GUILTY Conrad Murray Trial - Verdict Watch

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Mike G. says it was printed items and highlighter pens.
Mike G. says it was printed items and highlighter pens.

Well ain't that interestin'?

I thought it was going to be the slit saline bag. So, I was wondering, what earthly reason would there have been to have a slit saline bag hanging on that pole, unless one was going to put something in it? Taking something out makes no sense, because it was at one time full of ....saline!
Well ain't that interestin'?

I thought it was going to be the slit saline bag. So, I was wondering, what earthly reason would there have been to have a slit saline bag hanging on that pole, unless one was going to put something in it? Taking something out makes no sense, because it was at one time full of ....saline!

Must have made sense to CM :waitasec::crazy::waitasec: LOL
I do have to say I am glad to hear they are looking over the evidence and not in a rush to get home unlike the P12 in Fla.
Dang it, now Mike G. saying no evidence was requested because it is already in the jury room with them. Reporter saying the only evidence that isn't is medically sensitive, drugs, etc.
Another random thought. Chernoff accused just about everyone of perjury, and added a few criminal allegations against Walgren, but the only people he didn't blame were...the police! Now, I understand he did that because the one detective said he didn't see the bottle in the slit bag, but how very weird that in a criminal case, where the defense always says the state didn't meet it's burden of proof, he left the entire LAPD off the hook. Johnnie Cochran must be rolling in his grave!
Another random thought. Chernoff accused just about everyone of perjury, and added a few criminal allegations against Walgren, but the only people he didn't blame were...the police! Now, I understand he did that because the one detective said he didn't see the bottle in the slit bag, but how very weird that in a criminal case, where the defense always says the state didn't meet it's burden of proof, he left the entire LAPD off the hook. Johnnie Cochran must be rolling in his grave!

"If the bag isn't slit, you must acquit!"
Ok, I have to go run some errands, so it should guarantee a verdict while I'm out :)

I ran to the botroom to relieve myself of... well you know...
and was sure there'd be a verdict in the 2 minutes I was gone. :)
JVM showing the protesters yelling at each other. One dude showed up in a Nixon mask. what decade/century does he think this is???? Goofy.
While I haven't been posting regularly on this board, I listened/watched some of the trial, watched HLN updates, and read WS for day-to-day posts on the proceedings. I got side-tracked by the Lisa Irwin disappearance but didn't give up entirely on the Conrad Murray trial.

I can't offer an opinion on what the verdict might be but hope that the jurors were able to remain alert and attentive through the sometimes very clinical, technical testimony that would have been a major challenge for me :blushing:

I expect a verdict by the end of the day. jmo
So on the fence about this. On one hand, it's pretty clear that MJ had many doctors, not just CM prescribe drugs he shouldn't have been using and he was clearly a drug addict. He also used his power of being a megastar with loads of money to get what he wanted. On the other hand, CM was on MJ's payroll and as a physician who is supposed to be practising moral ethics and aiding people in promoting health and saving lives, he is without question morally corrupt. I don't know if you can blame all the physicians that enabled MJ or we just fell upon one to take the fall for all parties including MJ and his life style.
Does anyone know the ages or the jurors?

My daughter is in her late 20's and was a MJ big fan, but she said some troubling things to me last night. I was wondering if there were some young jurors.

Does anyone know the ages or the jurors?

My daughter is in her late 20's and was a MJ big fan, but she said some troubling things to me last night. I was wondering if there were some young jurors.


I don't know much of anything about the jurors. I am not even sure if any info has been released. I didn't follow the pretrial hearings or voir dere (sp?).
Maybe some here did though.
Does anyone know the ages or the jurors?

My daughter is in her late 20's and was a MJ big fan, but she said some troubling things to me last night. I was wondering if there were some young jurors.


I think they are in their late 30s... 40s and mid 50s.

Michael has one of the biggest fan bases in the world. From the very young child all the way to people in their 80s.

My teenage grandchildren love his music and want justice for Michael.

This is a silly question, can they still talk/deliberate during lunch? Because if it were me I would be busting at the seams after all these weeks. :)

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