Could Lee Anthony face charges for obstruction of justice?

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What he tried to get rid of. If the stop error is there his attempts at deletion were probably futile as it appears like destroyed a system critical file and locked him out of Windows. Those files were still there-all of them. All you do when you delete a file is mark that space available for new information. The file is still there though and can easily be retrieved. I've pulled photos off drives that have been deleted for several years. I've even retrieved deleted music files from my mp3 player even after the recycle bin is empty. It is pretty easy. In the hacker community, for several years it was fun to get old drives from the Salvation Army and see what was on them.

I was not talking about JUST the computer, I know that can be retrieved. I was talking about what was with the rest of her stuff. Maybe like a journal.. or who knows what else.
Just checked Lee's interview and he did tell LE on page 1445 that he got home from TL's at 2:25AM, yet KC's phone pinged at 11:55PM in the A's neighborhood. He LIED!!

He says he went to TL's at midnight and was sure of the time because he looked at the clock:

I took notes of the pings from KC's phone and it pinged very little after the 27th in the A's area. It hadn't pinged at all in that aread between the 9th-till 11:55PM on the 15th.

LA didn't have KC's cell phone. LE had picked up the phone from AL's earlier that evening.
Oh Lord, I'm just reading the article and getting ready to watch the videos.

the attorney representing Casey's brother, tells that Lee Anthony may also face charges.

"Not because he has done anything wrong," said Thomas Luka.

Not because he has done anything wrong? Then what, because it's a slow time of year and they're bored? :rolleyes:


Yeah, it's just something LE likes to do this time of year to amuse themselves.
I could swear that somewhere Anthony said *something* about the blue screen. That he'd seen it when LA was there. You could look in the audio files on that same website and see if there's another interview but I think there were just the two.

Now you've got me curious. I'll poke around and see if I can find anything :)

I saw it somewhere too. If Casey was on the computer while AL was paying games, wouldn't you think that she would say something like Hey guys, what's this blue screen on my computer. With a blue screen, you can't do anything but stare at the blue screen! So when did AL see the blue screen? Was the computer working fine prior to LA showing up? then LA shows up and does a system delete and voila, blue screen?

Strange that LA and Casey were talking in the bedroom, out of CA's presence, after the 911 call and before going over to AL's. Did CA tell LA to go to AL's, get her stuff, crash her computer, etc., etc. and there you have tampering with evidence.

I can't get over that high five moment. LA helped her in some way.
Honest mistake. The attorney mentions KC first and then corrects himself and mentions LA. Maybe he was still thinking about Caylee being someones daughter.
Probably, but with some of the rumors circulating, he better be careful not to make that mistake ever again.
It's just ridiculous that the Anthonys thought it was a good idea to blow-off the police and take matters into their own hands. Sure, investigate yourself, but instead of the police and the FBI? Seriously, who do they think they are?
p. 55 Lee's interview, he talks about turning the computer on and getting this prompt, all about safe mode, deleting files and making a LOT of assumptions for just walking into AL's apt:

seems like he's doing a little computer forensics himself. That whole conversation seems suspicious as he says it happened to his computer also? BS
It's just ridiculous that the Ants thought it was a good idea to blow-off the police and take matters into their own hands. Sure, investigate yourself, but instead of the police and the FBI? Seriously, who do they think they are?

Sociopaths believe themselves smarter and above LE. Classic sociopaths. Sure, LE couldn't do as good of a job as the Anthony's, in the A's heads.
p. 55 Lee's interview, he talks about turning the computer on and getting this prompt, all about safe mode, deleting files and making a LOT of assumptions for just walking into AL's apt:

seems like he's doing a little computer forensics himself. That whole conversation seems suspicious as he says it happened to his computer also? BS

Isn't he a computer geek?
Having watched both videos and having read the article, I have to say that I would agree with other posters. Something is coming down. (MOO)

Listen to both videos and see if you do not think that the attorney, TL, is spinning in advance of two different types of potential charges against LA.

1. Obstruction of Justice or Aiding and Abetting.

2. Misappropriation of donated funds from the public.

ITA. What I saw was one nervous attorney stumbling over his own words.
I wanted to point something out about the blue screen/computer situation. On July 15, Cindy left messages for Casey about finding the car at the tow yard. These are in the cell records. Tony said Casey was on the laptop while he and the roommate played video games. I checked, and the times work with messages, pings, interviews of people Casey was picking up at airport, etc., that Casey was on the laptop after she got Cindy's messages.

If Casey thought Cindy was going to get her laptop back, it could very well be that it was Casey who was deleting stuff from the laptop (we also know from LE that Casey deleted), and that it was Casey who did something to the laptop to cause the blue screen error.

Just to note, the reason I was researching this was to look for signs of 'panic' on Casey's part when she got the messages from Cindy about the towed car being found. I was actually looking to see mostly if Casey did anything that looked like she was going to Caylee's body, maybe to move it. But I was looking for 'panic' in general. Casey on the laptop was the only sign of possible panic I saw, if she was in fact deleting things. (Casey's a non-panic girl - smooth operator - typical sociopath.)

I'm not trying to stand up for Lee. He's an odd duck, and definitely did a lot that I question.

What are some of the things you question? I agree, he is an "odd duck" but so far, the only thing I can see that he is guilty of is falling for Casey's lies. I think originally he believed her story and may have even began to investigate it for her in attempt to help her...he was also her big brother "protector." But then, I believe, he came to his own realization that his sister killed his niece. So then, he mostly went underground and only surfaced to fend the media off his folks when the body was found.
Maybe that's why they are thinking of returning the donations, because the A's don't want to end up like their buddies the Milsteads!

It's a little late for that, don't ya think?
The dye has already been cast.
Leila this is also said in the article that:
The Anthony Family has said those donations have paid for everything from flyers and t-shirts with Caylee's picture to helping Lee in his own investigation.

So why did they sell the shirts if they were being given donations to buy the t-shirts etc. Too many ?'s unanswered & unknown!

The t shirts were bought wholesale and resold at a much higher price. They did not give away anything, there was a price for the T's, buttons, etc, it was a business, and a profitable one.
The donations have kept them all afloat, plus lots left over for new clothes, good food, God knows what else.
When this case began in July these people were flat broke, in debt up to their eyeballs, per Cindy's testimony at the initial bond hearing.
Now, nobody works and they are living the Bella Vida.
The t shirts were bought wholesale and resold at a much higher price. They did not give away anything, there was a price for the T's, buttons, etc, it was a business, and a profitable one.
The donations have kept them all afloat, plus lots left over for new clothes, good food, God knows what else.
When this case began in July these people were flat broke, in debt up to their eyeballs, per Cindy's testimony at the initial bond hearing.
Now, nobody works and they are living the Bella Vida.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
This issue was discussed and investigated at length in a thread called Anthony's Donations with several parts. I do believe that the hard work of all sleuthers on that thread will see the fruits of their labor in regards to LA and the solicitation of donations.

As far as the tampering of evidence, does anyone remember what TonE said about the blue screen being present/not present prior to LA coming to get her stuff? IIRC, Casey had been on her computer when her Mom and AH showed up, per TonE's statement to LE.

The people that worked on that Donations thread spent hundreds of hours, I hope all of that work will soon come into play and show everyone the truth.
It's not pretty.
The topic of this thread is about OJ charges. Please stay on topic.
MOst of you know that we have asked that the donation topic be sidelined for now.
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