Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #93

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Jul 14, 2015
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The number of people already infected by the mystery virus emerging in China is far greater than official figures suggest, scientists have told the BBC.
There have been 41 laboratory-confirmed cases of the new virus, but UK experts estimate the figure is closer to 1,700.
New virus in China ‘will have infected hundreds'
Up to 4,500 patients in China may have caught the same strain of coronavirus that has killed two people, scientists fear.
Health officials in Wuhan – the city at the heart of the outbreak which started in December – confirmed four new cases today, taking the total to 48.
But Imperial College London researchers say this may be the 'tip of the iceberg' after analysing flights out of the city.

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Our first covid vac has just been given ... to an 85 year old WWII survivor, Jane Malysiak. (Sunday morning here.)

Followed by ScoMo (our PM) having his Pfizer vac - all live on TV.

(Made me chuckle, he is wearing an Aussie Team rugby shirt with ScoMo printed on the back :D )

Healthcare professionals at that hospital are now going in, and having their jabs.

The official rollout starts tomorrow.

Source: Ch7 TV News
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My husband watched an old movie recently about the 1947 smallpox outbreak in New York City. The speed with which they vaccinated New Yorkers is an example for today. I was born in NYC at the beginning of 1946. We moved to New Jersey sometime in 1947, so I don’t know if I was in NYC at the time of the outbreak and there’s no one I can ask anymore. In any case, I’m sure it was scary for my parents since my father worked in Manhattan and they were also vaccinating people in NJ.
1947 New York City smallpox outbreak - Wikipedia

On April 4, 1947, New York City Mayor William O'Dwyer and Commissioner of Health Israel Weinstein informed the public about the smallpox outbreak and announced plans to vaccinate everybody in the city.[5] At the time, the New York City Health Department had 250,000 individual doses of vaccine and 400,000 doses in bulk. O'Dwyer called an emergency meeting with the heads of the seven American pharmaceutical companies involved in vaccine production and asked them for a commitment to provide 6 million doses of vaccine.[11]The pharmaceutical companies accomplished the task by putting the vaccine into round-the-clock production. Additional vaccine doses were obtained from the Army and Navy.

Vaccination clinics were set up around the city at hospitals, health department clinics, police and fire stations, and schools. Volunteers drawn from the American Red Cross, the City Health Department, off-duty police and firefighters, and the disbanded, but vast, World War II Air Raid Warden networks located in all of New York's coastal towns, went door-to-door to urge residents to get vaccinated. A radio and print ad campaign called, "Be sure, be safe, get vaccinated!" advertised the vaccination clinic locations and emphasized that vaccination was free. Within days, long lines formed outside the clinics. More than 600,000 New Yorkers were vaccinated in the first week.[5][12] The vaccination clinics began closing April 26, with the last closing May 3, 1947.[2]

Dr Fauci weighed in about this:

On January 3, 2021, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Brooklyn-born Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, described his own experience in the 1947 smallpox outbreak, in specifying the potential speed of the U.S. national COVID-19 vaccination program. Fauci stated, "New York City, in March and April of 1947, vaccinated 6,350,000 people; 5 million of which they did in two weeks. I was a six-year-old boy who was one of those who got vaccinated. So if New York City can do 5 million in two weeks, the United States could do a million a day. We can do it." [22]

Here is what the pastor said naive, so unloving toward his congregation and those they come in contact with, and totally misapplying scripture. No one is interfering with freedom of religion. Has he never heard of holding services on zoom? We’ve been on zoom since March. Where there’s a will, there’s a way....

At Sunday’s service, Coates told the congregation that he, too, is concerned that the virus could overwhelm the system. But he said if that happens, he’ll pitch in to help.

“I’ll put myself in the line of fire,” Coates said in his sermon, which was posted on the church’s website. The pastor added that he would urge others to do the same.

“That is a much more humane, honourable, glorious solution for mankind to really come together should we get to that point instead of this false sentimentality where `we’re all in this together now.'”

Hinshaw [Alberta’s chief medical officer of health], when asked to respond to the pastor’s volunteer plan, noted that surging cases put acute pressure on intensive care wards, which are staffed by medical specialists with specialized equipment.

“While I’m sure there are many people who would be well-meaning and interested in helping out, unfortunately (it’s) not the type of care that can be provided by a volunteer,” she said.

In his one-hour sermon, Coates boiled the issue down to jurisdiction. Governments, he said, exist to implement God’s plan — a plan that includes freedom of worship.

If government strays from that core mission, he said, the church has a duty to respond.

“We must call government to its God-ordained duty,” said Coates.

“(Any) attempt to dictate to us the terms of worship is not the government’s jurisdiction, and I refuse to give the government what isn’t theirs,” he said.

“Caesar has no jurisdiction here.”
Alberta pastor fighting COVID-19 rules says he’ll help out if health system is swamped
Here is what the pastor said naive, so unloving toward his congregation and those they come in contact with, and totally misapplying scripture. No one is interfering with freedom of religion. Has he never heard of holding services on zoom? We’ve been on zoom since March. Where there’s a will, there’s a way....

