Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #96

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Masks were always explained as not just helping to protect the wearer, but help protect others. If vaccinated people are getting infected with delta (which they are), then what sense does it make to continue insisting (like CDC does) that they don't need masks?
They can still spread it around, to other vaccinated or un-vaccinated people.

You make far too much sense!! There is the thought the viral load for vaccinated people is pretty low and therefore not as easily transmissible. Nevertheless, since there is still not a lot scientifically known about this issue, it seems to be the best course of action would be the most cautious: masks should still be worn by vaccinated and unvaccinated.
You make far too much sense!! There is the thought the viral load for vaccinated people is pretty low and therefore not as easily transmissible. Nevertheless, since there is still not a lot scientifically known about this issue, it seems to be the best course of action would be the most cautious: masks should still be worn by vaccinated and unvaccinated.
I think viral load was true for the original virus, but not delta. Delta causes 1,000 fold increase in viral load compared to the original virus.
So vaccinated people likely have pretty decent viral loads.
Here in the U.K. we have twice weekly lateral flow tests unless you feel poorly and you can test however often you like
If you get a result on that then you can either attend for PCR or have it posted out within 24 hours and sent to lab for 24 hours turnaround
I was sick Monday 12th and it took until Thur 15th for it to show positive on lateral flow. My son daughter and (ex) hubby all got positive but I have been the most ill even double vaccinated. My two kids and hubby were testing negative within 7 days and have been well but I’m day 12 now and just turned the corner in the last 12-24 hours. I have just tested and I’m now negative albeit still poorly but I can tell I’m on the way back to health as firstly I’ve stopped vomiting which has plagued me throughout and I’m starting to crave food . It’s been 12 days of hell. Imagine how much worse it would have been if I wasn’t vaccinated. Our local hospital is closed to new admissions as people are in the 20-30 age group, dying . So utterly tragic

First of all, I am so glad you feel you have turned the corner.... but this is amazing.... Did your kids and ex also have the astra-zeneca....and you are saying they were positive, but had minor symptoms, and now negative???

(I see now that you have answered my above question!!)

My thinking is a bit foggy on this...but have we felt "in the US we follow what we see in England"??
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Masks were always explained as not just helping to protect the wearer, but help protect others. If vaccinated people are getting infected with delta (which they are), then what sense does it make to continue insisting (like CDC does) that they don't need masks?
They can still spread it around, to other vaccinated or un-vaccinated people.

You make far too much sense!! There is the thought the viral load for vaccinated people is pretty low and therefore not as easily transmissible. Nevertheless, since there is still not a lot scientifically known about this issue, it seems to be the best course of action would be the most cautious: masks should still be worn by vaccinated and unvaccinated.
A California man in his early 30s who derided vaccines on Twitter and Instagram died of COVID-19

A man who joked about not getting vaccinated died of the coronavirus a little more than a month later. Stephen Harmon's death was announced by the Hillsong Church founder Brian Houston on Twitter on Thursday.

Before his death, Harmon made jokes about the virus on Twitter, including references to his decision not to get vaccinated. On June 3, Harmon tweeted: "If you're having email problems, I feel bad for you, son. I got 99 problems but a vax ain't one!" The tweet was a reference to the Jay-Z song "99 Problems."

Three days later, Harmon made another reference to being unvaccinated. "Since everything is a social construct these days & folks out here identifying as different races than they're born as (Rachel Dolezal now Nkechi Amare Diallo) I've decided that I, now, identify as a 6'3 D1 collegiate athlete. And, if you prefer, I'll identify as vaccinated, too," Harmon wrote.

Harmon also made a joke about the widespread trust in Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's leading infectious-disease expert. "When you can't trust the Bible cause it was written by man, but you trust the CDC/Fauci guidelines cause they were written by man. Makes total sense," Harmon tweeted on May 26.

