Coronavirus - COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #26

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We have been at home and self-isolated for nearly a week now. My DH and I both continue to cough. Saturday I was 95% sure this was only seasonal allergies. Today I'm 70% sure we have the beginning symptoms of the Coronavirus (and maybe seasonal allergies too?). A lot can change in 24 hours. My DH's employer sent an email saying that someone in his company tested positive for Coronavirus on Sunday, after returning from travel a little over a week ago. The danger of us having it just got real. I have started to feel muscle aches and pains like I get before the flu and my energy is gone. My DH has a low-grade fever. I'm fever free still and feeling better than he is at this point. Our symptoms are like a mild cold and I pray they stay that way. We don't know who tested positive and if the person worked in the same dept as my DH (I'd rather not say where DH works but it's a large employer of many 1000's of people). All non-essential employees are to stay home and self-isolate this week. We're now sleeping in separate rooms on opposite sides of the house and trying to keep our distance from each other in case only one of us has it. Although it's probably too late for that since we do share a home. I've been constantly wiping down doorknobs, light switches and other frequently touched surfaces. I've never been so happy that we installed a touchless kitchen faucet that turns on via a motion sensor. It's easy to wash our hands and one less thing to worry about touching. I suspect I'm only a day or 2 behind DH on the symptoms. Sometime this week we will decide if we want to try to get tested for it and see if we can figure out where to go for that. If you pray, please say a prayer for us.
My prayers are for both of you. Hope you both are well in no time. Take care @gardner1850! You are so appreciated and admired. Thank you and big hugs!
Prayers going up!!

Will do.....Yall take care.....moo

Gardener We Are Here.

Oh G....

My friend.

Love you.

We will get through this together.

@Gardener1850 I'm so sorry to hear this! I'm glad you're not home alone and have each other. Please keep us posted. I'll be keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers.

Agree with what you’ve said. I really should’ve expounded. I too am glad this event happened it seemed to start things in motion here in the USA.

What is upsetting is how so many are having problems getting tests, and results and the team got theirs in 4 hours. My understanding is also that the player that was originally tested , Gobert, was sick , tested and then traveled with team while waiting for results. Results came right before tip off and then caused both teams to need to be tested. Meanwhile, almost a week after the fact the process to get tested in Oklahoma is a bundle of confusion. (Source the video I linked earlier by Dr. Noel Williams)

I'm so sorry to read this, Gardener. You'll be in both my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted! MOO

I’m so sorry @Gardener1850! Definitely praying it’s nothing or very minor. Please keep us posted.

Oh no! I am saying prayers for you both! I’m so sorry!

Take zinc. Can’t hurt.

Old article, (February) , GREAT Dr. , love his advice. Oklahoma City Doctor Gives Advice On Coronavirus

Thanks everyone. It's been an emotional weekend. This thread has been a huge help for me to research and prepare. I wish I had prepared and isolated about a week sooner but it likely would not have changed anything. If the company had not told employees to stay home and isolate, DH probably would have had to go in for a couple days this week-- sick or not. That's the reality for many Americans that can't just take 2 weeks off work when they are sick. Plus, as I've said this feels very mild so far. I can see why this is spreading so easily as most will think it is no big deal (at least in the first few days) and I fear most young people especially will continue to go in public because they don't feel very sick at all. They are putting others' lives in danger. Save lives by staying home!
This is a global crisis and this thread is for discussion of the virus and the measure that are being put in place in an attempt to control it as best they can.

Please stop arguing over whether restaurants or bars or other businesses should be closed. It is not productive in any way. If that is what has been determined necessary by local or federal authorities, you may discuss that it is happening, but please stop politicizing and questioning every decision that is being put in place to protect citizens.
...We have garlic, ginger, raw honey, miso soup packets, raw apple cider vinegar, a freezer full of homemade bone broth...

