Crime Scene Animation by Websleuths Member grayhuze

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I think she actually went to the kitchen to get the knife. But she may have had a knife in her purse as the backup but still needed to leave the bathroom to get it, giving Travis time to stand alone at the sink looking at his head wound an bleeding from his nose and mouth, a much more reasonable conclusion then a stab to the vena cava. I don't think it's offensive at all. I think it's accurate. Do you think Flores misremembered all those times? not only on his supplemental but in two other conversations with Flores he was told that Travis would not have been immediately incapacitated. Why would that comment be offensive. I go where the facts take me.. Remember Flores saying "no, I wasn't inaccurate, I was mistaken" I don't believe that comment. I also don't believe that Horn can't ever remember speaking to Flores. I find that absurd. We all know Jodi is guilty of and committed first degree murder. I just disagree on the sequencing and I know why they did it. I am not a supporter of either side, but I agree with the conclusion of the Jury, but she should have got the death penalty the first time around. Now, there is very little chance of that. It just proves that the jury foreman lied and was not death qualified. How does one vote for 1st degree murder with special cruelty then not vote for death. all the evidence was in. Jodi has no mitigating factors whatsoever. All of her mitigating factors were contrived while in jail.

I agree with most of this post except the very little chance of her getting the death penalty part. I think there is an excellent chance she will get the Death Penalty this time around. As you said, there are no mitigating factors and I believe Juan Martinez is the best and very persuasive. We haven't heard his closing yet where he ties it all up with a neat little bow. He put Wendy Andriano on Death Row in AZ and I believe he'll put Jodi there too.
yeah...I just think all it takes is 1. in the guilt phase there were 3 people who did not vote for death. This time around the defense has put up better witnesses etc. But you never know.
I think she actually went to the kitchen to get the knife. But she may have had a knife in her purse as the backup but still needed to leave the bathroom to get it, giving Travis time to stand alone at the sink looking at his head wound an bleeding from his nose and mouth, a much more reasonable conclusion then a stab to the vena cava. I don't think it's offensive at all. I think it's accurate. Do you think Flores misremembered all those times? not only on his supplemental but in two other conversations with Flores he was told that Travis would not have been immediately incapacitated. Why would that comment be offensive. I go where the facts take me.. Remember Flores saying "no, I wasn't inaccurate, I was mistaken" I don't believe that comment. I also don't believe that Horn can't ever remember speaking to Flores. I find that absurd. We all know Jodi is guilty of and committed first degree murder. I just disagree on the sequencing and I know why they did it. I am not a supporter of either side, but I agree with the conclusion of the Jury, but she should have got the death penalty the first time around. Now, there is very little chance of that. It just proves that the jury foreman lied and was not death qualified. How does one vote for 1st degree murder with special cruelty then not vote for death. all the evidence was in. Jodi has no mitigating factors whatsoever. All of her mitigating factors were contrived while in jail.

You're saying that both Flores and Horn lied on the stand. Yes, I find that offensive, and no, I don't believe they did.

And no, I don't believe that JA left the bathroom to go find a knife in the kitchen or in her purse. The timeline says otherwise, as does her MO as a slasher.

I'll just agree to disagree.
yeah...I just think all it takes is 1. in the guilt phase there were 3 people who did not vote for death. This time around the defense has put up better witnesses etc. But you never know.

There were 4 jurors who did not vote for death, there were 8 jurors who voted for the DP.

I do not believe the gunshot came first.

The main reason I believe this (no joke) is because Jodi said the shot came first.

The only reason she said this, is because it looks worse for her, stab him and then finish it of with a gunshot.

I also believe it because Juan said so, I trust him more than Jodi, the convicted killer, who when she opens her mouth, a lie comes out.
You're saying that both Flores and Horn lied on the stand. Yes, I find that offensive, and no, I don't believe they did.

And no, I don't believe that JA left the bathroom to go find a knife in the kitchen or in her purse. The timeline says otherwise, as does her MO as a slasher.

I'll just agree to disagree.

There was no time to leave the bathroom to get a knife from her purse, where ever it was, or go to the kitchen and get it.
IMO she had it hidden in the bathroom somewhere where Travis could not see it while being in the shower, maybe even laying flat against the tub.

