Could you sit on this jury?

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I could not sit on this jury for a number of reasons. First would be the fact that I have already formed an opinion as to ICA's guilt.

Next would be the financial burden. I would only be paid for 3 weeks of jury duty and then I would have to burn whats left of my vacation time. Which I only have 1 week left of. So then I would have to burn through my savings which isn't much after doing some home improvements last month. It takes both my wife's and my income to pay all our bills with a little left over for savings. With out my income we would be behind on our house payments which would take us time to recover from. So if it was 1 month on jury duty I could do it, but 2 months or longer would cause a financial strain.

Lastly do to the nature of my employment I know the DT or possibly the Pros would use one of it's strikes against me. I've been called before and was excused pretty quickly after sitting down.

However I have no problem with the DP so I could be DP qualified.
Even though I could handle it financially and my family is older and can take care of themselves, I don't think I could give anyone the dp. Life in prison yes, but not the dp.

I agree. Even though I understand and respect the arguments for it, I just couldn't vote for the dp. If that were off the table in this case, I'd still have trouble serving on the jury because of the financial strain it would cause.
I could physically, but not mentally. As a diabetic, my sugars soar when I'm under stress. Just seeing ICA would probably put me in a coma, let alone seeing autopsy photos. I have a hard enough time watching it from home.

it kinda irks me when someone says "just bring your insulin". Not you guys, but comments on My Fox Orlando. They obviously know very little about this disease. I also don't know what I'd do without my nap each day :)


I could do it. I'm a SAHM and I homeschool all 4 of my children. The oldest two can do tbeir own schoolwork and the younger two can do a bit on their own and their dad could work with them in the evening.
I couldn't for many reason. I'm a stay at home mom and made scarifices to be able to do so. I feel it's too important a job to be gone from for 2 months. I have a great family that would be happy to help out, but a child needs their mom.

I too believe way beyond a shadow of a doubt she's guilty and NOTHING will ever change my mind. I would have zero problem sentancing her to death right now, I'd even pull the levers.
I would not encounter any financial or family hardship, so in that sense I could serve. However, my husband has been in some form of LE for 40 years, our son is LE and many of our friends are either LE or involved in the legal profession. the defense would not want me for those reasons alone. I also think she is guilty!

If it was a case I knew nothing about, I don't know if I could vote not guilty because the state did not meet their burden of proof IF I thought the defendant was guilty. Does that makes sense?
In all honesty I could not. I have seen all of the evidence and there is absolutely nothing at this point the DT can say to change it. She can be the most abused person and there is still no reasonable explanation for killing her child, no reasonable explanation to say it was an accident. Nope. No way, no how!
YES YES YES I could sit on this jury. I would have no problem at all with the DP either. I wouldn't be picked to serve because I already knew that she was guilty when I first heard of this case. Precious Caylee was interfering in the party life of Casey. The bottom line is that Casey wanted to party and act like a *advertiser censored*. Too bad poor little Caylee was born to such a self centered little witch. Casey should be glad I'm not going to be on this jury.
I could sit financially since my company will pay, however, I think the DT would disqualify me once I told them I have read every document and have seen all the info. That being said, I could be impartial based on the evidence presented at trial.
I could do this too. It would take alot of family reorganization because my 89 year old mother lives with us, but it could be done. They wouldn't want me though because I flat think she's mentally ill.
The defendant is guilty as sin IMO so no I could not be a fair and balanced juror.
I could do this too. It would take alot of family reorganization because my 89 year old mother lives with us, but it could be done. They wouldn't want me though because I flat think she's mentally ill.

I also believe she's mentally ill, but not legally criminally insane. HUGE difference and no excuse for what she did IMO.
I served on a murder trial during the 80's. We weren't sequestered and the trial lasted 2.5 weeks. I was so glad to have been called because even back then I liked "true crime". WELL. It was after about 3 days or so that I realized that I was not as happy as when I was chosen. It was extremely gruesome and I couldn't talk to anyone about it. At the end of the trial I felt I might explode from wanting desperately to discuss it. I was also very upset with one other juror who I felt was not paying attention (she sometimes fell asleep during the scientific explanations). We found him guilty, and I am glad I served, but I will always remember "learning my lesson" about the difference between movie trials and real trials. Real trials are very very hard. I can not imagine what you would live with forever if you had to sit through this trial day in and day out for months. I think one would definitely be "marked" by it.

I could sit on this jury because I am retired. I wouldn't however, because I think she is guilty.
I could, the only "hardship" for me would be, after 37 years of sleeping together every night with my hubby the many nights of not sleeping together would be hard, and not being able to sew every day would bother me. Other then those two reasons I would be able to, except I feel she's guilty so I'm sure I would not be picked.

ETA: as far as being able to impose the DP, no I would pick for her to have ductape placed all around her mouth and for her to be thrown in the trunk of her car for 31 days, alive!!!
I couldn't, physically. I have severe back, hip, and joint problems. Could never sit upright, without getting up, moving around, have the ability to lay down on my memory foam bed if necessary, etc. After one day in the court room, I'd be in traction. That doesn't even take into account the fact that I think Casey is guilty beyond any doubt.
I couldn't, physically. I have severe back, hip, and joint problems. Could never sit upright, without getting up, moving around, have the ability to lay down on my memory foam bed if necessary, etc. After one day in the court room, I'd be in traction. That doesn't even take into account the fact that I think Casey is guilty beyond any doubt.

Oh my gosh, you sound like me!!! I have spinal stenosis - can't sit or stand, or especially lay down for any period of time...sleeping is the worst part of my day, so very little sleep. The only comfy position is standing up, leaning forward over a counter.

Technically, I could be gone for a couple of months - hubby makes the money and I am a stay-at-home mom to a 13-year-old. She can take care of herself just fine till dad gets home. I was called for duty twice when she was two and four. At the time, child-care was our main issue. We never used child-care. We made sure she wad alway cared for by mom or dad. I explained this in emails and they excused me from even coming in for these initial exercises we are watching now.

That being said, I am convinced of KC's guilt, at the very least on the manslaughter charge. So, no, I could never be on this jury.
I couldnt. Daggers galore at the defense and ICA would totally get me thrown in jail... Nope not me. Lol.

It would not cause any finacial hardship for me I would actually be making more money being there getting paid 30.00 a day. I am a sahm and wife. My oldest is 25 and the youngest is 18.

The things that would be a problem for me are that my daughter is graduating HS on May 17 the target date for opening statements. And my son is getting married on July 2.

I have participated in the search for Caylee and have been contacted by the DT's PI.
And have formed an opinion of ICA's guilt, which is I feel she is guilty.

I would get knocked out after the hardship part.
I could if I wasn't so already biaed against MOTY . I wouldn't be able to get past the fact that I feel she is guilty as charged.
I could not because I am home during the day with my children plus I work evenings and my pay is what pays the taxes on our home. It is a small company and they wouldn't pay for jury duty. I also couldn't because of reading so much about this case and seeing so many of the document dumps, causing me to reach a conclusion of Casey's guilt.

I have received notices 3 times over the last 10 years or so for jury duty and on the notice you fill out a form to mail back which has a section asking if serving would cause you any hardships and to explain and I have never heard anything back after filling it out that it would cause hardships financially and to my children (although I would really love to serve). It seems to me that if they did that in Florida they could make this process much shorter.

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