Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #100

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South, no we are still in lockdown.

Hang in there. A couple more weeks and things will ease. They are looking at mid-October to open pubs and restaurants in NSW, with restrictions. Won't be long now. Days are getting sunnier. Spring flowers are blooming everywhere.

Things will be looking up soon. It has been a tough trot for you all, but what a good job you have been doing. Keeping yourselves and Australia safe. My biggest respect to you, and to all the good people of NSW and Vic. xx
Thanks for your lovely uplifting words, South :) I feel better for reading them.

Aren't the blossoms beautiful and I can feel warm weather coming. It's been up to almost 26 some days. Then down to 8 the next day lol.

I'm not really surprised that most people do the right thing. I'd never thought about it that much before but the majority of Australians are pretty sensible law abiding people who do care about more than just themselves.

And respect to South Australia too and how well your state has handled it. And Victoria. In fact I think all of the states have handled it pretty well.
I used to think things like this, Covid, only happened in other countries.

And at the beginning I thought we'd just have a few cases and send it on it's way. But it had other ideas.

I believe if the virus was handled appropriately in those first days, we might have gotten a handle on it but there was immediate politicizing of the virus, which has not only continued to the present time but gotten much worse.

I never ever ever expected over 600,000 deaths. I also thought the pandemic would run its course much sooner, especially when the vaccine became available. I never envisioned so many people rejecting this miraculous medication (vaccine)--- I also have to say, not being familiar with coronaviruses, I had no idea the virus could mutate into a much more evil version of itself. Covid-19 was bad enough when it began, and now we have to deal with the hideous mutation of Delta.
This article is likely paywalled for most, so I will paraphrase ....

Moderna is looking to release its clinical trial results in November, for vaccinating children as young as 2 years old.

Moderna is also looking at manufacturing its vaccines here in Australia. They are speaking with our govt about that.

In the US, Pfizer is seeking approval for its vaccine to be used for children over 5 years old.

Moderna could be given to two year old children and could be made in Australia
These are mostly a few days old
More at links
No strangers to risk, firefighters protest vaccine mandates

Several firefighters said first responders reluctant to get vaccinated reflect the range of views held by many average Americans: Some view both the pandemic and vaccine through a political lens, some believe misinformation and conspiracies, some are generally wary of vaccines, and others don’t like being told what to do. Both Adams and Sullivan attributed some vaccine resistance to having a “Type A” personality and harboring a belief that they can exert control over what happens to them.

Houston Fire Chief Samuel Peña, frustrated with his own department’s vaccination rate that he guesses to be about 50 percent, suspects there is some truth to that.

“Through the course of a first responder’s career — whether you’re a firefighter, police officer, EMT — you kind of get a higher tolerance for acceptable risk because you respond to all kinds of stuff that puts your life in dangerous situations and the majority of the time you come out unscathed,” he said. “The level of acceptable risk that we’re willing to take is at a different threshold than a normal, reasonable individual.”
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