Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Emergency* #12

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Jul 14, 2015
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The number of people already infected by the mystery virus emerging in China is far greater than official figures suggest, scientists have told the BBC.

There have been 41 laboratory-confirmed cases of the new virus, but UK experts estimate the figure is closer to 1,700.

New Chinese virus 'will have infected hundreds'

Up to 4,500 patients in China may have caught the same strain of coronavirus that has killed two people, scientists fear.

Health officials in Wuhan – the city at the heart of the outbreak which started in December – confirmed four new cases today, taking the total to 48.

But Imperial College London researchers say this may be the 'tip of the iceberg' after analysing flights out of the city.

Experts say the fact three Chinese tourists have tested positive for the virus outside Wuhan indicates the disease toll may be higher than reported.

Scientists fear up to 4,500 Chinese patients may have caught the new coronavirus | Daily Mail Online

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COVID-19 -Media, Maps, Videos, Timelines, CDC/WHO Resources, etc. ***NO DISCUSSION***


POLL: Confident that US agencies are doing everything to prevent the spread of COVID-19?

POLL: What concerns you most about COVID-19?

POLL: Confident in US medical facilities and personnel to adequately manage COVID-19?

POLL: What do you think the status of COVID-19 will be in six months (September, 2020)?
The Solo Watcher on Twitter
ETA: Major announcements advisory for LA County 03/3/20

Random musing, it’s one thing to “know this is coming”, and being prepared, but it’s another thing when it actually happens. This is scary, moo.



And another thing, can you imagine the people in Wuhan? BAM! Smack! They had so little time before...
@MJPeony, how are you and things in your neck of the woods?

Oh hello Mags! Thank you so much for checking in on me! Insert emoji giving hug.

I’m still trying to catch up on all of today’s posts and just got to this one.

Firstly, “for she’s a jolly good fellow, for she’s a jolly good fellow, for she’s a jolly good fellow- that nobody can deny!” for your new job opportunity! Woo hoo! That is awesome and I hope you keep us updated.

As for me and my neck of the woods, it’s not looking so good. 2 more confirmed cases in my county this afternoon (we’re now at 11), and a couple more in neighboring counties but I can’t remember how many (Contra Costa I think and San Mateo I think).

Schools are still opened for the time being.... not sure what will happen in coming week. I’ve never been able to get any official details regarding the students removed from my kids’ school- it was related to them being exposed, but no one will release any further information. Things being kept rather close to the vest in Santa Clara County for the time being.

But yeah, not looking like a good time for anyone to plan a visit out here to Silicon Valley.

Just hoping we don’t have a forest fire, an earthquake, and planned power blackouts all at the same time as this coronavirus.o_O No really, it’s a wonderful place to live :D
Australia - A coronavirus-infected man in Tasmania was told to self-isolate at home when he became ill, but instead he went shopping in Woolies without a mask.

The 40-year-old made the shopping trip in Launceston after he left the hospital on Sunday night.

He was told to go straight home and quarantine himself until his results came back.

He spent around 15 minutes at the Launceston store, on the corner of Wellington and York Streets, at 10pm.

He was confirmed to have the virus the following day on Monday.
Man told to self-isolate went to Woolies

Definitely a potential problem with irresponsible people and self isolation. MOO

He probably thought that because he had to quarantine, he better pick up some supplies. I wonder if they told him that the results would be available in the morning. If not, then it's understandable that his priorities were screwed up.

More education should be published regarding time between test and results, patient protocols between test and results, and that new law that's coming in regarding making choices that could infect others - and severe consequences.
:(Does anybody else doubt the numbers that are being put out there?
They JUST started testing.
There have to be wayyyy more cases in the U.S.
I feel like the ship has hit the iceberg, we have a gaping hole pouring in water, the engines are down and the Captain has had too many adult beverages.

The one consistent and concerning thing that I have noticed in the new cities that are starting to report on their first couple cases. Is if the cases are advertised as a possible local transmission because the infected person had not traveled outside their country and authorities do not know how the person contracted it.......then the one consistent and concerning pattern is that the cities' number of confirmed cases seems to always start to go up pretty quickly. They dont always blow up into huge numbers but they definitely jump quickly from the initial 1/2 cases over to 6/10 cases, and then 10/15 cases, etc.

So I have pretty much assumed that when I hear a new city reporting on its first mystery source cases, I am pretty much assuming that that same city will be up to 5 or 10 cases or more in a relatively short time frame.

Its like their city officials start to really look closer for their cases and no-surprise, they find more cases that are out there to be confirmed.