At Sunday’s service, Coates told the congregation that he, too, is concerned that the virus could overwhelm the system. But he said if that happens, he’ll pitch in to help.

“I’ll put myself in the line of fire,” Coates said in his sermon, which was posted on the church’s website. The pastor added that he would urge others to do the same.

“That is a much more humane, honourable, glorious solution for mankind to really come together should we get to that point instead of this false sentimentality where `we’re all in this together now.'”

Hinshaw [Alberta’s chief medical officer of health], when asked to respond to the pastor’s volunteer plan, noted that surging cases put acute pressure on intensive care wards, which are staffed by medical specialists with specialized equipment.

“While I’m sure there are many people who would be well-meaning and interested in helping out, unfortunately (it’s) not the type of care that can be provided by a volunteer,” she said.

In his one-hour sermon, Coates boiled the issue down to jurisdiction. Governments, he said, exist to implement God’s plan — a plan that includes freedom of worship.

If government strays from that core mission, he said, the church has a duty to respond.

“We must call government to its God-ordained duty,” said Coates.

“(Any) attempt to dictate to us the terms of worship is not the government’s jurisdiction, and I refuse to give the government what isn’t theirs,” he said.

“Caesar has no jurisdiction here.”
Alberta pastor fighting COVID-19 rules says he’ll help out if health system is swamped
deleted by poster - JMO about how ridiculous this man is
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My husband watched an old movie recently about the 1947 smallpox outbreak in New York City. The speed with which they vaccinated New Yorkers is an example for today. I was born in NYC at the beginning of 1946. We moved to New Jersey sometime in 1947, so I don’t know if I was in NYC at the time of the outbreak and there’s no one I can ask anymore. In any case, I’m sure it was scary for my parents since my father worked in Manhattan and they were also vaccinating people in NJ.
1947 New York City smallpox outbreak - Wikipedia

On April 4, 1947, New York City Mayor William O'Dwyer and Commissioner of Health Israel Weinstein informed the public about the smallpox outbreak and announced plans to vaccinate everybody in the city.[5] At the time, the New York City Health Department had 250,000 individual doses of vaccine and 400,000 doses in bulk. O'Dwyer called an emergency meeting with the heads of the seven American pharmaceutical companies involved in vaccine production and asked them for a commitment to provide 6 million doses of vaccine.[11]The pharmaceutical companies accomplished the task by putting the vaccine into round-the-clock production. Additional vaccine doses were obtained from the Army and Navy.

Vaccination clinics were set up around the city at hospitals, health department clinics, police and fire stations, and schools. Volunteers drawn from the American Red Cross, the City Health Department, off-duty police and firefighters, and the disbanded, but vast, World War II Air Raid Warden networks located in all of New York's coastal towns, went door-to-door to urge residents to get vaccinated. A radio and print ad campaign called, "Be sure, be safe, get vaccinated!" advertised the vaccination clinic locations and emphasized that vaccination was free. Within days, long lines formed outside the clinics. More than 600,000 New Yorkers were vaccinated in the first week.[5][12] The vaccination clinics began closing April 26, with the last closing May 3, 1947.[2]

Dr Fauci weighed in about this:

On January 3, 2021, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Brooklyn-born Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, described his own experience in the 1947 smallpox outbreak, in specifying the potential speed of the U.S. national COVID-19 vaccination program. Fauci stated, "New York City, in March and April of 1947, vaccinated 6,350,000 people; 5 million of which they did in two weeks. I was a six-year-old boy who was one of those who got vaccinated. So if New York City can do 5 million in two weeks, the United States could do a million a day. We can do it." [22]
I was born in 1947 and my sister just 14 months before me. There was a polio epidemic where I lived at that time and another just five years later.
We lived in the country and escaped it, or thought that we had. When my sister started school and they had a sports day, she could not walk the next day and xrays showed that she had changes to her legs and feet that indicated that she had had polio, albeit a mild case. She still has trouble with her feet.
I was born in 1947 and my sister just 14 months before me. There was a polio epidemic where I lived at that time and another just five years later.
We lived in the country and escaped it, or thought that we had. When my sister started school and they had a sports day, she could not walk the next day and xrays showed that she had changes to her legs and feet that indicated that she had had polio, albeit a mild case. She still has trouble with her feet.

I’m so sorry to hear that @Gibbo214. The fear of polio in those days was real. It was awful.
I’m so sorry to hear that @Gibbo214. The fear of polio in those days was real. It was awful.
Well, luckily my parents were not aware of it. They looked back and could only remember one time that she was sick with a fever that they thought was just a common childhood illness which was so common back then.
Well, luckily my parents were not aware of it. They looked back and could only remember one time that she was sick with a fever that they thought was just a common childhood illness which was so common back then.