The proof is right there on the timeline that the camera tells.
sounds good..yeah..I totally disagree with you. Horn only said he doesn't remember or can't recall so he can't be challenged. The one person who could afford to take a hit was flores regarding the sequencing as he isn't the ME. To me it's obvious. The timeline does fit. Only takes 15 seconds to run down the stairs and get the knife and back. Also everyone assumes that shot of Jodi's foot and Travis head, shoulder and small foot is after the neck wound. It's also possible that is bleeding from the mouth and nose and running down his neck. This would then give Jodi all kinds of time. but even without that, there would be time.
I think the exact reason you gave Jodi is the reason the prosecution went with knife first. it makes special cruelty more likely and they were able to do so because of the ambiguous autopsy. Juan's theory of how the killing went down made no sense and I cringed listening to it. What really mattered was the premeditation and the final outcome of Travis.
Hi, Your favourite person here Lisa from face book. So I assume this video you took down?
shoe with travis2b.jpgPeople also assume that the gunshot had to have taken place after the 5:31:14 ceiling shot. But that isn't necessarily true. She could have shot him at lets say 5:30:45.foottest5.jpg
You're saying that both Flores and Horn lied on the stand. Yes, I find that offensive, and no, I don't believe they did.

And no, I don't believe that JA left the bathroom to go find a knife in the kitchen or in her purse. The timeline says otherwise, as does her MO as a slasher.

I'll just agree to disagree.

I guess I am saying that when they are referring to sequencing. You didn't answer my question though. Do you believe that Flores misheard all three of those times. Do you also believe that Kevin Horn never remembers ever speaking to Flores about the Arias case? Just simple questions.
Well, I guess, someone needs to contact Juan Martinez that he's got it all wrong.
I think the exact reason you gave Jodi is the reason the prosecution went with knife first. it makes special cruelty more likely and they were able to do so because of the ambiguous autopsy. Juan's theory of how the killing went down made no sense and I cringed listening to it. What really mattered was the premeditation and the final outcome of Travis.


Are you serious?

The casing without any blood on it, is proof right there, that the shot came last.
grayhuze, I am creeped out and fascinated by your work. It answered so many questions I had because I just couldn't visualize how it logically happened while listening to Jodi's (lying) description! While many here still have theories and questions, I am satisfied that whatever the sequence was/is you have done an exceptionally good crime scene re-enactment. Thank you!

Are you serious?

The casing without any blood on it, is proof right there, that the shot came last.

It is? so you are saying that the shell couldn't have been kicked then bounced onto the pool? isn't that the same thing the bullet would have done in the gun last scenario? It ejects from the gun and bounced into the pool.
yeah...I just think all it takes is 1. in the guilt phase there were 3 people who did not vote for death. This time around the defense has put up better witnesses etc. But you never know.

You cringed at JM's presentation, believe that Flores and Horn conspired to commit perjury, and think the defense put up better witnesses?? Better than what? Better than the State's? Better than they did in guilt phase?

I just mean they had better witnesses this time around and that should have been clear in context.
It is? so you are saying that the shell couldn't have been kicked then bounced onto the pool? isn't that the same thing the bullet would have done in the gun last scenario? It ejects from the gun and bounced into the pool.

It's impossible, if that was the case, there would have been blood on the shell no matter what.
Unless someone rinsed it of and put it right there on the blood.

I just saw the animation you created explaining why the shot came first.
You included a video of jodi sitting there explaining to detective Flores what had happened.
OMG, it was a BIG lie, at the time she was still denying she killed Travis.

How can you even consider that lie (one of a million she told that day) as a basis for your animation.

Grayhuze...I think your animation was great. Thanks. I also think that the shot may have been first, with the gun jamming and Travis incapacitated. I also think she was very angry that her plan for a nice, "clean" kill was taken away because Travis was still alive and the gun jammed. I believe her rage kicked in at that point and she was going to make him pay. I also think that no one will ever know what exactly happened in that bathroom on that night because we know Jodi will never tell the truth. Martinez did an excellent job in showing a close story to what happened. Jodi could have picked up the ejected shell and while cleaning up, realized she had it and threw it onto the blood pool herself. (or it could have fallen out of her pocket) We will never know. To me it doesn't make a difference. She is guilty, and she will pay with her life one way or another.
You cringed at JM's presentation, believe that Flores and Horn conspired to commit perjury, and think the defense put up better witnesses?? Better than what? Better than the State's? Better than they did in guilt phase?


"Witnesses" that never appeared in court, no name, psstt it's al a secret.


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