Countdown to Trial

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Sue in Phoenix
Dec 20, 2008
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68 Days!!!! It is so close now, anyone think there will be a plea
agreement and the trial will be nixed?

Part of me thinks there will be a plea agreement as the defense does not have much of a defense.:waitasec:

I certainly hope not after almost 3 years of following this case. I took May 16th off to listen/watch the opening statements.

My mom who is in her 70's and lives in Florida doesn't own a VCR or DVR and wants me to record the trial on disc to send it to her. I'm trying to figure out how the heck I'm going to do that! How many disc it will take, what do I need to buy for my PC to record, what is the best link on the internet that I won't have to refresh. So many questions that I don't know the answer to.
Lera - Suggestion from another 70 year old... By her an iPad and she too can be an iPrincess and watch it with us!

News reports have said the trial will last 6 - 8 weeks. Although the state will not call everyone on their witness list, the state's witness list is lengthy and I suspect the trial will be closer to 8 weeks.
68 Days!!!! It is so close now, anyone think there will be a plea
agreement and the trial will be nixed?

Part of me thinks there will be a plea agreement as the defense does not have much of a defense.:waitasec:

I certainly hope not after almost 3 years of following this case. I took May 16th off to listen/watch the opening statements.


Yes, getting real close...I'd like to see ICA come to terms with her actions.

I get the feeling she would want a chance for parole and the State won't offer that. They might be okay with LWOP but if she goes to trial, she's got that chance the jurors will recommend death, so, it's basically save her own hide at this point. His Honor has no problems giving a sentence of death, so she'd be playing russian roulette if she takes this all the way...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
My mother is 87 years old and fully intends to watch the trial! She is in an assisted living apt./facility and intends to watch it with her friends.

She is a Registered Nurse of the old school - starched and ironed variety, LOL! A child being abused or murdered makes her livid. She had plenty to say about the pizza smell and cannot believe anyone could mistake that smell for pizza.

I hope the trial begins on time. I predict Cindy and George get held in contempt of court before the trial is over. Casey might be also because she simply cannot bear for anyone to talk about her or what she did to Caylee.

19 days until ICA`s birthday and for her special day she`ll get no calls, visitors, special meal, cake or presents. Her surFryse party is scheduled 3 days later and is expected to last 2 days. :woohoo:
Does ICA know her party planners forgot to mail out their invites until months after the deadline and that the bouncer has been instructed to not let her guests in??? She will later this week wah, wah, wah.

I hearby call on all my fellow WSr`s to partake in dining on chili, without ICA on March 19. I`m toying with the idea of sending her a collage of yummy food, chili included, that she`ll never get to smell, taste, cook or request for her birthday ever again. She can hang it on her cell wall. I have just that much compassion for her. :floorlaugh:

Don't think she'll end up pleaing, but maybe it depends on the day-MichelleM and Kio (IIRC) both said that when KC was feeling like she needed to be committed, that the next day she would act like nothing happened, that she never said that and she was fine. KC may have moments of weakness, but at the end of the day, she will not own it.
68 Days!!!! It is so close now, anyone think there will be a plea
agreement and the trial will be nixed?

Part of me thinks there will be a plea agreement as the defense does not have much of a defense.:waitasec:

I certainly hope not after almost 3 years of following this case. I took May 16th off to listen/watch the opening statements.


I don't think for a minute the state will offer her a plea. I will be in shock if that goes down. It takes two to tango.
I will be so glad when this trial is over and the accused will by in prison forever. It will free up my days like nothing before. I have spent hundreds of hours that I will never get back, reading about this case. I know I am obsessed, and it has lasted way too long. Two years ago I was on vacation with my best girlfriends, in Las Vegas, and spent most of the time on their computer in the guest room. I am ashamed of that, and of the time I spend now. Think of the things I will accomplish..........!
I'm excited too! Justice has crawled along at a snails pace and Caylee has waited long enough to be heard.
I'm not excited about how angry I anticipate being, trying to decipher what CM is saying or watching ICA snub the proceedings with a makeover. I could live happily without ever setting eyes on GA or CA again but I do look forward to meeting the jury and watching them process all the horrible details we've assimilated over a span of years, in a matter of weeks. My heart goes out to them. I'm looking forward to the states presentation and expect it to be brilliant. The OCD ritual of ICA poking her self in the eye with a tissue and then observing the tissue with great concentration will get really old really fast,but it will be great to watch her hear the guilty verdict and learn once and for all that the ends didn't justify the means. Justice will be very sweet!!!!
It's been a long time coming, that's for sure.

We still aren't into the home stretch, though I fear that until the day actually is here, I'll hold back some.
As we have seen, anything can happen.

Caylee's time will come though.
She cannot be ignored forever.

When this little one finally has "her say", she will ROAR with victory.
Justice delayed isn't justice denied. Baez waived the speedy trial and it has been going at a snails pace, until the last week. This miranda nonsense is getting to me but I have faith in LDB...she stated ICA was in custodial interference and therefore not entitled to miranda. I can see this team using that as an appeal but that will be after her conviction. CJPerry, has not had one case overturned on appeal, so I feel Caylee's justice is in great hands.

I don't look forward to the mumbles from CMason that at times are undeciperable but I look forward to more scribbling, more angry faces, the running out of the courtroom when it gets too hard to hear.

If she were smart, she'd cop a plea and save the gory details of Caylee's last moments alive but she might be wanting this to hurt her parents even more. I also see that ICA is showing her family, I don't need you, I'll get myself out of this since it was YOU guys who got me into this...I can still feel her blaming her parents for all her nonsense...time to wake up and smell those roses, are doomed...31 days, 31 days, 31 days and the jury will have their say...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
Actually, Jury selection is exactly two months away from today!!!! Two more months!!! This trial is so close I can taste it!
i know this may be sad but me too, im chomping at the bit for caylee to see justice..and if ( god forbid ) kc walks, you all will probably hear a roar of outrage, all the way out here from OK! my youngest daughter is just only few months older than caylee, and now she is in kindergarten, learning her to write her name, learning sightwords, learning to read..things that caylee should be doing now!
I wasn't sure where to ask this.. I haven't followed this case very close, but has it ever been said who Caylee's father is???
I believe Caylee's father's is codenamed "Eric", but I don't think anyone here has cracked the code.
I was just thinking about how we have gone from 'Rule and Roll' with JS to 'Rock and Rule' with HHJBP, and how much I love them both.
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