Crime scene staging?

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DNA Solves
yes,they were talking about it on another thread,the interviews seem to be gone from various websites!!!

I have the interview with John and Patsy broken down on Forums for Justice and on this site too...but, when I do a search, I cannot find them all. Makes me wonder if they somehow removed these things too!!! I even posted the part in John's interview about the nightgown that "wasn't supposed to be there", and I can't find it now. That really makes me mad!! I may dig up what I can find and just repost it again on here. So, at least we have some type of references to look at.
I have the interview with John and Patsy broken down on Forums for Justice and on this site too...but, when I do a search, I cannot find them all. Makes me wonder if they somehow removed these things too!!! I even posted the part in John's interview about the nightgown that "wasn't supposed to be there", and I can't find it now. That really makes me mad!! I may dig up what I can find and just repost it again on here. So, at least we have some type of references to look at.
The transcripts were on the following site:
When I checked it out, I found the following:
Registrant: Griffith, Patricia

I guess Tricia has the answer, she owns the domain name.
Anyway, hopefully she is working to resolve the issue.
Here is the portion of the 1998 JR interview in question.

LOU SMIT: I would like to show you photograph number 145, and this is a photograph of the wine cellar and it was taken at after the body was found.
But John, I would like you just to take look at this, and again difficult photograph, but tell us what you see.
JOHN RAMSEY: Well, that's looking in the room from the door, I see the blanket that looks like the one that was around her. There is a pink something, pink -- I think that's the nightgown or.
LOU SMIT: That's what I was going to inquire about. It is a nightgown, it is a pink one, it is a Barbie nightgown?
JOHN RAMSEY: It looks like it's a shinier material than I remember.
(INAUDIBLE). That looks more like what I kind of remember was on the Barbie doll itself.
LOU SMIT: That one does?
JOHN RAMSEY: Right. If I had to speculate, that looks too shiny, the material, but it seems to me I remember that Barbie doll had a shiny pink nightgown thing on it.
LOU SMIT: Why do you think, John, that that's down here? I mean –
JOHN RAMSEY: Yeah, I don't. It certainly should not be. I don't remember seeing it. But I was pretty focused, I guess, at that time.
LOU SMIT: Again, you had mentioned the fact that the blanket had been wrapped around her almost like, what did you describe it as?
JOHN RAMSEY: Well, she looked very, like someone had very carefully placed her on the blanket, wrapped the blanket around her to keep her warm.
The transcripts were on the following site:
When I checked it out, I found the following:
Registrant: Griffith, Patricia

I guess Tricia has the answer, she owns the domain name.
Anyway, hopefully she is working to resolve the issue.
Here is the portion of the 1998 JR interview in question.

LOU SMIT: I would like to show you photograph number 145, and this is a photograph of the wine cellar and it was taken at after the body was found.
But John, I would like you just to take look at this, and again difficult photograph, but tell us what you see.
JOHN RAMSEY: Well, that's looking in the room from the door, I see the blanket that looks like the one that was around her. There is a pink something, pink -- I think that's the nightgown or.
LOU SMIT: That's what I was going to inquire about. It is a nightgown, it is a pink one, it is a Barbie nightgown?
JOHN RAMSEY: It looks like it's a shinier material than I remember.
(INAUDIBLE). That looks more like what I kind of remember was on the Barbie doll itself.
LOU SMIT: That one does?
JOHN RAMSEY: Right. If I had to speculate, that looks too shiny, the material, but it seems to me I remember that Barbie doll had a shiny pink nightgown thing on it.
LOU SMIT: Why do you think, John, that that's down here? I mean –
JOHN RAMSEY: Yeah, I don't. It certainly should not be. I don't remember seeing it. But I was pretty focused, I guess, at that time.
LOU SMIT: Again, you had mentioned the fact that the blanket had been wrapped around her almost like, what did you describe it as?
JOHN RAMSEY: Well, she looked very, like someone had very carefully placed her on the blanket, wrapped the blanket around her to keep her warm.

Yes, that is it...thank you so much!!!! I haven't been on here in quite a while, I didn't realize that the interviews had been taken off the internet.
No. The pink garment seen on JB's bed that had been under the pillow was the pink pajama top that JB wore on Christmas Eve, and she can be seen wearing it in the Christmas morning photos.
In one of Patsy's interviews, Patsy discusses getting a sleeping JB ready for bed, and looking for her pajamas which were under her pillow. Patsy said she found the top, but couldn't find the bottoms, and that's why she grabbed the longjohns. She also said she decided to just let her sleep in the white Gap shirt.
Whether you believe JB was asleep or awake at that point, this still works. The photo of the bed shows the pillow moved out of place, exactly as it might of someone pulled it away to look for pajamas. You can see the pink top. I think the bottoms weren't there because JB had probably wet them and they were in the wash.

Something about Patsy's bedtime statement just does not add up. Someone could just as easily have been looking for pajamas to redress a now deceased JonBenet, since she was at that point dressed in some of form of day-clothing, or even a prior staging?

Patsy is on record stating that she put JonBenet to bed wearing the red turtle neck, which after her later statement regarding the white gap top and argument cannot be put down to ignorance.


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