Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #60

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I have also read that the refusal to wear masks or cooperate with any sort of guidelines to protect others is due to ‘American individualism’. Apparently this is seen as a positive trait.

Okay i think i won't wear any pants today and when people say what the heck- i will say, but it is my American Individualism - i don't have to wear pants- can't i just go out in my underwear??? sometimes people are just plain ol' stupid and there ain't no cure for stupid.
Idle musings to get back on threads.

Was able to order 3M half face mask and filters finally from Amazon. Been on watch list for a couple months. Still no regular 3M dust masks so those projects are on indefinite hold.

On another subject I've noticed my usual near 200 Mbps internet speed is consistently now 165 Mbps regardless of time of day. No home network changes so I attribute it to heavy internet use.

I've given up the use of cash. Depending on amount I either use my ATM debit or Credit Card for all transactions. Take a clorox disinfectant wipe with me and wipe down cards after use. The few times I've used cash it involved no change or told the clerk to keep change.

Here’s what I do:

I shop at 7:00 am. 99% of shoppers at that time are wearing masks and there are usually only about five shoppers in the whole store. I love it.

I wear gloves into the store.

I wear an iPhone sports belt thing into the store with a backup credit card, more gloves and my phone/list. It straps around my waist so I don’t need to carry anything or have anything touch surfaces. (It’s made for joggers to hold their smart phone).

When I get to the checkout, I take off one glove. I throw it away in the trash can (usually there is one at the checkout counter behind me). I then pay using Apple Pay. (Fingerprint). I don’t have to touch their machine at all.

Then at the car I put another glove on the second hand and put all the groceries in.

Once home it takes a while to unload. I hang up my keys.

The non-perishables go into a spare room that I close so the animals can’t get in. One of my cats loves to rub his head on everything and he loves to chew plastic bags. So they’re locked out.

I throw away my gloves and wash my hands. Then I put on rubber gloves.

I then put my perishables on the counter and wipe all packages down with a bleach concoction (Diluted bleach with a little dish soap and water). Everything wiped down goes into a spare dish rack. Then I transfer them to the fridge and freezer, pantry, etc.

Some things I just take out of the packaging and throw the packaging away.

I wash my gloved hands a few times during this process (before I touch a surface, like the fridge door).

When it’s all done, I bleach the doorknobs, handles and counter. I disinfect my phone with cotton pad and rubbing alcohol or bleach. Mask cover or washable mask gets washed.

I take my glasses off and the thing that keeps them secured to my head and put them in a little plastic dish with super hot water and a little soap. They soak there and the thing that attaches them to my head gets hung up to dry.


Now I only shop once a week. I used to shop daily!
But they are in lockdown in a group of many people. That's a different situation than being in lockdown with your family of 4 or 5 people.

Yes and they have workers who come in and out.

There were a few homes that truly locked down with the workers quarantining with the patients. No one left for weeks. Those homes were spared.

A lady in the house behind me has in-home care. Her caregiver got the virus. Now her daughter lives there and cares for her instead.

So if people are coming in it can spread.
To add a little levity to the mask conversation I'd like to share my experience at Aldi last week. I go once a week for groceries and since COVID rather than just shopping I see it as a mission to accomplish within less than 15 minutes. The less possible exposure the better IMO. I try to be one of the first in the store when it opens, armed with my mask, wipes, sanitizer, list and debit card tucked in the front pocket of my Levis. I don't take my purse in because it's one more thing I have to worry about possibly getting germs on.

So I got there before they opened and grabbed a cart and waited at the doors. A pleasant looking 70ish lady walked up and asked when they open. I told her 8:30 so she got a cart and lined up behind me 6 feet back. The doors opened and I was the first one in and I ran toward the bread, then onto the next item on my list. When you're the first one in you don't have to wait for the customers 6 feet in front of you.

Within 5 minutes my cart was full and I was turning into the check out lane when the lady approached me again. With her mask on I couldn't see her smile but her eyes were smiling when she said "You're fat!" I said "Excuse me?" She said "You're fat!" I decided to ignore it and loaded all my groceries on the conveyor. There were a lot of groceries! I glanced at her cart with only a few items and realized she was probably saying "You're fast!"
Coronavirus: UK 'winning the battle' as just 36 new deaths recorded

The UK has recorded the lowest number of daily coronavirus deaths since before nationwide lockdown measures were introduced.

After the figures were released, Health Secretary Matt Hancock tweeted: "Yesterday, across the UK, only 36 deaths were recorded with coronavirus - the lowest since 21 March.

"We are winning the battle against this horrible disease."

The official total of UK deaths across all settings now stands at 41,698.

According to the Department for Health and Social Care, more than 6.7 million coronavirus tests had been conducted in the UK as of 9am on Sunday - with 144,865 carried out on Saturday.

