Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #107

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IMO this speaks to the efficacy of the vaccines, that she has a very mild case, or else I think there'd be a King Charles right now.

As an American I have my own feelings about the Royal Family, but as a human being, I see a 95- year old widow whose family is falling apart and who has been protected from Covid as much as anyone on earth. Yet it still found its way through all the palace walls. I think Charles has had it twice?

I'm still living an ultra-cautious lifestyle. Of course I'm eager to go back to a pre-Covid life, but this new variant and other variants to come make me feel unable to drop my mask and go enjoy my city. In NYC we've had some of the most stringent rules, but now it's like there's a collective shrug, the rules are being overturned because people just can't abide it anymore. IMO.
IMO this speaks to the efficacy of the vaccines, that she has a very mild case, or else I think there'd be a King Charles right now.

As an American I have my own feelings about the Royal Family, but as a human being, I see a 95- year old widow whose family is falling apart and who has been protected from Covid as much as anyone on earth. Yet it still found its way through all the palace walls. I think Charles has had it twice?

I'm still living an ultra-cautious lifestyle. Of course I'm eager to go back to a pre-Covid life, but this new variant and other variants to come make me feel unable to drop my mask and go enjoy my city. In NYC we've had some of the most stringent rules, but now it's like there's a collective shrug, the rules are being overturned because people just can't abide it anymore. IMO.
IMO this speaks to the efficacy of the vaccines, that she has a very mild case, or else I think there'd be a King Charles right now.

As an American I have my own feelings about the Royal Family, but as a human being, I see a 95- year old widow whose family is falling apart and who has been protected from Covid as much as anyone on earth. Yet it still found its way through all the palace walls. I think Charles has had it twice?

I'm still living an ultra-cautious lifestyle. Of course I'm eager to go back to a pre-Covid life, but this new variant and other variants to come make me feel unable to drop my mask and go enjoy my city. In NYC we've had some of the most stringent rules, but now it's like there's a collective shrug, the rules are being overturned because people just can't abide it anymore. IMO.

From what I read, Charles had the virus (for the 2nd time), was around his mother, and I believe that is how she contracted it. So far her symptoms seem mild: hope it stays that way. My husband and I live a very cautious life style ( because of me- if it was up to him- no masks and we would be living life like there is no pandemic)-- but I digress!!! We wear masks to the grocery store and do not socialize at all- we basically are hermits. The other day we ran into a neighbor we had not seen for a long time, she hugged my husband and then she wanted to hug me- I said -- no- pandemic- I was nice about it of course. Fortunately my husband had his mask on. It is so sad to think of all the things we did pre-pandemic- hugging, dining in restaurants and not giving it a second thought. Sigh. I am just praying that Omicron BA2 does not cause a problem here in the United States. I think I will go into denial about it for the time being.
I really don't like the idea of non-vaccinated docs and nurses around me. It is just wrong.

Health care workers are required to be vaccinated due to federal government mandates that were upheld by the Supreme Court. But fully vaccinated doesn't include the booster shot.

Deleted percentages of boosted and posted new percentages on this below
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At 95, the Queen is at great risk for serious outcomes with Covid-19, hoping and praying she recovers with only mild symptoms she is showing right now. I assume she got monoclonal antibodies and other therapeutics right away, so hopefully this will help. At 95, even if healthy and strong like the Queen is, it is hard to mount a good immune response to any illness.
We have a fantastic and popular poor boy eatery that also has live music with both indoor and patio dining and curbside pick-up. There’s a couple who does curbside pick, up opens up a card table and folding chairs, and enjoys their meal in the bed of their truck.

My 2 sisters-in-law and a friend and I text every weekday as soon as our state uploads the covid 19 data to its dashboard. We vow that when the numbers reach a certain threshold to purchase a king cake from a popular bakery and set up our table and chairs and eat it in the parking lot.
Mardi Gras is rapidly approaching and the numbers aren't low enough to enjoy. We may have to freeze the king cake.
@Teche Lazzez le bon temps rouler!
Health care workers are required to be vaccinated due to federal government mandates that were upheld by the Supreme Court. But fully vaccinated doesn't include the booster shot.

I wonder what percentage of health care workers have received the booster shot, since only about 43% of those vaccinated have received the booster shot.

Edited to update percentage of those vaccinated with booster shots.

Apparently about 43% of fully vaccinated people have now received the booster shot. Here is state by state information.
States ranked by booster rates.
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Health care workers are required to be vaccinated due to federal government mandates that were upheld by the Supreme Court. But fully vaccinated doesn't include the booster shot.

