GUILTY CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, deceased/not found, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #71

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Agreed! Am reminded of this report:
Looking at 3:15, his attitude (IMO arrogance) needs adjusting in order for that to happen. It’s all just chilling. Hoping with you.

IF he wants a snowball’s chance of not inflicting his “sin of the father” any more than he already has, he’ll come clean.

Based on track record, though…
KM as a human being imo is a deplorable individual. I took a break from following his DV and divorce action but might go back and dig up those documents and place them on the KM thread. Sometimes you run into males that truly hate women and reading all I've read about KM the only conclusion I can draw is that as an addict/alcoholic that he no doubt hates himself but that he hates women too as his treatment of them is consistently horrific and absolutely abusive. I think he shares this view of women in common with FD but but where one was physically abusive, the other was diabolically clever in his psychological abuse over a very long period of time.
She gets a public defender but the documents that allow her a public defender are not available to the public. :|
@Eli9, so with you on this. Will see if FOIA can be filed to correct this situation as I don't understand why if the public will now be paying for this shitshow to continue that it isn't entitled to know the details of the financial situation. I also feel the same way about the pretrial sentencing report as that IMO should be public as the public will be paying for her incarceration.

CT Judicary IMO is a shambles operation and frankly when you are a convicted felon I think many issues of privacy should rightly be removed from the citizen as they now are effectively being supported by the poor taxpayers of the State of CT.


Gotta love the family grift angle the felon with resources for trial and then grift from the State for the appeal. I wish that when MT loses her appeal that the State of CT SENDS HER A BILL FOR THE PUBLIC PROSECUTOR.

What enrages me further (doesn't take much with this MT situation as I'm on the very last never) is that due to her being declared 'indigent' I now believe that she will NOT have to pay the State of CT for her incarceration.

This imo is a total SHAM and GRIFT as well as absolute wrong.

Is there anyway to lookup if JS has applied to be a special public defender? UGH!
Yes, there is supposedly a list somewhere but it might be segregated by Courthouse in true CT disorganized fashion. I'm on road but will try to dig up the last list we had as we had checked whether Pattis was a public defender (he was). Whole topic as it relates to MT simply enrages me.
To maintain some sense of sanity, I'm going to tell myself that this is all window dressing (the approval of a PD) to keep the defendant and her nutso family at bay. Thinking, okay, you can have an overworked and overtaxed attorney assigned to your project, which will take a super long time and might not even get approved, yet alone overruled (highly unlikely...criminal case percentages are very small in this state). That's what I'm telling myself.
Can you just imagine what a headache these Troconises are going to be for the overworked lawyer who gets assigned to the appeal? Can you see Mama A asking if they can switch lawyers? And telling the underpaid and overworked soul how her case ought to be handled? And not listening to him or her? In 4 year’s time, Schoenhorn looked 10 years older than he did when he started with her.
I noticed her smile. But now there's a Michelle Troconis podcast, they say?o_O
I believe the Troconises think this is a “win”. Something along the lines of “baby steps” to Michi’s release. It’s really nothing of the kind-it doesn’t signal that they are starting to believe she is innocent or anything like that; it merely shows that nobody wanted to do the deep dive, and that they don’t really care, because it is taxpayer money, and nobody cares about the taxpayer.
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Yes, there is supposedly a list somewhere but it might be segregated by Courthouse in true CT disorganized fashion. I'm on road but will try to dig up the last list we had as we had checked whether Pattis was a public defender (he was). Whole topic as it relates to MT simply enrages me.
Wouldn’t it be something if Pattis ends up as her attorney for the appeal? But-doesn’t it have to be an attorney who specializes in appeals?
Appeal schma-eel.

Is this the same U.S. justice system that was sooooooooooo [cue the very tiny violin mariachi orchestra] unjust to poor innocent Michi, and now they're asking for free legal representation from that same Court/Country?

What exactly are the grounds fir an appeal? I read the filing. I see no glaring missteps (except by the Defense who was properly schooled) and I see no new evidence. All I see is -- wait for it -- smoke and more smoke.

And where there's smoke, there's Michi.

Freeloader. She'd prolly steal the scales of justice. If she could get someone else to carry it for her.

