Countdown to Trial

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i know this may be sad but me too, im chomping at the bit for caylee to see justice..and if ( god forbid ) kc walks, you all will probably hear a roar of outrage, all the way out here from OK! my youngest daughter is just only few months older than caylee, and now she is in kindergarten, learning her to write her name, learning sightwords, learning to read..things that caylee should be doing now!

Most excellent. Like others have said, the wheels are turning slowly, but I believe will arrive at their final destination in due course. Not sure if I'm going to watch the trial, but will look at the highlights. The 3 day trial wore me out - sitting on my rear all day! Thank goodness it will be summer, my DS will be home, and hopefully we'll be out relaxing by the pool on most days (as Caylee should be doing).

Ok I am not 'excited' but I am. I have been waiting for that [unusual person] to face a jury for so long. I used to cry when I saw videos or pictures of Caylee but now I know that she is an Angel and all I want for her is Justice. I CANNOT wait to see KC sitting there facing everything that is going to be said about her and this time she can't run back to her 'room'. She has no IDEA what is coming to her. We have all been waiting so long for this.

I am excited because I know Caylee will finally get justice. We cancelled our yearly Nascar event in Charlotte so we wouldn't miss one single thing. :)
Most excellent. Like others have said, the wheels are turning slowly, but I believe will arrive at their final destination in due course. Not sure if I'm going to watch the trial, but will look at the highlights. The 3 day trial wore me out - sitting on my rear all day! Thank goodness it will be summer, my DS will be home, and hopefully we'll be out relaxing by the pool on most days (as Caylee should be doing).


I need to figure out how to get a lap top so I can be outside and watch!!! Maybe my brother has an extra. <<<crosses fingers>>>
Justice delayed isn't justice denied. Baez waived the speedy trial and it has been going at a snails pace, until the last week. This miranda nonsense is getting to me but I have faith in LDB...she stated ICA was in custodial interference and therefore not entitled to miranda. I can see this team using that as an appeal but that will be after her conviction. CJPerry, has not had one case overturned on appeal, so I feel Caylee's justice is in great hands.

I don't look forward to the mumbles from CMason that at times are undeciperable but I look forward to more scribbling, more angry faces, the running out of the courtroom when it gets too hard to hear.

If she were smart, she'd cop a plea and save the gory details of Caylee's last moments alive but she might be wanting this to hurt her parents even more. I also see that ICA is showing her family, I don't need you, I'll get myself out of this since it was YOU guys who got me into this...I can still feel her blaming her parents for all her nonsense...time to wake up and smell those roses, are doomed...31 days, 31 days, 31 days and the jury will have their say...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

At this point, I don't see a plea deal being offered by the State, or sought by the defense. Too much water under the bridge, IMO.
Justice delayed isn't justice denied. Baez waived the speedy trial and it has been going at a snails pace, until the last week. This miranda nonsense is getting to me but I have faith in LDB...she stated ICA was in custodial interference and therefore not entitled to miranda. I can see this team using that as an appeal but that will be after her conviction. CJPerry, has not had one case overturned on appeal, so I feel Caylee's justice is in great hands.

I don't look forward to the mumbles from CMason that at times are undeciperable but I look forward to more scribbling, more angry faces, the running out of the courtroom when it gets too hard to hear.

If she were smart, she'd cop a plea and save the gory details of Caylee's last moments alive but she might be wanting this to hurt her parents even more. I also see that ICA is showing her family, I don't need you, I'll get myself out of this since it was YOU guys who got me into this...I can still feel her blaming her parents for all her nonsense...time to wake up and smell those roses, are doomed...31 days, 31 days, 31 days and the jury will have their say...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

Quoted myself to change the bold part...

Non custodial interrogation is what that bold should read...excuse me...:banghead:
At this point, I don't see a plea deal being offered by the State, or sought by the defense. Too much water under the bridge, IMO.

Not the state give her a plea, that ship sailed long ago...she needs to change her plea to guilty and try to get one of the lesser included charges and not try for the DP conviction.

Casey Anthony faces a total of seven counts:

First Degree Murder
Aggravated manslaughter of a child
Aggravated child abuse
Four counts of providing false information to a law enforcement officer

Anthony could receive a death sentence if she is convicted on the murder charge.


