Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #109

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Jul 14, 2015
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The number of people already infected by the mystery virus emerging in China is far greater than official figures suggest, scientists have told the BBC.
There have been 41 laboratory-confirmed cases of the new virus, but UK experts estimate the figure is closer to 1,700.
New virus in China ‘will have infected hundreds'
Up to 4,500 patients in China may have caught the same strain of coronavirus that has killed two people, scientists fear.
Health officials in Wuhan – the city at the heart of the outbreak which started in December – confirmed four new cases today, taking the total to 48.
But Imperial College London researchers say this may be the 'tip of the iceberg' after analysing flights out of the city.

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Tricia set up the Covid forum for people who are genuinely concerned about Covid-19. It is not for anyone who is here with a view to minimizing its existence or downplaying the severity of it. Please know that MSM, scientists, politicians, government agencies worldwide are not involved in the biggest conspiracy in the history of man to convey the pandemic as more serious than it is.

If you aren't concerned about Covid-19, this Covid forum is not for you. There are lots of other Websleuths threads you can participate in that need your help.

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Unvaccinated people accounted for the overwhelming majority of deaths in the United States throughout much of the coronavirus pandemic. But that has changed in recent months, according to a Washington Post analysis of state and federal data.

The pandemic’s toll is no longer falling almost exclusively on those who chose not to or could not get shots, with vaccine protection waning over time and the elderly and immunocompromised — who are at greatest risk of succumbing to covid-19, even if vaccinated — having a harder time dodging increasingly contagious strains.

The vaccinated made up 42 percent of fatalities in January and February during the highly contagious omicron variant’s surge, compared with 23 percent of the dead in September, the peak of the delta wave, according to nationwide data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analyzed by The Post....

... As a group, the unvaccinated remain far more vulnerable to the worst consequences of infection — and are far more likely to die — than people who are vaccinated, and they are especially more at risk than people who have received a booster shot....

... Nearly two-thirds of the people who died during the omicron surge were 75 and older, according to a Post analysis, compared with a third during the delta wave. Seniors are overwhelmingly immunized, but vaccines are less effective and their potency wanes over time in older age groups....

... The bulk of vaccinated deaths are among people who did not get a booster shot, according to state data provided to The Post. In two of the states, California and Mississippi, three-quarters of the vaccinated senior citizens who died in January and February did not have booster doses....

[Personal note: I'm over 75 and fully vaccinated with two booster shots.]
Another article from The Washington Post:

For the third year, Americans are greeting the unofficial start of summer shadowed by the specter of the coronavirus amid rising covid-19 casesand hospitalizations across the country.

The United States is recording more than 100,000 infections a day — at least five times higher than this point last year — as it confronts the most transmissible versions of the virus yet. Immunity built up as a result of the record winter outbreak appears to provide little protection against the latest variants, new research shows. And public health authorities are bracing for Memorial Day gatherings to fuel another bump in cases, potentially seeding a summer surge....

... “This one is really revved up, and it’s probably getting up there with something as transmissible as measles,” said Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College, describing the BA.2.12.1 subvariant now accounting for more than half of new cases. “Over the Memorial Day holidays, if you are in settings where you are indoors with large numbers of people without masks … there is a good likelihood you will suffer a breakthrough infection.” ....
This section of the link about “broken heart syndrome” jumped out at me because of the potential connection to covid/pneumonia, which I had. And now, my left ventricle does not get enough blood. The cardiologist says the cause is a thickening of the heart muscle/wall in the ventricle (it can’t hold as much blood, so less circulates throughout my body carrying O2), but now I still wonder about the possible covid connection. I don’t have the dramatic symptoms of “broken heart syndrome,” but I think it’s good for any of us who had covid and now have heart issues to be aware of this.

The reason for this article (the sudden death of the husband of a murdered teacher in Uvalde TX) is truly heart-breaking.

Today, doctors know that only a third of all cases are connected to an emotional shock, Wittstein said. Two thirds are caused by physical triggers, such as severe pain, asthma attacks, seizures, stroke, high fever, low blood sugar, surgery and pneumonia.

