Coronavirus - COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #26

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Ireland’s biggest daily increase, cabinet sub-committee meeting and European shutdown continues: Today's Covid-19 main points

Here are today’s Covid-19 points:

In other news, I have a day off! I booked it months ago, then completely forgot about it - don’t even know why I booked it to begin with.
So, it’s an unexpected Self-Care Monday here, hunkered down with the cats.
I have a spiced lentil soup in the slow cooker, I’ve hauled all the veggies out of the fridge and will make a big veggie curry later - I can freeze that for meals later on. What am I going to do with two eggplants? Ideas? I don’t even like eggplants.
The sun is shining, so a little later I’ll make a coffee and take the boys into the garden. I plan to thin out the tomato seedlings and replant both them and the cucumber seedlings.
Just - as I said yesterday - recognising those moments of happiness and grabbing hold of them. Tightly.
'A huge bonus': GPs can now order coronavirus tests online


GPS CAN ORDER Covid-19 tests online from today to cater for the HSE’s expanded testing criteria.

It was confirmed last week that testing criteria is to be expanded, with anyone showing symptoms of the virus being asked to self-isolate and to contact their GP (by phone) to assess whether they should be tested.

It is hoped that the new system would allow the HSE to ensure that everyone who is exposed to the coronavirus can be tested.

The HSE has said that GPs can now order tests by way of a new electronic system.

“People are understandably concerned but please be patient with our GP services this morning. The service is already under pressure and they will be responding to the increasing demand for tests. Thank you for your co-operation,” the HSE said in a tweet this morning.
Washington state agencies answer COVID-19 questions about crowds, childcare, job loss
MARCH 14, 2020 04:10 PM

“People 60 and older are at high risk of severe illness from COVID-19 and are not good candidates to provide child care at this time.”


“”Even if they are your parents. And even if they are begging to provide childcare. For the health and safety of the loving grandparents, consider whether it’s possible for your family to find an alternate source of backup childcare,” the health department wrote in a press release Saturday, March 14.”
EU states record highest one-day death toll
15 March 2020

“Police use drones to enforce movement restrictions in Spain's fight against the coronavirus infection”


“Italy saw 368 deaths bring its total to 1,809, Spain recorded 97 more deaths for a total of 288, and France reported 29 deaths, giving a total of 120.

The UK also saw a single-day record, with 14 new deaths and a total of 35.

Governments across Europe have responded by curbing the movements of citizens and tightening borders.

Germany is to impose controls on its borders with France, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark and Luxembourg as of Monday morning, while Portugal will clamp down on its frontier with Spain.”


“In an indication of the extent of the crisis, Switzerland reported a leap in the number of infections by 800 to reach 2,200 in just 24 hours. The country has recorded 14 deaths.”


“On Saturday, Spain, which now has 7,753 infections, and France, which has 5,400, took drastic temporary measures of their own.

The Spanish government banned people from leaving home except for buying essential supplies and medicines, or for work.”


“South Africa is closing its borders from Wednesday to foreign nationals from countries badly impacted by coronavirus.

With 61 infections, President Cyril Ramaphosa said the country was now dealing with the internal transmission of the virus and declared a "national state of disaster".”
In other news, I have a day off! I booked it months ago, then completely forgot about it - don’t even know why I booked it to begin with.
So, it’s an unexpected Self-Care Monday here, hunkered down with the cats.
I have a spiced lentil soup in the slow cooker, I’ve hauled all the veggies out of the fridge and will make a big veggie curry later - I can freeze that for meals later on. What am I going to do with two eggplants? Ideas? I don’t even like eggplants.
The sun is shining, so a little later I’ll make a coffee and take the boys into the garden. I plan to thin out the tomato seedlings and replant both them and the cucumber seedlings.
Just - as I said yesterday - recognising those moments of happiness and grabbing hold of them. Tightly.
Make an eggplant hummus, and use it as a dip for vegs. Eggplant is potassium rich.
Italy's coronavirus toll surges as worries grow over hospitals

“MILAN (Reuters) - Italy recorded 368 more deaths from the coronavirus outbreak on Sunday, its biggest one day rise, amid growing concern about the ability of its strained health system to cope with the relentless increase in new cases.”

See photos at link:

“A banner reads "The longer you stay at home, the sooner we hug", on the sixth day of an unprecedented lockdown across of all Italy imposed to slow the outbreak of coronavirus, in Turin, Italy, March 15, 2020. REUTERS/Massimo Pinca”


“The government is working urgently on procuring more protective equipment, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said, adding there was maximum attention on helping Lombardy, the northern region where the virus emerged just over three weeks ago.”


“”Our priority is to keep doctors, nurses and all our health personnel safe,” Conte said in a statement a week after his government imposed a virtual lockdown across the country in a bid to contain the spread of the virus.”


“With 24,747 cases and 1,809 deaths by Sunday - a rise of 368 or 25% in the death toll in just 24 hours - Italy’s experience has offered an alarming example for other European countries which have begun seeing sharp rises in cases over recent days.”