Justice for Caylee
Lets just hope that an appeal on HHJP's ruling next week (if denied) won't bungle up the trial starting on time.. CM has already laid the groundwork out for that happening. I am sooo ready for this trial to start and to see justice for Caylee, served up on a silver platter! Can't wait to see ICA escorted out of the courtroom, cuffed and off to her final destination. And the A's screaming 'she's innocent!!' from the gallery.... :great:

ok...i'm back.. sorry.. :innocent:
Not the state give her a plea, that ship sailed long ago...she needs to change her plea to guilty and try to get one of the lesser included charges and not try for the DP conviction.

Casey Anthony faces a total of seven counts:

First Degree Murder
Aggravated manslaughter of a child
Aggravated child abuse
Four counts of providing false information to a law enforcement officer

Anthony could receive a death sentence if she is convicted on the murder charge.


Justice for Caylee

Going by her behavior in court....she will NEVER plead guilty to killing her own child.

MOO and stuff.
Not really wanting a general discussion thread as we have so many thread topics already, and general discussions have a way of turning into general rants...that turn into moderating work...but have merged the *countdown* threads for now.

Will monitor to see how this goes. Thanks.
I will be so glad when this trial is over and the accused will by in prison forever. It will free up my days like nothing before.

So sad to say but there will always be another horrible story that will grips us as this one has.
Lets just hope that an appeal on HHJP's ruling next week (if denied) won't bungle up the trial starting on time.. CM has already laid the groundwork out for that happening. I am sooo ready for this trial to start and to see justice for Caylee, served up on a silver platter! Can't wait to see ICA escorted out of the courtroom, cuffed and off to her final destination. And the A's screaming 'she's innocent!!' from the gallery.... :great:

ok...i'm back.. sorry.. :innocent:

According to AZlawyer, CM can not appeal the decision before trial and CM never said he was going to appeal the decision. He basically said he would use another tactic if the whole "Miranda" and "Agents of the State" didn't work to get her statements tossed out.

Two months! According to Karn's ticker, we don't have to wait until Friday until the official two month mark... it is TODAY!

I'll never forget the day when I read the headline "Mother Doesn't Report Toddler Missing For 31 Days" with a picture of beautiful Caylee Marie Anthony next to it. I remember reading the article and I already knew. This mother, Casey Marie Anthony, murdered her baby. I didn't need the 911 calls, the information about the car smelling like death, the cadaver dogs alerts, the lies, the manipulation, the phone calls, the jail visits... All I needed to know was... 31 days!

Since that day, I have been transfixed by everything that has happened. Literally unable to move while reading through thousands and thousands of documents that have been released and countless media interviews by the Anthony family, Casey's defense, and all the other jokers that have inserted themselves into the case of this murdered child for their own selfish reasons.

I have sat by and watched as a group of young people have acted, nothing short of amazing, when their names have been drug through the mud. How they have sat by and waited patiently for their time to come. To not only help in fighting for Justice for Caylee, but to clear their own names from the vicious lies this family has told of them. My prayers are with them and their families leading up to this trial and during this trial. I wish them nothing but happiness and peace after this trial is over.

On December 11th, 2008 I remember getting the call at work. My mom called me and told me that they believed that they had found Caylee, of course, deceased. I know it may sound crazy, but I was so happy and so sad at the same time, but more relieved. Finally!! Finally they found her. I already knew little Caylee was deceased. The most important thing in the world to me, was that she would be found and given a proper burial. I remember the months leading up to her being found, I thought she would never be found. I thought Casey made sure of that... and a lot of things went through my head... a lot of horrible things. My worst fears came true once more and more information came out about how Caylee was tossed out into those woods like garbage. That she had duct tape wrapped around her little face and that animals had gotten to her. I cried and cried and cried!! Prayers to Roy Kronk and his family (the ones who didn't try to destroy him) leading up to this trial and I again wish nothing but happiness and peace for Mr. Kronk when this trial is over. Thank you for being the eyes Caylee needed. Thank you for never giving up and thank you for being the hero that Caylee needed.

It's been over two years since Caylee was finally found. It's been almost three years since Caylee was murdered. One thing I have learned throughout these years is that sometimes Lady Justice needs to take her time... that there are just so many things for her to sort out that the time to get it right is necessary. I remember getting so mad every time this trial would be delayed... because I now realize I was being selfish. I wanted Justice for Caylee. I wanted Casey to fry. I wanted the Anthony family to just go away... not even realizing how hard it is to actually put the wheels in motion for Lady Justice to do what she does best. I now realize, watching LDB and JA these past few months, that they are confident, they are organized and they are READY! I realize that I am much more confident in them (I was before but there is just a new energy to them... it gives me goosebumps).