However, figures are still not being made available for how many individual people were tested.
I have read various opinions about mask wearing- one is you look weak by wearing one, mostly the males feel this way. Another is you are "frightened" and
"scared" like a little bunny rabbit..I constantly see the "if you are scared then wear your mask" "if you want to hide out for the rest of your life.." etc...shaming others. I have also seen the finger pointed that if you are wearing a mask you ARE automatically SCARED and they aren't.

I also believe that vanity plays a huge part in it...especially if you are of a certain age- looking at you young adults...they don't want to cover up their beautiful faces, they need to be "attractive" to the opposite sex. I am sure if they are insecure, wearing a mask makes them feel even more insecure regarding how they might appear to others.
Yet those are likely the men who want to have big guns. If you wear a mask, you are scared, and if you own a bunch of weapons, you are not?
I’m surprised an actual doctor could be that dense. Are you sure he was a doctor and not a tech of some sort?
We read his badge that’s how close he was to us - which you aren’t even supposed to put your groceries on until the Person in front is done completely but yet there he was with a gallon of milk and some brownie mix - my rebel wants to call advent Health and tattle on him - we aren’t on mandatory mask wearing but it’s highly suggested in our county
This recent interview with a top epidemiologist addresses the importance of being outdoors during the epidemic, eating healthily, exercising and tips for older people. Also covers the notion of herd immunity and how long it may be before vaccine is developed and actually distributed to billions of people. Also, calls for a balanced approach to “opening up” society.
COVID-19: Straight Answers from Top Epidemiologist Who Predicted the Pandemic - Blue Zones
Agriculture is 45% of exports. Expected to rise 6% by 2022.

Agriculture & Forestry Jobs | Work in NZ | New Zealand Now

"Agriculture and forestry are among New Zealand's powerhouse industries. Together with fisheries and related industries they generated 44.6% of our total overseas trade in the year to June 2015 and employed over 141,400 people or over 6% of our total workforce. It’s big business by any reckoning - and your chance to work in a sector that makes waves around the world.

Despite some challenging conditions in 2015, the meat, horticulture, seafood and other sectors grew strongly, helping to offset slowdowns in dairy and forestry. Medium term prospects are good with the Ministry for Primary Industries forecasting earnings from the sector to rise around 6% between 2018 and 2022.

New Zealand is the world's largest dairy and sheep meat exporter."

My point was that their tourism receipts will be hit by the coronavirus. Agriculture exports should not be affected too much. MOO

But their amount of exports is very low. 45% of a low number is not a big deal. As I keep stating, New Zealand already knows this. If they can consume more of their own product and do without the things they have been importing (and they can), they'll be fine.

Why so much interest in seeing New Zealand deal with what could be a 10% decline in GDP when UK and US are looking at much higher declines?

Further, New Zealand is proposing for itself different measures of economic health, something other nations should take a look at. And to conclude, NZ can still export via air cargo if there's something specific it also needs to import.

Tourism is a much bigger part of California's economy. MUCH bigger. And we too will survive. New Zealand will not have a really big problem covering that missing 5% of GDP, especially as they're using other measures (health related) to judge how well their economy is doing. Jobs lost in tourism can go to other sectors, where people are much needed.

UK's tourism is going to be hit MUCH harder. It's 10% not 5.5% like NZ. For France it's 9% but interestingly, half of it is Euros spent by French people traveling within France - and of course, the EU makes up another couple of percent - so they're good.

Greece is the nation with a real problem, not New Zealand. Greece has wanted to curtail tourism, as many islands think they are over-touristed. However, no one wants to get rid of it altogether because it may be as much as 30% of GDP.

All incoming Europeans (including UK) will be required to have a test and be in quarantine in Greece for a week. Kind of eats up vacation time, doesn't it? If positive, then 2 weeks mandatory. I believe the tourist has to pay for this though (so you can see how that helps the "tourist" economy a bit). Athens will be the main point of entry.

So if New Zealand decides to separate itself from the rest of the globe for a year, it should be fine. Greece is prepared to take a hit in tourism; all European visitors have to pay for 1 week of staying in a hotel room with room service of delivery as part of their "Greek holiday" before they can go on to the island where they want to frolic in the sun.

Personally, I think tourism globally is going to experience an extraordinary decline, regardless of what New Zealand expects or does - it just isn't going to happen. Air travel is still something like 1/10th of what it was last year.

Do you think Brits will book Greek vacations under these new rules? I'm very curious. We'll know soon enough ( I guess people with a 2 week holiday planned might not mind spending 1 week of it locked in the same hotel without a pool or other amenities, just being in their room - could be relaxing if there was a view ).
From Cool Cats, wanted to post your post again.
I like your strong conviction

Go strong or go home.

Tired of whimps. Don't be intimidated.....