So I am really concerned that when we hear of the numbers, it is sort of like an insect infestation in the home, where when you see 1, there is guaranteed to be 100 or more somewhere.
This will give some idea.....100k cases per week?!?!

Change the dates at the bottom of the charts. They used China data, but China flattened the curve by locking down the cities....without some draconian action it moves to 100k a week really fast.

Coronavirus Geometric Progression Suggests 100,000 Infections in a Week
@Henry2326, have you seen how many tests will be possible starting next week in the US in total? It seems like we could see a rapid ramp up in confirmed cases once the testing starts to roll, but I'm not sure when exactly this might be? I've just seen this reference to 1 million tests from FDA starting next week: FDA chief promises 1 million coronavirus tests, but labs say that’s not possible

Estimates Fall Short of F.D.A.’s Pledge for 1 Million Coronavirus Tests

I've been trying to keep track of the press reports as each State is moving at a different pace it seems so I'm uncertain. I just wonder what the backlog of patients that need to be tested might be and how these patients are being told to shelter in place? Doctors in NY have expressed anger and frustration at the slow speed to get the tests and I believe that this Friday will be the first day for actual tests that are done in NY.
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A woman in her 30s who recently travelled to northern Italy has been confirmed as New Zealand's second case of coronavirus.

The health ministry announced on Wednesday that the Auckland woman received a positive test for the virus, and is self-isolating in her home.

The woman's partner has also displayed symptoms and is being tested.
Second case of coronavirus in NZ

Respirators seem to be really important for recovery in severe and critical care patients (<20%). Canada and the USA are short in supply. How is Australia for respirators?
:(Does anybody else doubt the numbers that are being put out there?
They JUST started testing.
There have to be wayyyy more cases in the U.S.
I feel like the ship has hit the iceberg, we have a gaping hole pouring in water, the engines are down and the Captain has had too many adult beverages.

No kidding. If was just a few days ago that someone was tossing around the word "hoax" to describe the deadly virus with no known origin or cure that is now seeding on the west coast.
Respirators seem to be really important for recovery in severe and critical care patients (<20%). Canada and the USA are short in supply. How is Australia for respirators?

We’ve not long ago come through a horrendous bushfire season where masks and respirators were in huge demand. I imagine that businesses and organizations had ordered up to replace these.
I have not heard of any shortages of masks or respirators but you really don’t see many people wearing them at this stage.
There was some early on price gouging with face masks but I’ve not heard of any more. People seem to be obsessed with buying up toilet paper atm.
Random musing, it’s one thing to “know this is coming”, and being prepared, but it’s another thing when it actually happens. This is scary, moo.



And another thing, can you imagine the people in Wuhan? BAM! Smack! They had so little time before...

Same with Italy. One day they're in the cafes with friends, working living traveling, studying, everything normal. The next morning they woke up to 11 towns in quarantine, Milan fashion show cancelled, Paris Louvre closed, and still it spread. Now word is no more that 5000 people together in one place to prevent the spread. That's surely a joke.
A few weeks ago, BC (Before COVID19) I bought a large bottle of hand sanitizer. I had a cold, and used this after I sneezed, and blew my nose at work.

Today, I was at Walmart, looking for hand sanitizer. None to be found, anywhere. Isn't that crazy? A few weeks ago, a full aisle of the stuff. Now, it is impossible to find.

I just checked Amazon, hand sanitizer is running about $200 a bottle.
I did find this information sheet which is updated every day by the Health Department of the Australian Government.

“A total of over 1.4 million P2 and surgical masks have been made available from the National Medical Stockpile as part of the Government’s response to COVID-19. The Government is also investigating further sources of supply for personal protective equipment, both internationally and domestically.”
Coronavirus (COVID-19) health alert
I don't mean to make light of a scary situation, but i can't help myself... wow...

31 Solutions People Came Up With To Try To Protect Themselves From Coronavirus

From the above link (this is not even funny, wow is right...I’m not making light either...):


Drastic situations require drastic measures...


ETA: This makes me sad. Not for me, or us, but for HER. To have to go to such measures must have been scary for her/. Or not. She could be a brave warrior. Survival. She HAD to take the chance and go out in nightmare conditions to get food.


ETA2: I feel like I’m dreaming...

ETA3: Is this a dream? (Pinching myself, brb)

ETA4: Nope. Slapped myself silly. It’s not a dream.
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With this continuous spread worldwide now I’m amazed that there hasn’t been any further cases on cruise ships!
Btw does anyone have a update on David and Sally Abel from the diamond princess?
The one consistent and concerning thing that I have noticed in the new cities that are starting to report on their first couple cases. Is if the cases are advertised as a possible local transmission because the infected person had not traveled outside their country and authorities do not know how the person contracted it.......then the one consistent and concerning pattern is that the cities' number of confirmed cases seems to always start to go up pretty quickly. They dont always blow up into huge numbers but they definitely jump quickly from the initial 1/2 cases over to 6/10 cases, and then 10/15 cases, etc.