“But the health systems in Lombardy and in other regions such as Emilia Romagna and Veneto at the epicenter of the Italian outbreak have been pushed to their limits.

“The numbers have continued to grow. We’re close to the moment where we will have no more intensive care beds,” Lombardy governor Attilio Fontana told SkyTG24 television.“


Newt Gingrich: I am in Italy amid the coronavirus crisis. America must act now—and act big | Opinion

“Because the demand for respirators and intensive care has been beyond any previous planning, doctors have been forced into the kind of triage thinking developed for intense battlefield casualty situations. There are reports that emergency room doctors are allotting respirators to those with higher life expectancy due to the limited equipment in the hardest hit areas of the province. If you are older or have other illnesses, you may simply not be eligible for treatment.”


Spiking U.S. coronavirus cases could force rationing decisions similar to those made in Italy, China
Elderly, end-stage cancer patients might get lower priority for ventilators under some state pandemic plans.

In the Chinese city of Wuhan, the epicenter of the coronaviruspandemic, doctors made life-or-death decisions last month when 1,000 people needed ventilators to support their breathing, but only 600 were available.”
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Spiking U.S. coronavirus cases could force rationing decisions similar to those made in Italy, China
Elderly, end-stage cancer patients might get lower priority for ventilators under some state pandemic plans.

“In the Chinese city of Wuhan, the epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic, doctors made life-or-death decisions last month when 1,000 people needed ventilators to support their breathing, but only 600 were available.

In Iran, where numerous high-level officials have been infected, doctors sought unsuccessfully to get the international community to lift sanctions so they could purchase more lifesaving machines.

And in northern Italy, doctors took the painful step last week of issuing guidelines for rationing ventilators and other essential medical equipment, prioritizing treatment for the young and others with the best chance of survival.

Such tough choices could well be ahead for the United States, a nation with limited hospital capacity and grim epidemiological projections estimating that as many as 40 to 60 percent of the country’s population of 327 million could eventually become infected.

“We are looking at a new war no one has seen before. We have never fought a virus like this with this potential consequence,” New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo said on Sunday afternoon. He warned, “It is only a matter of time before ICU beds are full."“
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Thanks badgersmythe :)

From the above BBC link:

“From Monday, Boris Johnson or a senior minister will address the media to ensure people are informed about how to protect themselves.”


The media briefing later will follow another meeting of the government's emergency Cobra committee, chaired by the prime minister, where further decisions could be made on actions to tackle the spread of coronavirus.

The announcement of the daily updates comes after Health Secretary Matt Hancock revealed that every Briton over the age of 70 will be told "within the coming weeks" to stay at home for an extended period to protect themselves.


“A Downing Street spokesperson said the government is "committed" to keeping the public informed about what it is doing to fight the spread of the virus, and will always be led by science to "bring forward the right responses at the right time".

Mr Johnson will host the press conference on Monday, alongside Prof Chris Whitty, the UK's chief medical adviser, and chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance.

The PM or a senior minister will then hold each subsequent daily briefing, and answer media questions, while supported by a range of medical and scientific experts, No 10 said.”

Thank you! I’ve never been able to figure out how to do that.
Temporary refund scheme for employers forced to close


The Government is to establish a temporary refund scheme for employers forced to cease trading as a result of social distancing measures to help delay the spread of Covid-19.

Where possible, employers are being asked to pay workers at least the equivalent jobseekers' rate of €203 per week during a six-week period.

The Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection said employers can claim a refund for the payments under the temporary scheme.

This new temporary refund scheme,will be available to all employees and the self-employed who have lost work as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Department has said employers can claim a refund for the €203 a week payments to workers.
"In Exeter, cabbies at I Taxies say they will take any over-65s trapped at home shopping for free."

"Britain's coronavirus crisis could last till Spring 2021 and see 7.9 million people hospitalised, a secret briefing for senior NHS figures has revealed."

I could do two months, standing on my head,
but a year,
p me o.
We likely will try to get testing, but I'm not sure when. I think my DH's employer may set something up this week to help employees test. I'm still in a bit of denial and hoping we don't have it. One issue is that we don't want to go out and get exposed to it in order to get tested. I'm hoping we can find a drive-up option or a clinic that will come out to our car.

We're strong mentally and spiritually and have a great community to support us. Our church was canceled but our pastor set up a live video feed and gave an very encouraging message today via internet. I spent half of the day in prayer and the rest of the day I slept. I just have low energy. I believe we'll pull through this illness just fine physically. My greatest fears right now are losing loved ones to this virus and not being able to see them again before they pass away (or not even being allowed to travel to their funerals :( ) -- family is spread out in multiple states across the US and multiple family members are recovering from cancer (and therefore high risk). Thank goodness we can facetime but it's not the same as being able to hug them. I keep thinking that we need to take every opportunity to tell your loved ones how much you love them now, as it might be the last chance you get. It seems so over-dramatic to write that, but it's how I feel right now.

Prayers prayers prayers and more prayers for you.
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