Coronavirus - COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #22

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Well, "jam his phone line", "blitz his email" worked out well for our state.


Governor Northam orders all Virginia K-12 schools closed for minimum of two weeks

Schools will close from Monday, March 16, through Friday, March 27, at a minimum. Localities will maintain authority over specific staffing decisions to ensure students maintain continuity of services or learning, while protecting the public health of teachers and staff.

For those that have contacted state and/or Congressional Representatives, keep it up!!!


What do you want him to do? Sounds like he's doing the same as our gov - DeWine
BREAKING NEWS (CNN): Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Nation's Top Infectious Disease Expert Across Multiple Presidential Administrations, Says "8 or 9 Weeks" Is the Best-Case Scenario for How Long the Current U.S. Coronavirus Outbreak Will Last

Seth Abramson on Twitter

Today our university announced that classes will remain online until the end of the semester, students will not return to the residence halls. I doubt we will hold our early May commencement ceremony. That will probably be online, too.
I think Ohio State University today announced that they have cancelled their commencement ceremony, if I am remembering correctly all I have read today.
your employer won't allow you to take sicks days for a cold? seriously? Is that even legal?

Contrary to popular belief, there is no general legal requirement that employers give employees sick leave. While most employers do in fact give employees some paid time off each year to be used for sick leave, the law does not require employers to do so in most circumstances.
Which is why I stocked up for people I know couldn't stock up like my elderly parents who have no extra money. I gave my mother money to buy a little extra food as well. But I'd wager most of us posting in here could have added more food to our cart over the last two months with no huge dent in the grocery store shelves. I actually scrimped on our food budget and passed on all the convenience foods just so I could put enough aside. Each week we picked up an extra 12 pack of the cheapest toilet paper Aldi sells.

I read a woman in Wuhan saying she was about to run out of milk powder for her toddler and it was hard to get. I decided I was not letting that happen to my little ones. I'm not apologizing for planning ahead for my family. This is basically my JOB as a mom to do what I can.

I tried sharing information with people I know. Most people wouldn't listen till the last minute. I will do whatever I can to also help those in need around me though.

Oh beatrixpotter. You are a great Mom!
Your description of your efforts, and budgeting.
Your kids are very lucky to have you as their Mom.
So you think my employee is going to give me unlimited sick leave for a cold?
In what Universe?

I think we just entered a universe like most of us have never known in our lives.

I am wondering what changes from this will end up becoming more permanent. Maybe people working around food in restaurants might soon be encouraged to take a few days off work when they have a cold or flu or d+v.

Just a few weeks ago in the UK there were debates about an extra runway at Heathrow. Now BA is laying off workers and grounding planes and we don't know how many airlines are going to make it through the next 6 months without bankruptcy.

What habits will it change in us? I think at the very least in future a lot more doctors appointments will be by phone or video link. Maybe a lot more jobs will be working from home in future years.
A cold? Seriously! We work to earn our buck. To live! Let's all take days off for a cold ! Pssshhhhh
I've felt pretty lousy having a cold.. It's been enough to knock me flat at times. As a teacher, I also would not want to spread even a cold around the classroom or the building, just out of consideration.
Coronavirus control measures aren't pointless – just slowing down the pandemic could save millions of lives
The goal is to “flatten the curve.” Rather than letting the virus quickly rampage through the population and burn itself out fast, the idea is to spread all those infections out over a longer period of time.
Yes, it would potentially prolong the epidemic. But in doing so, public health agencies and the health care infrastructure gain invaluable time to respond to the crisis.

Most importantly, “flattening the curve” provides an opportunity to significantly reduce deaths from COVID-19.

On the steep rise of the epidemic curve, especially when testing capacity is lacking, there is a tremendous burden on health care providers – many of whom will fall ill themselves and be forced to self-isolate, becoming unable to provide care for those in need. At the same time, there is immense pressure placed on health care facilities where demand for patient care will outpace capacity – things like the number of hospital beds, ventilators and so on – for a significant amount of time.

So yes, even if every person on Earth eventually comes down with COVID-19, there are real benefits to making sure it doesn’t all happen in the next few weeks.
So is this here forever, is this our new way of life?
From same link:

World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom recently commented that “We need to remember that with decisive, early action, we can slow down the virus and prevent infections.” We’re not going to stamp out COVID-19. But by not just throwing up our hands and giving up, people can help address the crisis early, preventing COVID-19 from overwhelming the health care system’s capacity to respond effectively.
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