I’m so glad they didn’t know until later. So many childhood illnesses aren’t even an issue anymore, thanks to vaccines. Our daughter, born in 1970, didn’t have to be vaccinated for smallpox because it had been all but wiped out by then.
BNO Newsroom[URL='']@BNODesk7h[/URL]
Tomorrow's front page of the New York Times as the U.S. coronavirus death toll nears 500,000. Each dot represents 1 death from COVID-19

BNO Newsroom@BNODesk7h
Tomorrow's front page of the New York Times as the U.S. coronavirus death toll nears 500,000. Each dot represents 1 death from COVID-19


So many lost loved ones. :( :( :(

The U.S. death toll from COVID-19 is on track to pass a number next week that once seemed unthinkable: Half a million people in this country dead from the coronavirus.

..... artists in every medium have already been thinking about how our country will pay tribute to those we lost.

Poets, muralists, and architects all have visions of what a COVID-19 memorial could be.

Tracy K. Smith, a former U.S. poet laureate, has already written one poem honoring transit workers in New York who died of the disease. Smith says she wants to see a COVID-19 memorial that has a broader mission and invites people to bridge a divide.

Memorializing The Deaths Of More Than 500,000 Americans Lost To COVID-19 : Consider This from NPR
CNN Exclusive: WHO panel to recommend 'deeper' study of early Covid-19 clues - CNN
Sun February 21, 2021

“Daszak said Chinese scientists gave the WHO team a list of farms in the southern provinces of Yunnan, Guangxi, and Guangdong which supplied the Huanan seafood market in Wuhan with wildlife.”

*some of you may remember from my early posts that I’ve always suspected Yunnan and Guangdong as possibly holding the key to the original source of the virus. Yunnan is also where SARS originated.

*one thing I’m not seeing referenced in some of these recent articles re: the source investigation is, according to the early SCMP article, the first case of SARS-CoV 2 was supposedly traced back to a patient on Nov. 17, 2019 / source.
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OUCH! I had the door slammed on me :D

Bringing this over as thread closed when I was posting. Hopefully will format correctly...


RSBM The U.S. death toll from COVID-19 is on track to pass a number next week that once seemed unthinkable: Half a million people in this country dead from the coronavirus. ..... artists in every medium have already been thinking about how our country will pay tribute to those we lost. Poets, muralists, and architects all have visions of what a COVID-19 memorial could be.

Tracy K. Smith, a former U.S. poet laureate, has already written one poem honoring transit workers in New York who died of the disease. Smith says she wants to see a COVID-19 memorial that has a broader mission and invites people to bridge a divide.

Memorializing The Deaths Of More Than 500,000 Americans Lost To COVID-19 : Consider This from NPR

The article discusses also the AIDS quilt. Most here I assume remember it well, (demographics for WS :p) and was a growing memorial that travelled and incorporated so many into the making.

You Can Now Explore All 48,000 Panels of the AIDS Memorial Quilt Online | Smart News | Smithsonian Magazine has much information/background on such.

I've followed and seen so many moving memorials, and hoping that there will be an impressive one done when the time comes for such. The 9/11 memorial, the Vietnam wall... etc etc were so so very moving in person.

Artists are able to capture the essence that transcends time to take one to the feeling that captures the essence that is a "whoa" when one sees in person. Kudos to those who have such creativity and understanding for memorials.


We shall await such together.
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With more people being vaccinated, I am beginning to see that "life" is getting back to normal, here in the United States. I received notice that the Kona Triathlon for 2021 is scheduled, and several other races.

I wonder what will happen with the 2020 Summer Olympics that were scheduled in Japan last year?

Are the Tokyo Olympics actually going to happen?
OUCH! I had the door slammed on me :D

Bringing this over as thread closed when I was posting. Hopefully will format correctly...


The article discusses also the AIDS quilt. Most here I assume remember it well, (demographics for WS :p) and was a growing memorial that travelled and incorporated so many into the making.

You Can Now Explore All 48,000 Panels of the AIDS Memorial Quilt Online | Smart News | Smithsonian Magazine has much information/background on such.

I've followed and seen so many moving memorials, and hoping that there will be an impressive one done when the time comes for such. The 9/11 memorial, the Vietnam wall... etc etc were so so very moving in person.

Artists are able to capture the essence that transcends time to take one to the feeling that captures the essence that is a "whoa" when one sees in person. Kudos to those who have such creativity and understanding for memorials.

View attachment 285381

We shall await such together.

Several AIDS Quilts were displayed every year by my employer (a live theatre company) on an annual day of remembering those who had died. I do hope there is some permanent remembrance of those who have died in this pandemic.
With more people being vaccinated, I am beginning to see that "life" is getting back to normal, here in the United States. I received notice that the Kona Triathlon for 2021 is scheduled, and several other races.

I wonder what will happen with the 2020 Summer Olympics that were scheduled in Japan last year?

Are the Tokyo Olympics actually going to happen?

I must say, Japan has kept their death count low. 59 Deaths/Million, ranking 131st Worldwide. A few spots "behind" Australia who is 144th with 35/Million.

As a reminder, America is still in the Top 10.....USA!..USA!..USA!......with 1,537 Deaths/Million.

That said, I think the Olympics can't happen, because there are going to be far too many countries unwilling to send their athletes half way around the world to compete in a few months from now.
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