So I have pretty much assumed that when I hear a new city reporting on its first mystery source cases, I am pretty much assuming that that same city will be up to 5 or 10 cases or more in a relatively short time frame.

Its like their city officials start to really look closer for their cases and no-surprise, they find more cases that are out there to be confirmed.

So I am really concerned that when we hear of the numbers, it is sort of like an insect infestation in the home, where when you see 1, there is guaranteed to be 100 or more somewhere.

The USA has had known person to person transmission for a few days. Canada was bragging that there was no person to person transmission so keep the borders open, everyone will play by the book, no one will deliberately infect another person.

We're still waiting to hear about all the people in Ontario who were infected by the 30 year Iranian woman who took three business class flights and a shuttle bus to land in Canada and announce that she is sick. In a pandemic, it takes one selfish person to destroy many lives.

Given the increase in numbers to 33 in Canada, with both China and Iran infecting Canada, it's likely that there are now human to human transmissions in BC and Ontario. It's likely that when numbers rise in those two provinces, selfish sick people will go to uninfected provinces for health treatment.

That has been the pattern since the beginning of the outbreak ... sick people in overwhelmed regions go to uninfected areas for better treatment. It seems that this is primarily how it spread around the world.
As I just said in my last post, though, the same tactics used in Wuhan won't work for Seattle. Wuhan was the source that was exporting cases outwards. That meant that the lockdown could act like a firebreak around Wuhan/Hubei and they could put out little fires around it.

But for Seattle, if that was locked down today like Wuhan was, they'd just be importing cases from another part of the US in two to four weeks time.

I think I understand a bit better now. The prediction that a vaccine would take around 18 months meant that either the Wuhan lockdown worked, or we'd probably be looking at pandemic. So other countries could put out the little fires and keep it relatively contained in their countries by putting people into quarantine when they arrived from China with the virus. But in order to keep it out entirely, you'd have to have your entire country shut down to foreign visitors for at least the next 18 months. How many countries in the world would feel able to do that? And maybe 'we' don't really understand or appreciate why they feel that's not possible.

And as it turns out, Seattle was incubating the virus already in mid-January. If I understood some of the phylogeny charts, it was also in Italy by then and has been incubating since very early on. So it seems that the only way for 100% closure of borders to have worked would have been to close them very early on in January when the virus was barely known and no one knew much about it or its potential to cause a pandemic, or what the death rate might be if it did.

I suppose all this gives me a little better appreciation for the difficulties faced by international governments. It appears they could have been playing a no-win scenario against this virus the whole time that we've been criticising their every move :(

@Amonet , I have to say that, to this point, I’m really disappointed in the handling of this whole thing by the US government. They seem to have dropped the ball early on, and they’re fumbling in their attempts to play catch up.

But otherwise, I have to totally agree that it’s really a no win situation for the various governments around the globe. I’m afraid that their chance to contain the small fires in an attempt to reduce the spread has unfortunately been missed (at least in several areas of the world - hopefully not all)

However, to the credit of those governing bodies, I never believed that containment would be successful - primarily due to the stealth mode in which COVID-19 operates. I think the only chance at containment would be a complete shutdown at the global level with insane levels of preemptive testing.
Neither of which would really be possible, and definitely not feasible.

Where we go from here is anyone’s guess...
With this continuous spread worldwide now I’m amazed that there hasn’t been any further cases on cruise ships!
Btw does anyone have a update on David and Sally Abel from the diamond princess?

they reported today, both are positive. Just got results. More tests to be done tomorrow.

Here is latest video, they did three today

We’ve not long ago come through a horrendous bushfire season where masks and respirators were in huge demand. I imagine that businesses and organizations had ordered up to replace these.
I have not heard of any shortages of masks or respirators but you really don’t see many people wearing them at this stage.
There was some early on price gouging with face masks but I’ve not heard of any more. People seem to be obsessed with buying up toilet paper atm.

I sent my son some Oz toilet paper memes as soon as he woke up, checking in to see if he was stocking up for "the big one."

Good to hear that respirators will be available in hospitals for the up to 20% who may require hospital care. I'm thinking that in a pandemic, it's probably best to have family sprawled across the planet to ensure optimal familial survival. I'm confident that he will be okay in Melbourne.

Appreciate the Australia updates!
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