Wouldn’t it be something if Pattis ends up as her attorney for the appeal? But-doesn’t it have to be an attorney who specializes in appeals?
I believe Pattis has handled some of his own appeals at the Appellate level in the past. Your comment sent a shiver down my spine though as it was such a blessing to leave Horn in the past and so the idea of seeing/hearing Pattis again is simply beyond my ability to process at this stage of the game! MOO
Possibly a FOIA request to the Pub Def's office. I think interested lawyers have to file a yearly application.
Yes, I think we learned that long ago as iirc didn't Pattis have some snafu with his paperwork not being filed or filed incorrectly? Guy just seems like an administrative accident in process always. He eventually got his paperwork in order iirc so if its been kept current he is on the public defender roster in CT somewhere.
To maintain some sense of sanity, I'm going to tell myself that this is all window dressing (the approval of a PD) to keep the defendant and her nutso family at bay. Thinking, okay, you can have an overworked and overtaxed attorney assigned to your project, which will take a super long time and might not even get approved, yet alone overruled (highly unlikely...criminal case percentages are very small in this state). That's what I'm telling myself.
It took nearly 5 years to get MT to trial and KM trial hasn't even been scheduled. The extent of the movement on KM trial is that they seemed to move him from unscheduled to 'to be scheduled'. Haha and that took 5 years! CT moves at a snails pace and then it stops or retreats imo. Didn't we read that the transcript for MT trial was 70,000 pages or so? Can you imagine some overworked and underpaid PD wading through all that, preparing motions and moving her appeal forward? It will take years and years. She has a better chance of getting out via the early release activities rather than the appeal process imo.

In the meantime the allegedly indigent Duchess of York will stay planted in prison which imo is where she rightfully belongs.

We sadly got very little in the way of information as to the States evidence against KM via his AA which imo was quite skimpy. We got some of his timeline info via the MT trial as he was seen showing up at 4JX and then leaving. Beyond this there is little public info unfortunately. I do hope the State has the receipts. KM imo is probably one of the more foul characters in this tragic case full of foul characters. But, I've long wondered how much vehicle data and electronic data the State has on KM as this was never made visible in the AA iirc. His AA didn't have any forensic details either so that in a huge open issue. Was KM in NC at some point after leaving 4JX or where was he after he left 4JX and MT? Will we see MT forced to testify at KM trial? Has his trial been delayed due to MT appeal still pending as she would no doubt take the 5th if put on the stand etc. in his trial. IDK, lots of chess moves associated with the timing of his trial I would think.

KM as a human being imo is a deplorable individual. I took a break from following his DV and divorce action but might go back and dig up those documents and place them on the KM thread. Sometimes you run into males that truly hate women and reading all I've read about KM the only conclusion I can draw is that as an addict/alcoholic that he no doubt hates himself but that he hates women too as his treatment of them is consistently horrific and absolutely abusive. I think he shares this view of women in common with FD but but where one was physically abusive, the other was diabolically clever in his psychological abuse over a very long period of time.
Quite unsettling and disturbing. Would be very unfortunate if he has any daughters.
To maintain some sense of sanity, I'm going to tell myself that this is all window dressing (the approval of a PD) to keep the defendant and her nutso family at bay. Thinking, okay, you can have an overworked and overtaxed attorney assigned to your project, which will take a super long time and might not even get approved, yet alone overruled (highly unlikely...criminal case percentages are very small in this state). That's what I'm telling myself.
Yes, that is a great idea LA!….. and that overworked PD can just file a continuance request each and every year for the next, errr… ~14-1/2 years. That would work nicely IMO. /sarc MOO
Can you just imagine what a headache these Troconises are going to be for the overworked lawyer who gets assigned to the appeal? Can you see Mama A asking if they can switch lawyers? And telling the underpaid and overworked soul how her case ought to be handled? And not listening to him or her? In 4 year’s time, Schoenhorn looked 10 years older than he did when he started with her.
Haha! These folks don't even both taking the calls and are so overworked that threats and pleas or MT GETTING DOWN ON HER KNEES YET AGAIN WILL HAVE ZERO IMPACT! MT imo has a better chance of getting a law degree in prison and defending herself than waiting for a PD to assist her efforts.

MT and her pushy Mama will get nowhere with these hard working people imo as they are dealing with a huge volume of cases that simply makes flexibility impossible. Will Mama Troconis try to bribe a public defender? That would be an interesting tactic and I do wonder with the deep corruption in the CT Judiciary whether that would be well received or perhaps NOT? IDK.

In a way that is the brilliance of approving her access to the public defenders gravy train as its the slow boat to nowhere for most prisoners. I feel for those that really need the help of the defenders office but imo MT is not one of those people as her rights were impeccably protected every step of the way as she received 'white glove' treatment imo by the hugely inept and inefficient CT Judiciary. MT never spent any time in jail and was jet setting during the bulk of the pretrial period. What person accused of conspiracy murder gets treated like that? Not any that I can recall! Judge Randolph even threw her a bone by tossing one of the charges at sentencing when imo he didn't have to and sadly his decision forced the State to waste more resources on MT as they now have to appeal that decision.