“We know that of all the physical triggers that can cause this condition, pneumonia is one of the most potent ones,” he said.

That’s a concern during the pandemic, Wittstein added, because Covid-19 damages the lungs and also causes microvascular function, where the small blood vessels of the body fail to work properly. Damage to those small blood vessels around the heart is another theory for the condition.

“When we’re under stress, we want more blood to get to our heart and help the body respond, right?” Wittstein said. “But with broken heart syndrome we think the rush of adrenaline is causing little tiny blood vessels in the heart to constrict instead of dilate and temporarily reduce the amount of blood that’s getting to the heart.”


Dominant coronavirus mutant contains ghost of pandemic past

The coronavirus mutant that is now dominant in the United States is a member of the omicron family but scientists say it spreads faster than its omicron predecessors, is adept at escaping immunity and might possibly cause more serious disease.

Why? Because it combines properties of both omicron and delta, the nation’s dominant variant in the middle of last year.

A genetic trait that harkens back to the pandemic’s past, known as a “delta mutation,” appears to allow the virus “to escape pre-existing immunity from vaccination and prior infection, especially if you were infected in the omicron wave,” said Dr. Wesley Long, a pathologist at Houston Methodist in Texas. That’s because the original omicron strain that swept the world didn’t have the mutation.

The omicron “subvariant” gaining ground in the U.S. — known as BA.2.12.1 and responsible for 58% of U.S. COVID-19 cases last week — isn’t the only one affected by the delta mutation. The genetic change is also present in the omicron relatives that together dominate in South Africa, known as BA.4 and BA.5. Those have exactly the same mutation as delta, while BA.2.12.1 has one that’s nearly identical.

More at link . . .

More at link
By now anyone who hasn’t had COVID-19 almost surely knows someone who did. And especially for those infected during the recent Omicron wave, chances are the illness was short-lived and not especially devastating.

These everyday experiences make it easy to think COVID-19 has become just like the flu or a cold.

But a recent study of Massachusetts death data shows the opposite to be true: Even the supposedly mild Omicron variant was exceedingly lethal.

Conducted by researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and published in JAMA on May 20, the brief papertabulated deaths from all causes in Massachusetts during the Delta and Omicron waves. It then compared the number of deaths during each wave with what would be expected in a typical pre-pandemic year.

The number of deaths that exceed what would normally have occurred are called “excess deaths.”

From June 28 through December 5, 2021, when the Delta variant of the coronavirus was dominant, Massachusetts experienced 1,975 excess deaths.

From December 27, 2021, through February 20, 2022, when the Omicron variant was dominant, there were 2,294 excess deaths.

In other words, in a mere eight weeks of Omicron, Massachusetts experienced more excess deaths than in 23 weeks of Delta.
More at link
By now anyone who hasn’t had COVID-19 almost surely knows someone who did. And especially for those infected during the recent Omicron wave, chances are the illness was short-lived and not especially devastating.

These everyday experiences make it easy to think COVID-19 has become just like the flu or a cold.

But a recent study of Massachusetts death data shows the opposite to be true: Even the supposedly mild Omicron variant was exceedingly lethal.

Conducted by researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and published in JAMA on May 20, the brief papertabulated deaths from all causes in Massachusetts during the Delta and Omicron waves. It then compared the number of deaths during each wave with what would be expected in a typical pre-pandemic year.

The number of deaths that exceed what would normally have occurred are called “excess deaths.”

From June 28 through December 5, 2021, when the Delta variant of the coronavirus was dominant, Massachusetts experienced 1,975 excess deaths.

From December 27, 2021, through February 20, 2022, when the Omicron variant was dominant, there were 2,294 excess deaths.

In other words, in a mere eight weeks of Omicron, Massachusetts experienced more excess deaths than in 23 weeks of Delta.

I think a lot of us were "fooled" in a sense by the word "mild"--- I am not surprised that Omicron proved so lethal, just based on numbers of cases. I know I don't want even a so-called "mild" case
of this nasty virus.