Gardener, homemade bone broth sounds good. Miso is often a high sodium content. I worry it might be uncomfortable if you have a dry cough, but I guess you could add more water. We're all going to be anxious to hear how you're both doing and you will be in our thoughts. Hope you can ward if off somehow.
We have been at home and self-isolated for nearly a week now. My DH and I both continue to cough. Saturday I was 95% sure this was only seasonal allergies. Today I'm 70% sure we have the beginning symptoms of the Coronavirus (and maybe seasonal allergies too?). A lot can change in 24 hours. My DH's employer sent an email saying that someone in his company tested positive for Coronavirus on Sunday, after returning from travel a little over a week ago. The danger of us having it just got real. I have started to feel muscle aches and pains like I get before the flu and my energy is gone. My DH has a low-grade fever. I'm fever free still and feeling better than he is at this point. Our symptoms are like a mild cold and I pray they stay that way. We don't know who tested positive and if the person worked in the same dept as my DH (I'd rather not say where DH works but it's a large employer of many 1000's of people). All non-essential employees are to stay home and self-isolate this week. We're now sleeping in separate rooms on opposite sides of the house and trying to keep our distance from each other in case only one of us has it. Although it's probably too late for that since we do share a home. I've been constantly wiping down doorknobs, light switches and other frequently touched surfaces. I've never been so happy that we installed a touchless kitchen faucet that turns on via a motion sensor. It's easy to wash our hands and one less thing to worry about touching. I suspect I'm only a day or 2 behind DH on the symptoms. Sometime this week we will decide if we want to try to get tested for it and see if we can figure out where to go for that. If you pray, please say a prayer for us.

I really hope you and your husband will be ok @Gardener1850 You are both in my prayers.
Yeah everybody should be WIDE AWAKE NOW after @Gardener1850 ‘s post.

Now that one of our OWN is now directly affected, I fully hope and expect that all the disrespect and minimizing stops immediately.

Are we all on board to move forward together now??

No more BS!!!

I am alerting @Tricia, @JerseyGirl , @sillybilly and @KayElJay on this post.
We've also had other members affected. @book-thinker has been ill for days.... Praying all our WS members will be safe during this crisis.
Thanks everyone. It's been an emotional weekend. This thread has been a huge help for me to research and prepare. I wish I had prepared and isolated about a week sooner but it likely would not have changed anything. If the company had not told employees to stay home and isolate, DH probably would have had to go in for a couple days this week-- sick or not. That's the reality for many Americans that can't just take 2 weeks off work when they are sick. Plus, as I've said this feels very mild so far. I can see why this is spreading so easily as most will think it is no big deal (at least in the first few days) and I fear most young people especially will continue to go in public because they don't feel very sick at all. They are putting others' lives in danger. Save lives by staying home!

Are you going to be able to get tested?

I’m glad it is mild. By now it wouldn’t be if it was going to get worse, IMO. How are you feeling mentally?
We have been at home and self-isolated for nearly a week now. My DH and I both continue to cough. Saturday I was 95% sure this was only seasonal allergies. Today I'm 70% sure we have the beginning symptoms of the Coronavirus (and maybe seasonal allergies too?). A lot can change in 24 hours. My DH's employer sent an email saying that someone in his company tested positive for Coronavirus on Sunday, after returning from travel a little over a week ago. The danger of us having it just got real. I have started to feel muscle aches and pains like I get before the flu and my energy is gone. My DH has a low-grade fever. I'm fever free still and feeling better than he is at this point. Our symptoms are like a mild cold and I pray they stay that way. We don't know who tested positive and if the person worked in the same dept as my DH (I'd rather not say where DH works but it's a large employer of many 1000's of people). All non-essential employees are to stay home and self-isolate this week. We're now sleeping in separate rooms on opposite sides of the house and trying to keep our distance from each other in case only one of us has it. Although it's probably too late for that since we do share a home. I've been constantly wiping down doorknobs, light switches and other frequently touched surfaces. I've never been so happy that we installed a touchless kitchen faucet that turns on via a motion sensor. It's easy to wash our hands and one less thing to worry about touching. I suspect I'm only a day or 2 behind DH on the symptoms. Sometime this week we will decide if we want to try to get tested for it and see if we can figure out where to go for that. If you pray, please say a prayer for us.

I pray - more often now than ever before. I’m including you and Mr Gardener in my prayers from now on. I’m so very sorry you are both going through this. I have a feeling your post will bring home to many of us just how real and how frightening this virus is. Holding good thoughts for both of you - and for all of those fighting COVID19.
Please read the above Opening Posts and continue discussion here.

MSM links are required to all info stated as fact and please no political posts, no bickering. This thread is to disseminate important information about the virus and the efforts that are being put in place to protect everyone.

Please care for yourself and others whenever you can, and stay well.

To Gardener1850 and Bookman, thinking of you both and sending you Get Well wishes !!
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The H1N1 2009/2010 pandemic was close. About 12 million died in the US. And it did warrant a national emergency. Several school districts in the US closed for a couple weeks and other measures were implemented to stop the spread. But it was not too containable until the vaccine was available.

Non-pharmaceutical interventions are usually things that are done to prevent. Not referring to treatment and Medical Care. Things like social distancing, not touching your face, washing your hands, closing schools, closing cities, restricting business openings, Etc

Thanks so much for explaining. That makes sense and points to the need for proactive measures.