I look forward to the day that I don't have to listen to the Anthony's talk. I only watch them now because I keep track of their lies. Once this trial is over and Caylee's justice is serves... I will have no use for them. I hope that one day they realize just how much they have denied this innocent baby. Since the day that they decided to cover up for Casey's actions in murdering Caylee, they are denying her. By now claiming that Caylee is alive... they are denying her. In Caylee's obituary, they talk about Caylee's angel wings... do they realize that by denying that she is even deceased, they have ripped those wings off of her? I really hope, that one day, they realize exactly what they have done and ask for forgiveness because Caylee will forgive them... she loved them so much. It is evident. I just wished they could love her the same way she loved them... they always talk about unconditional love and they don't even know the meaning of the word. If they really loved Casey unconditionally, they would accept who she is (a monster) and what she did (murdered Caylee) and STILL love her... but they can't and they won't. I just want them to go away!

I do look forward to watching this trial and witnesses Justice for Caylee with everyone here at Webslueths. Two months!!!

Caylee... Caylee... Caylee... your time is coming. Your voice will be heard. There are so many people standing behind you... standing beside you... and standing with you... just look around you! We are all here! R.I.P. little angel!!
I really feel sorry for the jurors. They are going to see things that will haunt them for the rest of their lives (IMO). Someone correct me if I'm wrong but since they will be sequestered they won't be able to turn to loved ones for support. Some may need counseling afterward and I'm sure they'll have many sleepless nights when the testimony turns very graphic. Hopefully the jurors bond instantly so they can help each other through this trial.

I hope the jury contains nice, honest, decent people simply doing their civic duty and not looking to profit off this case. Add a little common sense and Caylee will get the justice she deserves and the public the safety it needs.

I am wondering if the trial will start on May 16th. Not because of any delays, however. I think Judge Perry was a little too optimistic in only allowing one week for jury selection. I think it is going to take closer to two weeks to get a jury seated.
With 2 more months to go until Jury selection is scheduled to start..Could someone kindly refresh me as to just what all is left to decide?? This is what I recal~~
1) Ruling on Defense Motion to supress due to Miranda Issues
2) Rulings on Defense Motion on family members being "Agents of the State"
3) Frey Hearings ..I have to assume the Chloroform Motion is part of that..

What else is there to be done??? TYIA

Sorry to be so confused today..:banghead:
I am wondering if the trial will start on May 16th. Not because of any delays, however. I think Judge Perry was a little too optimistic in only allowing one week for jury selection. I think it is going to take closer to two weeks to get a jury seated.

He is allowing one week for jury selection. The actual trial is slated to begin on May 16th.

ETA: I think a week is plenty of time... I could be wrong though.
With 2 more months to go until Jury selection is scheduled to start..Could someone kindly refresh me as to just what all is left to decide?? This is what I recal~~
1) Ruling on Defense Motion to supress due to Miranda Issues
2) Rulings on Defense Motion on family members being "Agents of the State"
3) Frey Hearings ..I have to assume the Chloroform Motion is part of that..

What else is there to be done??? TYIA

Sorry to be so confused today..:banghead:


We have the Frye Hearings to determine the fact that there was something decomposing in Casey's trunk... or that what they found was consistent with decomposition (Volatile Fatty Acids, I believe?). The Chloroform. I am sure the piece of hair belonging to Caylee with the death band is being brought up?

We have the cadaver dog hearing later this month.

The defense, according to what is denied, that deals with Casey's statements, will try to use another tactic to get her statements thrown out, as Cheney Mason alluded to.

I know there is more, but my brain is not fully functioning today.
I have exactly 8 weeks to finish my manuscript.


Or maybe I'll have a good ole case of writer's block.
From the news thread:

&#8220;It&#8217;s important to do dedicated coverage before the trial so people can get up to speed. Nancy Grace&#8217;s show will be doing dedicated hours to that [goal]: Here&#8217;s how this trial is going to play out. We&#8217;re just setting the stage and reminding them of the story when they were last really following it.&#8221;

NG was supposed to cover the story at least twice last week and didn't. I think they are waiting until HHJP makes his rulings and then they will have a show based on those rulings. JMO
I have exactly 8 weeks to finish my manuscript.


Or maybe I'll have a good ole case of writer's block.

I have less than 8 weeks to turn in a screenplay that I am entering into Nicholls this year. :panic:


ETA: Good luck with your manuscript! I am sure you will make your deadline.
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