GUILTY Conrad Murray Trial - Verdict Watch

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Hi all, so glad to finally gotten this forum to load. After winding my way through other areas of Webslueths I got back here. And the Jonbennet forum. I did miss all of your comments and opinions in real time as the trial progressed. If a mod reads this are you able to look at my history and see why I could't get on here?
My DH asked me last night how I thought the verdict would go and since the CA verdict, who knows. To me the evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of conviction. Simply because he abandoned the patient. Whether MJ did himself in or not. The drugs shouldn't have been within reach, especially when you know he is an addict.
I don't know much of anything about the jurors. I am not even sure if any info has been released. I didn't follow the pretrial hearings or voir dere (sp?).
Maybe some here did though.

I've caught a few snips & clips, here & there, during the trial, of the THs mentioning something they know about a juror.

What I remember at the moment is:

One of them is/was a biology/chemistry major in college.

One of them has a brother that's an EMT.

ETA: I'm curious, but not sure I want to know what the "troubling things" were that EPfan's daughter told her last night. :waitasec:
So on the fence about this. On one hand, it's pretty clear that MJ had many doctors, not just CM prescribe drugs he shouldn't have been using and he was clearly a drug addict. He also used his power of being a megastar with loads of money to get what he wanted. On the other hand, CM was on MJ's payroll and as a physician who is supposed to be practising moral ethics and aiding people in promoting health and saving lives, he is without question morally corrupt. I don't know if you can blame all the physicians that enabled MJ or we just fell upon one to take the fall for all parties including MJ and his life style.

I am fighting the same concern(s) that you just said. This isn't just about cut and dry guilty or not guilty, for me. I have watched too many talking heads and that leads you to guilty, but as a human being and using my common sense this case is very complicated. I just can't say that other Dr.'s haven't done the same. He was clearly a drug addict but I'm not sure that was proven in the testimony. Many people don't believe that he is a addict but I think he has been since his molestation trial. I also think that is probably when he wanted to use propofal to not have to think about things because he couldn't sleep. That is just my own opinion. I also am probably one of the few but I have a problem with not knowing if CM put evidence in his pants pockets because that is only speculation and that piece of evidence wasn't among the evidence that was needed.
The procecution also stated that we will never know what happened. (In the closing arguments) That statement also bothered me because it proved that they didn't know and that could cause reasonable doubt.
I truly believe that if this wasn't Michael J, just a regular Joe this trial wouldn't be happening. JMOO
I think they are in their late 30s... 40s and mid 50s.

Michael has one of the biggest fan bases in the world. From the very young child all the way to people in their 80s.

My teenage grandchildren love his music and want justice for Michael.


There are a few in the mid 30's and a couple alternates under 30. But mostly, they are older.

My 7 and 8 year old daughters ADORE Michael's music.
They are also unaware of MJ's current... condition. :waitasec: (Which is why Websleuths is where I'm watching for the verdict.)

I didn't really feel like talking to them about his death BEFORE the verdict.
I wanted to give them a conclusion to the situation when they found out if at all possible.

I wanted to answer "What happened to that doctor" when I told them.
Hopefully I won't also be explaining to them that the justice system doesn't always work. :banghead:

Meet the Jurors:

1. 51 male

2. 57 female

3. 45 male

4. 32 male

5. 48 female

6. 39 male

7. 54 female

8. 42 male

9. 54 male

10. 43 female

11. 36 female

12. 54 male

13. 29 female

14. 57 female

15. 53 female

16. 27 female

17. 40 male

18. 39 male
I am fighting the same concern(s) that you just said. This isn't just about cut and dry guilty or not guilty, for me. I have watched too many talking heads and that leads you to guilty, but as a human being and using my common sense this case is very complicated. I just can't say that other Dr.'s haven't done the same. He was clearly a drug addict but I'm not sure that was proven in the testimony. Many people don't believe that he is a addict but I think he has been since his molestation trial. I also think that is probably when he wanted to use propofal to not have to think about things because he couldn't sleep. That is just my own opinion. I also am probably one of the few but I have a problem with not knowing if CM put evidence in his pants pockets because that is only speculation and that piece of evidence wasn't among the evidence that was needed.
The prosecution also stated that we will never know what happened. (In the closing arguments) That statement also bothered me because it proved that they didn't know and that could cause reasonable doubt.
I truly believe that if this wasn't Michael J, just a regular Joe this trial wouldn't be happening. JMOO

If anyone watches the T/Hs for their information then they can be led to believe anything.

