Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #35

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From Town Hall Meeting today

"You can destroy a country this way by closing it down," says @POTUS in @FoxNews interview, denying he's been taking heat for suggesting opening the economy back up while the #coronavirus pandemic roars.
Steve Herman on Twitter

"We lose thousands and thousands of people every year to the flu. We don't turn the country off," adds @POTUS.

Claim by @POTUS that @TheDemocrats had inserted "windmills" in the $2 trillion #coronavirus response stimulus bill.

"I understand things very quickly. But we can socially distance ourselves and go to work," says @POTUS.

Your going to lose people to the flu but you'll lose more people" if there's a recession or depression, including because of "massive suicides," according to @POTUS.

Closing the country could cause US to drop "20 or 25 points of GDP," adds @POTUS.

"Somehow the word got out this is the thing we're supposed to be doing," says @POTUS. "We have to go back to work much sooner than people thought."

"We did not screw up and I don't think CDC screw up either," replies @POTUS on lack of adequate #coronavirus testing kits. "We broke that system and we've created a new system that we're doing unbelievably big numbers."

"He shouldn't be talking about us," @POTUS says of @NYGovCuomo, claiming the governor turned down a chance in 2016 to purchase ventilators for a pandemic.

"I would like to have the country opened up and just raring to go by Easter (April 12)," says @POTUS.

As Dr. Deborah Birx was speaking about New York cases possibly spiking due to people coming back from Asia after the holidays, @POTUS interjects: “Do you blame the governor for that?"

"This cure is worse than the problem," reiterates @POTUS when questioned by @BillHemmer about whether he really believes that 19 days from now it's going to be safe for Americans to go back to work.

If people avoid shaking hands, keep their distance from each and wash hands frequently, then it'll be OK for people to return to the workplace soon, according to @POTUS.

"You can't compare this to 1918 when close to a 100 million people died" and those who contracted the influenza "had a 50-50 chance of dying," says @POTUS.

Some doctors likely want the country locked up "for two years," according to @POTUS, who again suggests that depressed people who face losing their businesses are likely to kill themselves in numbers larger than those who will die of #COVID19.
I would prefer honesty from our politicians about what things will likely look like by Easter. According to doctors and scientists, we will not be ready to stop social distancing. <modsnip>
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Me and my husband will continue to isolate.

I am seriously not seeing enough self isolation or social distancing to affect the curve. People around here are pretty much flaunting the rules whenever possible. I see a ton of large groups of parents and kids hitting up the parks and skate parks. I see no social distancing going on.

Imo, they all might as well be at work and school.

I have a friend who posted on FB a couple days ago that she "got her eyebrows done, mani/pedi, and got her hair done" and she was helping support small businesses. I was floored. I went back later to reply (I needed to calm down first) and people must have gone BANANAS on her because she had deleted the post.
President Donald Trump said he would “love” to have the nation recovered and back open for business from the coronavirus pandemic by April 12, Easter Sunday.

“It’s absolutely possible,” Trump said, adding “our country wants to go back to work, our people want to go back to work.” He said U.S. citizens will still need to continue safe practices such as social distancing and hand washing.

He said he would 'LOVE' to have the national recovery by then.

But obviously we have to wait and see how things are going next month. He is not saying he is going to suddenly, with no reason, tell everyone to go back to school and to work.

I think he is trying to give people some optimism and faith, that our entire country is not going to collapse while we huddle in the darkness.

Let people have hope that when Easter comes, things will be looking up. And maybe SOME progress will have been made. Maybe some families will be able to reunite for Easter dinner, if everyone from the family is healthy/recovered?

I am happy to imagine our country, at some point, being in a healthy recovery.

His optimism is not at all supported by numerous valid epidemiological models that have been posted over and over again by major scientists and universities.