If you believe it, then stand up for it..You can't please all of the people all of the time..!!

@margarita25 Together we stand, divided we fall

I think I likely saw Covid literally being transmitted before my eyes the other day.

It seemed a friend had come to visit the college aged girl across the street. They sat down in the yard very close to together, face to face, I’d say about a foot or two from each other, if that.

They weren’t wearing masks. Well, one started coughing uncontrollably for what seemed like five minutes straight. The other girl just sat there but finally got up and walked away. I actually stood up, cleared my throat loudly and gave them the glare from hell. I was just about to say something along the lines of “Nice, no mask and coughing in her both are probably going to need a Covid test”, but they quickly went inside after they saw my glare.

I can’t handle selfish society right now. I’d rather stay in my bubble because I know myself and I have NO FILTER and will GO OFF. I have little self control when it comes to things like this.

Is it my business? Damn right it is. This virus should be “everyone’s business”, as Doc T says.

I realize that incident was private property, but if they’re not wearing masks or practicing social distancing, and one has no problem coughing in one’s face for 5 minutes straight without getting up, while the other just sits there, this is an indication of how they may conduct themselves out in public, and how seriously they take this virus, IMO.
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Interesting - virus detected on a cutting board used for imported salmon. Seems this is a case of contamination/transmission in a crowded market. Maybe that's what happened in Wuhan early on? How did that happen? And do we have to worry about our food or a restaurant's food?

Beijing health authorities said they had detected the virus on a cutting board that belonged to a vendor in the market who sold imported salmon. The city has ordered citywide safety inspections focused on fresh and frozen meat, poultry and fish in supermarkets, warehouses and catering services.

Beijing Coronavirus Outbreak Tied to Huge Market Sparks Resurgence Concerns
Here’s what I do:

I shop at 7:00 am. 99% of shoppers at that time are wearing masks and there are usually only about five shoppers in the whole store. I love it.

I wear gloves into the store.

I wear an iPhone sports belt thing into the store with a backup credit card, more gloves and my phone/list. It straps around my waist so I don’t need to carry anything or have anything touch surfaces. (It’s made for joggers to hold their smart phone).

When I get to the checkout, I take off one glove. I throw it away in the trash can (usually there is one at the checkout counter behind me). I then pay using Apple Pay. (Fingerprint). I don’t have to touch their machine at all.

Then at the car I put another glove on the second hand and put all the groceries in.

Once home it takes a while to unload. I hang up my keys.

The non-perishables go into a spare room that I close so the animals can’t get in. One of my cats loves to rub his head on everything and he loves to chew plastic bags. So they’re locked out.

I throw away my gloves and wash my hands. Then I put on rubber gloves.

I then put my perishables on the counter and wipe all packages down with a bleach concoction (Diluted bleach with a little dish soap and water). Everything wiped down goes into a spare dish rack. Then I transfer them to the fridge and freezer, pantry, etc.

Some things I just take out of the packaging and throw the packaging away.

I wash my gloved hands a few times during this process (before I touch a surface, like the fridge door).

When it’s all done, I bleach the doorknobs, handles and counter. I disinfect my phone with cotton pad and rubbing alcohol or bleach. Mask cover or washable mask gets washed.

I take my glasses off and the thing that keeps them secured to my head and put them in a little plastic dish with super hot water and a little soap. They soak there and the thing that attaches them to my head gets hung up to dry.


Now I only shop once a week. I used to shop daily!

Your descripton of your routine reminds me of what I do when I have to go to my bank,

I do all transactions through the drive thru- I don't even think you can go in the bank now anyways.
I started thinking about ALL of the people that touch the canister that goes through the air chute into and out of the bank- ewwwww contamination city!

So, I take disposable plastic gloves (I used them when I was a sample lady- easy on and off) a big stack of them to keep in the car.

I make sure I roll up to the canister far enough away so I can actually get out of my car. I make sure the back window is open on my car. I put my bank card and ID in a plastic bag, close it, then put it in ANOTHER plastic bag (I do this before I go)
I also write a note to the cashier telling them what transaction I need done and put that in another plastic bag.
Get out of my car. Grab the canister with gloved hands. Put the plastic bags in canister. send canister on its way. I do not bring that canister into my vehicle at any point.

Then discard the gloves through the back window. Open door with bare (clean) hands and wait. I am masked also as cars are very close to each other in these lanes and sometimes passenger windows are rolled down with folks sitting there.

Canister comes back, fresh gloves go on. Get out of car, open canister, throw all the stuff in open back window into my back seat. Put canister back. Remove gloves throw in back seat thru window.

When I get home. I leave the gloves in there for a day or two and then retrieve and throw away. I take the bag with my cards and remove my cards and clorox wipe them, even though I know they were probably not removed at all by the cashier.. If I am picking up any cash (the guy who mows my grass likes to be paid in cash) I keep it in the envelope they put it in and set it in a drawer for when I will give it to said person, envelope and all.