I wonder what percentage of health care workers have received the booster shot, since only about 30% of those vaccinated have received the booster shot.

I know here in Florida (where there is obviously an older population) only 38% of eligible people are boosted. I don't get it.
From what I read, Charles had the virus (for the 2nd time), was around his mother, and I believe that is how she contracted it. So far her symptoms seem mild: hope it stays that way. My husband and I live a very cautious life style ( because of me- if it was up to him- no masks and we would be living life like there is no pandemic)-- but I digress!!! We wear masks to the grocery store and do not socialize at all- we basically are hermits. The other day we ran into a neighbor we had not seen for a long time, she hugged my husband and then she wanted to hug me- I said -- no- pandemic- I was nice about it of course. Fortunately my husband had his mask on. It is so sad to think of all the things we did pre-pandemic- hugging, dining in restaurants and not giving it a second thought. Sigh. I am just praying that Omicron BA2 does not cause a problem here in the United States. I think I will go into denial about it for the time being.

I really admire how the Queen has tried to balance her personal safety with her obligations, and kept safe from Covid up until now. I guess it was inevitable, as she was willing to take the risk out of her incredible sense of duty.

Hope she fully recovers quickly.
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I really don't like the idea of non-vaccinated docs and nurses around me. It is just wrong.

The vax lessens the effects of the virus for the person who receives it. The vaccinations do not prevent or reduce acquisition or transmission.

The covid vax is effective to strengthen the immune system of the person who receives it. Even Big Pharma is no longer claiming that the vaccines prevent or reduce transmission, because they don’t.

We know a lot more about the virus and about the vaccines than we did even a few months ago. We have found out that things we thought were true a year ago, are not. I hope that as more information becomes available, these facts, acknowledged by the vaccine producers and medical professionals around the world, will be allowed on this thread.

<modsnip: opinion as fact> The vaccine is effective for reducing the negative affects of the Covid virus on the person who has received the vax.

No one should ever be forced to make a choice between betraying their moral values and losing their lifelong career. The government does not have authority that supersedes God’s authority. Unvaxxed people do not put anyone at higher risk of getting sick.
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I know here in Florida (where there is obviously an older population) only 38% of eligible people are boosted. I don't get it.

I do. Many people have chosen the option of "No Vaccine" as a way to be in control of something we really have no control over, death. It is quite existential.

Not unlike a "Hospice Model" of choosing how to live.
demographics maybe?[/QU
demographics maybe?

I would think with an older population and 60.7 people with 2 doses and 71.4 people with the first dose, that those with 2 doses would have gotten the booster (or third vax)-- But only 38.1 % of eligible people in Florida have gotten the booster. I tend to think that some of the older people may not understand how important the booster is and just blew it off.
I read the pre-print study that CNN article cites and it sounds like BA.2 is much worse than BA1. About 30-50% more infectious, plus replicates much faster and forms syncytia (much like delta, a potential link to severity). Those syncytia are especially concerning. Other viruses that induce syncytia: HIV & RSV (literally "respiratory syncytial virus"). The virus induces cells to fuse together, and that helps the virus infect huge clumps of cells more quickly and easily. These syncytia are often found by autopsy in the lungs of deceased COVID patients and seem to be associated with more severe outcomes. So the fact that we have more prominent syncytia showing up with BA2 worries me.

I have been more cautious than probably 99.99% of the population and will not be letting my guard down for a second. I'm devastated that the world has decided to just give up and stop mitigation measures. We know the virus is airborne and thus should be focusing on cleaning the air in all public indoor spaces, especially schools, grocery stores & office buildings where large numbers of people gather. We should have HEPA filters and similar air filtration devices set up everywhere. Why shouldn't people get to breath in clean air and who would argue against that?? We're never going to convince everyone to get vaccinated, but at least we can instill simple measures to clean our environments. I would love to be able to send my child to kindergarten next fall knowing that her school was doing everything they could to filter the air and keep the facilities safe.

The thing is, those who do not want to get vaccinated are worried about the long-term effects of the vaccine, but what about the long-term effects of COVID? That's a huge concern! A large percentage of people are suffering from Long Covid. It appears that COVID is not just a respiratory disease, but also a disease of every system of the body, including a disease of the vascular, immune, and neurological systems. I believe a significant number will suffer from long-lasting adverse effects or even adverse effects that show up suddenly years down the line (like early-onset dementia, reactivated viruses, neuropathy, heart disease, etc). Of course, these issues won't be monitored and there won't be any way to prove it was due to COVID, so it will all be swept under the rug.