Rather than spread pretty butterflies, daisies and bunnies, I would rather he be more frank and honest with the public. There is a way to do this and be supportive, not divisive.
The first responders didn’t know people were infected. Of course it’s fine if you’re not infected. But how would anyone know without testing? Asymptomatic people can infect others. I wasn’t trying to be alarmist, but it seems like information anyone who uses a nebulizer would want to know. But I guess not.
I am not saying that people don't want to know this information. I am just saying nebulizer itself isn't going to spread covid if person using it is not infected.
My smallpox vaccine was on the outside of my knee so a scar wouldn’t show much. I can’t see it now and I don’t recall seeing it when I was young.
Mine is on my right arm on the outside. Right where the flex muscle is. It’s a little darker than the rest of my skin and sunburns in the hot sun. How strange. I can make out the little prongs a bit.
From Town Hall Meeting today

"You can destroy a country this way by closing it down," says @POTUS in @FoxNews interview, denying he's been taking heat for suggesting opening the economy back up while the #coronavirus pandemic roars.
Steve Herman on Twitter

"We lose thousands and thousands of people every year to the flu. We don't turn the country off," adds @POTUS.

Claim by @POTUS that @TheDemocrats had inserted "windmills" in the $2 trillion #coronavirus response stimulus bill.

"I understand things very quickly. But we can socially distance ourselves and go to work," says @POTUS.

Your going to lose people to the flu but you'll lose more people" if there's a recession or depression, including because of "massive suicides," according to @POTUS.

Closing the country could cause US to drop "20 or 25 points of GDP," adds @POTUS.

"Somehow the word got out this is the thing we're supposed to be doing," says @POTUS. "We have to go back to work much sooner than people thought."

"We did not screw up and I don't think CDC screw up either," replies @POTUS on lack of adequate #coronavirus testing kits. "We broke that system and we've created a new system that we're doing unbelievably big numbers."

"He shouldn't be talking about us," @POTUS says of @NYGovCuomo, claiming the governor turned down a chance in 2016 to purchase ventilators for a pandemic.

"I would like to have the country opened up and just raring to go by Easter (April 12)," says @POTUS.

As Dr. Deborah Birx was speaking about New York cases possibly spiking due to people coming back from Asia after the holidays, @POTUS interjects: “Do you blame the governor for that?"

"This cure is worse than the problem," reiterates @POTUS when questioned by @BillHemmer about whether he really believes that 19 days from now it's going to be safe for Americans to go back to work.

If people avoid shaking hands, keep their distance from each and wash hands frequently, then it'll be OK for people to return to the workplace soon, according to @POTUS.

"You can't compare this to 1918 when close to a 100 million people died" and those who contracted the influenza "had a 50-50 chance of dying," says @POTUS.

Some doctors likely want the country locked up "for two years," according to @POTUS, who again suggests that depressed people who face losing their businesses are likely to kill themselves in numbers larger than those who will die of #COVID19.

Did Dr. Faucci or Dr. Brix sign off on this?

The hyperbole is really off the charts and should be removed.

There are multiple statements there that are not supported scientifically and should not have been stated as such, IMHO.
Maybe the whole Easter open up thing was just a way to make the states and governors take the blame when the economy tanks further. He can then say " well I tried to help the economy and the governors kept everything closed"....?

You know, an election is coming and all.

No, he said he would like to accomplish this by Easter, but doesn't know for sure.

I can barely wrap my head around it, but I have to admit that I am, in fact, hearing people argue that, yes, it's worth taking the risk that MILLIONS of Americans will die in exchange for an inscrutably indeterminate chance of improvement in the economic outlook.

The truly soul-shaking thing about it is nobody has the evidence they'd need to be justified in the belief that easing up on containment to keep the economy humming now won't just make the economy even worse later, amidst the mass death. But it's a gamble they're willing to take?

We have a public health crisis and an economic crisis, but these aren't TWO problems. The economic crisis is a direct consequence of the (mismanaged) public health crisis. You can't get less economic damage by letting the epidemic spread. It's not an option on the table.

You minimize economic damage by containing the epidemic with mass test and trace, widespread use of facemasks, and zealously ubiquitous body temp checks. BUT WE DIDN'T DO THAT. So now we have to press pause on the economy to keep people physically apart.