Harmon posted on Instragram on June 30 from the hospital saying he had contracted the virus. He then gave regular updates on his condition. On July 8, he posted another anti-vaccine joke and criticized what he termed undue pressure to encourage people to take the shot. He wrote alongside the post: "i'm not against it, i'm just not in a rush to get it… ironically, as I continue to lay here, in South Corona, in my covid ward isolation room fighting off the virus and pneumonia. And no, i will not be getting vaccinated once i am discharged and released."

In the days that followed, Harmon wrote that his condition had improved, then worsened again. His last tweet was posted Wednesday, when Harmon said he was choosing to be intubated.

A California man in his early 30s who derided vaccines on Twitter and Instagram died of COVID-19

One of the most evil characteristics of this virus is how a person thinks they are getting better- their symptoms seem to subside a bit, and then bam, they are dead.

The statement that the vaccine is our best weapon against this virus is not true,. IT IS THE ONLY WEAPON- and that is what these people who are touting the vaccine need to say. There is no best, or better- there is only one weapon and it is the vaccine. Sure there are treatments but there are many variables with respect to treatment- timing is everything for example with the use of monoclonal antibodies and many treatments do not work for all people.
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The messaging on the part of the CDC during this pandemic has been, and remains, inexcusably confusing and awful. I have always respected the CDC- not any longer. Of all the putrid messaging to come from that organization, the most recent one that vaccinated people could shed their masks, may be the most dangerous and thoughtless. They knew when they made that statement would it would mean in light of the Delta variant just beginning to show itself in the United States.

The messaging doesn’t seem confusing to me in regards to vaccines and masking. The vaccinations are either effective or they aren’t. IMO
I know exactly where I got it from - Sunday 11th July I went with my son and ex husband into our local town to a bar belonging to a friend. We purposely only stayed for the first half of the England v Italy final and left to return home for the second half of the game. Looking back, the bar wasn’t cramped BUT I made the mistake of having two bottles of CORONA ( of all things ) and I purposely chose bottled beer as I felt it was safer however, I didn’t bank on the lime being already placed in the bottle so personally, I think that the chopped up lime had been sat awaiting ‘stupid gullible me ‘ and oh how wonderful hindsight always is later on reflection …… Prior to that event out, I hadn’t left the house in a week and I again haven’t since so it’s definitely where and how I picked it up. And I think that’s why I got it far worse out of the 4 of us. My daughter clearly got it by being in the same house hold. In order of how badly affected by covid was Me 51 double vaccinated, Olly 14 not vaccinated, Mike 65 ex hubby double vaccinated, Alexa 14 not vaccinated. Mike and Alexa just felt a bit yukky. Olly our son struggled for a full week with headaches and fever and flu symptoms whereas I have been ill for 11.5 days of severe sickness, headaches, joint and bone pain, fever, cough, awful taste in my mouth…. I’m now feeling ravenous and want some Heinz tomato soup …. I have been unable to keep any fluid in so it’s been very worrying indeed but the tide has turned and I’m very grateful for that x
Glad you turned the corner, have plenty of rest now xX
Exactly . . . Could not have said it better than David Frum! Half of my family haven't taken the vaccine, just no words. Thanks for posting this.

I'm sorry that so many in your family haven't been vaccinated. It's a stressful thing to try to remain loving and tolerant of family members who refuse for reasons other than medical necessity.

My housekeeper hasn't been vaccinated and that saddens me. We've been friends for many years. She wears her mask so that's a start. She says that she doesn't like needles. Yeah, well, she's not six years old anymore.
The messaging doesn’t seem confusing to me in regards to vaccines and masking. The vaccinations are either effective or they aren’t. IMO

The vaccines are effective, but very few vaccine are 100%- which means, like with a flu vaccine, you can still contract the virus, but most of the time it will not be nearly as serious as if a person is not vaccinated. I think what is happening in states with low vaccinations, proves that point. For example, in Missouri the hospitals are filled up with mostly non-vaccinated patients who are very ill (and mostly younger). The confusion d0oes not reside with the message on whether to get a vaccine. The confusion revolves round wearing masks as I mentioned in my post above.
Vaccinated America Has Had Enough — The Atlantic
Ha! MimosaMornings, it's 5:00 somewhere.
“In the United States, this pandemic could’ve been over by now, and certainly would’ve been by Labor Day. If the pace of vaccination through the summer had been anything like the pace in April and May, the country would be nearing herd immunity. With most adults immunized, new and more infectious coronavirus variants would have nowhere to spread. Life could return nearly to normal.”