I’d be more impressed if she shared the ways she’s personally contributing to the containment of the virus rather than hearing a big-sister style pep talk of what we should all be doing. Jmo. Tom Hanks-big fan- was travelling, filming, hobknobbing & spreading germs. Celebrities. Can’t live with ‘em. Can’t avoid boredom without ‘em...

What she’s doing is using her celebrity to encourage her young fans to practice social distancing to stop the spread. I think it’s great she is using her fame as a platform.
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I am still thinking about the UK’s quarantine the over-70s. I *know* a few elderly people in the neighbourhood- as in we’ll say, ‘good morning’ in passing and will chitchat at the bus stop or in the supermarket queue (I am so very British, lol). I need to see if I can find out where they live and offer to do their grocery shopping online, as I have with a neighbour. The more I think of it, the more four months solitary confinement feels cruel and inhumane. Even I, an introvert who loves solitude - even I would struggle with that.
We have been at home and self-isolated for nearly a week now. My DH and I both continue to cough. Saturday I was 95% sure this was only seasonal allergies. Today I'm 70% sure we have the beginning symptoms of the Coronavirus (and maybe seasonal allergies too?). A lot can change in 24 hours. My DH's employer sent an email saying that someone in his company tested positive for Coronavirus on Sunday, after returning from travel a little over a week ago. The danger of us having it just got real. I have started to feel muscle aches and pains like I get before the flu and my energy is gone. My DH has a low-grade fever. I'm fever free still and feeling better than he is at this point. Our symptoms are like a mild cold and I pray they stay that way. We don't know who tested positive and if the person worked in the same dept as my DH (I'd rather not say where DH works but it's a large employer of many 1000's of people). All non-essential employees are to stay home and self-isolate this week. We're now sleeping in separate rooms on opposite sides of the house and trying to keep our distance from each other in case only one of us has it. Although it's probably too late for that since we do share a home. I've been constantly wiping down doorknobs, light switches and other frequently touched surfaces. I've never been so happy that we installed a touchless kitchen faucet that turns on via a motion sensor. It's easy to wash our hands and one less thing to worry about touching. I suspect I'm only a day or 2 behind DH on the symptoms. Sometime this week we will decide if we want to try to get tested for it and see if we can figure out where to go for that. If you pray, please say a prayer for us.
Gardner, I will be praying for ((you and your DH)).
I went to see my doctor about 3 weeks ago because I had been coughing and fatigued for about 5 days prior. No fever. Doctor told me not to worry, it's just a cold, and sent me home, no prescription. I feel ok now.

I hope what you have is what I had. A simple cold. Glad to hear you are keeping distance from your husband. Smart.
Please get better soon....
@Gardener1850 It is okay. You will be okay.

Today was our country's "Day of Prayer". I believe that we definitely need that now.

I am more worried about the mental health issues that this situation has triggered for many people. It has definitely changed our lives in a matter of hours. It seems like there is one drastic change after another every day, now almost hourly.
Douglas County Health Department warns of public exposures of COVID-19
Updated: 9:58 PM CDT Mar 15, 2020

OMAHA, Neb. —

“During a press conference Sunday afternoon, the Douglas County Health Department issued a warning of possible exposure to COVID-19 at multiple locations throughout Omaha.”


“The possible exposures occurred at the following locations at the following times:

  • Monday, March 2: Walmart on 120th Street from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
  • Tuesday, March 3: Walmart on 180th Street from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
  • Wednesday, March 4:
    • Walmart on 120th Street from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
    • A bus from Barret's Barleycorn Pub and Grill at 4322 Leavenworth to a Creighton basketball game
    • The Creighton basketball game against Georgetown at CHI Health Center
    • Patty McGown's located at 45th and Center from 9:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
    • Walmart at 168th and West Maple from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Thursday, March 5: Walmart at 11350 Wickersham Boulevard in Gretna from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Friday, March 6: Walmart at 168th and Maple from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Saturday, March 7:
    • Walmart at 168th and Maple from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
    • Creighton basketball game against Seton Hall at CHI Health Center
    • The Stadium Club from 4 to 5 p.m.
    • Barry O's Tavern from 5 to 6 p.m.
    • The Jackson Street Tavern from 6 to 7 p.m.
    • Drastic Plastic inside the Monster Club from 7 to 9 p.m.
    • Wincherster's at 70th and Q from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
  • Tuesday, March 10: Kona Grill Outdoor Patio in Village Point from 5 to 9 p.m.
  • Wednesday, March 11:
    • Walgreens on 24th and L from 1:30 to 2 p.m.
    • The Hy-Vee on 50th and Center from 5 to 5:30 p.m.
  • Thursday, March 12: The Walmart at 168th and West Maple from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.”
CT - Foxwoods Casino announcement with temporary partial closures - doesn't appear to be fully closing unfortunately:

MASHANTUCKET, CT – Foxwoods Resort Casino announced a number of gaming changes related to the coronavirus outbreak.