Yes, overkill probably, but as I sit there in my car waiting my turn at the drive thru, I see folks grabbing the canisters- bare hands, fumbling with it, using the pen that they keep in there for a zillion folks to use, and then I do not see them using hand sanitizer as they drive off.
Sad part with these long term care homes is they are generally understaffed and not structurally designed to isolate. No appropriate PPE and training. Recipe for disaster. I wish we would hear more on what is being done right now "if" a second wave hits. Are any of us truly ready?
We read his badge that’s how close he was to us - which you aren’t even supposed to put your groceries on until the Person in front is done completely but yet there he was with a gallon of milk and some brownie mix - my rebel wants to call advent Health and tattle on him - we aren’t on mandatory mask wearing but it’s highly suggested in our county

That’s very disheartening.
To add a little levity to the mask conversation I'd like to share my experience at Aldi last week. I go once a week for groceries and since COVID rather than just shopping I see it as a mission to accomplish within less than 15 minutes. The less possible exposure the better IMO. I try to be one of the first in the store when it opens, armed with my mask, wipes, sanitizer, list and debit card tucked in the front pocket of my Levis. I don't take my purse in because it's one more thing I have to worry about possibly getting germs on.

So I got there before they opened and grabbed a cart and waited at the doors. A pleasant looking 70ish lady walked up and asked when they open. I told her 8:30 so she got a cart and lined up behind me 6 feet back. The doors opened and I was the first one in and I ran toward the bread, then onto the next item on my list. When you're the first one in you don't have to wait for the customers 6 feet in front of you.

Within 5 minutes my cart was full and I was turning into the check out lane when the lady approached me again. With her mask on I couldn't see her smile but her eyes were smiling when she said "You're fat!" I said "Excuse me?" She said "You're fat!" I decided to ignore it and loaded all my groceries on the conveyor. There were a lot of groceries! I glanced at her cart with only a few items and realized she was probably saying "You're fast!"

How is that even possible? I did the calcs and that is 17,745 dollars a day. o_O

God bless America. It was over 9,000 per day for him for the ICU. Not including use of the ventilator.

Your descripton of your routine reminds me of what I do when I have to go to my bank,

I do all transactions through the drive thru- I don't even think you can go in the bank now anyways.
I started thinking about ALL of the people that touch the canister that goes through the air chute into and out of the bank- ewwwww contamination city!

So, I take disposable plastic gloves (I used them when I was a sample lady- easy on and off) a big stack of them to keep in the car.

I make sure I roll up to the canister far enough away so I can actually get out of my car. I make sure the back window is open on my car. I put my bank card and ID in a plastic bag, close it, then put it in ANOTHER plastic bag (I do this before I go)
I also write a note to the cashier telling them what transaction I need done and put that in another plastic bag.
Get out of my car. Grab the canister with gloved hands. Put the plastic bags in canister. send canister on its way. I do not bring that canister into my vehicle at any point.

Then discard the gloves through the back window. Open door with bare (clean) hands and wait. I am masked also as cars are very close to each other in these lanes and sometimes passenger windows are rolled down with folks sitting there.

Canister comes back, fresh gloves go on. Get out of car, open canister, throw all the stuff in open back window into my back seat. Put canister back. Remove gloves throw in back seat thru window.

When I get home. I leave the gloves in there for a day or two and then retrieve and throw away. I take the bag with my cards and remove my cards and clorox wipe them, even though I know they were probably not removed at all by the cashier.. If I am picking up any cash (the guy who mows my grass likes to be paid in cash) I keep it in the envelope they put it in and set it in a drawer for when I will give it to said person, envelope and all.

Yes, overkill probably, but as I sit there in my car waiting my turn at the drive thru, I see folks grabbing the canisters- bare hands, fumbling with it, using the pen that they keep in there for a zillion folks to use, and then I do not see them using hand sanitizer as they drive off.

Can I just say, I haven’t seen a canister bank since the 80’s!! That is super cool! I loved those things when I was a kid.
I think I likely saw Covid literally being transmitted before my eyes the other day.

It seemed a friend had come to visit the college aged girl across the street. They sat down in the yard very close to together, face to face, I’d say about a foot or two from each other, if that.

They weren’t wearing masks. Well, one started coughing uncontrollably for what seemed like five minutes straight. The other girl just sat there but finally got up and walked away. I actually stood up, cleared my throat loudly and gave them the glare from hell. I was just about to say something along the lines of “Nice, no mask and coughing in her both are probably going to need a Covid test”, but they quickly went inside after they saw my glare.

Do you know whether the cougher was your neighbor or the guest? I'd be so curious to see how it turned out.
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