This article is behind a paywall at the Wash Post--- it really brings reality to the forefront- basically it states last year at this time when we were getting vaccinated, the cases were really low (that was just before Delta), and we thought, oh boy, with this vaccine, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
The fact is, Covid is still circulating, there are 100,000 cases a day with deaths still occurring. When Iook around at how we are behaving in this country, I am absolutely stunned that most of the citizens are living life like the Pandemic is history. The article describes the fear that with Memorial Day Holiday we are in for another surge. It is so depressing. I still haven't had my 2nd booster- it has been a little over 6 months since my 1st booster. I am thinking of waiting till the fall when there should be vaccines that are more targeted towards variants like Omicron. The vaccine we are getting now are still targeted towards alpha, the initial virus and there are a lot of cases involving vaccinated and boosted people.
This section of the link about “broken heart syndrome” jumped out at me because of the potential connection to covid/pneumonia, which I had. And now, my left ventricle does not get enough blood. The cardiologist says the cause is a thickening of the heart muscle/wall in the ventricle (it can’t hold as much blood, so less circulates throughout my body carrying O2), but now I still wonder about the possible covid connection. I don’t have the dramatic symptoms of “broken heart syndrome,” but I think it’s good for any of us who had covid and now have heart issues to be aware of this.

The reason for this article (the sudden death of the husband of a murdered teacher in Uvalde TX) is truly heart-breaking.

Today, doctors know that only a third of all cases are connected to an emotional shock, Wittstein said. Two thirds are caused by physical triggers, such as severe pain, asthma attacks, seizures, stroke, high fever, low blood sugar, surgery and pneumonia.

“We know that of all the physical triggers that can cause this condition, pneumonia is one of the most potent ones,” he said.

That’s a concern during the pandemic, Wittstein added, because Covid-19 damages the lungs and also causes microvascular function, where the small blood vessels of the body fail to work properly. Damage to those small blood vessels around the heart is another theory for the condition.

“When we’re under stress, we want more blood to get to our heart and help the body respond, right?” Wittstein said. “But with broken heart syndrome we think the rush of adrenaline is causing little tiny blood vessels in the heart to constrict instead of dilate and temporarily reduce the amount of blood that’s getting to the heart.”

Dear Lilibet,

Of course I’m concerned to read this, but know you are strong!

Did you ask your doctor his/her opinion re: if this could be covid related? Whatever the case, sending lots of love and good vibes your way. ❤️

This article is behind a paywall at the Wash Post--- it really brings reality to the forefront- basically it states last year at this time when we were getting vaccinated, the cases were really low (that was just before Delta), and we thought, oh boy, with this vaccine, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
The fact is, Covid is still circulating, there are 100,000 cases a day with deaths still occurring. When Iook around at how we are behaving in this country, I am absolutely stunned that most of the citizens are living life like the Pandemic is history. The article describes the fear that with Memorial Day Holiday we are in for another surge. It is so depressing. I still haven't had my 2nd booster- it has been a little over 6 months since my 1st booster. I am thinking of waiting till the fall when there should be vaccines that are more targeted towards variants like Omicron. The vaccine we are getting now are still targeted towards alpha, the initial virus and there are a lot of cases involving vaccinated and boosted people.
Your link let me read it:)

Covid was vanishing last Memorial Day. Cases are five times higher now.

This article is behind a paywall at the Wash Post--- it really brings reality to the forefront- basically it states last year at this time when we were getting vaccinated, the cases were really low (that was just before Delta), and we thought, oh boy, with this vaccine, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
The fact is, Covid is still circulating, there are 100,000 cases a day with deaths still occurring. When Iook around at how we are behaving in this country, I am absolutely stunned that most of the citizens are living life like the Pandemic is history. The article describes the fear that with Memorial Day Holiday we are in for another surge. It is so depressing. I still haven't had my 2nd booster- it has been a little over 6 months since my 1st booster. I am thinking of waiting till the fall when there should be vaccines that are more targeted towards variants like Omicron. The vaccine we are getting now are still targeted towards alpha, the initial virus and there are a lot of cases involving vaccinated and boosted people.