I fixed a mimosa after reading this. :(
The messaging doesn’t seem confusing to me in regards to vaccines and masking. The vaccinations are either effective or they aren’t. IMO
There is a big difference between the original virus and the delta. Delta causes 1,000 fold increase in viral load.
Vaccines were designed against original virus. They were remarkably successful against original virus. Both Pfizer and Moderna were 94-95% successful.
They were also preventing infections from the original virus. Cases started to drop.
So here comes delta virus. It is much more infectious. 1,000-fold increase in viral load.
It would appear vaccines are less successful in preventing delta virus infection (not sure how much less, we are getting different numbers from different countries).
So people are getting break through infections.
But vaccines are still working very well in preventing those infectious to be serious cases requiring hospitalizations, or deaths.
Clearly you want to be vaccinated right now. But cases are going up, because deltal is infected un-vaccinated and also some vaccinated.
I'm sorry that so many in your family haven't been vaccinated. It's a stressful thing to try to remain loving and tolerant of family members who refuse for reasons other than medical necessity.

My housekeeper hasn't been vaccinated and that saddens me. We've been friends for many years. She wears her mask so that's a start. She says that she doesn't like needles. Yeah, well, she's not six years old anymore.
People who don't like needles really won't like being in the hospital with covid. They will see a lot more than just needles.
The vaccines are effective, but very few vaccine are 100%- which means, like with a flu vaccine, you can still contract the virus, but most of the time it will not be nearly as serious as if a person is not vaccinated. I think what is happening in states with low vaccinations, proves that point. For example, in Missouri the hospitals are filled up with mostly non-vaccinated patients who are very ill (and mostly younger). The confusion d0oes not reside with the message on whether to get a vaccine. The confusion revolves round wearing masks as I mentioned in my post above.

You said “Of all the putrid messaging to come from that organization, the most recent one that vaccinated people could shed their masks, may be the most dangerous and thoughtless.”

I agree with the CDC’s message that vaccinated people can shed their masks. I know that message has been instrumental in getting more people vaccinated, in my opinion and experience. That’s a good thing. Vaccinations work for the most part and though they may not always prevent you from contracting covid, you will likely survive.

As for giving the virus to unvaccinated, non-mask wearing people - I think by now anyone that wants the vaccine can have the vaccine.
You said “Of all the putrid messaging to come from that organization, the most recent one that vaccinated people could shed their masks, may be the most dangerous and thoughtless.”

I agree with the CDC’s message that vaccinated people can shed their masks. I know that message has been instrumental in getting more people vaccinated, in my opinion and experience. That’s a good thing. Vaccinations work for the most part and though they may not always prevent you from contracting covid, you will likely survive.

As for giving the virus to unvaccinated, non-mask wearing people - I think by now anyone that wants the vaccine can have the vaccine.
Oh you could shed your mask. But because of delta, you could still get infected with covid (even if likely won't kill you, it still might be very unpleasant). Many people who shed their masks are under the impression they won't get infected because they are vaccinated.
It's not necessarily accurate because of delta.
People who don't like needles really won't like being in the hospital with covid. They will see a lot more than just needles.

I have to tell you no one was more afraid of getting the vaccine then me. I was very afraid of having an allergic reaction because I have so many allergies. My husband was not afraid at all and he got vaccinated long before me. However, my fear of this evil nasty vile virus was greater than my fear of the vaccine. Prior to getting vaccinated I lived in fear every day of getting the virus. I am so grateful they have a vaccine which was developed in record time ( understanding that mRNA was actuallly developed at least a decade ago and needed to be tweaked). It seems those people who resist the vaccine so strongly do not realize what a miracle it is that we actually have a vaccine at all!!! Without the development of the vaccine, this country would be in a world of much more death and illness.
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