Crime Scene Animation by Websleuths Member grayhuze

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Sorry to quote you again........

The doc. who did the autopsy testified BEFORE Jodi did.

We did not hear Jodi's "story" till the defense started their case, while she was on the stand.

So how can the prosecution change their theory?
They has no idea what she was going to say.

It just does not make any sense to say the prosecution changed their course, to make it more cruel, BECAUSE they did not know what Jodi was going to lie to on the stand.

The prosecution changed their sequencing in around 2011 just after jodi went with self defense. That is the point that Flores is referring to when he said "we didn't know the sequencing was important at that point" referring to earlier periods.
I know the gunfirst theory is controversial and my thoughts on that portion of Horn's and Flores' testimony, but the other videos are unrelated to that. If anyone is interested in a video being made using the 3d model I could do it pretty quickly as long as it doesn't involve animated characters. For example in one of the FB groups I am in, we figured out precisely where the ceiling shot was taken.
162a with lines.jpg
ceiling shot position 3.jpg
Have you been contacted by Nurmi, etc.?
So since the duramater is the outer of three, couldn't the bullet have pierced the dura mater but not passing through the other two?
Not likely in my opinion.
Not likely in my opinion.
If you notice I even enlarged the brain to make it more likely it was hit by the bullet, notice how close the brain is to the outer skull, it's actually back even farther.
This is some amazing work, grayhuze!

Perhaps a good question/comment for AZL (hope she's popped in this thread) - I think as long as the prosecution has not violated the Brady v. Maryland ruling that it doesn't matter how things were interpreted by Dr. Horn or Detective Flores. In the end, regardless of the timeline of events, this was an especially cruel murder and no evidence was withheld from the defense.

JMO and please feel free to school me on any of this because I'm certainly no lawyer, forensics expert, etc. (just a very geeky geologist).
This is some amazing work, grayhuze!

Perhaps a good question/comment for AZL (hope she's popped in this thread) - I think as long as the prosecution has not violated the Brady v. Maryland ruling that it doesn't matter how things were interpreted by Dr. Horn or Detective Flores. In the end, regardless of the timeline of events, this was an especially cruel murder and no evidence was withheld from the defense.

JMO and please feel free to school me on any of this because I'm certainly no lawyer, forensics expert, etc. (just a very geeky geologist).

well, like my video says, I am not an expert but use common sense and interpreted the information from hours of research but I have no degree or piece of paper that makes me an expert. So, there will be no schooling :)
This is some amazing work, grayhuze!

Perhaps a good question/comment for AZL (hope she's popped in this thread) - I think as long as the prosecution has not violated the Brady v. Maryland ruling that it doesn't matter how things were interpreted by Dr. Horn or Detective Flores. In the end, regardless of the timeline of events, this was an especially cruel murder and no evidence was withheld from the defense.

JMO and please feel free to school me on any of this because I'm certainly no lawyer, forensics expert, etc. (just a very geeky geologist).
maybe you could help with the McStay case. A group of my FB buddies did a ton of research on the tire tracks that led to each grave in the desert near Victorville. The tracks were formed in mud and lasted the 4 years
that the bodies went undiscovered. the family disappeard on the 4th. it rained on the 6th of february but hadn't rained since the 26 or so of January. I think the bodies were buried on the 6th or 7th because those are the nearest day after the disappearance that it rained enough for there to be mud to form the tracks. The tracks were 65 inches across....anyhow, that was interesting stuff.
Thank you grayhuze, amazing work.

I have always believed the gunshot came first. Dr. Horn was a key witness, after all this was a death penalty case. For Dr. Horn to have a typo in his report, well he is a professional, a typo isn't a acceptable excuse. I honestly believe he talked with Det. Flores and said the gunshot came first. I have felt bad for Det. Flores multiple times. My opinion changing from gunshot first to stabbing first took the death penalty off the table.(for me) Somewhere their was something wrong with this portion of the trial. Det Flores said, WE, several times and I would like to know who WE was.(concerning discussions of the gunshot)
As far as the bullet casing is concerned, several could have kicked it from the original landing. Det. Flores has said the crime scene was compromised by the friends that found TA. ( so that is another option)
I like straight shooting, even if it doesn't go my way. That is why for me so many things in this trial weren't exactly on the up and up, both sides. So with saying this,I was for a murder conviction, LWOP.
JA planned the murder, it went wrong, and it was cruel but in MOO this trial was the worst I have followed.
Thanks again for your work and thoughts. I agree with you quite a bit. Everyone still discussing, how, what, where, etc. an so forth shows us that nobody knows for sure and we all have different scenarios. Thanks again. Just my opinions here.
grayhuz, than you for your animation videos. You have a wonderful talent for this.