I will do whatever I can to protect myself and my family, especially my young daughter, from this vicious disease. Children are a special worry. We don't know what ill effects COVID might have on a developing brain, but we do know that the virus passes the blood brain barrier and attacks neurons. I just really really hope that world leaders are not destroying the lives of our youngest and most precious generation, but letting kids go to school with no masks, no vaccines (only 25% of kids 5-11 fully vaccinated in the US and these vaccines wane significantly after 3-6 months), and no uniform implementation of air ventilation systems, is just a recipe for disaster. It may not show up right away -- although many will continue to die, most have become desensitized to 2800 deaths per day -- but 10-20 years down the road? It is not looking good.

I say this in all earnest as a mom and a pharmacist. I'm crushed.

I wish I could "like" this post a hundred times. I'm 100% in line with your thinking. I had so hoped that with the Build Back Better initiative (US) there would be a huge push for installing air filtration systems in schools and all public buildings and that it would go as far as being incorporated into building codes. It has always seemed like an investment that would pay off in spades for our future and whatever variants we might see over the coming years. I've been shocked that discussion about enhancing air filtration has been minimal. Is it because of how enormous and costly this would be?

Dr. Peter Hotez (Baylor College of Medicine/Houston) has been predicting that we (southern US) will see a surge this summer after a decrease in the surge we've been experiencing. BA.2 sounds like a nightmare that I hope we don't have to live.

For now it feels like COVID fatigue is stronger throughout the world than continued caution and the knowledge that this pandemic is not done with us. I continue to wear a medical grade mask when I'm out, still no inside dining or entertainment. I have such sympathy for people like you with young children. That's a whole level of concern and constant angst that supasses what I as an older woman with no young children have. I can't imagine waking up every day and having to make the decisions you're making for your children. I wish I could give you a hug. I wish you and your children and all good moms and dads weren't living through this. We're always here to listen.
The vax lessens the effects of the virus for the person who receives it. The vaccinations do not prevent or reduce acquisition or transmission.

The covid vax is effective to strengthen the immune system of the person who receives it. Even Big Pharma is no longer claiming that the vaccines prevent or reduce transmission, because they don’t.

We know a lot more about the virus and about the vaccines than we did even a few months ago. We have found out that things we thought were true a year ago, are not. I hope that as more information becomes available, these facts, acknowledged by the vaccine producers and medical professionals around the world, will be allowed on this thread.

<modsnip: opinion as fact> The vaccine is effective for reducing the negative affects of the Covid virus on the person who has received the vax.

No one should ever be forced to make a choice between betraying their moral values and losing their lifelong career. The government does not have authority that supersedes God’s authority. Unvaxxed people do not put anyone at higher risk of getting sick.

At our university, we provide religious and conscience exemptions, and all are given. Students, faculty and staff with exemptions are required to test weekly, with the university providing the testing at no charge. We get exemption requests from many different religious traditions, for very different reasons.
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I really admire how the Queen has tried to balance her personal safety with her obligations, and kept safe from Covid up until now. I guess it was inevitable, as she was willing to take the risk out of her incredible sense of duty.

Hope she fully recovers quickly.

I too hope she fully recovers---:She Is a strong and admirable woman.
The vax lessens the effects of the virus for the person who receives it. The vaccinations do not prevent or reduce acquisition or transmission.

The covid vax is effective to strengthen the immune system of the person who receives it. Even Big Pharma is no longer claiming that the vaccines prevent or reduce transmission, because they don’t.

We know a lot more about the virus and about the vaccines than we did even a few months ago. We have found out that things we thought were true a year ago, are not. I hope that as more information becomes available, these facts, acknowledged by the vaccine producers and medical professionals around the world, will be allowed on this thread.

<modsnip: opinion as fact> The vaccine is effective for reducing the negative affects of the Covid virus on the person who has received the vax.

No one should ever be forced to make a choice between betraying their moral values and losing their lifelong career. The government does not have authority that supersedes God’s authority. Unvaxxed people do not put anyone at higher risk of getting sick.

Vaccine do not contain fetal cells, and never have. Vaccines have, however, been tested on a fetal cell line that originated from an embryonic kidney in the Netherlands in 1973. Since medical abortion did not occur in the Netherlands until more than 10 years later, it is understood that the fetus aborted naturally.

It’s also worth noting that the same fetal cell line (HEK293) that was used to test Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine was also used to test Regeneron’s monoclonal antibody treatment, REGEN-COV, the drug that former United States President Donald Trump took after contracting COVID-19.

I agree with, and support religious exemptions for moral reasons, but would not support giving a religious exemption to those who falsely believe that vaccines contain fetal cells.

Does Pfizer's COVID-19 Vaccine Contain Aborted Fetal Cells?
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