Not doing that won't make the economy BETTER; it would just delay economic damage by accelerating the spread of the virus, overwhelming health systems & causing monumental levels of illness and death, which will shut down the economy ANYWAY--in an irreparably destabilizing way.
Will Wilkinson on Twitter

ok, that tops the worst news of the day for me. This is such a tragedy and now I wonder how many nursing homes across the world have had a lot of their staff quit because of fear of catching it. And with rules of no visiting, how in the world will relatives be able to check on the conditions at the nursing home. How will anyone know their family members are being left to fend for themselves until they die of starvation or something.

I would not be able to trust the Government with the promised oversight. They move too slowly for something like this.

Ideally if there was a way to pull the elder relative out and take them home, then that would be the thing to do if home is a safer environment. But so many elders in nursing homes need special care that a lot of people cannot provide at home. And of course the danger of spreading it to the elder relative if they came home would be a hard pill to swallow. Can you imagine if you pulled your elder relative out of a nursing home to come live with you, only to infect them yourself at home and then they perish.

Gosh this is just beyond horrific at this point.

"The Defense Ministry said workers at some nursing homes had split after the coronavirus was detected."

"Spanish soldiers disinfecting nursing homes in the fight against the coronavirus have made the horrifying discovery of some residents living among infectious bodies abandoned in their beds, officials said."

"Defense Minister Margarita Robles said the elderly residents were living in squalor and “completely left to fend for themselves,”"

Research released by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) on Mar. 17, 2020 shows that the novel coronavirus “was detectable in aerosols for up to three hours, up to four hours on copper, up to 24 hours on cardboard and up to two to three days on plastic and stainless steel.

Based on these findings, you should be taking extra precautions when it comes to items you are bringing inside your house or touching when you are outside. Pennies, which are made of copper, should be avoided, so try paying with your credit or debit card (which can be sanitized) as much as possible.

You may want to consider opening your packages outside the house, leaving the cardboard outside for recycling, and then washing your hands immediately afterwards. Additionally, cleaning anything that is plastic or stainless steel is essential, including things you buy at the grocery store.

12 Things You Should Clean Right Now
While you are probably already a pro at cleaning your phone, countertops, and bathrooms, DeLucia says these 12 places are usually forgotten, but very important to clean:
  • Refrigerator handle
  • Vacuum handle
  • Cleaning supply bottles ⁠— especially if you’re not cleaning with gloves on
  • Floor baseboards ⁠— this is important if you have young kids crawling around on the floor
  • Microwave touchpad
  • Light switches
  • Toilet flusher
  • Door knobs
  • Dresser handles
  • Car ⁠— including your steering wheel, gear shift, radio buttons, door handle, and your keys
  • Mail box ⁠— people touch this which is why it’s good to clean, however as of now there is no proof that COVID-19 can be spread on your mail
  • Reusable grocery bags — and your groceries, while you’re at it
Peter DeLucia, the assistant commissioner of health in Westchester County, NY (home to the New Rochelle COVID-19 outbreak), came on The Dr. Oz Show on Mar. 24, 2020 to discuss the top forgotten places to clean in your home to keep you and your family safe.

12 Forgotten Places to Clean That You’re Still Touching Every Day
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President Donald Trump said he would “love” to have the nation recovered and back open for business from the coronavirus pandemic by April 12, Easter Sunday.

“It’s absolutely possible,” Trump said, adding “our country wants to go back to work, our people want to go back to work.” He said U.S. citizens will still need to continue safe practices such as social distancing and hand washing.

He said he would 'LOVE' to have the national recovery by then.

But obviously we have to wait and see how things are going next month. He is not saying he is going to suddenly, with no reason, tell everyone to go back to school and to work.

I think he is trying to give people some optimism and faith, that our entire country is not going to collapse while we huddle in the darkness.

Let people have hope that when Easter comes, things will be looking up. And maybe SOME progress will have been made. Maybe some families will be able to reunite for Easter dinner, if everyone from the family is healthy/recovered?

I am happy to imagine our country, at some point, being in a healthy recovery.

I agree, we have to look forward to SOMEthing.

I have no current salary; nor social security; nor retirement fund payout (well under age 60 here); nor spouse with their own income. I need some means to make money, as I have nothing coming in. I have to assume that some people reading are in the same boat, and do not have any form of guaranteed income, no matter how relatively meager.
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