If it is accurate or not, it gives us an idea of what you believe might have happened. Could you do one with the gun shot coming last just to see how that would have happened? I know it would be a lot of work. It looks like you would be open to all opinions.

Thanks again for the effort.
grayhuz, than you for your animation videos. You have a wonderful talent for this.

If it is accurate or not, it gives us an idea of what you believe might have happened. Could you do one with the gun shot coming last just to see how that would have happened? I know it would be a lot of work. It looks like you would be open to all opinions.

Thanks again for the effort.
Well, I still haven't even made the full scenario of my version but perhaps one day I will get to both of them.
View attachment 69481People also assume that the gunshot had to have taken place after the 5:31:14 ceiling shot. But that isn't necessarily true. She could have shot him at lets say 5:30:45.View attachment 69482

I have plenty of thoughts on the sequence lol but I'll start with a few on the top of my head, I do not believe that is her socked foot in 5:32:16, if you look near the bottom of this crop, you can see her bare foot moving left to right and then upward (arrows):


These two pics don't seem to be in your gunshot-first recreation, in the first you can see him getting into a sitting position (5:28:54):


And this is before the full face pic (5:29:12):


Also, you mention the water droplets are on the camera lens in 5:25:00 but there are no droplets on any of the rest of the pics, when did she wipe it off between pics and on what? There's also some confusion about some of the pics showing his back facing the camera, while JM was showing them that day in court it seems he put the same pic up more than once and stated a different time for it, it's dark and the time stamp doesn't show so no real idea where it came in the actual sequence (I have it as 5:26:56):


I'll post some more in a bit after I get through the rest of the thread. I do like your work though just not wholly in agreement on some areas.
I provided a reference link regarding how crimes scenes are processed given the differing views that are being presented on this thread.

Please keep in mind it is important to provide a link for what is presented as facts of the case, otherwise clearly state that it is your opinion only.

I think the exact reason you gave Jodi is the reason the prosecution went with knife first. it makes special cruelty more likely and they were able to do so because of the ambiguous autopsy. Juan's theory of how the killing went down made no sense and I cringed listening to it. What really mattered was the premeditation and the final outcome of Travis.

Actually JM argued in an evidentiary hearing (August 7, 2009) that the gunshot was first (page 2, second paragraph), he didn't change his sequence theory until late 2012, a month or two before trial began, here's a minute entry ruling in favor of the especially cruel factor for his notice of intent to seek the death penalty:
I have plenty of thoughts on the sequence lol but I'll start with a few on the top of my head, I do not believe that is her socked foot in 5:32:16, if you look near the bottom of this crop, you can see her bare foot moving left to right and then upward (arrows):

View attachment 69532

These two pics don't seem to be in your gunshot-first recreation, in the first you can see him getting into a sitting position (5:28:54):

View attachment 69534

And this is before the full face pic (5:29:12):

View attachment 69533

Also, you mention the water droplets are on the camera lens in 5:25:00 but there are no droplets on any of the rest of the pics, when did she wipe it off between pics and on what? There's also some confusion about some of the pics showing his back facing the camera, while JM was showing them that day in court it seems he put the same pic up more than once and stated a different time for it, it's dark and the time stamp doesn't show so no real idea where it came in the actual sequence (I have it as 5:26:56):

View attachment 69537

I'll post some more in a bit after I get through the rest of the thread. I do like your work though just not wholly in agreement on some areas.

I have both of those, but clearer versions. I didn't put them in because I found them later.

What I did was take screen shots as Juan moved the photos around to construct larger images than previously shown.
You did the same thing in that first image above.

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