How creative & brilliant he really really was.
I saw that he was more than a super-star, more than a huge celebrity. He was awesome! He was bigger than life.
He was one of a kind. He was a genius.

Odd at times, but totally & undeniably... a genius!
What well known genius hasn't been called weird, odd, strange or whacky?

Anyway... I also learned how wonderfully generous he was to all the charities in which he was involved.
How compassionate he was with the things he believed in. How he planned so many "fund raisers" and was
able to get so many of his peers involved... actors, directors, singers, dancers, entertainers.

I saw how unbiased he was, how he loved all people from all walks of life.... especially the poor & suffering.
And how kind he was to all his fans... including my son (I told that story several threads ago).

He wanted so much for the health & well being of the world... and for all the people in it.
He didn't build Neverland to be a fantasy playland just for himself and his family.
He invited thousands of other people to share it & enjoy it, also. He hosted hundreds of parties for children with cancer.

He gave so much of his money & time to Los Angeles Children's Hospital
(where my first job as a nurse was) and to the patients that were there.

Despite that Michael Jackson was so much more than a genius, a philanthropist, and a loving father...
those attributes did not sell like the "whacko" things he did.

I wanted to be, and did become, one of those people that oceanblueeyes wrote about above & bolded by me:

"I admire people who can open up their minds and look at the facts when they are presented and form a different opinion based on them."

I am ashamed, guilty, and extremely sorry that I once saw Michael Jackson through a closed mind & closed eyes.

I sincerely apologize to Michael, his mother, his siblings, his children, friends...
and to the other fans who really knew the true Michael from the very beginning... and throughout his lifetime.

Hopefully, Michael's death was not in vain. Hopefully, his death, the trial, and the media's coverage of it,
including the full coverage of Michael's life... have shown the millions of people, with their closed eyes & minds,
to see Michael as the truly remarkable person he was.

And one last comment... I am so happy that his beautiful children, and the videos of them since birth,
have since appeared... for the world to see that Michael Jackson was a wonderful, loving, caring father.

I tend to think that Michael considered his children - Prince, Paris and Blanket -
his greatest accomplishment, his most precious "possession", that which he was most proud....
and what made him the person he most wanted to be.

Rest in Peace, Michael Jackson.

You will live on forever in the hearts, eyes, ears and minds of millions!!!
So, I was flipping channels last night, and saw Randy Kaye's piece on this trial. One thing she said, that I had not heard before, was that "a couple of weeks ago" "some" jurors were overheard "whispering" "let's get this thing over with already". Now, I kind of found that disturbing. Who knows what it means? It requires more tea leaf reading, and I don't go there. It certainly does tell us, however, that at least some of the jurors were ready to get outta there, and perhaps still are.

I suspect that by now, they've elected a foreperson and have just waded through the jury instructions.
Dang it -- the jury buzzed -- but it was for a break. They hit the wrong code and buzzed 3x. LOL

Buzz 1x - when they are ready to deliberate
Buzz 2x - when they have a question or a break
Buzz 3x - for verdict
Jury has a question, could be as simple as "we want to take a break" .
Jury has a question, could be as simple as "we want to take a break" .

And it was a request for a break. Maybe they will come back and be ready to deliver their decision and just wanted to get the break out of the way. That would be sweet.
Dang it -- the jury buzzed -- but it was for a break. They hit the wrong code and buzzed 3x. LOL

Buzz 1x - when they are ready to deliberate
Buzz 2x - when they have a question or a break
Buzz 3x - for verdict

Wow, I hope they follow the rest of the Court's instructions better than this. :rollercoaster:
And it was a request for a break. Maybe they will come back and be ready to deliver their decision and just wanted to get the break out of the way. That would be sweet.

Oh that would be wonderful. :) (only if he is found guilty tho :crazy:)
I have no idea who that guy is, but as I understand it, there are nutters out there (maybe including Jermaine and LaToya :crazy: ) who believe that AEG had Murray kill MJ for insurance money, under the theory that MJ would never be able to complete the tour. Like most Conspiracy Theories, it is the resting place for lunatics and those with weak minds. IMHO.


I hear you, OOSL (hope you don't mind my acronym!) And let's not forget about the shadowy figures behind the Grassy Knoll that planned to murder MJ for his music catalog. :noooo:

I do believe it's LaToya who is the main proponent of the murder conspiracy theory. Of course, she also claims to have talked to MJ's ghost on occasion and has also chatted with his pet macaw.

“When I go to his house I say, ‘Hello, Michael. How are you? If you’re here, please let me know’. And the lights start blinking,” LaToya told The Mirror. “I can feel him.

I can smell his cologne and I’ve felt him brush past me.” Adding of her ‘talks to the animals’ talents, “Michael had a macaw and he was saying, ‘Everything’s okay, Michael. Everyone’s fine, don’t worry. The kids? How are the kids doing?’”
Vinnie says the jury asked for some unspecified evidense to look at.

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