According to casino officials, Foxwoods will also be temporarily closing its High Stakes Bingo Hall effective Saturday, March 14 and the Rainmaker Buffet effective Monday, March 16.

Additionally, Poker tournaments, Poker live action tables, Racebook and Keno will close beginning Monday, March 16.

Officials said table games at Rainmaker Casino, Great Cedar Casino and Fox Tower Casino will close beginning Monday, March 16. Grand Pequot Tower and all electronic table games will remain open.

Bus transportation to and from the resort is suspended beginning today, Friday, March 13.

Foxwoods has also postponed or canceled all performances through March 23.

Foxwoods is waiving the hotel cancellation fees. Guests may cancel on the Foxwoods website or by emailing

Officials also said they are adding more than 330 hand sanitizing stations and increasing disinfecting frequency.

Business travel for team members has been suspended.
Reports: Member of Iranian clerical assembly dies from virus
A 78-year-old member of the Iranian clerical body that chooses the country’s supreme leader has died from the illness caused by the new coronavirus, news agencies reported Monday. He was the latest of several senior Iranian officials to have been infected in the worsening outbreak.

The outbreak has infected nearly 14,000 people in Iran and killed more than 700, with the toll jumping by more than a hundred in the last 24 hours. The real numbers may be even higher, as some have questioned the government’s reporting.

For most people, the new coronavirus causes only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia.

CT - Stores start to announce modified hours in response to COVID19:

HARTFORD, CT (WFSB) - Stores have announced temporary hours and changes in services during the coronavirus outbreak.


Aldi's announced some stores may have limited hours to clean and restock products. Check with your local store for details.

Big Y

Big Y locations will be open 7:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. until further notice starting Monday, March 16.

Store officials say the temporary hours will help them conduct additional sanitation and restock products.

Price Chopper/ Market 32

All Price Chopper and Market 32 stores will be open from 6:00 a.m. - 1:00 a.m. starting Sunday, March 15.

The store says the temporary hours will help with the restocking of products and performing preventative sanitation.

Officials say there is no timeline when the chain will return to normal hours.

Shop Rite

Shop Rite has not announced a change to hours, but said quantities of some products will be limited. The list can be found here.

Stop & Shop

All Stop & Shop locations will be open 7:30 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. at most stores beginning Monday, March 16. Store officials said there may be some exceptions.

New hours will be posted to the chain's website on March 16.

Store officials also said pickup services will be temporarily suspended until further notice.

"As a result of unprecedented demand as well as product shortages in some areas, we have temporarily suspended our online pickup service until further notice. Our store associates will instead focus on stocking product and other key priorities that will better meet the needs of all customers at this time," store officials said.

The chain also said customers should expect delays in home deliveries due to high demand.

Trader Joe's

All Trader Joe's locations will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. starting March 16.


All Walmart stores will change hours of operation to 6:00 a.m. - 11 p.m. starting Sunday, March 15.

"This will help ensure associates are able to stock the products our customers are looking for and to perform cleaning and sanitizing," store officials said.

Stores that operate under more reduced hours will stay the same.
Are you going to be able to get tested?

I’m glad it is mild. By now it wouldn’t be if it was going to get worse, IMO. How are you feeling mentally?

We likely will try to get testing, but I'm not sure when. I think my DH's employer may set something up this week to help employees test. I'm still in a bit of denial and hoping we don't have it. One issue is that we don't want to go out and get exposed to it in order to get tested. I'm hoping we can find a drive-up option or a clinic that will come out to our car.

We're strong mentally and spiritually and have a great community to support us. Our church was canceled but our pastor set up a live video feed and gave an very encouraging message today via internet. I spent half of the day in prayer and the rest of the day I slept. I just have low energy. I believe we'll pull through this illness just fine physically. My greatest fears right now are losing loved ones to this virus and not being able to see them again before they pass away (or not even being allowed to travel to their funerals :( ) -- family is spread out in multiple states across the US and multiple family members are recovering from cancer (and therefore high risk). Thank goodness we can facetime but it's not the same as being able to hug them. I keep thinking that we need to take every opportunity to tell your loved ones how much you love them now, as it might be the last chance you get. It seems so over-dramatic to write that, but it's how I feel right now.

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