Good article. If you’re a subscriber, at the end of the article is a “Gift Article” option that allows you to post the link for others to read. Here’s this one…

“Record numbers of visitors are expected in South Florida for Memorial Day weekend at the same time that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is warning about rising COVID-19 cases and hospital admissions in the region — casting a pandemic cloud over what is typically a raucous start to the summer season.

With concerts, an air and sea show, and countless parties planned throughout Miami and Fort Lauderdale this holiday weekend, public health experts say that few people are likely to hear or to heed the CDC’s recommendation to wear a well-fitting face mask indoors in public, regardless of vaccination status.

This story is a subscriber exclusive
The CDC’s warnings come at a moment in the more than two-year-old pandemic when many Americans appear to be ignoring the signs of a resurgent virus in Florida and elsewhere.”
Dear Lilibet,

Of course I’m concerned to read this, but know you are strong!

Did you ask your doctor his/her opinion re: if this could be covid related? Whatever the case, sending lots of love and good vibes your way. ❤️

Thanks @margarita25. I’m doing OK. Oh yes, the question about the covid connection was high on my list. He said “It’s hard to say.” And I’m sure there really isn’t any way of knowing for sure. It’s not like I went from being a 76 year old active runner straight to heart disease after covid. I think it’s more likely what call my “sedentary chickens coming home to roost.” ;)
I think a lot of us were "fooled" in a sense by the word "mild"--- I am not surprised that Omicron proved so lethal, just based on numbers of cases. I know I don't want even a so-called "mild" case
of this nasty virus.

People I’ve talked to consider “mild” to be any case that didn’t require hospitalization. But that’s not necessarily true. When I first got COVID, I didn’t have to go to the hospital, but my case wasn’t least not IMO. I was still quite sick.

This article is behind a paywall-- at the NY Times- this is what I was afraid of, since the pandemic and the anti-vax movment, parents now refusing to vaccinate their children for the usual diseases. This is very dangerous- the physician in the article describes that right now the number of parents refusing those vaccines is small in number, but he worries with all the disinformation and misinformation about the Covid-19 vaccine, this number could grow. This has been a fear of mine- that parents will refuse to vaccinate their kids against diseases that would be rampant in our world if not for vaccines. It is frightening to consider.
OKAY--Here we go....until now, my nuclear family has avoided catching Covid-19.

Monday morning, my daughter's boyfriend tested positive. She is still testing negative, but they live

On Sunday afternoon they went to his parent's for a BBQ---she was in the car with him for 2 hours on the way home and shared a water bottle with him. An hour or so later he began feeling sick---felt weak and tired.

So far no cough or breathing issues---but he slept all day, had no appetite and just felt very nauseous. I am worried for them both ---although they are only 30 and very healthy. They are both vegans and eat very clean and exercise every day. I think they will be OK but it is hitting very close to home.

I was at their house about 4 days ago and gave him a hug hello and a hug goodbye at the time. But I don't think he was contagious yet, hopefully.

OKAY--Here we go....until now, my nuclear family has avoided catching Covid-19.

Monday morning, my daughter's boyfriend tested positive. She is still testing negative, but they live

On Sunday afternoon they went to his parent's for a BBQ---she was in the car with him for 2 hours on the way home and shared a water bottle with him. An hour or so later he began feeling sick---felt weak and tired.

So far no cough or breathing issues---but he slept all day, had no appetite and just felt very nauseous. I am worried for them both ---although they are only 30 and very healthy. They are both vegans and eat very clean and exercise every day. I think they will be OK but it is hitting very close to home.

I was at their house about 4 days ago and gave him a hug hello and a hug goodbye at the time. But I don't think he was contagious yet, hopefully.


I'm sorry Covid has found its way into your family. You don't mention vaccination status, but IMO even if your daughter gets sick too (likely), chances are they will both recover quickly given their youth and good health. No guarantees, of course. I hope the virus doesn't reach you!
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