Coronavirus - COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #22

DNA Solves
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I think if someone's in a higher risk group, or they regularly visit someone in a higher risk group, and *if* the body holds immunity to the virus for some time (a year or so at least) then if someone knows for sure they have had it, maybe they can worry less about going out or visiting their relative if they're not going to come down with it now (as they've already had it) and once recovered they're a safer person to visit the relative or they could be the person who takes food and water into the room of a person in their household who gets it in a few weeks or months?

That's the main reason I think it might be helpful to know for sure who's had it and who hasn't.
Yes for sure. And it would also allow for the stats of those who had it and survived/weren't so very sick. I'd like to know that - instead of worrying to pieces that it's gonna get all of us. Rationally, I know this, but it would help to have the facts of the survivors and that there are survivors. JMO
Google flu quarantine.
About a week. Typically you're contagious from 1 day before you have any symptoms. You can stay that way for 5 to 7 days after you start feeling sick.
The virus can spread until symptoms disappear.

My neighbour has the flu so I was wondering how long to avoid contact.
If you have a 24-hour supermarket nearby and you are trying to avoid crowds I would suggest going early in the morning. This morning I went to my local Kroger at 2 AM and there were almost no customers, just employees valiantly trying to restock the shelfs.
There do appear to be two different strains,” says Ravinder Kanda at Oxford Brookes University in the UK. “[The L-type] might be more aggressive in transmitting itself, but we have no idea yet how these underlying genetic changes will relate to disease severity,” she says.

“I think it’s a fact that there are two strains,” says Erik Volz at Imperial College London. “It’s normal for viruses to undergo evolution when they are transmitted to a new host.”

It is vital to know how many strains of the virus exist. Around the world, multiple groups are working on a vaccine for the virus. Any vaccine will need to target features that are found in both strains of the virus in order to be effective.

The differences between the two identified strains are tiny. In fact, they can’t really be considered to be separate “strains”, says Jones. And many of the genetic differences won’t affect the production of proteins, and so won’t change the way the virus works, or the symptoms it causes, he says. One is not more deadly than the other.

Read more: Coronavirus: Are there two strains and is one more deadly?
They all need to be candid, like MI & OH, imo.
Our Governor is keen on twice daily updates but always the “social distance, but still go out & wash your hands, but stay home if sick, don’t go to your doctor. ....”.

Its seems we only get result with this Governor if we protest. We've had more protest rally since he became governor than I can remember. There's at least a bus of "somebody" heading to Richmond monthly.

He is a well known pediatric physician, he knows all about risk, transmission and containment. He also knows what it takes to protect our healthcare workers. If we don't protect our healthcare workers and give them what they so desperately need, then they may just chose to stay home and protect themselves and family.


Ive had to take many breaks already. Its almost funny (but kind of sad) that the other day I said to myself "I need to go over to a murder thread to get a break from this virus thread". Like a simple murder or two may relax me some. :)

I was just thinking the same thing yesterday. I had CNN on all day and so much was happening. Sometimes you feel like taking a break on an old Cold Case thread, trying to sort through the clues, find a hint or link.

It looks like we have many days of this ahead, so it will be interesting how everyone adapts. I think of my gr grandparents doing similar things during the Spanish Influenza. Grandma didn't have any internet to keep her distracted. She probably did a lot of cooking and sewing.
^^^^ This I worry about. Mrs.22 helped an older woman out the other day, in line in front of her, who was going to have to leave the store without a case of cheap water. Stocking ahead is hard on lots of folks.....moo

This info may have been posted already since I am pages behind. I just wanted to add this to what you posted. Tap water is safe to drink if people can't find, or stock up on cases of the bottled water they normally drink.

Is drinking tap water safe?

"EPA recommends that Americans continue to use and drink tap water as usual. The World Health Organization (WHO)EXIThas stated that the, “presence of the COVID-19 virus has not been detected in drinking-water supplies and based on current evidence the risk to water supplies is low.”1 Additionally, according to the CDC, COVID-19 is mainly thought to spread between people who are in close contact with one another."

"EPA has established regulations with treatment requirements for public water systems that prevent waterborne pathogens such as viruses from contaminating drinking water and wastewater. Coronavirus, which causes COVID-19, is a type of virus that is particularly susceptible to disinfection and standard treatment and disinfectant processes are expected to be effective. EPA is coordinating with our federal partners, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and will continue to provide technical assistance and support, as appropriate."

Coronavirus and Drinking Water and Wastewater | US EPA
Caitlin Rivers

I've been working with @reichlab and colleagues weekly to assess whether levels of ‘influenza like illness’ that are NOT due to influenza are higher than usual in the US. We see some changes this week. 1/3 Caitlin Rivers, PhD on Twitter

Regions 7 and 10 and a number of states are showing some unusual activity, particularly CA and MO. But we have important caveats (click each picture to see more). 2/3 Caitlin Rivers, PhD on Twitter

It could mean there is enough Covid-19 to be picked up thru ILI surveillance. But as @reichhlab said: “This is a tricky analysis to interpret bc ILI is a composite measure, capturing infections w many different respiratory pathogens. Nothing here shld be seen as definitive” 3/3
Caitlin Rivers, PhD on Twitter

See second chart for CA, MO, WA, AND MA.


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He is a well known pediatric physician, he knows all about risk, transmission and containment.
He also thinks he knows what the public wants to hear.
MI did a great thing listing known establishments where a person might have picked up the virus. Our Governor says “can’t tell you where the latest positive is from......, maybe tomorrow.” Not helpful. But, where I’m at, other than a shopping frenzy, it is viewed as “a perceived threat”, by many. Some think it will remain confined to a specific county, lol.
I’m in central PA and our governor Wolf just closed down all K-12 schools in the Commonwealth. DH and I are both teachers, so we will be home for the next 2 weeks (with 2 kiddos) at least. I think there will be a reassessment before making the final decision to reopen. :confused:
Some are lucky they can afford to stock up. Not everyone can do that.

Which is why I stocked up for people I know couldn't stock up like my elderly parents who have no extra money. I gave my mother money to buy a little extra food as well. But I'd wager most of us posting in here could have added more food to our cart over the last two months with no huge dent in the grocery store shelves. I actually scrimped on our food budget and passed on all the convenience foods just so I could put enough aside. Each week we picked up an extra 12 pack of the cheapest toilet paper Aldi sells.

I read a woman in Wuhan saying she was about to run out of milk powder for her toddler and it was hard to get. I decided I was not letting that happen to my little ones. I'm not apologizing for planning ahead for my family. This is basically my JOB as a mom to do what I can.

I tried sharing information with people I know. Most people wouldn't listen till the last minute. I will do whatever I can to also help those in need around me though.

ATLANTA — Gov. Brian Kemp has ordered the construction of a new quarantine space in Monroe County.

The facility is being built on the grounds of the Georgia Public Safety Training Center on Indian Springs Drive in Forsyth.

The facility will accommodate 20 temporary housing units for people who are unable to self-isolate if they contract COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.

Gov. Kemp orders construction of isolation facility for coronavirus patients
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