Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #63

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Two households can join up in Wales from Monday

Two households in Wales will be able to form one "extended household" and meet indoors from next Monday, the Welsh Government has announced.

Only one extended household can be formed, and cannot be changed once arranged. Travel restrictions are due to be lifted the same day.

First Minister Mark Drakeford said he knows people are missing seeing their families.

It follows similar "support bubble" arrangements elsewhere in the UK.

There is no limit to the number of people that can be in the two households.

But, under the rules, if anyone in an extended household develops symptoms, the entire household will need to self-isolate.

The Welsh Government has asked people to keep records to help with contact tracing if that happens.
Hold tight Leicester. You will get there.

ETA they are discussing this on the Radio 2 Jeremy Vine show. They just called it "Whack-a-mole".

Ok whack-a-mole is official government coronavirus policy.

Johnson: We are concerned about Leicester

The prime minister has said “local lockdowns and local whack-a-mole strategies” will be used to deal with coronavirus outbreaks.

He was asked about talk of a lockdown after rising cases of the virus in a Leicester suburb.

Mr Johnson said: "We are not out of the woods yet”
Bliming heck, whack a mole?!!
I don't think I would enjoy either a salon or spa right now (because of the worrying about covid). I used to get all kind or services before covid, but now I am just growing my hair out.

I actually would have been fine with my hair length other than it desperately needed to have the dry ends taken off. My hair was already long enough for a pony tail or pulled up with a jaw clip. DH was another story: He was beginning to look like a shaggy dog :D We are both glad to have haircuts, manicures/pedicures out of the way for the next couple of months, at least. I think everyone should do what they feel is in their best interest and whether or not they feel safe in a particular environment. Be well.

"What they are recommending is that they extend for two weeks the present level of restrictions when the rest of the country has them lifted on 4 July," he told LBC Radio.

Let me tell you about a story of two cities in 1918... there was a parade in one city......... you know the rest of the story.
A family of four received $1200 per adult and $500 per child. So, 2 adults plus 2 children would be $3400.

I wouldn't call that nothing.

And nothing is what the government owes people.

Good thing there are still people who believe in setting money aside for emergencies.

Young adults or those who are disabled, any dependent of their parents over the age of 16 received nothing. No stimulus. How fair is that?
From Lock-Down to Whack-a-Mole - Cranbrook Daily Townsman

It seems that whack a mole is what comes after lockdown.

This article from 9 April was pretty accurate.

"It’s wrong to say that there is no exit strategy from the anti-coronavirus lock-downs that have proliferated across the world. There is, and the first phase is to keep the lock-downs going long enough to bring new Covid-19 infections down to a manageable number. Maybe by June.

Then you start playing whack-a-mole until there is a vaccine (minimum 18 months). If there is no effective vaccine, then you have to keep doing it until your population has developed ‘herd immunity’ (two to four years for most places, but only if surviving the infection confers lasting immunity). But at least you can reopen most of your economy."

So whack a mole continues until we have either a vaccine or herd immunity.
That's clearly faulty as we know people travelled for the protests, even from neighbouring states, then they would return, so it wouldn't be possible to necessarily see any increase unless that was known by authorities some way. (Phone analysis?).

We had 2 major protests here in the US. The anti-mask protests followed by the George Floyd protests.
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Europeans' trust in US as world leader collapses during pandemic

The coronavirus crisis has caused a dramatic deterioration in the European public perception of the US, extensive new polling reveals.

More than 60% of respondents in Germany, France, Spain, Denmark and Portugal said they had lost trust in the United States as a global leader.

A report based on the survey’s findings argues that the shock of the pandemic has “traumatised” European citizens, leaving them feeling “alone and vulnerable”.

In almost every country surveyed, a majority of people said their perception of the US had deteriorated since the outbreak. Negative attitudes of the US were most marked in Denmark (71%) Portugal (70%), France (68%), Germany (65%) and Spain (64%). In France, 46% and in Germany 42% said their view of the US had worsened “a lot” during the pandemic.

I have to SMDH at the thought of what the survey would have shown if they surveyed folks in the US. I think I know! MOO

One word comes to mind, clusterf(^@. The weakest chain is what breaks strength, and there are soooooooooooooo many broken chains MOO
There are separate areas for applications by filers and non filers. This is the non filer application section. Cannot see why a 22 year old could not apply. Maybe I am missing something.

Non-Filers: Enter Payment Info Here | Internal Revenue Service

... if you are a dependent on someone else’s tax return and you aren’t a child, you don’t get a payment.

This includes some high-school students, college students and some disabled and elderly people, many of whom show up on the tax returns of the people they live with and who provide most of their support.

Coronavirus Stimulus Payments: When Will They Be Sent and Who Is Eligible?

The stimulus check was a joke, so many adults who desperately needed that money didn’t get a check!
How Eviction Moratoriums Are Hurting Small Landlords

“The mom-and-pop landlords who are able to draw on their own savings to make it through the eviction moratoriums imposed by their local governments may struggle to recoup their losses when it’s all over. It’s unlikely that renters who have struggled to pay rent over the last few months will have lump-sums of cash available when their rent is due, and the job market may continue to be sluggish for months or years. Eviction courts may also be backed up in major metropolitan areas once they finally re-open.”

And the wait times for trying to get in touch with financial institutions/banks via phone can be quite long! Our bank only has a driveup teller and an atm open - the ability to talk to your banker is not possible, some locations allow you to make an appointment online. If you want to get in your safe deposit box, they give you an e-mail address to send your request. Trying to get a car title out of one has been quite a task.
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I actually would have been fine with my hair length other than it desperately needed to have the dry ends taken off. My hair was already long enough for a pony tail or pulled up with a jaw clip. DH was another story: He was beginning to look like a shaggy dog :D We are both glad to have haircuts, manicures/pedicures out of the way for the next couple of months, at least. I think everyone should do what they feel is in their best interest and whether or not they feel safe in a particular environment. Be well.

The city which will always be infamous due to "Master Bob" Bashara here at WS *cold shivers*

Oh my, a name from the past in the Detroit/Grosse Pointe area--- my boss knew him from Rotary and actually said to me, after I brought up Master's Bob's, at that time alleged crime, "oh, no that can't be true- he is such a nice guy"----- we never discussed it again. LOL
... if you are a dependent on someone else’s tax return and you aren’t a child, you don’t get a payment.

This includes some high-school students, college students and some disabled and elderly people, many of whom show up on the tax returns of the people they live with and who provide most of their support.

Coronavirus Stimulus Payments: When Will They Be Sent and Who Is Eligible?

The stimulus check was a joke, so many adults who desperately needed that money didn’t get a check!
So why can they not apply as a non filer?
I actually would have been fine with my hair length other than it desperately needed to have the dry ends taken off. My hair was already long enough for a pony tail or pulled up with a jaw clip. DH was another story: He was beginning to look like a shaggy dog :D We are both glad to have haircuts, manicures/pedicures out of the way for the next couple of months, at least. I think everyone should do what they feel is in their best interest and whether or not they feel safe in a particular environment. Be well.

Ummm, ummm, ummmm. Trudeau's hair is a shaggy dog also. And :p:D:D:) from DixieGirl for that look.

You need to re-think? ;)... he has that sexy just got outta bed tussled look?
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