Awesome refresher!

Fd's financials stink to low hell.

I think we can safely surmise that he didn't transfer so much as a dollar to MT (unless more shells, in which case he may have moved it in and out of accounts with her name but over which she had no control). FD might FLASH money, but he doesn't SHARE.

I think it's clear that FD's original plan was to get custody of the children so he could turn around and fleece the Farber holdings for child support times five. Moved money around to make sure he could get max dollar. He was bankrupt (because he was bad at business), but also draining Farber money already, siphoning money to somewhere. Like, say, Greece.

Just imagine what five little (big) bank accounts a month could have done for FD. With MT's child support, they'd be raking in money.


Contrast that (children as a meal ticket for travel and excess) with JFd's genuine adoration of each individual personality. She saw them for who they were and who they were coming to be.

He saw dollar signs.

And so did MT.

You think she'd ever glomb on to a poor man? She loved herself some Farber money.

Which is why, when the custody battle became anything but favorable, even after YEARS of pushing JFd to a breaking point, they pivoted hard.

Eliminating JFd's custody gave way to eliminating JFd altogether.

The Morons Three planned hard, long on alibis, short in execution. True to form, FD was about as good at alibi construction as he was at home building -- all looks good on the outside, crumbling like hell close up.

I'll say it again -- FD and MT are a matched set.


Murdering users.

Shower (together) all you like, that don't wash off.

So true Megnut…… but one thought as to that ‘matched set’. It is hard not to remember that FD had already pretty quickly moved on to AC. Still wonder what that must have meant to the then defendant? Maybe set someone’s hair on fire perhaps? And IMO and speculation only, no basis, but perhaps the fact that the convicted felon doesn’t sing a bit on this case and as to where JF remains might reside……. seems IMO because to do so just might further implicate her? And add to state’s attorney’s McGuinness and Manning list of ~30 coincidences? MOO
Quite unsettling and disturbing. Would be very unfortunate if he has any daughters.
The last time I looked his first ex and his children had no contact orders in place against KM. He truly is scum at the lowest level imo and YET the last time I checked his law licence in CT was merely suspended and NOT revoked! Gotta love the CT legal system! The reason I had to stop reading his documents is that his treatment of his second ex wife was simply that upsetting. But, it wasn't just his actions that were so awful imo. It was the way he activated his police connections against the protective orders in place to the point where she was effectively tortured and tormented in her own home. Frankly it wasn't much different than what FD did psychologically to JF over a long period of time. The idea of not being safe in your own home and particularly if you have children living with you simply goes after the last nerve and many women simply break and this is what the bully's of the world like KM and FD count on. Its relentless torment and torture and it ebbs and flows which makes it worse. The Courts do nothing that I can see to protect victims and if the corrupt local PDs don't help (they didn't help either JF or KM 2nd ex wife imo) then I'm not sure what can be done as its not as if these victims can pick up and move out of state as they are in the middle of complex family court litigation. Its a dangerous game and the bullies in the system know this and count on no consequences. MOO
The last time I looked his first ex and his children had no contact orders in place against KM. He truly is scum at the lowest level imo and YET the last time I checked his law licence in CT was merely suspended and NOT revoked! Gotta love the CT legal system! The reason I had to stop reading his documents is that his treatment of his second ex wife was simply that upsetting. But, it wasn't just his actions that were so awful imo. It was the way he activated his police connections against the protective orders in place to the point where she was effectively tortured and tormented in her own home. Frankly it wasn't much different than what FD did psychologically to JF over a long period of time. The idea of not being safe in your own home and particularly if you have children living with you simply goes after the last nerve and many women simply break and this is what the bully's of the world like KM and FD count on. Its relentless torment and torture and it ebbs and flows which makes it worse. The Courts do nothing that I can see to protect victims and if the corrupt local PDs don't help (they didn't help either JF or KM 2nd ex wife imo) then I'm not sure what can be done as its not as if these victims can pick up and move out of state as they are in the middle of complex family court litigation. Its a dangerous game and the bullies in the system know this and count on no consequences. MOO

TY for sharing this background. I've only heard via attorney neighbors that his reputation as a lawyer is/was quite tainted. As far as his criminal case associated with Jennifer Farber, it took 8 months to arrest him and it’s been 4 years and 6+ months since the arrest date that he’s been on the docket for a trial (in/out of prison and chronic GPS monitor, which can't be comfortable). How long can a defendant be on the docket for a trial that is never scheduled in the State of Connecticut?

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