We ordered thousands of dollars of food for our restaurant yesterday. Normal type of order.
I did call my chef and ask her to really watch her ordering.
Last night "thursday" sales were $320.00.
We sell a lot of seafood at our restaurant. Tomorrow, I'm going in to inventory and place 85% of that beautiful fresh fish into a freezer.
Our monthly lease for our restaurant is $5,200.00. I've not sent them a dime yet for this month.
I'm not even sure WHAT I'm going to send them. I have to keep my employees paid, the lights on and my food vendors paid. No food, no electricity, no employees= bankruptcy.
We've been at this location for 17 years. I told my husband this morning. "What are they going to do? Throw us out? Then what? Find another experienced restaurant to take over? Give the new tenant, if they can find one, 4 months of free rent and $20,000.00 or more in build out costs"?
All of this just sucks.
We've been planning on selling our restaurant this summer. Hubby is 73 and had major open heart surgery 1 year ago this month.
He's working double shifts 6 days a week.
His doctor told him to slow down, that he's "fresh off the table."
Neither hubby or myself have ever seen anything like this in our lives.
BTW. I was in banking for many years. The only way you can get a Small Business Loan from the Small Business Administration (SBA) is if you don't NEED one.
It's always been a big joke in the banking industry.
We're pretty screwed.