That is why I much prefer watching the case gavel to gavel on line where I miss none of the actual trial testimony.

I don't think I have ever seen a case where I felt it was a slam dunk case although I certainly have seen a lot of them where I think the state proved their case beyond a reasonable doubt and the jury agreed.

That is simply not the truth. There is a link either on this thread or the previous one where a doctor was convicted of involuntary manslaughter by administering a drug in a home clinic and the patient died. The victim was a dishwasher, iirc.

I will find the article again.

So this is NOT about it being Michael Jackson. This is all about trying to obtain justice for a victim who lost his life by the hands of another.

Oh I found the article.

February 26, 2011|By Hector Becerra, Los Angeles Times
Nearly three years after a 30-year-old man died on the operating table at an Inglewood home turned into a neighborhood clinic, a Los Angeles County Superior Court jury Friday convicted the surgeon of involuntary manslaughter.

Dr. Roberto Bonilla, 64, was found guilty in a Torrance courthouse in the death of Osvaldo Hernandez, a restaurant dishwasher and illegal immigrant from Mexico who had paid the surgeon several thousand dollars in cash to relieve a sharp pain in his belly.


Alan Duke saying KJ was asked to come down to the court house. She is on "stand-by"/
Who knows what is going on? Reporters don't seem to.
I've caught a few snips & clips, here & there, during the trial, of the THs mentioning something they know about a juror.

What I remember at the moment is:

One of them is/was a biology/chemistry major in college.

One of them has a brother that's an EMT.

ETA: I'm curious, but not sure I want to know what the "troubling things" were that EPfan's daughter told her last night. :waitasec:

I won't say anthing and it would't have anything to do with this trial.(unless it would have been brought into evidence.) The only thing I will say is most people that have worked for MJ know stuff but sign a contract that they won't disclose things.
My daughter knows someone that know things not rumor.
I was really overwhelmed but I'm glad she hadn't told me earlier.
Wow! Katherine Jackson just called to the court on "stand-by". Something's a brewin'. Never fails - I have to leave in 15 minutes so I'll miss the jury's return from lunch.
On HLN they just reported Katherine Jackson is at courthouse.......Hopefully verdict soon and it is GUILTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But after the CA trial in orlando i dunno....
I won't say anthing and it would't have anything to do with this trial.(unless it would have been brought into evidence.) The only thing I will say is most people that have worked for MJ know stuff but sign a contract that they won't disclose things.
My daughter knows someone that know things not rumor.
I was really overwhelmed but I'm glad she hadn't told me earlier.

EP, any chance these things are related to MJ's 2005 trial?
People who have tickets for seats in the courtroom have also been notified to come.(HLN)
If anyone watches the T/Hs for their information then they can be led to believe anything.

That is why I much prefer watching the case gavel to gavel on line where I miss none of the actual trial testimony.

I don't think I have ever seen a case where I felt it was a slam dunk case although I certainly have seen a lot of them where I think the state proved their case beyond a reasonable doubt and the jury agreed.

That is simply not the truth. There is a link either on this thread or the previous one where a doctor was convicted of involuntary manslaughter by administering a drug in a home clinic and the patient died. The victim was a dishwasher, iirc.

I will find the article again.

So this is NOT about it being Michael Jackson. This is all about trying to obtain justice for a victim who lost their lives by the hands of another.

Oh I found the article.

February 26, 2011|By Hector Becerra, Los Angeles Times
Nearly three years after a 30-year-old man died on the operating table at an Inglewood home turned into a neighborhood clinic, a Los Angeles County Superior Court jury Friday convicted the surgeon of involuntary manslaughter.

Dr. Roberto Bonilla, 64, was found guilty in a Torrance courthouse in the death of Osvaldo Hernandez, a restaurant dishwasher and illegal immigrant from Mexico who had paid the surgeon several thousand dollars in cash to relieve a sharp pain in his belly.



I don't know why but I think this case is so different because I believe (know) that this case isn't as simple as it was made out to be.
Even though I think CM was wrong, I think there were many others and I guess that still doens't excuse CM.
Jury goes to lunch because they want one more freebie meal on the Court :D I anticipate that a verdict will be rendered before the end of the day. jmo

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