Coronavirus COVID-19 *Global Health Emergency* #9

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Jul 14, 2015
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The number of people already infected by the mystery virus emerging in China is far greater than official figures suggest, scientists have told the BBC.

There have been 41 laboratory-confirmed cases of the new virus, but UK experts estimate the figure is closer to 1,700.

New Chinese virus 'will have infected hundreds'

Up to 4,500 patients in China may have caught the same strain of coronavirus that has killed two people, scientists fear.

Health officials in Wuhan – the city at the heart of the outbreak which started in December – confirmed four new cases today, taking the total to 48.

But Imperial College London researchers say this may be the 'tip of the iceberg' after analysing flights out of the city.

Experts say the fact three Chinese tourists have tested positive for the virus outside Wuhan indicates the disease toll may be higher than reported.

Scientists fear up to 4,500 Chinese patients may have caught the new coronavirus | Daily Mail Online

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COVID-19 -Media, Maps, Videos, Timelines, CDC/WHO Resources, etc. ***NO DISCUSSION***
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Coronavirus: How to avoid catching and spreading COVID-19

The risk to the UK public posed by the new coronavirus has been raised from low to moderate by chief medical officers, although they stress the risk to individuals remains low.

Both the NHS and World Health Organisation (WHO) have issued guidance on how to protect yourself and others from getting the disease, now officially named COVID-19 - CO for corona, VI for virus, D for disease and 19 for the year it emerged.
Travel + Leisure on Twitter

Travelers with trips planned to areas affected by the coronavirus outbreak may be concerned about how to proceed — is it necessary to cancel? How much will that cost? Here’s what you need to know when deciding what to do, including the latest travel advisories and information from travel insurance companies.

How widespread is coronavirus?
There are more than 82,500 confirmed cases of coronavirus around the world. Of the 2,814 deaths reported from the virus, the vast majority — 2,747 — have been in mainland China, according to China’s National Health Commission. South Korea has reported a total of 1,766 confirmed cases of the virus with 13 deaths. Italy has 528 confirmed cases and 14 deaths, Iran has 245 cases and 26 deaths, and Japan has 207 cases with only four deaths. Although the disease has reached the U.S., there are only 60 confirmed cases, none of which have turned fatal, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
@margarita25 this is a great post!

As you pointed out, there are a lot of fluid dynamics to this outbreak, and I believe that’s something to take note of. There is a GREAT MULTITUDE of variables that need to be considered when trying to determine the way a virus such as this one will spread, as well as how it will be handled.

I mentioned population density because that is a HUGE factor, closely followed by living quarter proximity. Extra precautions will need to be taken by those living in apartment high rises in large cities vs those living in single dwelling homes in sparsely populated areas.

I was thinking about some of the dynamics of the way COVID-19 APPEARS to spread, and IMO, the US (and countries similar in layout) do have an advantage in the fight against the spread.
The US does have a large number of heavily populated cities dotted across the country, but there’s also a lot of open land between those cities - so there are some natural containment borders. Now I’m not suggesting that the virus won’t make its way across the country as I’m actually of the opinion that it will, but I do believe these natural barriers will allow better overall management of the outbreaks. Rather than one large sweeping non-stop wave, hopefully it will roll across in a series of smaller waves. If the timing of those waves can be manipulated just enough to be offset, then resources can be directed to the hot spots for better management. IMO, these small offsets could greatly improve the prospects of managing and directing resources where needed.

The number of variables pertaining to the spread, containment, response, and final outcome are innumerable and multidimensional.

Still trying to wrap my brain around all the information that everyone’s posted just since last night!! My continued and heart felt thanks to each of you that have contributed to this thread! The information provided has been immense, and the humor has been both needed and appreciated!! The benefits of humor and laughter are too often underrated.

Time for more coffee before I continue to catch up!!

(Also adding that, IMO, now would be a really good time for the US to legalize weed nation-wide!!
We (I) could all use a little anxiety reduction right about now, & the economy could really use the financial boost! Win/Win!!!)

(ETA - maybe we could get nation-wide legalization added to our WS poll! ;))

As always ~ all MOO....

Another great post What-if and Margarita.

Population Density is a very important factor in not only how this virus can/will spread, but also it is contributing to the differences in how some of us are preparing.

I live way out in the country and so I am used to buying in bulk so I dont have to drive close to an hour to get to some main stores, but for those living in main cities, there are usually stores within walking distance. So it plays a role in how people are preparing or not because some have easier access to get supplies and some will be able to spot daily what is running short or not. For people living rural, its a mystery what is left in the stores until we make the long drive into town to see for ourselves so it does impact how we all are reacting.

Population Density is playing a multi faceted role with this Coronavirus outbreak.
Ali Arouzi on Twitter

“An angry crowd set fire to a clinic in Bandar Abbas, south of #Iran because it had patients in it suffering from #coronavirus. Some people say the patients were from Qom -very far away- and this had angered the mob. There is a sense of panic. Still hard to believe this happened.”
Kim Jong Un warns of 'serious consequences' if coronavirus hits North Korea

Kim Jong Un warns of 'serious consequences' if coronavirus hits North Korea

North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un is spearheading efforts to prevent the spread of coronavirus in the isolated country, Reuters reported Friday.

The country does not have any cases on the virus so far, but its neighbors to the north and south - China and South Korea - are the two countries hardest-hit by the outbreak.

"In case the infectious disease spreading beyond control finds its way into our country, it will entail serious consequences," Kim was quoted saying in the state-run news agency, KCNA. "No special cases must be allowed within the state anti-epidemic system."

He instructed officials to "seal off all the channels and space through which the infectious disease may find its way, and strengthen check-up, test and quarantine."

CNN on Twitter

Hospitals and clinics are running drills to prepare for a possible coronavirus outbreak in the US. @NatashaChenCNN reports.

Hospitals do drills like this quite regularly, at least twice yearly. It's vital to help improve the process and communication when faced with these significant problems.

Probably the most difficult drill is the Ebola virus drill. Hospitals are still doing drills for Ebola, FYI
Steve Herman on Twitter

British-Iranian mother held in Tehran's Evin prison has contracted #coronavirus, according to @FreeNazanin campaign.

Oh NO. That woman has suffered so at the hands of the ruthless regime.

(Although I'm somewhat surpised the Iranian government would test prisoners, rather than just ignore them)
Watching and reading posts here as often as possible. Collecting ticket money at state swim meets today. AND using my hand sanitizer. Thanks all.

I have these two boxes even before the virus outbreak happened. I'm thinking about when I'm going to start wearing them. You are collecting money, well I'm going to send you some of them virtually.


As a public service announcement. Many folks that are on Medicare have plans where you can get FREE stuff each month by just checking off and sending in. This is how these gloves were obtained.
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France bans gatherings of more than 5,000 as thousands face testing in coronavirus-hit Iran, South Korea announces record daily rise of 813 cases and global death toll hits 2,924
  • Covid-19 has killed 43 people out of 593 cases in Iran, Health Ministry spokesman Kianoush Jahanpour said
  • Iranian MP Mohammad Ali Ramazani Dastak died as cases of coronavirus rocket in the middle eastern country
  • The number of known cases versus deaths would put the virus's death rate in Iran higher than other countries
  • More than 85,000 people worldwide have now been confirmed with the illness, with deaths topping 2,800
France today said it will cancel all public 'gatherings of more than 5,000 people' in closed spaces, as it seeks to curb the spread of coronavirus amid a surge of cases in the country.

The decision followed a special meeting of ministers to discuss the virus, which has infected 73 people in the country, according to Health Minister Olivier Veran.
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